The Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus) is the largest of all kangaroos and the largest surviving marsupial. It is found across the bulk of mainland Australia, avoiding only the more fertile areas in the south, the east coast, and the northern rainforests.
- A large to very large kangaroo with short, red-brown fur, fading to pale buff below and on the limbs. Long, pointed ears, squared-off muzzle. Female smaller, blue-grey with a brown tinge, pale grey below. Arid zone females coloured more like male.
- Length: males: to 1.4 m (excluding tail) , females to 1.1 m. Tail up to 1 m.
- Weight: males to 85 kg, females to 35 kg.
- Alternative Names: The female also known as a Blue Flyer. Macropus rufus is from the Latin for: "big foot" and "red".
- Range: Arid and semi-arid central Australia
- Status: secure
Red Kangaroos are nocturnal and spend the daylight hours relaxing.
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