The word is derived from Latin liber, which means "book." Derivations from the Greek Bibliotheke (from Biblos, book) are used in at least German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Polish and Portuguese. Other languages, such as Icelandic, Finnish, and Estonian, use words that derive from their own words for book (Bokasafn, Kirjasto, and Raamatukogu, respectively).
Basic tasks in library management include the planning of acquisition (which materials should we acquire?), library classification, preservation of materials (especially rare and fragile materials such as manuscripts), borrowing, and developing and administering library computer systems. More long-term issues include the planning of the construction of new libraries or extensions to existing ones.
Most of the countries of the world have their own National Libraries:
Other libraries:
Some libraries that specialize in one subject:
See also Digital library, Library and Information Science, Literature, Public library, Catalog dumped 2003-03-17 with terodump