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Daphne Duck

Daphne Duck is a fictional character, presented in Walt Disney's comic books. According to Don Rosa's story "The Sign of The Triple Distelfink", she is the daughter of Humperdink Duck and Elvira Coot. On the day of her birth, a traveling worker painted a giant sign of The Triple Distelfink on her parents' stable. The symbol was supposed to bring the baby luck, and it did: Daphne was always incredibly lucky.

She worked in her parents' farm until at least 1902. Later, she stopped working and started living on the things she won in contests.

She married Goosetave Gander and on 1920 became the mother of Gladstone Gander. The child was born on her birthday and under the protection of the same symbol as his mother.

It is unknown when excactly Daphne died but presumably before 1948.

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