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Couscous is a small-grained pasta (made of millet or semolina[?], grain diameter is 1-2 mm) popular in North Africa and the Middle East. When cooked it has a texture somewhere between American grits and Italian risotto[?]. "Couscous" can also refer to the overall dish made with the pasta served under a meat and vegetable stew. The dish is a staple throughout the Mediterranean and is served as foreign cuisine in many other countries.

Couscous is generally made by pouring the couscous grains into boiling water, adding some vegetable oil and stirring. After swelling for a few minutes, the couscous is ready for consumption.

However, the traditional North African method is to use a couscoussiere. The base is a tall metal pot shaped rather like an oil jar. In it meat and vegetables are cooked in a stew. On top of the base a steamer sits where the couscous is steamed. The lid to the steamer has holes around its edge so that steam can escape.

There are also recipes from Brazil recipes that use boiled couscous molded into timbale[?] with other ingredients.

wikipedia.org dumped 2003-03-17 with terodump