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Coahuila is one of the 31 States of Mexico. It is located in the North of the country. To the north Coahuila has a 512 km border with the USA state of Texas. Coahuila borders with the Mexican states of Nuevo Leon to the east, San Luis Potosi and Zacatecas to the south, and Durango and Chihuahua to the west. With an area of 151,571 km square, it is Mexico's third biggest state. It is made of 38 municipios. In 2000 Coahuila had an estimated 2,300,000 inhabitants. ISO 3166-2 is MX-COA.

The capital of Coahuila is the city of Saltillo. Coahuila also includes the cities of Monclova, Piedras Negras, and Torreón.

External links

List of states of Mexico | Mexico

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