Warning: Wikipedia contains spoilers.
Anya, a vengeance demon[?], appeared in the third season episode "The Wish," in which Cordelia Chase wishes that Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale. The conclusion of the episode leaves Anya without her demonic powers: a mere mortal.
She made periodic appearances throughout the season, eventually going to the prom with Xander Harris. Following this, the impending graduation (and apocalypse) prompted Anya to leave town, after unsuccessfully attempting to persuade Xander to come with her.
Anya eventually returned to Sunnydale, and became more intimately involved with Xander. They were engaged to be married, and the plans went well until Xander's doubts caused him to leave her at the altar. Hurt and angry, Anya resumed her vengeance-demon lifestyle.
Anya later came to regret the destruction caused by her demon spells and decided to quit. In retribution, her boss D'Hoffryn killed her best friend Halfrek but allowed Anya to become human again. Anya then rejoined the Scooby Gang and helped them against The First Evil. In their final battle against The First, Anya was cut in half by one of the First's minions. Anya's body was then destroyed along with all of Sunnydale.
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