socks5.cfg - configuration file for OS2 socks version 5 server DESCRIPTION The socks5 configuration file contains information that is read by the socks proxy server the first time it is invoked. This file contains all the information the server needs in determining which interface to use to reach a given address, whether to connect directly to a given address or to use another proxy server, and what requirements need to be met for a proxy connection to be made. In each of the following sections, lines are read in order until a match is made for that section, in other words, the order of the lines is *very* important. For a line to match, each entry within a line must match. There are five sections to the configuration file: authentication, routing, variables/flags, proxies, and access control. The following entries are used within certain sections and deserve some clarification first. SPECIFYING PORTS Ports can be specified with either a name, number, or range. Ranges begin with either a [ or ( and end with either a ) or a ] depending on whether or not the rang is inclusive. Within the range delimiters should be two port specifiers (names or numbers), separated by a comma. The method of specifying ports is referred to as the portpattern. SPECIFYING HOSTS Host addresses and netmasks are often need for specifying which hosts apply within a given rule. There are several ways to specify the host/mask pair. This method of specifying host is referred to as the hostpattern. hostip/mask to match, a host address "anded" with mask must be the same as hostip "anded" with the mask. This is usually used to "mask" out the host portion of the address from the network or subnetwork portion. - anything matches. All hosts are allowed. n1. equivalent to n1.0.0.0/ n1.n2. equivalent to n1.n2.0.0/ n1.n2.n3. equivalent to n1.n2.n3.0/ hostname must end with the string hostname must match exactly with There is also support for the older hostpattern syntax. The older method is still supported, but the newer method is recommended and easier to read. hostip/a all match, same as "-". hostip/n network match. Masks out the host and subnet portions of the address to leave only the network portion. The mask used to do this depends on the class of IP address of hostip. hostip/s subnet match. Masks out the host portion of the address to leave the subnetwork and network portion. The mask used to do this depends on the class of IP address of hostip. hostip/h host match. Equivalent to hostip. SPECIFYING AUTHENTICATION METHODS Authentication methods can be specified as a comma separated list of letters. For a line to match, the chosen authentication method has to be reperesented by one of the letters in the list. This syntax will be referred to later as a authpattern. The following letters correspond to the following methods. n No authentication. u Username/Password. k Kerberos 5 (GSS-API). - any authentication method. SPECIFYING COMMANDS Commands can also be specified as a comma separated list of letters. This syntax will be referred to later as a commandpattern. The following letters correspond to the following commands. c for connect. b for bind. u for udp. - for any command. AUTHENTICATION ENTRIES The authentication entries indicate the type(s) of authentication that can be used. The lines in the configuration file to handle authentication have the form: auth source-address source-port auth-methods The keyword "auth" is used to denote authentication entries. source-address must be a valid hostpattern, source-port can must be a valid portpattern, and auth-methods must be a valid auth-pattern. The keyword "ban" is used to denote that authentication should not even be attempted with this host, it has no valid use of this server. If no auth or ban lines are specified, the default is that any authentication will work. The default permission however is to deny the connection, but this would take place after authentication. There has been a lot of confusion about why auth lines exist at all. The simples explanation is that in the socks5 protocol, authentication takes place before authorization. Since this is the case, you must decide based solely on the host how that host is to authenticate. This forces that decision to be obvious. Another common question is how to make sure that usernames are supplied since the first method chose by default is null authentication, which unless configured to demand ident responses (see socks5.txt), supplies no user information. One way to do this (and still allow Socks4 clients to use the server) is to sett the auth order to be "un" instead of the default, so that Socks5 will hopefully pick "u" instead of "n", but still allow Socks4 to succeed with Null authentication. ROUTING ENTRIES On machines with multiple interfaces (hence IP addresses), it is sometimes desirable to make sure that certain interfaces are used in conjunction with certain addresses. This prevents outside machines from pretending to be inside ones by making sure that inside machines use the inside interface and outside ones use the outside interface. It is also used by the socks server in determining what interface to bind on when accepting in a BIND request, or when issueing a SENDTO request. If no entry matches, INADDR_ANY is used to bind, and a connection can be received on any interface. Single-homed hosts need not have routing entries -- they are only necessary for machines with more than one interface. route dest-addr dest-port interface-address The keyword "route" is used to denote routing entries. dest-addr must be a valid hostpattern, dest-port must be a valid portpattern, and interface-address can be either the ip address of an interface card or the name of the interface (e.g. lan0). VARIABLE ENTRIES The amount and types of logging and informational messages can be controlled by certain variables and flags in the configuration file. The lines in the configuration file to handle variables have the form: set variable value The keyword "set" is used to denote entries which set environment variables for internal use. See the ENVIRONMENT section of Socks5.txt for a list of settable variables. PROXY ENTRIES Proxy entries describe the addresses accessible through other SOCKS servers. These lines tell the server how to contact a given host. If no lines match a host, the host is contacted directly. proxy-type dest-addr dest-port proxy-addr proxy-port The proxy-type specifies the type of proxy server. Valid entries are: socks5 socks version 5. socks4 socks version 4. noproxy no proxy. i.e. direct connections. The dest-addr must be a valid hostpattern and the dest-port must be a valid portpattern. The proxy-addr is the ip address or name of the proxy server and the proxy-port is the port on the proxy server that the socks daemon is accepting connections on. ACCESS CONTROL ENTRIES The access control section determines if a request to establish a connection is permitted or denied. There are 2 types of lines, permit lines and deny lines, which are self-explainatory. Each line has the form: permit auth cmd src-host dest-host src-port dest-port [userlist] deny auth cmd src-host dest-host src-port dest-port [userlist] auth specifies a list of authentication methods one of which must have succeeded for this line to match and is specified by a valid authpattern auth entry. command specifies which commands will be matched by this line and must be a valid commandpattern. source-host and dest-host must be valid hostpatterns. source-port and dest-port must be valid portpatterns. Finally, the userlist must be a valid userpattern. Each of the above entries must match for the entire line to match. SEE ALSO libcfg.txt