[1996:Dec.11] - Christian Reformed Board of Trustees Removes Homosexuality Study Committee Member for Pro-Gay Views
[1996:Dec.10] - Pine Creek CRC Petitions to Leave Classis Holland for Zeeland
[1996:Nov.21] - Calvin Theological Seminary Terminates Pro-Gay Professor
[1996:Nov.20] - Conservative Interchurch Council Will Study Discipline of Christian Reformed Church for Women's Ordination
[1996:Nov.19] - For Immediate Release: Conservative Interchurch Council to Consider Expulsion of Christian Reformed Church
[1996:Nov.08] - Separation Without Secession: Interclassical Conference Urges Christian Reformed Synod to Create New Conservative Classes
[1996:Nov.08] - Rhem to Reformed Church in America: "The Bible is a Wax Nose"
[1996:Nov.07] - Interclassical Conference of Christian Reformed Conservatives to Consider Separation from Christian Reformed Denomination; Women in Office, Calling God "Mother," Theistic Evolution, Abortion, Homosexuality Headline Protests by Conservatives
[1996:Oct.31] - Lake Michigan Regional Fellowship Votes to Let Federated Churches Stay After Most Federated Churches Leave
[1996:Oct.30] - Michael Scott Horton Admitted to Christian Reformed Church
[1996:Oct.30] - Classis Wisconsin Appoints Committee to Study Calvin Professor Dr. Hessel Bouma's Views on Abortion
[1996:Oct.28] - Appeal Stalls Settlement Agreement on Rev. Richard Rhem; Protests Greet Upcoming Rhem Keynote Speech for RCA Regional Synod of the Mid-Atlantics on "The Church in Conflict... Can Non-Believers be Saved?"
[1996:Oct.28] - November 11-12 Special Meeting of Canadian CRC Council Asked to Retract Brief to Canadian Government Supporting Homosexual Domestic Partnership Legislation
[1996:Oct.11] - Hamilton Classis Asks Council of Christian Reformed Churches in Canada to Retract Homosexual Rights Statement
[1996:Oct.09] - Quotes in United Reformed News Service Prompt Classis Hudson to Unseat Rev. Casey Freswick
[1996:Oct.09] - Classis Hudson Declines to Overture Christian Reformed Synod to Receive Hackensack Church Opposed to Women in Office
[1996:Oct.09] - Reformed Bishop of Transylvania, President of Worldwide Consultative Synod of Hungarian Reformed Churches to Speak Oct. 10 at Calvin Seminary, Seventh Reformed Church 10 am, Calvin Seminary: The Place of the Creeds and the Scriptures
[1996:Oct.11] - Classis Muskegon Averts Heresy Trial, Completes Separation Agreement with Richard Rhem, Christ Community Church
[1996:Oct.07] - $600,000 Christian Reformed Lawsuit Settled After Longstanding Dispute with Seceding Hamilton Church
[1996:Oct.06] - Membership Totals for Dutch Reformed Denominations in North America and the Netherlands
[1996:Oct.04] - New Denomination Born: Most Christian Reformed Seceders Organize as "United Reformed Churches of North America"
[1996:Sep.30] - Northern Michigan Nixes Ordination for Mary-Lee Bouma
[1996:Sep.23] - Two More Christian Reformed Churches Secede
[1996:Sep.20] - Official Statement of Drafting Committee Regarding Alliance of Reformed Churches Purpose
[1996:Sep.19] - Antonides Approved for Ordination by Christian Reformed Church's Classis Grand Rapids East
[1996:Sep.11] - Vander Weit Takes on Interclassical Conference
[1996:Sep.11] - Hofman Ordained as First Christian Reformed Woman Minister
[1996:Sep.11] - Alliance of Reformed Churches Leaders Meet to Plan Future
[1996:Sep.10] - Second RCA Minister Faces Discipline for Theological Views (1996:Sep.09) - Text of Statement of Joint Meeting of the Mt. Hamilton Christian Reformed Church and Hamilton Independent CRC
[1996:Aug.14] - Dr. Jonathan Gerstner on Rhem: "Tragedy is the Only Word"
[1996:Jul.30] - Free Reformed Synod Breaks Relations with Harold Camping's Church; Approves Issuing Call to Westminster Prof Joey Pipa
[1996:Jul.29] - Missions, New Sem Prof Headline Protestant Reformed Synod
[1996:Jul.28] - Rhem Conflict Leads to Homosexuality Debate in Muskegon
[1996:Jul.19] - Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church Issues Unanimous Call to Mary Antonides
[1996:Jul.18] - Muskegon Classis Rebukes Rhem for "Heretical" Views, Restarts Negotiations "to Reach a Mutually Acceptable Separation Agreement" with Christ Community Church
[1996:Jul.16] - Media Alert: Reformed Church in America's Muskegon Classis Asked to Declare Pastor of RCA's Fourth-Largest Church "Heretical"
[1996:Jul.09] - Classis Toronto Examines Ruth Hofman for Ordination as First Female Christian Reformed Minister of the Word
[1996:Jun.19] - Will the Year of Penance Perish?
[1996:Jun.19] - Synod Provisionally Adopts Guidelines on Handling Abuse
[1996:Jun.19] - Synod President Van Ryn: Synod "Did the Right Thing."
[1996:Jun.18] - CRC Synod Rejects 25 Overtures and Communications Calling for End to Classical Option on Ordination of Women
[1996:Jun.18] - Churches Allowed to Switch Classes for Theological Reasons
[1996:Jun.18] - Synod Approves Korean Classis with 15-Year Time Limit
[1996:Jun.18] - Synod Rejects Gender-Sensitive Confessional Revisions
[1996:Jun.18] - Record of Previous Synodical Votes on Women in Office
[1996:Jun.17] - Fraternal Relations with Dutch "Mother Church" to Head Agenda When Christian Reformed Synod Convenes Today
[1996:Jun.17] - Update Notice: Synod Session 6/17/96 Schedule
[1996:Jun.17] - Christian Reformed Synod Intensifies Restrictions on Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland
[1996:Jun.17] - Orthodox Presbyterian Fraternal Delegate Announces OPC Suspension of Relations with CRC Over Women in Office
[1996:Jun.17] - Prominent GKN Minister Regrets Synodical Action
[1996:Jun.17] - Synod Rejects Wisconsin Overture: Calvin Prof Dr. Hessel Bouma III Remains Free to Teach His Views on Abortion
[1996:Jun.17] - Synod Supports Schedule Shrinkage: Four Year Test of One-Week Synod to Begin with Synod 1997
[1996:Jun.17] - Effort Rejected to Downgrade Status of Seceding Ministers
[1996:Jun.15] - President of GKN Synod "Very Disappointed" by Advisory Committee Recommendation to Suspend Ties
[1996:Jun.14] - Women in Office Leads Orthodox Presbyterians to Suspend Ties with CRC, Will Terminate in 1997 Unless CRC Changes
[1996:Jun.13] - Christian Reformed Interchurch Relations Committee Recommends that Fraternal Relationship with Dutch Mother Church be Held "In Abeyance"
[1996:Jun.13] - GKN Synod President Addresses Christian Reformed Synod
[1996:Jun.12] - Reformed Ecumenical Council to Explore Continued Conversations with Seventh Day Adventists
[1996:Jun.11] - Christian Reformed Synod 1996 Elects Former Home Missions Executive Director Rev. John Van Ryn as President
[1996:Jun.07] - Can Non-Christians Be Saved? Reformed Ecumenical Council to Debate Question of Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
[1996:Jun.05] - Canadian CRC Woman Makes History: Claire Elgersma Elected First Female Officer of Reformed Ecumenical Council
[1996:Jun.03] - Dordt College President Opens Worship Service at 50th Anniversary Assembly of Reformed Ecumenical Council
[1996:May 29] - Protestant Reformed Synod 1996 to Mark Generational Change: New Professor to be Appointed to Replace Herman Hanko
[1996:May 28] - Classis Quinte Kills Compromise Proposal on Women in Office
[1996:May 21] - Conference of Top Evangelical Leaders Calls Evangelical Movement to Repentance for Liberal Theological Drifts
[1996:May 06] - No Former Synod Officers Delegated to Synod 1996
[1996:May 04] - Reformed Church in America, Christian Reformed Top Executives Explore Closer Staff Cooperation
[1996:May 03] - Relentless Church Unity Drive Poses Threat of Separation; Nederlands Hervormde Kerk Synod Again Supports "Together on the Way" Merger with Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland
[1996:May 03] - Oregon Mission Work Leaves CRC; Total of Conservative Christian Reformed Secession Congregations Reaches 61
[1996:May 03] - Christian Reformed Conservatives Pleased by Engelhard Speech to Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland
[1996:Apr.20] - The Cambridge Declaration of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals April 20, 1996
[1996:Apr.16] - Lake Erie Votes to Urge Delegation of Deacons to Classis
[1996:Apr.15] - Other Classis Votes on Women in Office
[1996:Apr.12] - Lake Erie Overture Engine Shifts Into Overdrive
[1996:Apr.12] - Lake Erie Asks Synod to Create Committee to Receive Women in Office Overtures and Communications
[1996:Apr.11] - Huron: "Yes" to Women in Office; "No" to Women Delegates
[1996:Apr.03] - Split Classis Rocky Mountain Declares "Male" Inoperative, But Overturing Church Won't Be Delegating Women Elders
[1996:Apr.03] - Northern Illinois, Chicago South Allow Women in Office
[1996:Apr.02] - Northern Michigan: No Ordination for Mary-Lee Bouma
[1996:Mar.29] - Total of Christian Reformed Classes Allowing Women's Ordination Reaches Thirteen
[1996:Mar.25] - Obituary: Dr. John Gerstner, Defender of the Faith
[1996:Mar.21] - List of Classis Decisions on Women in Office
1996:Mar.20 - Arizona Asks Synod to Rebuke Interclassical Conference
1996:Mar.18 - Lake Erie Overtures Synod to Withdraw from North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council [corrected copy]
[correction] - Correction and Clarification: Lake Erie Overtures Synod to Withdraw from North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council [detail showing corrections]
1996:Mar.13 - Classis Arizona Asks Synod to Rebuke Interclassical Conference
1996:Mar.13 - Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals Announces Speakers
1996:Mar.11 - Calvin College Appoints Cornelius Plantinga as Dean of Chapel
[correction] - Correction: Calvin College Appoints Cornelius Plantinga as Dean of Chapel
1996:Mar.07 - CRC's Classis Muskegon Approves Women's Ordination
[correction] - Correction: (CRC's Classis Muskegon Approves Women's Ordination)
[correction] - Correction: (Muskegon RCA Classis: No Room for Pastor Questioning Salvation Apart from Christ, Authority of Scripture)
1996:Feb.27 - Top Evangelical Leaders to Convene Summit Near Boston
1996:Feb.26 - Christian Reformed Decline Reaches 9.2% of Denominaton; Fourth Consecutive Year of Decline Costs CRC Over 24,600 Members, Drops Denomination Back to 1979 Levels
1996:Feb.22 - Evangelism Explosion Reaches All Nations on Earth; Expansion of Dr. D. James Kennedy's Evangelism Program to North Korea Accomplishes Goal of Training Evangelists in All 211 Countries
1996:Feb.20 - Calvin Professor Part of Major Survey on Church and Politics
1996:Feb.13 - Committee of Concerned Members of the Christian Reformed Church Discontinues Operations after Twelve Years
1996:Feb.10 - Pew Charitable Trusts Director Named to Calvin College's Second Highest Post of Provost
1996:Feb.10 - Dutch Reformed Leader Dr. G.C. Berkouwer Passes Away
1996:Feb.02 - Special Meeting of RCA's Muskegon Classis Discusses Homosexuality, Scripture, Salvation Apart from Christ
1996:Jan.24 - Lake Michigan Regional Fellowship Calls Special Meeting to Deal with "Crisis" of Federation
1996:Jan.24 - CRC's Largest Congregation Joins Protest Against Fraternal Relations with Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland
1996:Jan.24 - Classis Grand Rapids East Follows Calvin Seminary Faculty Urgings; Reaffirms 1973 CRC Position on Homosexuality
1996:Jan.23 - Kalamazoo Declines to Allow Women Delegates to Classis
1996:Jan.16 - More Christian Reformed Churches Secede from Denomination
1996:Jan.13 - Reformed Churches of New Zealand Suspend Ties with CRC
1996:Jan.13 - Dutch Reformed Translation Society Organized
1996:Jan.13 - Bavinck Eschatology Translation Completed, Sent to Publisher
1996:Jan.12 - Concerned Presbyterians Announce Jay Adams as Lead Speaker
1996:Jan.11 - Obituary: Past Christian Reformed Synod President, Leading Alliance of Reformed Churches Pastor, Dies in Kalamazoo at 78
1996:Jan.10 - A Vision for Growth: 110-Member Alliance Congregation Purchases 650-Seat Church Building
1996:Jan.08 - Apologist and Theonomist Dr. Greg Bahnsen Passes Away