[A Table of Canons of the Bible] [Note. Following is table of canons of the Bible authored by Paul Harvey, November 1996] A=Accepted, R=Rejected, ?=Disputed, M=accepted with Modifications, P=Present, G=accepted in Greek translation, L=accepted in Latin translation, S=accepted in Syriac translation, lower case letters subject to interpretation 29Feb96 TNKE++BE++12TJWSP1234PAEJDBHCTG+GG+G+DGGJAA1PH3AAJ121+23JRRAL ...sEDapPPEEodiirMMMMspnuiael1MGMLGJGiPTCcc0aeCcnaPPJ1JJueepa ...tsarJssssbtsrMaaaaSBobdrre2kMtkLnJaehGttPsbottmeenJnndvvoo ....tn.n12dd....nccccorc.anmmP.k..k.ntto.AWLt.rPiett.n..e.Psd Josiah -621 A............................................................ Ezra -c400 A............................................................ Septuagint -c275 A............................................................ Samaritans -c135 M............................................................ Sadduce.-c135-70 A??.......................................................... Qumran -c135-68 PPP....PPp..P..P.......PP....P............................... Sirach Prol.-132 AAa............a............................................. 2Mac15:9 -c120 AA........................................................... Hillel d.9 A............................................................ JohnBapti.27-34? aa........................................................... Jesus 26-36? AA........................................................... Shammai d.30? A............................................................ 4Mac18:10 c40 AA........................................................... Nazarenes c40 aa......................................a..r................. Ebionites c40 aa......................................a..r................. Paul 48-62? AA........................................................... Sanhedrin 70-640 A............................................................ Jude c80 .......................A..................................... Josephus c90 Aaaa......................................................... ............................................................. TNKE++BE++12TJWSP1234PAEJDBHCTG+GG+G+DGGJAA1PH3AAJ121+23JRRAL ...sEDapPPEEodiirMMMMspnuiael1MGMLGJGiPTCcc0aeCcnaPPJ1JJueepa ...tsarJssssbtsrMaaaaSBobdrre2kMtkLnJaehGttPsbottmeenJnndvvoo ....tn.n12dd....nccccorc.anmmP.k..k.ntto AWLt.rPiett.n..e.Psd ............................................................. P.Clement I 95 aaaa..........a.............................................. 2Esdra14:45 c100 aaaa......................................................... Elchasai c100 aaa.....................................a..r................. Masoretes c100 AAA?...........?............................................. Bryennios c100 AAAA......A.................................................. 2Peter3:16 c125 ...........................................?................. Papias c130 ..............................A.........A.........A.A........ Akiva d.135 A............................................................ Marcion c140 RR...............................M.........A....A...........? Montanus c155 ...................................A.........A...........A... Tatian c165 AA............................aaaa.a.A..aR.Ra................ Melito c170 AAA...........a.............................................. Alogi c170 ...................................R.....................R... Irenaeus c180 GGGgggggg.g...G........?...A..AaAA.A....?.......R.A.A....A... Hegesippus c180 AAa.....................................A.................... Serapion c190 ......................................?...................... Heracleon c190 ...................................A......................... Gaius c200 aa............................A.AA.R.......AAR...........R... ............................................................. TNKE++BE++12TJWSP1234PAEJDBHCTG+GG+G+DGGJAA1PH3AAJ121+23JRRAL ...sEDapPPEEodiirMMMMspnuiael1MGMLGJGiPTCcc0aeCcnaPPJ1JJueepa ...tsarJssssbtsrMaaaaSBobdrre2kMtkLnJaehGttPsbottmeenJnndvvoo ....tn.n12dd....nccccorc.anmmP.k..K.ntto AWLt.rPiett.n..e.Psd ............................................................. DialogueT&A c200 AAAA....a...PAPPa............................................ Origen c230 AaAA??.A..a.???..P.....?.???..A.AA.A..???..?????R?A?a.???A... Lucian c260 AAAaaaaaa.a........................................R..RRRR... Eusebius c311-17 .........................???..ArAA.Ar?RR?A.AA???.?A?A.?????.. Muratorian c350 ..............a......a.....?..a.aA.A.....A.AA...R...A.A?A??.? Claromontan.c350 AAAA........AAAA.AA.A.....AA..A.AA.A.....A.aA.AA.AAAA.AAAAA.. Cyril Jerus.c350 GGGGggGGg.G.RR................A.AA.A...R?A.AAA...AAAA.AAA.... Sinaiticus c350 pPP??PPPP.?.PPPP.P..P?....PP..P.PPPP.....P.PPP...PPPP.PPPP... Vaticanus c350 PPPPPPPPP.P.PPPP..............P.PPPP.....P.P?P...pppp.ppp?... Syriac(s) c350 ..............................P.PPpP......................... Addai c350 AA...................................A...A.AAAA.............. Cheltenham c360 AAAA....A...AA...AA...........A.AA.A.....A.AA.....A?A.??.A... Hilary c360 AAAA...A..a.??............................................... Laodicea#60 c365 AAAA..AAr.a..........r........A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AAAA.AAA.... Athanasius 367 AAAP..AAa.a.PPPP.........P.P..A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... psAthanasii AAAP.pR.a.a.PPPPpPPPPP...?..?..........?..................... psChrysostom1 AAa.......a....A..............A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AA.A........ psChrysostom2 AAaA......a.AAAA............................................. ............................................................. TNKE++BE++12TJWSP1234PAEJDBHCTG+GG+G+DGGJAA1PH3AAJ121+23JRRAL ...sEDapPPEEodiirMMMMspnuiael1MGMLGJGiPTCcc0aeCcnaPPJ1JJueepa ...tsarJssssbtsrMaaaaSBobdrre2kMtkLnJaehGttPsbottmeenJnndvvoo ....tn.n12dd....nccccorc.anmmP.k..k.ntto AWLt.rPiett.n..e.Psd ............................................................. Epiphanius 370 GGGGggGGg.G...PPg.............A.AA.A.?..?A.AAA..RAAAA.AAAA..? Apostolic#85c380 AAAA....a.a..A.PaAAA.....A..A.A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AAAA.AAA..A. Rufinus c380 GGGGggggg.G.PPPPgPPPP....P.P..A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... P.Damasus I 382 AAAA....r.a.AAAA.AA...........A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... GregoryNiz.d390? AAAP........PPPP..............A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AAAA.AAA.... Filaster c390 ..............................A.AA.A.....A.AA???.AAAA.AAA?... Augustine 393 GGGGggggg.G.GGGGgGG....?......A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA..? Amphilochus d395 AAA?......a...................A.AA.A.....A.AA?...AA?A.????... Peshitta c400 PPPP..PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.......P.PPpP.....P.PPP...PP.P........ Old Latin(k)c400 ..............................P.P............................ Old Latin(a)c400 ..............................P?PP.P......................... Isidorus AAAA....a...AAAAaAA.......................................... P.Innocent I 405 AAAA....a.a.AAaaaAA...........A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... Jerome d.419? AAAA?????????????????.....??.?A?AA.A?.??AA.AA???.?A?A.?????.? Theodoret c423 aaaa..........................A.AA.A.R...a.aaa...aa.a........ Washingtoni.c450 ..............................P.PPpP......................... Alexandrinu.c450 PPPPPPPPP.P.PPPPPPPPPp......P.PPPPpP.....P.PPP...PPPP.PPPP... Bezae c450 ..............................PPPP.PP.....P......????.?P?.... ............................................................. TNKE++BE++12TJWSP1234PAEJDBHCTG+GG+G+DGGJAA1PH3AAJ121+23JRRAL ...sEDapPPEEodiirMMMMspnuiael1MGMLGJGiPTCcc0aeCcnaPPJ1JJueepa ...tsarJssssbtsrMaaaaSBobdrre2kMtkLnJaehGttPsbottmeenJnndvvoo ....tn.n12dd....nccccorc.anmmP.k..k.ntto AWLt.rPiett.n..e.Psd ............................................................. Targums c450 AA........................................................... GelasianDec.c500 AAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAA........R..A.AA.A..RR..AAAARRRAAAA.AAAARR. Vulgate(SIG)c500 ..............................PPPPPPP........................ Gothic c500 ..............................PPPPPP......................... Leontius d.543? AAA.....a.......a............................................ Vulgate(F) 546 ..............................PPPPPPPp....PPPP...PPPP.PPPP..P Byzantine c550 PPPPPPPPP.P.PPPPPPPPPP........PPPPPP......PPPP...PPPP.PPPP... Paul c550 AAAA....r.a.AAAA.AA...........A.AA.A......AAAA...?A?A.????... Cassiodorius 562 AAAA....a.a.AAAAaAA...........A.AA.A......AAA....AAaAa...A... Syriac(ph/h)c600 ..............................P.PPpP.....P?PPP...PPPP.PPPP... 60 Books c650 AAAP....a..RPPPPaPPPPR.R.RR.RRA.AA.A......AAAARR.AAAA.AAA.RR. Bobbio c650 AAAA........AA...AA.......................................... GregoryTheo.c650 AAA..AAA....AAAAAAA...........A.AA.A......AAAA...AAAA.AAA.... Vulgate(A) 716 PPPPPP....PPPPPPPPP...........PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPP.PPPP... JohnDamascu.c725 AAAA....a.a...PPa........A....A.AA.A......AAAA...AAAA.AAAA.A. Nicephorus d.828 AAAR.rA.r.a.RRRRrRRR.RrR.RRRRRA.AA.A...RR.AAAARR.AAAA.AAARR.. Isho'dad c850 aaa...........................A.AA.A.a....AAAA...??.?........ Catherine c850 AAA...........................A.AA.A......AAA................ ............................................................. TNKE++BE++12TJWSP1234PAEJDBHCTG+GG+G+DGGJAA1PH3AAJ121+23JRRAL ...sEDapPPEEodiirMMMMspnuiael1MGMLGJGiPTCcc0aeCcnaPPJ1JJueepa ...tsarJssssbtsrMaaaaSBobdrre2kMtkLnJaehGttPsbottmeenJnndvvoo ....tn.n12dd....nccccorc.anmmP.k..k.ntto AWLt.rPiett.n..e.Psd ............................................................. Arabic c900 AAA...........................A.AA.A......AAA................ Hugh d.1141 AAAA........PPPP.PP.......................................... Ethiopic c1300 PPPPPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPP..PPP.PP.PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPP.PPPP.P. Ebedjesu d.1318 AAAA.aA......AaA.AAAA.........A.AA.A......AAAA...AA.A........ Wyclif c1400 LLLLLLLL..L.LLLLLLL...........LLLLLLL.....LLLL...LLLLLLLLL... P.Eugene IV 1443 LLLLLLLL..RRLLLLRLL...........L.LL.L......LLLL...LLLL.LLLL... Gutenberg c1456 PPPPPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP... Mentel 1466 LLLLLLLL..LLLLLLLLL...........LLLLLLL.....LLLL...LLLLLLLLL..L Soncino 1488 PPPP......................................................... Oecolampadi.1515 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........A.AA.A......AAAA...PAPA.PPPP... Erasmus1GNT 1516 ..............................PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPP.PPPP... Aldine 1518 PPPPPPPP..P.PPPPPPP...........PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPP.PPPP... Karlstadt 1520 AAAA.RR...RRPPPPRPP...........ARAAAAA.....AAA?...?AaA.??a?..R Complutens.c1522 PPPPPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP... Erasmus3GNT 1522 ..............................PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP... Luther NT 1522 ..............................AAAAAAA.....AAAa...aAAA.AAaa... Liesveldt 1526 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........AAAAAAA.....AAAA...AAAA.AAAA... Zurich 1527-30 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........AAAAAAA.....AAAA...AAAA.AAAA... ............................................................. TNKE++BE++12TJWSP1234PAEJDBHCTG+GG+G+DGGJAA1PH3AAJ121+23JRRAL ...sEDapPPEEodiirMMMMspnuiael1MGMLGJGiPTCcc0aeCcnaPPJ1JJueepa ...tsarJssssbtsrMaaaaSBobdrre2kMtkLnJaehGttPsbottmeenJnndvvoo ....tn.n12dd....nccccorc.anmmP.k..k.ntto AWLt.rPiett.n..e.Psd ............................................................. Pagninus 1528 PPPP......................................................... Cajetan d.1534 ...............................?....?........?...?.?..????... LutherBible 1534 AAAAPPPP....PPPPPPP...........AAAAAAA.....AAAa...aAAA.AAaa... Coverdale 1535 LLLLPPLP..PPPPPP.PP...........LLLLLLL.....LLLL...LLLLLLLLL... Erasmus d.1536 ..............................AAAAAAA.....AAA?...?A?A???A?..R Tyndale d.1536 A.............................AAAAAAA.....AAAa...aAAAPAAaa... Matthew 1537 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........AAAAAAA.....AAAA...AAAAAAAAA... Great 1539 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........AAAAAAA.....AAAA...AAAAAAAAA... Luther d.1546 AAA?RRRR..RRRRRRRRR...........????.AA.....?A?R...RA?AR??RR... Trent 1546 LLLLLLLL..RRLLLLRLL...........L.LL.L......LLLL...LLLL.LLLL... Stephanus3 1550 ..............................PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP... Geneva 1560 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPAPP...........AAAAAAA.....AAAA...AAAAAAAAA... 39 Articles 1563 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........AAAAAAA.....AAAA...AAAAAAAAA... BezaNT 1565-1604 ..............................PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP... Syriac NT 1569 ..............................PPPPpPp.....PPPP...PPPPpPPPP... Rheims NT 1582 ..............................LLLLLLL.....LLLL...LLLLLLLLL... Vulgate Sixt1590 PPPPPPPP....PPPP.PP...........PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP... Vulgate Clem1592 PPPPPPPP..ppPPPPpPP...........PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP... ............................................................. TNKE++BE++12TJWSP1234PAEJDBHCTG+GG+G+DGGJAA1PH3AAJ121+23JRRAL ...sEDapPPEEodiirMMMMspnuiael1MGMLGJGiPTCcc0aeCcnaPPJ1JJueepa ...tsarJssssbtsrMaaaaSBobdrre2kMtkLnJaehGttPsbottmeenJnndvvoo ....tn.n12dd....nccccorc.anmmP.k..k.ntto AWLt.rPiett.n..e.Psd ............................................................. Lucius 1596 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........AAAAAAA.....AAAP...PAAAAAAPP... Douay 1609 LLLLLLLL..PPLLLLPLL...........LLLLLLL.....LLLL...LLLLLLLLL... AV (KJV) 1611 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........AAAAAAA.....AAAA...AAAAAAAAA... Elzevir2GNT 1633 ..............................PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP... Westminster 1647 AAAARRRR..RRRRRRRRR...........AAAAAAA.....AAAA...AAAAAAAAA... Oskan Armen.1666 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.......PPPPPpPp.....PPPPP..PPPP.PPPP... SynodJerusa.1672 GGGGPGPPP.P.GGGGPGGGPP........AAAAAAA.....AAAA...AAAA.AAAA... Zohrab Arme.1805 PPPPPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........PPPPpPp.....PPPPp..PPPP.PPPP... Jefferson 1819 ..............................a.aa.a......................... Lee Peshitta1823 PPPP..........................PpPPpPp.....PPPP...PPPP.PPPP... Vatican I 1870 ...............................L..L.L........................ WestcottHort1881 ..............................PpPPpP.....P.PPP...PPPP.PPPP... RV 1881-95 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........APAAPAP....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... Apos.Fathers1891 .........................PPPP................................ P.Leo XIII 1897 .....................................................L....... ASV 1901 AAAA..........................APAAPAP....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... Ox.Apocrypha1913 ....PPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP....P............................... Ox.Apocr.NT 1924 ......................................PPP.....PP..........P.P ............................................................. TNKE++BE++12TJWSP1234PAEJDBHCTG+GG+G+DGGJAA1PH3AAJ121+23JRRAL ...sEDapPPEEodiirMMMMspnuiael1MGMLGJGiPTCcc0aeCcnaPPJ1JJueepa ...tsarJssssbtsrMaaaaSBobdrre2kMtkLnJaehGttPsbottmeenJnndvvoo ....tn.n12dd....nccccorc.anmmP.k..k.ntto AWLt.rPiett.n..e.Psd ............................................................. P.Pius XI 1927 .....................................................?....... Rahlfs LXX 1935 PPPPPPPPP.P.PPPPPPPPPP....................................... RSV 1946-57 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........A.AA.A.....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... NA21 GNT 1952 ..............................PpPPpPp....P.PPP...PPPP.PPPP... Lamsa 1957 SSSS..........................SSSSSSS.....SSSS...SSSS.SSSS... NT Apocrypha1959 ......................................PPP.....PPP.........P.P Jerusalem 1966 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........AAAAAAA....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... UBS3 GNT 1966 ..............................PpPPpPp....P.PPP...PPPP.PPPP... BHS 1968-77 PPPP......................................................... RSV 2nd ed. 1971 AAAAPPPP..PPPPPPPPP...........APAAPAP....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... NIV 1973-83 MMMM..........................MPMMMMP....M.MMM...MMMM.MMMM... RSV Apocryp.1977 ....PPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPP........................................ UBS Peshitta1979 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP........PpPPpPp.....PPPP...PPPP.PPPP... neo-Vulgate 1979 PPPPPPPP..ppPPPPpPP...........PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP... Other Bible 1984 ....................PPPPP..............PP.....PPP.........P.. JPS TNK 1985 AAAA......................................................... NRSV 1989 AAAAPPPPP.PPPPPPPPPPP.........APAAPAP....A.AAA...AAAA.AAAA... UBS Vulgate 1990 PPPPPPPPp.ppPPPPpPP...........PPPPPPP.....PPPP...PPPPPPPPP..p Mitchell 1991 ..............................a.aa.aa........................ Comp.Gospels1992 ..............................P.PPpPp.PP..................... 5 Gospels 1993 ..............................a.aapPp..a..................... Abbreviations: T=Torah (Teachings): Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; the "Word of God" as received by Moses in Hebrew (according to tradition), and the pointer to the Absolute Truth. N=Nevi'im (Prophets): 7 major: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel 12 minor: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi K=Kethuvim (Writings): Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles Est=Esther [for comparison indicated separately from Kethuvim Canon ], c200bce +Est=Additions to Greek Esther of Septuagint (=LXX), c50bce +Dan=Additions to Greek Daniel: Prayer of Azariah, Bel, Susanna, c100bce Bar=Baruch (1 Baruch), written in Greek, c100bce EpJr=Epistle of Jeremiah, Greek fragments found at Qumran Cave 7, c250bce Baruch and Epistle of Jeremiah are additions to Greek Jeremiah of Septuagint +Ps1=Additional Psalm 151, Qumran 11QPs(a)151, c150bce [Septuagint,Peshitta] +Ps2=Additional Psalms 152-155, Qumran 11QPs(a)154,155; c150bce [Peshitta] 1Esd=1 Esdras, written in Greek, c100bce [LXX=Esdras A, Vulgate=Esdrae III] 2Esd=2 Esdras, c100ce [Vulgate=Esdrae IV] [Vulgate,Peshitta] Tob=Tobit, 1 Hebrew and 3 Aramaic manuscripts found at Qumran Cave 4, c200bce Jdt=Judith, written in Hebrew, c150bce Wis=Wisdom (of Solomon), written in Greek, c100bce Sir=Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Qumran C. 2, Masada, c180bce PrMn=Prayer of Manasseh (cf. 2Chr33:1-19), written in Jerusalem, c100bce 1Mac=1 Maccabees, Greek translation of lost Hebrew, c130bce [Septuagint] 2Mac=2 Maccabees, written in Greek, c120bce [Septuagint] 3Mac=3 Maccabees (Ptolemaica), written in Greek c25bce [Septuagint] 4Mac=4 Maccabees, written in Greek in Alexandria, c40ce [Septuagint] PsSo=Psalms of Solomon, written in Hebrew in Jerusalem, c50bce [Septuagint] ApBr=Apocalypse of Baruch (2Baruch=Syriac, 3Baruch=Greek), c100ce [Peshitta] Enoc=Enoch, 8 Aramaic manuscripts found at Qumran Cave 4, c100bce [Ethiopian] Jub=Jubilees, 10 Hebrew manuscripts found at Qumran 1,2,4, c100bce [Ethiopian] Dida=Didache or Teachings of the 12 Apostles, c65-150ce [Apostolic Fathers] Barn=Epistle of Barnabas, c100ce [Apostolic Fathers] Herm=Shepherd of Hermas, written in Rome, c125ce [Apostolic Fathers] Clem=1,2 Clement: 1=Pope to Corinth 95ce, 2=sermon c100ce [Apostolic Fathers] T12P=Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs, Hebrew and Aramaic fragments found at Qumran Caves 1 and 4, c100ce [Armenian Bible] GMk=Gospel of Mark, c70ce +GMk=Additions to Gospel of Mark, Mk16:9-20, c450ce GMt=Gospel of Matthew, c80ce GLk=Gospel of Luke, c90ce +GLk=Additions to Gospel of Luke, Lk22:19b-20,43-44, c150ce GJn=Gospel of John, c100ce +GJn=Additions to Gospel of John, Jn7:53-8:11, c400ce Diat=Tatian's (110-172ce) Diatessaron or Gospel Harmony (4 in 1) [ANF,v.10] GPet=Gospel of Peter, c65-150ce [Complete Gospels] GTho=Gospel of Thomas, c65-150ce [Complete Gospels] JCG=Jewish-Christian Gospels, c65-350ce, 7 fragments of Gospel of the Ebionites & 7 fragments of Gospel of the Hebrews in Greek; 36 fragments of Gospel of the Nazarenes in Aramaic [NT Apocrypha, W.Schneemelcher, v.1] ActA="Alexandrian" version of Luke's Acts of the Apostles, c100ce ActW="Western" version of Luke's Acts of the Apostles, c.10% larger, c150ce "Western Reviser" adds/subtracts from original Acts to produce "Western" version which is 10% larger and found in Papyrus P29,38,48 & Codex Bezae (D) {Who it was that was responsible for the additional information concerning the apostolic age or where it came from is entirely unknown. According to F. G. Kenyon, "What one would like to suppose (but for which there is no exter- nal evidence), is that one of St. Paul's companions transcribed Luke's book [Acts] (perhaps after the author's death), and inserted details of which he had personal knowledge, & made other alterations in accordance with his own taste in a matter on which he was entitled to regard himself as having auth- ority equal to that of Luke."} [Textual Comm., Metzger, 3-438-06010-8, p272] 10PL=10 traditional Pauline Letters: those written by Paul of Tarsus: Galatians (48-55), 1st Thessalonians (51), Romans (56-58), 1st Corinthians (56), 2nd Corinthians (57), Philippians (55-62); those written by others: 2nd Thessalonians [warns of Christian Letter forgery!] (c60), Colossians (c60), Philemon (c60), Ephesians (c80) Past=Pastoral Epistles (or Letters): 1,2 Timothy & Titus; c70-130ce Heb=Letter to the Hebrews, c60-90ce 3Cor=3rd Corinthians, by Paul of Tarsus?, c58-170ce [Armenian Bible] ActP=Acts of Paul, includes 3rd Corinthians, c170-195ce [NT Apocrypha] Anti=Marcion's Antitheses, claimed Jesus rejected "Law & Prophets", c140ce Jame=Letter of James, c40-120ce 1Pet=1st Letter of Peter, written in Rome, c73-92ce 2Pet=2nd Letter of Peter, written in Rome, c120ce 1Jn=1st Letter of John, c110ce +1Jn=Additions to 1st Letter of John, Comma Johanneum: "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth," [1Jn5:7b-8a(KJV)]; 1st found in the Latin book "Liber Apologeticus" by the Gnostic Priscillian [p781,n21] c350ce, found in only 4 Greek manuscripts!, all after 11th century! [Epis.John,Brown,p775-87] 2Jn=2nd Letter of John, c110ce 3Jn=3rd Letter of John, c110ce Jude=Letter of Jude, c70-90ce Rev=Apocalypse of John (Revelation), c95ce RevP=Apocalypse of Peter, c135ce [NT Apocrypha, v.2] Apos=Apostolic Constitutions of Orthodox Christianity, c250ce [ANF,v.7] Laod=Epistle to the Laodiceans (cf.Col4:16), c100-350ce [Vulgate Fuldensis] -Josiah: king of Judah (638-609bce), institutes reforms, Deuteronomy found in Temple, Book of Kings written [1K13,2K22-23,2Ch34-35] -Ezra: the scribe brings Torah to Jerusalem from Babylon [Neh8] -Septuagint=LXX=70: Greek translation of Torah in Alexandria during Ptolemy II reign (282-246bce), details of translation process seem to have been forgot- ten, hence "Letter of Aristeas" mythical tale, original LXX no longer extant (only various revisions), but some fragments found at Qumran: R801:Lv26:2-16; R805:Ex28:4-7; R802:Lv2-5; R803: Nm3:30-4:14; Caves 4 & 7 -Samaritans, Sadducees, Qumran: 135-104: John Hyrkanos I: Ethnarch & High Priest of Jerusalem, "Age of Expan- sion", annexes Trans-Jordan, Samaria, Galilee, Idumea. Forces Idumeans to convert to Judaism, hired non-Jewish mercenaries, etc., Pharisees & Sadducees , "Sadducees have their support only among the rich, and the people do not follow them, while the Pharisees have the people for their ally" [JA13.298]; Samaritans compile their own version of the Torah using Old Hebrew script; Qumran community established (Dead Sea Scrolls - 1949), Essene sect?, mostly Hebrew scrolls: 1QIsa(a): full Hebrew "Isaiah Scroll" from Qumran Cave 1 (-c.125), MT text- type [most "Dead Sea Scrolls" are of MT text-type and verify its antiquity] -Sirach Prologue: to Greek translation of Sirach by grandson of Jesus ben Sirach: "the law and the prophets and the others that followed them", "the law and the prophets and the other books of our fathers", "the law itself, the prophecies, and the rest of the books" [NRSV] -2Maccabees15:9 : {Encouraging them from the law and the prophets, and reminding them also of the struggles they had won, he made them the more eager.} [NRSV] -Hillel the Elder from Babylonia: (30bce-9ce), "greatest Torah sage of Second Temple period", founder of Bet Hillel Torah school; at the request of a student to teach the entire Torah "while standing on one foot" he replied: "What is hateful to you, do not unto your neighbor. This is the entire Torah, all the rest is commentary," i.e., "Go and study it."; "He who magnifies his name destroys it; he who does not increase his knowledge decreases it, and he who does not study deserves to die; and he who makes worldly use of the crown of Torah shall waste away." [Encyclopedia Judaica] -John the Baptist: "15th year of Tiberius" [Lk3:1-2], a Nazirite? [Lk1:15], arrested and killed by Herod Antipas [Lk3:19-20], {When others too joined the crowds about him, because they were aroused to the highest degree by his sermons, Herod became alarmed. Eloquence that had so great an effect on man- kind might lead to some form of sedition, for it looked as if they would be guided by John in everything that they did. Herod decided therefore that it would be much better to strike first and be rid of him before his work led to an uprising, than to wait for an upheaval, get involved in a difficult situation and see his mistake.} [JA18.5.2, Loeb] -Jesus the Nazarene: "Law and Prophets" [Mt5:17...] -Shammai the Elder: founder of Bet Shammai Torah school; "Make your study of the Torah a matter of established regularity, say little and do much, and receive all men with a friendly countenance." [Encyc. Judaica: Avot,1,15] -4Maccabees18:10 : {While he was still with you, he taught you the law and the prophets.} [NRSV] -Nazarenes: And he went and settled in a town called Nazareth, to fulfill what was said by the prophets: "He shall be called a Nazarene." Mt2:23(Gaus) English Greek Aramaic Hebrew nazareth nazaret natserath notserath from-nazareth natserataya notserati nazarene nazarenos/nazoraios natseraya notseri nazirite naziraios nazir torah-observant natsar shoot netser mandean nasaraios? natsoraya nazaret: also nazara, nazareth, nazarat, nazarath nazarenos: Mk1:24,10:47,14:67,16:6;Lk4:34,18:37vl,24:19;Jn18:5(D) nazoraios: Mk10:47vl;Mt2:23,26:69vl,71;Lk18:37,24:19vl;Jn18:5,7,19:19; Ac2:22,3:6,4:10,6:14,22:8,24:5,26:9 naziraios: LXX, also nazaraios, nazeraios, nazoraios, hagios (holy) nazir: Gn49:26;Nm6:1-21;Dt33:16;Jd13:2-7,16:17;Lm4:7;Am2:11-12;4Q1Sm1:22 natsar: Dt33:9;Ps25:10,21,31:23,78:7,105:45,119;Pr2:8,3:1,6:20,28:7;Jr31:6 netser: I11:1,14:19,60:21;Dn11:7, also Qumran nasaraios: Epiphanius' Heresies 18 see ABD, Kittel, Brown's "Birth of the Messiah"; Epiphanius' Heresies 29 -Ebionites: Hebrew 'ebiyonim "poor ones"; see ABD; Irenaeus' Ag.Heresies 26.2 -Paul of Tarsus: "Law and Prophets" [Rm3:21...] -Sanhedrin (High Court) period of Judaism: rise of house of Hillel, held at Jabneh (Jamnia) till 132, begun by Rabban Johanan ben Zakkai to 'perform commandments and teach Torah'; "Council of Jamnia" (c80) is said to have canonized Jewish Scripture but this theory has been discredited -Jude: NT book of, cites Enoch. References to Enoch in NT: 1.2:1Pt1.12, 1.9:Jud14,5.4:Jud16,5.7:Mt5.5,9.4:Rv15.3,17.14,9.5:Hb4.13,9.10:1Pt3.19, 10.4:2Pt2.4,10.6:Jud6,Rv19.20,10.11-14:2Pt2.4,10.11-15:1Pt3.19,12.4:Jud6, 14.19:Rv22.1,14.22:Rv5.11,15.6:Mk12.25;16.1:Mt13.39,16.3:1Pt1.12, 18.13:Rv8.8,18.15:Rv8.8,18.16:Rv20.3,21.3:Rv8.8,17.9,21.5:Jud13, 21.6:Rv20.3,22.9:Hb12.23,Lk16.26,22.11:Jud6,38.2:Mt26.24,39.4:Lk16.9, 40.1:Rv5.11,46.3:Col2.3,46.10:Mk8.29,48.7:Jm3.6,48.10:Jud4,51.1:Rv20.13, 51.2:Lk21.28,51.4:Mk12.25,54.6:Rv13.14,60.8:Jud14,61.5:Rv20.13,61.8:Mt25.31, 62.2:Mt25.31,62.4:1Th5.3,63.10:Lk16.9,66.2:Rv16.5,69.27:Mt25.31, 26.64,Jn5.22,72-82:Gal4.10,83.3-5:2Pt3.6,86.1:Rv8.10,91.7:Rm1.18, 91.15:2Pt2.4,93.3:Jud14,94.8:Lk6.24,Jm5.1,97.8-10:Lk12.19,Jm4.13, 98.4:Jm1.14,99.8:Rm1.21,102.5:Col1.22,103.4:Mt26.13,104.13:1Cor4.17 [NA27] Also cited by Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs, Jubilees, Barnabas, Athena- goras, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Zosimus of Panopolis -Josephus: (c37-c100) Jewish general, turncoat, historian, hellenist; wrote Jewish War in 71, Against Apion in c90, Jewish Antiquities in 94. In Against Apion 1.8 he claims exactly 22 books: 5 Law, 13 History, 4 Hymns; but doesn't actually name the books. Presumably they could be: 13 History: Joshua, Judges-Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah-Lamentations, Ezekiel, Minor Prophets, Ezra-Nehemiah, Job, Chronicles, Daniel, Esther; 4 Hymns: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs. [Loeb Classics] -Pope Clement I: (91-101) Phil4:3?, wrote to Corinth in 95: "1 Clement" (AF) {...Clement's Bible is the Old Testament, to which he refers repeatedly as Scripture (graphe), quoting it with more or less exactness. Clement also makes occasional reference to certain words of Jesus; though they are authoritative for him, he does not appear to enquire how their authenticity is ensured. In two of the three instances that he speaks of remembering 'the words' of Christ or of the Lord Jesus, it seems that he has a written record in mind, but he does not call it a 'gospel'. He knows several of Paul's epistles, and values them highly for their content; the same can be said of the Epistle to the Hebrews, with which he is well acquainted. Although these writings obviously possess for Clement considerable significance, he never refers to them as authoritative 'Scripture'.} [Canon NT,Metzger,p.43] -2Esdras14:45-46 : {And when the forty days were ended, the Most High spoke to me, saying, "Make public the twenty-four books that you wrote first, and let the worthy and the unworthy read them; but keep the seventy that were written last, in order to give them to the wise among your people."} [NRSV] -Elchasai: see ABD, Eusebius' EH6.38: "It rejects some things from every Scripture; again, it has made use of texts from every part of the Old Testament and the Gospels; it rejects the Apostle entirely." [Loeb] -Masoretes: at Tiberias compile Masora (MT), standard Jewish Scriptures, Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Daniel, Sirach disputed -Bryennios Manuscript: of Didache, 1-2Clement, Barnabas, Ignatius; discovered in 1873, pub. 1883, includes 27 book canon list in Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew; related to Epiphanius' lists; [JTS,1950,v1,p135-154,J.-P. Audet] -Papias: bishop of Hierapolis in Asia Minor, wrote: "Expositions of the Sayings of the Lord", lost, widely quoted, canon is from Eusebius' EH3.39 {"And the Presbyter used to say this, 'Mark became Peter's interpreter and wrote accurately all that he remembered, not, indeed, in order, of the things said or done by the Lord. For he had not heard the Lord, nor had he followed him, but later on, as I said, followed Peter, who used to give teaching as necessity demanded but not making, as it were, an arrangement of the Lord's oracles, so that Mark did nothing wrong in thus writing down single points as he remembered them. For to one thing he gave attention, to leave out nothing of what he had heard and to make no false statements in them.'" This is related by Papias about Mark, and about Matthew this was said, "Matthew collected the oracles in the Hebrew language , and each interpreted them as best he could."} [EH3.39.14-16 (Loeb)] -R. Akiva ben Joseph of Judea: b.50?, executed by the Romans for teaching Torah in public after revolt, flesh was torn from his body with iron combs, coined "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" as 1st principle of Torah -Marcion of Pontus: first Radical Paulinist?, inspired by Lk5:36, claimed Jesus rejected "Law and Prophets," claimed to have recovered lost original Gospel from Luke, promoted Canon of heavily edited Gospel of Luke and 10 Pauline Letters (perhaps also edited) and his own "Antitheses." His reference to "Epistle to the Laodiceans" may be his title for Ephesians. -Montanus: of Pepuza, Phrygia; claimed to be Paraclete of John 14:16 -Tatian the Assyrian: (110-172) Gnostic?, disciple of Justin Martyr, founded Encratite sect of Antioch, wrote: Address to Greeks [ANF,v.2], used "Law and Prophets" but rejected Acts and Pauline Letters [EH4.29.5], Diatessaron (Harmony) [ANF,v.10] blend of 4 "Western" text-type Gospels into 1: {[the mother of the sons of Zebed]ee (Mt27:56) & Salome (Mk15:40) & the wives [of those who] had followed him from [Galile]e to see the crucified(Lk23:49b-c). And [the da]y was Preparation; the Sabbath was daw[ning] (Lk23:54). And when it was evening (Mt27:57), on the Prep[aration], that is, the day before the Sabbath (Mk25:42), [there came] up a man (Mt27:57), be[ing] a member of the council (Lk23:50), from Arimathea (Mt27:57), a c[i]ty of [Jude]a (Lk23:51), by name Jo[seph](Mt27:57), good & ri[ghteous] (Lk23:50), being a disciple of Jesus, but se[cret]ly, for fear of the [Jew]s(Jn19:38). And he (Mt27:57) was looking for [the] k[ingdom] of God(Lk23:51b). This man [had] not [con]sented to [their] p[urpose] (Lk23:51a)} {#0212} [Text NT,Metzger,0-19-507297-9,p90] -Melito: bishop of Sardis, according to Eusebius' EH4.26.13-14 [ANF,v.8] -Alogi: Asia Minor Christian sect, rejected antipope St. Hippolytus "Logos" doctrine? (217-235), rejected Gospel of John and Revelations which were said to be written by the Gnostic Cerinthus [Epiphanius, Heresies 51.3] -Irenaeus: (c120-c202) bishop of Lyons, like Augustine considered the Greek Septuagint to be inspired; Against Heresies 3.11.8-9 [ANF,v.1] for the Gospels and Eusebius' EH5.8 for the rest -Hegesippus: according to Eusebius' EH4.22: "... In each list and in each city things are as the law, the prophets, and the Lord preach. ... and he makes extracts from the Gospel according to the Hebrews, ..." [Loeb] -Serapion: bishop of Antioch, disputes Gospel of Peter [EH6.12] -Heracleon: disciple of Gnostic Valentinus, first commentary on Gospel of John (cited by Origen & Clement), wrote: "Tripartite Tractate" (Nag Hammadi) -Gaius: (Caius) presbyter of Rome (180-217), anti-Montanist, wrote "Dialogue against Proclus", rejected Gospel of John, Rev., Hebrews [Metzger; ANF,v.5] -Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila: Christian Apologetics, 22 OT + 3 "Apocrypha" -Origen: (c185-253) according to Eusebius' EH6.25, 22 book OT [though Euse- bius doesn't name Minor Prophets, presumably just an oversight?] + 1 Deut- eroCanon ["And outside these are the Maccabees, which are entitled Sar beth sabanai el."] + 4 Gospels but on the Apostle "Paul ... did not so much as write to all the churches that he taught; and even to those to which he wrote he sent but a few lines." [Loeb Classics] -Lucian of Antioch: (c240-312) founded Exegetical School, revised LXX, martyr -Eusebius: (c260-c339) bishop of Caesarea, EH3.3,3.25, also Letter to Carpian and Eusebius' Canon Table system of the Gospels -Muratorian Canon: Metzger argues for c180ce but see ABD [ANF,v.5,p.603f] -Claromontanus Canon: Philippians and 1,2 Thessalonians missing -Cyril: (c315-386) archbishop of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures 4.33-37, 22 book OT + 26 book NT, considered Septuagint inspired [NPNF,s2,v7] -Sinaiticus: Greek Codex, earliest Christian Bible -Vaticanus: Greek Codex -Syriac(s): Sinaitic Syriac, Old Syriac (Aramaic) Gospels -Addai: Doctrine of, Syriac account of founding of Christianity in Edessa by Addai (=Thaddeus) as authorized in Letter to Abgar by Jesus [EH1.12.3,1.13,2.1.6-8;NT Apocrypha,v1,p.437-44] -Cheltenham Canon: (aka Mommsen's) claims 24 OT + 24 NT based on Rev 4:4 -Hilary of Poitiers: (315-367), Commentary on Psalms Prologue 15, 22 book OT "though some claim 24 by adding Tobit and Judith" [NPNF,s2,v9] -Laodicea Council: in Phrygia, Canon 60 [NPNF,s2,v14], 22 OT + 26 NT -Athanasius: (295-373) bishop of Alexandria, Festal Letter 39 [NPNF,s2,v4], 22 book OT + 27 book NT + 7 book DeuteroCanon [cf. Esther in DeuteroCanon] -pseudo-Athanasii: syn. scr. sacr. 22OT+11DeuteroCanon [Swete] -pseudo-Chrysostom1: synopsis of sacred scriptures [Swete,Metzger] -pseudo-Chrysostom2: 22 OT, missing Psalms, Ecc, SongofSongs [Sundberg,Table2] -Epiphanius: (315-403) bishop of Salamis, Cyprus; Heresies 8.6, 76.5; Weights and Measures 4, 23; 27OT + 2Deutero + 27NT; considered Septuagint inspired -Apostolic Constitutions of Orthodox Christianity: Canon 85 [ANF,v7], includes Didache, approved at Synod of Trullo in 692 [NPNF,s2,v14] -Rufinus: (345-410) Commentary on Apostles' Creed 37 [NPNF,s2,v3], OT + 27 book NT + 10 book DeuteroCanon; considered Greek Septuagint inspired -Pope Damasus I: (366-384) Council of Rome, preserved in first 3 parts of Gelasian Decree? [Sundberg,Table2;JTS,v1,1900,p.554-560] [disputed,variable] -Gregory of Nazianzus: (c330-c390) bishop of Constantinople [NPNF,s2,v7] Carmina 1.12.5ff: 22 book OT (12 History, 5 Poetry, 5 Prophets) -Filaster: (Philaster) bishop of Brescia (d.397?) Liber de haeresibus 88 -Augustine: (354-430) bishop of Hippo, Gnostic (Manichaean) convert to Christianity, origin of "Original Sin," unlike Jerome he considered the Greek Septuagint inspired: On Christian Doctrine 2.8.13, 2.15.22 [NPNF, s1,v2], Council of Hippo #36 in 393, of Carthage #24 in 419 [NPNF,s2,v14] -Amphilochus: (c340-395) bishop of Iconium, Iambics for Seleucus[NPNF,s2,v14] 400-600: era of "aggressive forgeries" in Christian texts [Grant,JTS,1960] -Peshitta: Bible of Syrian Orthodox Church, in Syriac (Aramaic) -Old Latin(k),Old Latin(a): Old Latin Gospels -Isidorus: de ord. libr. s. scr. [Swete] -Pope Innocent I: (401-417) Letter #6 (to Exuperius) -Jerome: (c347-c419) Christian Latin scholar, 22 book OT ... [NPNF,s2,v6] -Theodoret: (c393-c466) bishop of Cyrrhus, destroyed c.200 Diat. [NPNF,s2,v3] -Washingtonianus: Greek Gospels Codex -Alexandrinus: Greek Codex, Psalms of Solomon listed but missing -Bezae: Greek/Latin Codex, may have originally included Jm,1-2Pt,1-2Jn,Jude -standard Aramaic Targums: T. Onkelos of Torah, T. Jonathan of Prophets -Gelasian Decree: in Latin [disputed,variable] -Vulgate(SIGMA): Sangallensis, Vulgate Gospels in Latin, by Jerome? -Gothic: Argenteus, translation of Gospels to Gothic (German) by Ulfilas -Leontius of Byzantium: (c500-543) 12 History, 5 Prophets, 4 Advice -Vulgate(F): Fuldensis, Vulgate New Testament, in Latin -Byzantine: Bible of Greek Orthodox Church, in Greek -Paul: bishop of Nisibus (551-571), OT from Junilius Africanus' Instituta regularia divinae legis 1.3ff: 17 History, 17 Prophets, 2 Proverbs, 1 Dogma -Cassiodorius: (c485-c580) Roman Senator, Institutiones 14 -Syriac(ph/h): Philoxenian/Harclean Syriac (Aramaic) New Testament -60 Books: 34 OT + 26 NT (=60), + 9 DeuteroCanon + 25 Apocrypha -Bobbio Monastery in Italy: Liber sacramentorum -Gregory Theologus: 22OT+26NT, approved @Synod of Trullo in 692 [NPNF,s2,v14] -Vulgate(A): Amiatinus, Vulgate Bible, in Latin -John of Damascus: (c654-c749) Exact Exposition of Orthodox Faith 4.17, 22 book OT + 2 book DeuteroCanon + 28 book NT [NPNF,s2,v9] -Nicephorus: Patriarch of Constantinople (806-815); Stichometria: 22 book OT: minus Ruth, Lam, Esther, plus Baruch!, rejects: 1-3Macc, Wis, Sir, PsSol, Esther!, Judith, Sus, Tob ... [appended to end of "Chronography"] -Isho'dad of Merv: (c850) wrote 22 book NT commentary in Syriac -Catherine Monastery on Mt. Sinai: in Syriac -Arabic chronicle: now in Berlin -Hugh of St. Victor: On the Sacraments 1, Prologue 7 -Ethiopic: Bible of Ethiopic Orthodox Church, in Ge'ez, 81 books, c400ce -Ebedjesu: (d.1318) in Syriac, Epitome Canonum Apostolicorum, Margaritha -Wyclif: first English Bibles? -Pope Eugene IV: (1431-1447) agreement with Egyptian Copts -Gutenberg, Johannes: first printed Bible (Latin Vulgate) -Mentel Bible: first printed German Bible, based on Vulgate, Strasbourg -Soncino: first printed Tanakh (in Hebrew and Aramaic) -Oecolampadius, Johannes: (1482-1531) of Basle, Epistolarum libri quattuor -Erasmus1 GNT: first published Greek NT, "precipitated rather than edited" -Aldine: first printed Greek Bible, used Erasmus1 GNT for NT -Karlstadt: Andreas Bodenstein (1480-1541), De canonicis libris libellus -Complutensian Polyglot: printed Bible in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin -Erasmus3 GNT: added Comma Johanneum under unusual circumstances -Luther NT: German translation of *23* book NT; Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelations placed last and not numbered in table of contents -Liesveldt Bible: Dutch translation -Zurich Bible: Swiss-German translation by Zwingli -Pagninus Bible: Latin translation -Cardinal Cajetan: (1469-1534) Dominican, debated Luther, questioned Vulgate -Luther Bible: German translation, Wittenberg -Coverdale Bible: English translation of Vulgate dedicated to King Henry VIII -Erasmus, Desiderius: (1469-1536) of Rotterdam, Dutch scholar -Tyndale Bible: first English translation of original languages -Matthew Bible: first English translation authorized by King, used Tyndale's Torah and his unpublished Prophets and Writings translations plus his NT plus Prayer of Manasseh from French Olivetan, rest from Coverdale -Great Bible: revision of Matthew Bible, used Jude for epistle v. Judas -Luther, Martin: (1483-1546) German Protestant Reformer -Trent Council of Roman Catholicism: 8Apr, by vote: 24 yea, 15 nay, 16 abstain; also authorized preparation of official Latin Bible; De canonicis scripturis -Stephanus3: first Greek NT with critical apparatus listing variant readings, closely follows Erasmus' 4th and 5th editions, this became the "received text" in England and thus basis for 1611 AV (KJV). In his 4th edition, Stephanus produced the verse divisions used today, some of the more odd ones were said to have been produced by bumpy horse ride! -Geneva Bible: English translation, Puritan Bible, included variant readings -39 Articles of Church of England: Article VI recognizes deuterocanonicals -Beza Greek NT: had Codex Bezae and Claromontanus but stayed with Stephanus4 -Syriac NT: first published, by Emmanuel Tremellius, collated by Beza -Rheims NT: Roman Catholic English translation of Vulgate NT -Vulgate Sixtine: Official Roman Catholic Bible from 1590 to 1592, issued by Pope Sixtus V with papal bull threatening excommunication for anyone who printed any variant readings or modified his version -Vulgate Clementine: Official Roman Catholic Bible from 1592 to 1979, Pope Clement VIII recalled Sixtine Vulgate and issued Clementine Vulgate with c.4,900 corrections, Prayer of Manasseh & 1-2Esdras added after Revelations -Lucius, Jacob: published Bible at Hamburg which labeled Luther's four (Hebrews,James,Jude,Revelations) as "Apocrypha"; also David Wolder the pastor of Hamburg's Church of St. Peter published in the same year a triglot Bible which labeled the four as "non canonical." Also J. Vogt published a Bible at Goslar in 1614 similar to Lucius'. And Gustavus Adolphus of Stockholm in 1618 published a Bible with the four labeled as "Apocr(yphal) New Testament." Ref: Metzger's Canon of the NT -Douay: Roman Catholic English translation of entire Clementine Vulgate -AV (KJV): English translation, authorized by King James, included variant readings and marginal notes and description of translation, etc. -Elzevir2 GNT: largely from Beza's, included boast: "Textum ergo habes, nunc ab omnibus receptum: in quo nihil immutatum aut corruptum damus" {The text therefore you have, now by all received: in which nothing is changed or corrupted as given.} which is the source of the term "Textus Receptus" for the poor Greek text used in the NT of the AV (KJV) of 1611. -Westminster Confession of Calvinism -Oskan Armenian Bible: 1st printed, Amsterdam, original by St. Mesrop in 406ce -Synod of Jerusalem of Greek Orthodox Church -Zohrab Armenian Bible: Venice, Vulgate Canon, Yovhan Zohrabian -Jefferson, Thomas: 3rd US President (1801-9), redacted NT to distinguish religion *of* Jesus from religions *about* Jesus: "We must reduce our volume to the simple Evangelists; select, even from them, the very words only of Jesus, paring off the amphibologisms into which they have been led by for- getting often, or not understanding, what had fallen from him, by giving their own misconceptions as his dicta, and expressing unintelligibly for others what they had not understood themselves. There will be found remain- ing the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man." [To Adams, 12Oct1813] "The whole history of these books is so defective and doubtful that it seems in vain to attempt minute enquiry into it: and such tricks have been played with their text, and with the texts of other books relating to them, that we have a right, from that cause, to entertain much doubt what parts of them are genuine. In the New Testament there is internal evidence that parts of it have proceeded from an extraordinary man; and that other parts are of the fabric of very inferior minds. It is as easy to separate those parts, as to pick out diamonds from dunghills." [To Adams, 24Jan1814] -Lee Peshitta: British Foreign Bible Society, London -Vatican I Council of Roman Catholicism: 24Apr, approved additions to Mark [16:9-20], Luke [22:19b-20,43-44], John [7:53-8:11] -Westcott & Hort: critical edition of Greek NT -RV: Revised Version English translation -Apostolic Fathers: J.B. Lightfoot, J.R. Harmer, Holmes, ISBN:0-8010-5676-4 -Pope Leo XIII: (1878-1903) 15Jan, Enchiridion Biblicum 135 -ASV: American Standard Version English translation, used "Jehovah" -Oxford Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, 2 volumes -Oxford Apocryphal NT, ISBN:0-19-826121-7 -Pope Pius XI: (1922-1939) 2Jun, Comma Johanneum open to dispute -Rahlfs LXX: critical edition of Greek Septuagint -RSV: Revised Standard Version English translation -NA21: critical edition of Greek NT [NA=Nestle-Aland] -Lamsa, George: "Bible", English translation of the Peshitta -NT Apocrypha: Hennecke-Schneemelcher, 2 volumes -Jerusalem Bible: Roman Catholic English translation, NJB in 1985 -UBS3: critical edition of Greek NT -BHS: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, critical edition of MT -RSV 2nd edition -NIV Bible: New International Version, an advance over KJV but for this time period it's not always an accurate translation of the originals [cf. Isa7:14, Col1:15 ...] -RSV Apocrypha -UBS Peshitta: critical edition of Syriac Peshitta -neo-Vulgate: new Official Roman Catholic Bible (in Latin), 2nd edition in 1986 -Other Bible: Willis Barnstone, ISBN:0-06-250031-7 -JPS TNK: Jewish Publication Society English translation, ISBN:0-8276-0252-9 -NRSV: New Revised Standard Version English translation, used UBS3, BHS -UBS Vulgate: critical edition of Latin Vulgate -Mitchell, Stephen: "Gospel According to Jesus", ISBN:0-06-092321-0 -Complete Gospels: R.J. Miller, ISBN:0-944344-30-5 -5 Gospels: Jesus Seminar, sayings judged authentic: Other cheek (Q): Mt5:39 (92%) || Lk6:29a (92%); Coat & shirt (Q): Mt5:40 (92%) || Lk6:29b (90%); Congrats, poor! (Q,Th): Lk6:20 (91%) || Th54 (90%); Mt5:3 (63%); Second mile (Q): Mt5:41 (90%); Love of enemies (Q): Lk6:27b (84%) || Mt5:44b (77%); Lk6:32,35a (56%) {cf. "Pray for your enemies": POxy1224 6:1a; Didache 1:3; Poly-Phil 12:3}; Leaven (Q, Th): Lk13:20-21 (83%) || Mt13:33 (83%); Th96:1-2 (65%); Emperor & God (Th, Mk): Th100:2b-3 (82%) || Mk12:17b (82%); Lk20:25b (82%); Mt22:21c (82%); Give to beggars (Q): Lk6:30a (81%) || Mt5:42a (81%) {also Didache 1:5a}; The Samaritan (Lk): Lk10:30-35 (81%); Congrats, hungry! (Q, Th): Lk6:21a (79%) || Mt5:6 (59%); Th69:2 (53%); Congrats, sad! (Q): Lk6:21b (79%) || Mt5:4 (73%); Shrewd manager (Lk): Lk16:1-8a (77%); Vineyard laborers (Mt): Mt20:1-15 (77%); Abba, Father (Q): Mt6:9b (77%) || Lk11:2c (77%); Mustard seed (Th, Mk, Q): Th20:2-4 (76%) || Mk4:30-32 (74%); Lk13:18-19 (69%); Mt13:31-32 (67%); ISBN:0-02-541949-8 misc: ABD=Anchor Bible Dictionary AF=Apostolic Fathers; Lightfoot, Harmer, Holmes; 1992, ISBN:0-8010-5676-4 ANF=Ante-Nicene Fathers, Eerdmans Press Canon of the NT, Bruce Metzger, ISBN:0-19-826180-2 Canon of Scripture, F.F. Bruce, ISBN:0-8308-1258-X CBD=Christian Book Distributers, Peabody, MA, 1-508-977-5000 Complete Gospels, R.J. Miller, 1992, ISBN:0-944344-30-5 EH=Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History, c311-17 Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, Ferguson Encyclopedia of the Early Church, Oxford Encyclopedia Judaica Faith of the Early Fathers, W.A. Jurgens, ISBN:0-8146-0432-3 First Seven Ecumenical Councils, L.D. Davis, ISBN:0-8146-5616-1 Introduction to the OT in Greek, H.B. Swete, 1914, ISBN:0-943575-21-4 JA=Josephus' Jewish Antiquities, 94 JTS=Journal of Theological Studies JW=Josephus' Jewish War, 71 Kittel=Kittel's Theological Dictionary of the NT Loeb=Loeb Classics Series [Greek & English or Latin & English] NA27=Nestle & Aland's 27th critical edition of Greek NT, 1979 New Catholic Encyclopedia New Jerome Biblical Commentary; Brown, Fitzmyer, Murphy NPNF=Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Eerdmans Press NRSV=New Revised Standard Version Bible in English translation, 1989 NT Apocrypha, Hennecke-Schneemelcher, 2 volumes, 1959 NT Canon, Gamble, 1985, ISBN:0-8006-0470-9 OT Canon of NT Church, R.T. Beckwith, ISBN:0-8028-3617-8 OT of the Early Church, Sundberg, Harvard Press, 1964 Oxford Companion to the Bible, Metzger Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Cross Text of the NT, Metzger, 3rd ed., 1992, ISBN:0-19-507297-9 Text of the OT, Wurthwein, 1979, ISBN:0-8028-3530-9 Textual Commentary on the Greek NT, Metzger, 1975, ISBN:3-438-06010-8 UBS=United Bible Society [American Bible Society, NYC, 1-800-322-4253]