We all know someone who could use some encouraging. But in this day of call-waiting, voice mail, and letters left unanswered, we often miss the opportunity to encourage others. Seeds of Encouragement are small notecard inserts you can use to pass along some of God's encouragement to those with whom you correspond. The user may download the plain text version, subscribe to a printed version, or the electronic version (see the info in the Mail based Services section of this guide), or link to Dave Lampel's related sites. Lots of online help for sending copies from your web browser by e-mail. The printed version is free, and the quality rivals that of commercial note cards. If you've not read Dave Lampel, you owe it to yourself. Highly recommended.
Reflections by the Pond:
The on-line newsletter of the International Student Ministry. Surveyed articles include: Touched by Angels, by Huichun Wang; Immanuel, by Carl Selle; Visiting Professor Learns ISM, by Leah Serck; Our Neighborhood Salad Bowl, by Patricia L. Siems; and, An Interview with Marcia Mittwede, Coordinator for ISM Lansing/ East Lansing.
A Journal for Lutheran Reformation. The editors inform that the Lutheran Reformation will never be completed. As long as she remains the Church Militant, sin and error will continue to fuel her need for reform. She must continually return to the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets found in the Book of Concord. In today's cyber-world, SR intends to be a modern forum where theses can be posted for discussion in order that the reformation of the Church may ever continue. Articles on line at the time of our survey include: Ministry in the Lutheran Church Today, by Dr. David P. Scaer; Using the Third Use, by Reverend Jonathan G. Lange; Only Playing Church?, by Reverend Douglas D. Fusselman; Who Holds the Keys, by Reverend Douglas D. Fusselman; and, The Husband of One Wife, by Reverend Douglas D. Fusselman.
SEND! (GOSPEL FOR ASIA) [new 5/97]
Bimonthly newsletter from Gospel for Asia in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, available from Gospel for Asia''s Electronic Publications web page. At the time of our survey the following topics are indexed: Open the Floodgates! Gospel for Asia pours 2,350 church planters into some of the most unreached areas of the 10/40 Window; We Can Reach Them: Gospel for Asia's bold new initiative will see churches planted among 100 unreached people groups by the year 2000; The Vital Link: Home Team Staff bridges the gap between workers on the field and supporters in the West; Growing by Generations: Saji M. John grandfathers several congregations; Reaping the Harvest: Gospel for Asia Reaches Five New People Groups; Camp Tenkasi: Training to Win the Battle; Freeing Them From Spirital Bondage; and, Believers' Churches Multiply Across Asia. Large files. Recommended.
Gospel for Asia:
SERVANT LIFE [new 3/96]
A monthly newsletter that provides practical insight for active Christians. Editors excerpt ideas and advice by well-known authors, teachers, pastors, and leaders from the latest books, periodicals, ministry materials, and videos. SL serves the church of Christ -- from the pulpit to the pews -- by providing assistance to believers who hope to improve their lives and spiritual effectiveness. Regular topics include deepening faith, sharpening skills, enriching marriages, personal finances, and expanding ministry. Adobe Acrobat format. Download links provided for Adobe Acrobat.
The quarterly magazine of the Prarie Bible Institute, Alberta, Canada. Articles included in the issue reviewed at the time of our survey include: Faith Lift, by Becky Tirabassi; King Midas and the Christian Touch, by Chris Fabry; All for Some, by Peter Pikkert; Fro the Frontlines Column: Return to Paradise, by Paul Ferris; From the Family Matters Column: The Nearlywed Game, by Phil Callaway; From the Counsel Column: The Family Altar?, by Glenna Russell; Meditation (Oswald Chambers); Worldviews (Bill Gates, Paul Henderson, Ken Redant); Most Influential Book (information about the Bible); and, Now You Know (statistical bytes to ponder.) Servant is a well written magazine. Highly recommended.
Prarie Bible Institute:
A Bimonthly newsletter from Servant Quarters, the ministry of Gayle D. Erwin. An good writer! Included in the sample we reviewed at the time of our survey are the following articles: Strange Fire; Guilt, by Pat Black; and, A Journey of Grief.
Servant Quarters Web:
Presented by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, selected articles are reproduced online. If you are a parent, we also recommend this magazine as an adjunct to your ministry.
This ministry, working in tandem with Mission Media Productions, tells the world about your mission trip and allows you to read about what others have experienced in the mission field. Great for trip planners! Constantly beingupdated. Places reported include Mexico, Thailand, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Russia, Zimbabwe, Honduras, Romania, Greece. A forms page is available to fill out.
Mission Media Productions:
Published by SIM. Articles in the issue surveyed include: Women in Missions; The Intrepid Women of SIM; A World of Oppression; Ethopia: Where Women Hold Up 'Half the Sky'; Throwing a Voice across Cultural Barriers; Light at the End of the Road; People Reaching People; World News...
SLICES OF LIFE [new 4/97]
Slices of Life is a monthly look at everyday life by Bonnie Bruno. At the time of our survey articles include: Invisible Fenses; Sunday Stranger; Great Expectations; Beginnings; Woulda Beens; Gentle Giant; The Gift of Honesty; Watch Out for Intersections; Cecil's Prayer; A Glance Back; Love in Action; An Honest Start; and, Consider the Web. Take time to browse through the articles. There are some helpful insights expressed in this writing. Recommended.
WorldVillage Chapel:
Cindy Bunch-Hotaling offers advice and answers your questions about small groups --everything from icebreakers and study topics to life stages and outreach. Bunch-Hotaling is an editor at IVP specializing in Bible studies, small group resources and Christian education materials. She wrote IVP's latest booklet, Rejection: How to Bounce Back. And she gets to edit our cartoon books!
A publication of the Small Group Network, Inc. A Monthly Interactive Newsletter for Everyone Involved in Small Groups. Articles included in the issue surveyed include: Thou Shalt Worship ...In your Small Group? Yes! You Can Worship in Your Small Group, by Mike Helml; Four Ways to Introduce Worship; Worship: Myths and Truth; Small Group Communion?; Q&A: Can we observe the Lord's Supper in our small group?; 12 Ideas for Conversational Prayer; Prayer Options; More great ideas for group prayer from the Pullman Foursquare Church Web site; Reviews of Small Group Materials; The Second Reformation, by William A. Beckham; Life In His Body, by David Finnell; Coming in May -- A Small Group Is More Than a Meeting (What Happens Outside Meeting Times), and much more.
The newsletter reports on current local area events by way of announcements and detailed descriptions. Sections include Book Reviews and News; Secular Works for You and Your Family; Movie and Music Reviews; a Cooking Corner (the issue we surveyed has an interesting article on The Delights of the Indonesian Kitchen). From the article we surveyed, the Computers News and the Internet section included files for Internet Wedding Planner, Vision Check on the Net, and, The Handy Work of God-- Inside Life's Nine-month Miracle.
Published by Special Family Ministries, an inter-denominational ministry devoted to providing information for families who live with any type of physical or mental disability, including visual and hearing impairments. Provided on line is information on how to subscribe, and vignettes from featured writers as Joni Eareckson Tada. Articles in the magazine provide practical information from a spiritual perspective. Included in the premier issue are articles written by a professional counselor, speech pathologist, an occupational therapist, and 2 doctors. Articles have been written by family members and those who are themselves disabled. Special Family is written to encourage the entire family. The index we reviewed at the time of our survey includes the following articles: Parenting Issues - "What If" and "If Only", by Jayme Durant; The Life of a Blind Man, by John Cimmerman; Suicide - Don't Give Up!, by Nelda Cimmerman; A Good Samaritan, by Susan Delaney Mech, M.D.; Family Counseling - Let's Travel Together, by Ken Sharp, M.S., L.P.C.; Disability Issues - "My Grace is Sufficient...", by Rev. David Brock; Occupational Therapy - Ask the O.T., by Betty McBride, O.T.R.; Speech Therapy - Let's Talk, By Jane Shook, M.S., C.C.C.; and, Chronic Pain - When Pain Won't Go Away by Roy Durrett, M.D., Ph.D. Selected links are also provided to networking sites with related information.
Also see descriptive information in the Mail-based Services section of this guide.
Projects & Archive:
SPORTS SPECTRUM (RBC) [revised 9/96]
Provided by Radio Bible Class, Sports Spectrum gives you exactly what you want -- stats and stories about key atheletes. And, a challenge to grow spiritually. Highly recommended.
ST PETER'S NEWS [new 3/96]
Provided from the Anglican parish in Llandbedr, Wales.
An information ministry of Stand To Reason, founded by Greg Koukl, the monthly newsletter addressing today's difficul issues by using moral and rational suasion and fair-minded advocacy to make the point that Christianity is worth thinking about. A sampling of newsletters includes (a) a response to Time Magazine's proclamation, There is No Soul, (b) testimony from a survivor who had faced Bill Bonin, (c) Nothing Hidden, addressing the issue of partial birth abortions, and (d) The Spirit of Christmas-- what it should mean to us.
Semi-monthly magazine of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. Columns/ Articles in the issue we reviewed at the time of our survey include: Introduction to the Current Issue; Meditation, by Herman Hoeksema (The Mutual Delight of Sinners); Editorials by Prof. David J. Engelsma (A Candid Confession of the Character of a Conditional Covenant (5); and, Yet Another Candid Confession about the Covenant); Letters ("Wholly Appropriate"); News From Seminary Hill (Interesting Developments); In Memoriam by Rev. Cornelius Hanko (In Commemoration of What God Wrought Through Rev. Herman Veldman); All Around Us by Rev. Gise J. VanBaren ("Trendy Sermons, Vacant Pews" Madalyn Murray O'Hair; The Same Roman Catholic Church; and, What Did the Pope Say?); Ministering to the Saints by Prof. Robert D. Decker (Called to Rule); When Thou Sittest in Thine House by Mrs. MaryBeth Lubbers (The Reformed Family: Two Women); Go Ye Into All the World by Cheah Fook Meng (Evangelical Reformed Churches of Singapore (ERCS); Report of Classis East by Mr. Jon J. Huisken (January Classis); and, News From Our Churches by Mr. Benjamin Wigger (Reports). Past issues are archived on site. Subscription information is made available.
Protest Reformed Churches in America:
SUNDAY SNIPPETS [revised 11/96]
Short, lively, and thoughtful devotionals that include some of history's most noted Christians. Intersperced with contemporary writing too. A sampling of articles available includes: Useful Direction for Reading the Bible and Searching the Scriptures, by Thomas Boston (from a collection of works at the Fire and Ice website); On the Necessity of Forgiveness, by Rev. John Owen; On Impenitence, by Henry Smith; Man's Religion - And God's; How Sweet the Name, by Rev. John Newton; Charles Bridges on Proverbs 23:1-2; Psalm 143: An Appeal for Deliverance and Guidance; The Security of the Believer's Inheritance (William Gurnall); An Exhortation to Godliness; Quotes on Heaven; A Prayer for Grace (The Book of Common Prayer; Habakkuk Chapter 3 (Selected Verses); and, Why Should the Cross and Trial Grieve Me?, by Paul Gerhardt. Highly recommended.
MacKenzie Strickland Home Page:
aFTP archive:
The official bimonthly publication of Survival Ministries, a missionary outreach begun by members of Calvary Chapel. Included in the sample we reviewed at the time of our survey are the following articles: From My Heart, by Executive Director Robert Probert; Mission: Manila; Mission Mexico; Special Announcement: Survival's 16th Mission Training School. Archived.
The internet version of Ligonier Ministries' Tabletalk magazine. Articles for the February 1996 version include Daily Bible Studies; Holy Mother Church, by R.C. Sproul; The Christian Wife, by Edna Gerstner; Woman as Mother, by Nancy Wilson; A Woman's Mandate, by Elisabeth Elliot; Just Friends, by Laura Miller; and, the Church and Widows, by Reverend Don Kistner.
A forum for the exchange of ideas specifically related to the advancement of Christ's Church and Kingdom in Taiwan. Taiwan mission is published quarterly by the Taiwan Missionary Fellowship (TMF). Publication of the journal began in July 1991. It is managed by a volunteer editorial staff of five Taiwan missionaries and is produced through the desktop publishing facilities of the Taiwan Christian Service Center in Taichung. Featured on site isa list of articles in the most current issue of Taiwan Mission. Under construction is a complete index of articles that have appeared in back issues, which will contain links to selected articles that will be provided on line. Also included is a brief descriptive article of the Taiwan Missionary Fellowship. A sampling of articles produced in this magazine:Impacted by the Holy Spirit: A Missionary Pastor's Testimony, Impacted by the Holy Spirit: A National Pastor's Testimony, Charismatic Influence in Taiwan: A Pentecostal Perspective, Charismatic Influence in Taiwan: A Conservative Evangelical, Perspective, The Holy Spirit and Tongues: A National Pastor's Caution, Prayer Mountain: Galilee Mission Center, Chinese Christian Prayer Mountain, Toronto Blessing-Blessing or Curse?, and, Champions! Coming to a School Near You. Also available are links to network archives of interest to global Christians.
TASNEWS [new 10/96]
A publication of the Bible Society Tasmania, a chapter of the Bible Society in Australia, providing local information about the Society in Tasmania. Articles available at the time of our survey include: From the State Director; Annual General Meeting & Dinner; Our President - Elected Bishop of Rockhampton; Wilderness Walk - Easter '97; Bike For Bibles Programme; and, Annual reports.
TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism is an electronic journal dedicated to the study of the Jewish and Christian biblical texts. Articles on any aspect of the textual criticism of the Jewish and Christian scriptures (including extracanonical and related literature) are welcome, and contributions that transcend the traditional boundary between textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and New Testament textual criticism are especially encouraged. TC publishes standard scholarly articles (both full-length articles and shorter notes are equally welcome), project reports, and book reviews. In addition, as it develops, the TC home page will provide links to additional resources of interest to biblical textual critics, including text-critical projects, original language texts, interactive interfaces to provide information about sigla used in different editions, and links to other sites of interest. Article currently on board are: TC Notes: A Message from the Editor #1 (May 6, 1996); Old and New in Textual Criticism: Similarities, Differences, and Prospects for Cooperation, by James Adair; and, Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels: Final Report and Announcement of Publication, by George Anton Kiraz.
The Newsletter of The Traditional Episcopal Church reporting its concerns and activities around the world. Available at the time of our survey are the following articles: Anglican Church of India Now Part of TEC; Father William Conklin Opens Detroit Area Mission; Fr. Ronnie Massey Appointed TEC Liaison Officer; TEC Executive Committee; Unity Conference To Be Held in April; From the Miter-Box...; Memorandum of Agreement Signed with Seminary; Bishop Mora Arrested in Colombia; Uganda House Has New Director; Cybermania (Tips & Topics for the Computer Nerds); Sr. Margaret Admitted into Second Order Oblates; snf, Laud Hall 1997 Catalogue Available.
Traditional Episcopal Church:
Provided on line by the Centre for Mission Direction (New Zealand), articles available at the time of our survey include: And It Happened That...; Origins of Prayer Call; God's Heart for the Muslim World; Ramadan -- The Holy Month; Prayer and Fasting; A Life Changing Experience; Participation; Prayer Resources; Children's Book; and Muslim Videos. Highly Recommended.
Centre for Mission Direction: