O TIMOTHY [new 6/96]
A magazine outreach from Way of Life Literature, edited by David W. Cloud. Way of Life Literature is a fundamental missionary publishing ministry of Bible Baptist Church, and its goal is to stand for the truth of God's Word. They distribute materials which they feel are important to God's people today and which often are difficult to obtain. Many of thier titles are privately published by pastors and evangelists and cannot be found in the average Christian bookstore. They are also busy putting new books into print by men of God. Articles from the sample surveyed include: Birth Control and the Christian by D.W. Cloud; Odds and Ends from the Editor: We Need Some Help; and, Digging in the Walls.
Way of Life Literature: http://islander.whidbey.net/~dcloud/
OM WORLD NEWS [new 4/96]
Fresh bulletins of general interest from teams and offices within Operation Mobilisation. (Internal OM News), edited by Debbie Meroff in London. Articles included in the issue surveyed include: Mongolia Projects; Refugees Take Charge!; Nepal's Winter Campaign; Good News for Kurds; PIoneering in Angola; Flying Doctors; and, Crotia's Church for All People.
ON TRACK [new 3/97]
The official news organ of the Presbyterian Inland Mission, headquartered in Australia. At the time of our survey the newsletter is scheduled to be uploaded.
Prebyterian Inland Mission: http://www.treko.net.au/~pimdunc/
See description in the Mail-based services section of this guide.
Articles by Craig Loscalzo, devoted to preaching in the twenty-first century. Loscalzo teaches homiletics at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the author of two IVP books on preaching, Preaching Sermons That Connect and Evangelistic Preaching That Connects.
A bulletin of the New Brunswick Bible Institute, includes news and devotional text. Articles included int the copy we reviewed at the time of our survey include: Know Your Destination; The Judgement Seat of Christ; God Alone; and, All Things New, as well as articles of local interest.
Maintained by Open Doors staff member, Wybo Nicolai, this comparative survey provides a list of countries ranging from the worst situation to total freedom of religion. result is a list of countries ranging from the worst situation to total freedom of religion. The first column shows the current position of thecountry in the list. The second column shows the country's position inat approximately a year ago (Jan 1996 at the time of our site survey). After the name of the country there are two columns with total points for that country at two different moments (approximately 1 year a part). A "Trend" column indicates OD's expectation for future developments in the noted country. A column demarked as "VD" indicates OD's degree of uncertainty about the situation in the country. (The more questions answered in the survey with "unknown/no data available" the higher the value for "VD" will be. The final column shows the number of Christians in the noted country. Highly Recommended.
Open Doors International Field Operations: http://www.solcon.nl/od_fo/
Maintained by Open Doors staff member, Wybo Nicolai, this comparative survey provides a list of countries ranging from the worst situation to total freedom of religion. result is a list of countries ranging from the worst situation to total freedom of religion. The first column shows the current position of thecountry in the list. The second column shows the country's position inat approximately a year ago (Jan 1996 at the time of our site survey). After the name of the country there are two columns with total points for that country at two different moments (approximately 1 year a part). A "Trend" column indicates OD's expectation for future developments in the noted country. A column demarked as "VD" indicates OD's degree of uncertainty about the situation in the country. (The more questions answered in the survey with "unknown/no data available" the higher the value for "VD" will be. The final column shows the number of Christians in the noted country. Earlier editions are available from the Archive Page. Highly Recommended.
Archive Page: http://www.solcon.nl/od_fo/archiv.htm
Open Doors International Field Operations: http://www.solcon.nl/od_fo/
A publication of Operation Nehemiah for South Sudan, the latest version of the newsletter at the time of our survey are highlights from Inside Nehemiah Trumpt Call, October 1996. The newsletter details activities and cooperatie work with other Christian ministries involved with the Suffering Church.
Operation Nehemiah: http://www.njin.net/~rbannon/Nehemiah/nehemiah.html
ORE GIOVANNEE [new 4/96]
Meditazione biblica per ogni mese, Taize. (The Italian edition of Johannine Hours, provided by Taizé, available from the Taizé Italian Home Page.)
The newsletter from a major pro-life group, Operation Rescue National.
A substantial news archive from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, providing information about the Orthodox Church from around the world. A special emphasis is placed on Orthodoxy in the United States, Greece, Russia, the Balkans and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Official news and press releases from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, and other Orthodox jurisdictions are also disseminated. A small sample of articles available at the time of our survey includes: Customs Officers in FYROM did not allow three Orthodox Priests to Enter Country; Christian Democrats picket Jehovah's Witnesses; World Council of Churches protests jailing of Orthodox bishop in Turkey; Church of St. Anastasia will be Rented out; Presentation of Catechism of Catholic Church in Russian; Serbian Patriarch To the students of the University of Belgrade; 100,000 March in Belgrade; Russia: Chechen Police Free Two Orthodox Priests; Chechen authorities secure release of abducted church officials; Belgrade Holds Religious March; Belgrade Demonstrations Continue; Scientologists Lose Court Case; Visit of Secretary General of the European Parliament to the Ecumenical Patriarchate; New Leadership 100 Executive Director Named; Orthodox Church Owes Thessaloniki Its Greatest Cultural Treasures says Austrian Newspaper; Archbishop Spyridon Takes Part in Inauguration Service; Tsongas to be buried on Thursday; Turkish Lower Court Sentences Orthodox Metropolitan to Five Months Prison Term; Ordination of the First Orthodox Metropolitan of Hong Kong; Visit of U.S. Special Envoy Mr. Kerry Cavanaugh to the Ecumenical Patriarchate; Visit of Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey to the Ecumenical Patriarchate; Visit of former U.S. Ambassador Michael Sotirhos to the Ecumenical Patriarchate; Patriarchal Exarchate to Mount Athos; Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Vartholomeos meets with Cavanaugh Russia's saint of 1997 puts church mission under spotlight; and, Famous icon painter punished.
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America: http://www.goarch.org/
OUR DAILY BREAD [revised 9/96]
Our Daily Bread is the favorite daily devotional published by Radio Bible Class. Our Daily Bread provides encouragement and growth. Also see entry in the Mail-based services section of this guide. Highly recommended.
aFTP (partial archive): ftp://iclnet93.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread/
Indonesian: http://www.inasia-ol.com/indo/religion/christia/rh/rh_home.htm
A publication of Tyndale House Publishers devoted to providing current information related to the Christian publishing industry. Regular features include Bestsellers, Fiction, and Psychology. The sample issue reviewed at the time of our survey includes: Francine Rivers repeats "Rita Award" win; Special offer on Penelope J. Stokes' series premier; Early B.J. Hoff novels re-released; Dean and Grace Merrill's Together At Home, again; and, "Right from Wrong" campaign reaches young with Topsy-Turvy Kingdom. A news archive is also available.
Web Archive: http://www.tyndale.com/journal/news/news_archive.html
Tyndale House Home Page: http://www.tyndale.com/
PAROUSIA! LET'S AWAKE! [revised 10/96]
A monthly newsletter on missions that is published by the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. Articles in the issue reviewed at the time of our survey include: The Word Parousia; Reaching Unreached Peoples; Adopting Churches; A Prayer Journey; and, Missions Resources. Highly Recommended.
Frames Version: http://www.goshen.net/alliance/p-today.htm
CM&A Home Page: http://www.goshen.net/alliance/welcome.htm
Provided by courtesy of Famiily Radio Internet HQ.
Provided by SONshine Ministries, an international Fundamental Baptist ministry with impetus in missions. PASSport Passages is a monthly topical newsletter discussing issues in missions. Included in the sample surveyed is "...opportunities of service with Macedonia World Baptist Missions, Inc."
PENPOINT [new 3/96]
A Monthly Update From The Southern California Center For Christian Studies, founded by Dr. Greg Bahnsen. Sample article include: Children of the Promise: The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism, by Robert R. Booth (Reviewed by Michael Butler); Where God's Providence Has Brought Me, by Derek Carlsen; Publishing News: Definitive Book on Van Til Completed; Who Should Fund the Culture Wars?, by Rev. Roger Wagner; Evidential Apologetics: The Right Way, by Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen; The Killing of Children, by Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., and, Radical Empiricism Made Foolish, by Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen.
The Penwood Review is a brand new, semi-annual poetry publication established to promote excellence in the writing of poetry and literary essays among students, educators and writers in the Christian community. Their purpose is to honor God by providing a means of expressing Christian thought through poetry and sharing the gospel with those who are interested in good literature. Distinctives will include serious, disciplined, high quality poetry. They welcome new poets or those who have not been published before. Poetry may be written on any topic, whether it is overtly religious or not. Their aim is to publish poetry by Christians who have studied poetry, who understand how to craft language, and who want to share a unique and hopeful perspective. The web page provides a connecting point for prospective submissions and subscriptions to The Penwood Review. Additionally, the review has provided a number of Christian and poetry sites that should be of interest to Christians.
Information releases from the Reformed Information Network. At the time of our survey posts report on Iran and Indonesia.
Persecuted Churches Resource Page: http://www.reformednet.org//refnet/persect.htm
Reformed Information Network: http://www.reformednet.org//refnet/persect.htm
Koinonia House is a ministry of Chuck and Nancy Missler. Among many sample articles provided at this site are: A Challenge for Today: The Book of Joshua; A Hidden Message: The Gospel of Genesis; Surveillance: Middle East Instability; Return of the Aliens?: As the Days of Noah Were; Surveillance: Meshech/ Tubal Tensions With Syria; Freedom of the Press?: Media Madness, etc.
A monthly publication of Canadian Perspectives Ministries. Available at the time of our survey are the following articles: Stating Our Faith (two parts); When Children Rebel; Who Owns Your Children?; Worship the Creator, Not Creation; Parents: Dare to Raise a Daniel. The Perspectives News section (noted below) provides current news of import to Christians.
Perspectives News: http://www.surfsup.net/cpm/newsbriefs.html
Canadian Perspective Christian Radio: http://www.surfsup.net/cpm/
Formerly, Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation. Published by the American Scientific Affiliation in concert with the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation. Articles available on site at the time of our survey include: Space and Time in the Genesis Cosmogony, by Meredith G. Kline; The Problem of the Absolute in Evidential Epistemology, by David Snoke; Theological Implications of an Evolving Creation, by Keith B. Miller; "So, You Want to Be a Science Professor!" The Education Business: Things My Mother Never Told Me, by Richard H. Bube; A Crisis of Conscience for Christians in Science, by Richard H. Bube; and, We Believe in Creation, by Richard H. Bube.
DER PFLUG [new 4/96]
Der Bruderhof. (German edition of The Plough Magazine provided by the Bruderhof Communities.)
Organized on October 8, 1963, when 16 teachers of biblical and early church studies from the Philadelphia area gathered at the University of Pennsylvania at the invitation of Robert A. Kraft (University of Pennsylvania) and John H. P. Reumann (Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia). It was decided that the subject matter should vary from year to year, and should be technical in nature, geared for those with academic, specialized interests in the period of Christian origins. Participating membership in the Seminar is open primarily to persons with advanced training in the subject, especially those who teach at a college or seminary level, although other interested persons may be invited at the discretion of the members. Regularly scheduled meetings are held bi-monthly throughout the academic year, with occasional additional special meetings when circumstances dictate. Since its inception, the Seminar has had support from the Department of Religious Studies of the University of Pennsylvania, and more recently, from the Humanities Coordinating Committee at the University. It now holds most meetings in Williams Hall at the University. At the time of our survey files include: Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John; Creation -- Images Old and New; Early Christianity in North America; and, Origen's Contra Celsum.
PSCO History: gopher://ccat.sas.upenn.edu:70/00/journals/PSCO/History%20of%20PSCO
Provided on the networks by The Eagle Forum, a sampling of articles on site includes: We Need Medical Savings Accounts Now; Is a Con Con Hidden In Term Limits?; The Dumbing Down of America's Colleges; Free Trade, Protectionism, NAFTA, and GATT; What's Wrong With Outcome-Based Education?; and, But Clinton Will Never End Big Government. E-mail subscriptions are available from the Guestbook page noted below.
Eagle Forum Home Page: www.eagleforum.org/
Guestbook: www.eagleforum.org/misc/ef-form.html
PK TIMES AND MORE ... [new 9/96]
Promise Keepers' monthly magazine. The article issued at the time of our survey includes God's Priceless Resources-- Women Are Indespensable to Promise Keepers' Conference Ministry. Also fine information on PK Conference videos, audio and video tapes, monthly prayer lessons, and book reviews.
Promise Keepers: http://www.promisekeepers.org/
THE PLOUGH [new 4/96]
Magazine of the Bruderhof Community. Articles from the surveyed issue include: Notes from a Trip to Iraq, by Debra Swinger; A Conversation with Jonathan Kozol, by Christopher Zimmerman; Beech Grove: A New Community in Britain, by Jennifer Mathis; The Service of Singleness, by J. Christoph Arnold; Ecumenism: Possible without Compromise?, by M. Walker, P. Fox; Food for Thought, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky; A Meeting of Hearts: Conference at Urfeld, by Stan and Hela Ehrlich; Notes from Babylon's Basement, by Mumia Abu-Jamal; Editor's Letter; Reader's Response; Book Service; Hard-to-find books with an impact.
German: http://www.bruderhof.org/german/fragen/index.htm
French: http://www.bruderhof.org/french/charrue/index.htm