ACCESS [new 6/97]
An article "copy and distibution service" provided by The New Zealand 'Gospel and Cultures Trust'. The Trust's tri-annual newsletter, indexes a substantial listing of new articles which may be ordered. Presently over 900 articles have been listed in the series of newsletters. A complete set of issues is available from the Trust, however The Network for Gospel and Culture has provided the latest on line. Recommended.
Network for Gospel and Culture:
AD 2525 Global Monitor [new 5/97]
Founded in 1990 by David B. Barrett and Todd M. Johnson as the AD 2000 Global Monitor, it was renamed AD 2025 Global Monitor in 1995. the AD2525 Global Monitor is a bimonthly trends newsletter measuring the progress of world evangelization into the 21st century published by GEM Research, Global Evangelization Movement. The Monitor's purpose is to scan, measure, and monitor the church's progress in reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.Scanning means the editors range over the world's monthly output of 1,000 new books and articles related to the subject. Measuring means the editors aim to give precision to the 200 major topics comprising evangelization. And monitoring means the editors report on both progress and failure, especially as it relates to World A -- the least evangelized individuals, languages, peoples, cities, and countries of our globe. Articles included in the issue we reviewed at the time of our survey include: Ecclesiastical Crime Continues; New Era; News Analysis (including: World Facing Water Crisis; and Understanding Evangelize); News Events (Buddhist Canon Published in 755 Volumes); New Trends (Regional Conflicts and Human Suffering; Unpleasant News For the 21st Century; How Does Your Uban Garden Grow? and, Western Oil Companies Look to Central Asia); New Profiles; New Martyrs (including A Genocide Chronology and Christian Martyrs, by Justin Long); New Books; New Statistics; World Evangelization Statistical Monitor; New Technologies; New Web Sites; and, Bringing Information to Remote Sites. Highly recommended.
Global Evangelization Movement:
ADD News is a bi-monthly newsletter from Penrise Publishing, devoted entirely to Attention Deficit Disorder and related topics. In each issue is provided the most current news and information about attention deficit disorders. ADD News for Christians analyzes the latest books, articles and research findings,then present the most useful information in a single, easy to read newsletter, all from a Christian perspective. A survey of articles from the issue we examined includes: ADD Book From Cyberspace; Ciba-Giegy Launches Information Campaign; Read about ADHD and Ritalin, Respect the medication, Take Responsibility for its proper administration; Ritalin - Cancer Link?; Ciba-Giegy To Merge With Sandoz; Frist Introduces IDEA Re-Authorization; Study Examines ADHD And Self-Esteem; New Ritalin Data Published; Pharmacist Focuses on ADD; Do Hyperactive Kids Get Injured More Often?; and, Karate Kids Learn to Focus. Be sure to visit the ADD News for Christian Families Home Page at the following link.
Current Issue:
A department of LightSource Online, articles available at the time of our survey include: Making Dreams Come True, Finding God's Peace, and, The Secret of Salvation.
LightSource Online:
Love Worth Finding Ministries: htt
Provided by the First Baptist Church, Fairborn, Ohio, a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, and prepared by Marvin Ganote, the Adult Life and Work Lessons are based upon the work of Dr. Herschel H. Hobbs, 1907-1995, and selected others as Mr. Ganote is lead to do so by the Holy Spirit. They provide an additional study look into these based upon over 36 years of Bible teaching under the direction of the Holy Spirit. mr. Ganote is currently teaching an adult couples class. The web site also provides the following Bible study documents: Notes on New Testament Greek, by Marvin Ganote; How to Study Bible Principles, an outline by Olin T. Binkley; and, Minimum Requirements for the Plan of Salvation. At the time of our survey, the following study is on line: What's in a Name.
ADVANCE [new 9/96]
An excellent monthly newsletter reporting on international events of interest to missions. Published by Kainos Press, being distributed by Mark Kelley, and archived at Brigada. A search engine is being developed and is available for Advance and Brigada Today archives. E-mail service available. The archive extends back through September 1995 at the time of our survey. Highly recommended.
ADVONET [new 4/96]
The quarterly People Group Advocate missions newsletter of Caleb Project. A recently surveyed issue includes: The Advocacy Graphic; Introduction to Advocacy; The Meitei of Manipur, India; People-Group Advocate Training (YWAM); The Internet and Advocacy; and, People Specific Advocates at Caleb Project.
AFA is a Christian organization promoting the Biblical ethic of decency in American society with primary emphasis on TV and other media. The Journal includes news, feature articles, regular columns by nationally known writers, and television reviews.
The American Night Watch is an evangelical Christian organization that promotes Scriptural Christianity. Articles from the issue surveyed include: Protestants and the Authority of Scripture, by by Sterling M. Durgy; Entertainment and Violence, by Robert D. McLaughlin; News and Notes; and, About The American Night Watch.
THE ANCHOR [new 3/97]
The newsletter of Safe Harbor Boys' Home. Contents of the issue available at the time of our survey includes: Where the Boys Are; Stormy Weather Safe Harbor; Parenting Tips; and, Someone I Know is Harboring a Runaway Child - What Can I Do? The current newsletter is made available from a link from the main web page of Safe Harbor Boys' Home.
ANTITHESIS [new 8/96]
A Review of Reformed Presbyterian Thought and Practice. Antithesis was a bimonthly publication of the Covenant Community Church of Orange County, California. Files are gradually being added by Timothy Wilder, editor of Contra Mundum. Articles included in the issue surveyed include: The Other Shoe: Copyright and the Reasonable Use of Technology, by John Frame; The Approaching Storm: An Overview of Scottish Presbyterian History, by L. Anthony Curto; The Feminist Flaw, by J. Daryl Charles; Challenging "Compassion" in Crisis Childbearing, by Susan & Marvin Olasky; My "Final" Offer: A Moral Critique of Bluff in Negotiations, by David Hagopian. Departments include: (1) Observing the Current: Democrats and Republicans Join Hands in Exacerbating Racial Tensions; Why No Joy Over the Acid Rain Report?; If You Can't Beat 'Em, Enjoin 'Em; The Best and Worst of "Children's" Literature; Franky Schaeffer Hasn't Left Contemporary Christianity; Somewhere Under the Rainbow; Canadian Tax Dollars Flushed; Guest Editorial: What There'll Be to Pay, by Gerald Wisz; (2) In Other Words: Wes Callihan's fiction gives us a breather in New Orleans, Christianity Yesterday; An excerpt from a W.G.T. Shedd sermon demonstrates why the gospel will triumph; (3) For the Record: Doug Wilson shows how those who oppose foreordination destroy free will; (5) Issue and Interchange: Doug Jones rejects non-Christian thought but Keith Parsons and Michael Martin still want to hold on-- Jones: The Futility of Non-Christian Thought; Parsons Responds: Is Non-Christian Thought Futile?; Martin Responds: Is A Non-Christian Worldview Futile?; Jones Responds; (6) Journal Journal: David Hall reviews recent theolo
gical essays of note; (7) Book Review: Norlan DeGroot welcomes Oskar Skarsuane's The Reality of the Incanation; Novelties, Nonsense, and Non Sequiturs; and, Notable truths, fallacies, and arrogances making the rounds. Recommended.
Apologia Report serves professionals in religion (graduate/undergraduate educators, ministers, missionaries, journalists, media professionals, Christian bookstore managers, as well as students of Christianity and other religions). Apologia Report has been formed by three senior researchers formerly affiliated with the Christian Research Institute (CRI) of San Juan Capistrano, California. The first online edition of the publication was recently released by its evangelical publisher, a new non-profit organization known simply as Apologia. Apologia Report targets the wide spectrum of religious issues which have an impact on orthodox Christian faith. The report covers an extensive range of topics, including cults, the occult, world religions, aberrant theology, new religious movements, spiritual trends in modern culture, and general apologetics. Former CRI researchers Dr. Ron Rhodes and Paul Carden will also contribute to the publication, with the publication's editor, Rich Poll. Rhodes has authored several books on new religions and other topics related to apologetics, the defense of the faith. Carden directs an international apologetics-centered ministry network with outreaches to the former Soviet Union and Latin America. Poll sifts through the key tools religion professionals use to remain current in their fields of specialization as they relate to defending Christian faith. The annotated bibliographic format of Apologia Report provides summaries and reviews from many academic journals and popular periodicals, the online universe, books, broadcast media, software, CD-ROMs, unpublished monographs, and other news sources. Having written a similar research bulletin, FYI, for a private audience through the Christian Research Institute during the last decade, Poll's work is known to a number of professionals in Christian apologetics. -- Adapted from the announcement. Information about the publisher is detailed in another section. From the sample reviewed on line at the time of our survey, the following topics were reviewed: Alternative Medicine; Angels; Bible Software; Buddhism; Capital Punishment; Culture; Discernment; Euthanasia; Holy Laughter; Homosexuality; Islam; Mormonism; Nation of Islam; New Religious Movements; Politics; Psychology; General Religion; Science; and Trinity Broadcasting Network. Apologia Report is supplemented by ARNotes. Sample copies of ARNotes is available from the subscribe page. Having had the opportunity to work with Rich Poll for a number of years now, we very highly recommend Apologia.
Apologia Report Info/ Subscribe Page:
Online Samples:
Infrequent news updates from the Reformed Information Network addressing concerns regarding decisions being reached by various churches.
Reformed Information Network:
Areopagus is a reformed apologetical site that serves as a public platform for discussion and debate. Voices from the past and the present can be "heard" on various subjects such as theology, history, science, literature, and the arts. Readers are asked to participate by submitting a response to any of the current articles. People of all religions, races, nationalities, cultures, you name it, are encouraged to read the articles and join in the discussions that the "speakers" will provoke. Articles available at the time of our survey include: The Knowledge of God Conspicuous in the Creation and Government of the World, by John Calvin; A Christian Historical Perspective, by Chris Schlect; Why I believe in God, by Cornelius Van Til; I Hate My Generation, by Shane Rosenthal, Beyond Creation v. Evolution: Taking the Full Measure of the Materialist Challenge, by T.M. Moore; and, The Serpent Now Wears the Crown: A Typological Reading of Hamlet, by Peter Leithart.
WWW Archive:
ARIC JOURNAL [new 4/96]
The Newsletter Fro
m the American Religion Information Center. The issue surveyed was entitled: Behind the Million Man March: Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
ARNOTES (AR NOTES) [new 5/97]
Published by Apologia, ARNotes is an infrequent supplemental service to Apologia Report (See the review of Apologia Report in this section of our guide.) ARNotes includes important apologetics news that does not fit well into the format of Apologia Report. Sample issues of ARNotes follows samples of Apologia Report from this Apologia Report samples page. Information included in the sample we reviewed included: Aum Shinrikyo; Buddhism; Chopra, Deepak; Christology; Cults, General; Evolution; Fee, Gordon; Heresy, General; James, William; Mormonism; Nation of Islam; Science; Sufism; and, World Wide Church of God. Apologia Report is reliable information, very highly recommended.
Apologia Report:
ARP NEWS IN BRIEF [new 10/96]
A monthly newsletter produced by the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Also provided is a connection to information regarding the paper copy subscription to the ARP magazine, Faith and Practice.
ARP Web Site:
ARP NEWS UPDATE [new 10/96]
A Weekly news service reporting current events of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Also provided is information on how to subscribe for a paper copy subscription of the ARP magazine, Faith and Practice, a theological journal of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.
ARP Web Site:
Published by the American Scientific Affiliation. Articles from the sample surveyed include the following: Article on PANDAS AND PEOPLE -- Biology Textbook Panda-monium; ASA Geologists on the Radio; About REASONS TO BELIEVE; More on Pandas; Dunedin, New Zealand, the 2nd int'l theological symposium August 1993; C. S.Lewis Fellowship; Henry Schaefer; About ICR.
THE ASIA LUTHERAN [revised 4/97]
A publication of Asia Lutheran Press Services. From the issue surveyed are the following articles: Editorial; A Small Church with Big Hopes: The Hong Kong and Macao Lutheran Church; Young People with Big Faith and Small Apartments to Meet in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hong Kong; Reaching Ethnic Koreans Inside China; The Bethel Series Continues to Bless Korea; Worship Drama Performed for the First Time in Korea; A New Name ... A new Start: The Japan Lutheran College and the Japan Lutheran Theological Seminary; Asians Share in Action: a Supplement to the Asia Lutheran: A Newsletter of Lutheran Communications in Asia (including LUCIA coordinating committee works on plans for several activities in 1996 and 1997; Journal features the Hong Kong Transition; Pre-Assembly schedule set: Asia Region-World Association for Christian Communication; and, Can religion and science mix? a report from China); The Internet: an update; Interaction and participation invade the information age; E-mail: Lutheran users respond; E-mail: a 'How-to' guide; Media Literacy applied to the Internet; Lutheran Church News of Asia; Ecumenical Christian News of the Asia Region; and, A festival celebrating Martin Luther in Wittenburg, Germany.
Frames Version:
ASK DR. RYRIE [new 5/97]
A department of LightSource Online, articles that answer Bible questions. Viewing this resource requires a frame compliant browser.
LightSource Online:
ASK THE PASTOR [new 7/96]
A weekly column by Pastor Walt Snyder of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. Past issues have dealt with a wide array of subjects including, baptism, original sin, humor, and beer (as well as much more). A sampling of articles includes: Parents -- The First and Best (or Worst) Teachers; A Gathering of Saintly Women; Life's Olympic Stuggles and God's Olympic Peace; A Coldy Frosty Question on a Hot Summer Morn; and, Faith, Hope and Charity: the Supreme Virtue. Questions are also welcomed from the Xrysostom Home Page.
Xrysostom Home Page:
ASPECTS [revised 3/97]
Aspects is an excellent monthly devotional journal by David Lampel. A sampling of recent articles available on line includes: Seeds of Encouragement; Falling Down: Living Without Training Wheels; Empty Words; I Have Seen the Light; Dirt Under the Fingernails; Tabernacle; In Christ; An Exchange of Affections; I Lift Up My Voice!; and, Taking Pleasure in the Lord. Subscriptons to Aspects may be had by contacting the author at his e-mail address: Very highly recommended.
aFTP Archive:
His Company:
David Lampel Home Page:
Included are Resolutions, Synodal Reports from ARP boards and committes, and memorials from various presbyteries of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.
ARP Web Site: