ICI ministers to the approximately 7 million Iranians and Afghans living outside their countries today. ICI works closely with many mission organizations, university outreach ministries and churches. The ICI ministry issustained through the prayers, contributions and commitment of those who share this vision. Provided on site is Mojdeh (The Good News), a listing of ICI literature resources, a report summary for the current year and announcementsof upcoming ICI conferences. There is a listing of Iranian Christian Churches. A study of Iran and the Bible is also provided. ICI also provides Iranian Christian News and Reports.
Irving Hexham is Professor on the Nature of Religion at the Department of Religious Studies, University of Calgary, Canada. The information provided at this site includes documentation and selected links that result from his work. One will find excerpts from New Religions as Global Culture: The Sacralization of the Human, by Irving Hexham and Karla Poewe. A section is devoted to Historic Religious Traditions, including a page of sources related to Evangelical Christianity. Professor. Hexham also provides his extensive bibliography: Cults, Sects and New Religions Bibliography, compiled by Irving Hexham. An African Religions page will provide access to text such as Isaiah Shembe and the Amanazarites. The information provided at this site is intended for serious study of religious traditions and the reader using the external links must keep this in mind. Professor Hexham provides invaluable information for the study of cults, sects, new religions, and careful analysis in an area of research where careful study is crucial. His writing is compelling, actively involving our consideration of the complex relationship between religion and culture this day. For those readers who are trying to find information on Heavensgate, one will find that Professor Hexham "e;has done his homework". Recommended.
A Christian Response to Islam. The Muslim project is a part of Reformed Internet Ministries, an evangelical Reformed ministry dedicated to using the Internet in "Bringing the Word to the World." Their goal is, in all things, to be devoted to serving Almighty God by seeking and knowing His Holy Truth. They believe that eternity lies ahead of all of us, and that God, who isperfectly Holy and Just, will judge each and every one of us according to His righteous standard. We will be judged according to our responses to the law and commands of Holy God. Thus their goal and desire is to seriously, openly, and objectively seek truth in all things. A section including Topic on Islam includes the following articles at the time of our survey: Sufism: The Mystical Side of Islam; Islam United? A Comparison of Shi`ite and Sunni Islam; Hadith and Authenticity: A Survey of Perspectives; Islam and Orthodoxy - Part I - A Critique of Muslim Apologetics; Islam and Orthodoxy - Part II - Comments onCommentators; Islam and Orthodoxy - Part III - Text Unchanged, Texts Unchanging?; Problems in the Quran?; What does the Bible say about Muhammad?; Unorthodox Islam? A Review of the Nation of Islam; and, A Christian Response to the Creed of Islam. Another section, Topics on Christianity, includes the following articles: Was the New Testament Influenced By Pagan Philosophy?; Was the New Testament Influenced By Pagan Religions?; Are the New Testament Gospels Corrupted? A Critique of the Jesus Seminar; The Case Against Christianity: A Summary Critique; and, Christianity Compared to Islam and Other Religions. The ministry is open to discourse, providing a Questions, Comments, and Dialogue section. Their Bible and Bible Resources provides handy links to an on line Bible, Sermons (at the moment, Regenerated by the Spirit of God), and to Professor Plantinga's e-library at Wheaton. More links are provided relating to apologetics, testimony from Islamic countries, and today's milieu. Highly recommended.
Provided on site is contact information, a newsletter archive, information about the JIFH involvement with other organizations. Files are available presented in the Japanese language.
Maintained by Greg Fletcher, this site also represents as the Pioneers Japan Team. Pioneers is a non-denominational mission agency that is intent on reaching the unreached with the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. The ministry is dedicated to church-planting ministry among Unreached People Groups. Pioneers also works through innovative strategies, often using non-traditional methods to achieve the stated goal of a church for every people group by the year 2000 A.D. Pioneers now has well over 500 missionaries laboring in areas throughout the world. Information on Greg's site is available in English, but if you have the appropriate font, it may also be read in Japanese script. The Contact Japan Project provides information about teams in Japan, including CB International, The Evangelical Covenant Church (Japan), Japan Mission, Mission to Unreached Peoples, Pioneers, The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM).
THE JAPANNET [new 11/96]
Sponsored by the International Student Resources Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, JapanNet is devoted to helping people involved in minstry to Japanese who are temporarily living in North America. JapanNet provides its resources in the Japanese language. The ministry also coordinate follow-up ministry when they return to Japan. The ministry serves as a clearing house for information in ministry to Japanese for materials and helps that would otherwise be difficult to find. An archive of the ministry's quarterly training newsletter, The Rising Son, has been made available on line and described elsewhere in this guide. Files that have been published on line include: Ways to be Involved with Internationals; Steps to Effective Ministry to Internationals, Videos in Japanese (made available on loan), Materials in Japanese (pre-evangelism through follow-up), Helping in Following Up Japanese Friends Returning to Japan, and CCC's The Four Spiritual Laws (both in Japanese and other languages). Online aids include a search utility and a site contents page. Highly recommended.
Site Contents:
JERICHO ROAD [new 4/96]
A non-profit Christian organization based in Memphis, Tennessee, whose purpose is to provide a centralized, ecumenical, global repository of ministry and non-profit information. A tool that people can use within their communities to help locate resources that are available. All of are services are provided free to ministries, agencies, etc.
Ministries of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Giving Every Person on Earth That One Chance to See Jesus. Learn how to promote the project in your part of the world. From crowded Chinese cities to remote Arabian villages, JESUS videos have captivated home audiences. Your gift will help take the Gospel into some of the most difficult, unreached countries of the world.
The Jesus Video Project:
JEWS FOR JESUS [new 5/96]
There is much information included at the Jews for Jesus site, including a directory of web sites around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine, and the UK. Lots of documents on witnessing, and apologetical materials are included. Jews for Jesus makes available a number of periodicals , including Issues: A Messianic Jewish Perspective; The Mishpochah Message Online; Jews for Jesus Newsletter (parts also available in a Spanish); and, Rich Robinson's Messianic Review of Books. If you are a Liberated Wailing Wall fan, check out the short history, or review their music and concert schedule. Also available are audio clips.
JMS Missions Centre, is a complex situated in the northern Black Forest of Germany. The centre comprises a Conference and Seminar centre, a Missions and Training Centre, a large local church, a professional recording studio and a television studio. The Centre also works with and/or houses the ministries of Kings Kids Altensteig and Youth with a Mission. On site you will find information about the Conference and Seminar Centre, the Missions and Training Centre (including local, European, and international fields of involvement), the Church Ministry (which includes Church Ministry), Youth Services, Scouting, and Church for the Unchurched), information relating to Kontaktpunkt (JMC's Point of Contact television programme), and so forth. There is also a Jobs and "Year of Service" Opportunities page. European projects include Family Ministry, Worship Seminars, Prayer, and Jewish Ministry. International projects include Christ in Asia, Kuikuiruca, Business in Missions (AEC), and Youth in Amsterdam.
For Biblical Preaching and Scholarship. John R.W. Stott is one of todays most respected preachers, indeed well know for Biblical scholarship. The John Stott Ministries web site includes information about a New Mission -- Christians in the Third World. The project is aimed at providing evangelical literature and establishing a Third World Scholarship Program. The ministry's Book section contains files that provide detailed bibliographic and order information for this prodigious writer. Stott by Topic is another closely related section that provides a topical arrangement of excerpts from various works by John R.W. Stott. A Devotionals section provides subscription information and links to web site archives for sample copies of three devotionals, including Today's Thoughts; The John Stott Devotional; and John Stott's Daily Bible Study, all reviewed in the Mail-Based Services and Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide. For more information about John Stott, an online biography is being prepared. Sermon Articals available at the time of our survey include: How to Become a Christian; Keeping the Right Company; Balanced, Biblical Christianity; and an interview, Today's Church. Additional sections include: Publishers, Travel Schedule, Audio Tapes and Real Audio (forthcoming at the time of our survey); and, an album of Snapshots. Highly Recommended.
JUKI provides an impressive, authorative, collection of Indonesian Christian information making it the leader in its field. As an example, included in Halaman Indonesia, find links to organizations: ParokiNet, Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America, Indonesian Christian information from Japan, Indonesian Full Gospel Fellowship in America, Lembaga Kerja Sama Masyarakat Kristiani Indonesia (Los Angeles), Christian Student Fellowship (Delft), Keluarga Mahasiswa Katholik Indonesia (Jerman), Indonesian Katholik Group (USA/Canada), and the Indonesian Christian Fellowship (Columbus). The Lembaga Pendidikan section includes the Indonesian School of World Mission, and other Christian Universities in Indonesia. Of special note Bacaan section includes links to a bilingual Bible/Alkitab in both Perjanjian Lama and Perjanjian Baru (Old and New Testaments), Renungan Haram/ Our Daily Bread, Artikel-Artikel Fica-Net, and the ICF Madison Article Collection. Additional sections include Halaman Gereja, Halaman Universal, and Lain-lain.
King's Kids International is a world-wide youth ministry committed to leading children and teens of all nations into a proven knowledge of God and together make Jesus Christ known to all peoples in the fulfilling of the Great Commission. King's Kids equips, challenges, mobilizes, and establishes this "emerging generation" of young people through a partnership with the family, the local church, and YWAM. This site includes information about King's Kids programs, a list of regional office e-mail addreses, and web links to King's Kids servers, including Australia, Flanders, and Impact Kings Kids, the latter which includes IMPACT News and Views online, which we recommend.
Read "Goal for the Year 2000", goals of KCCC and Vision 2000 Beyond Movement. Included at this site are messages from Dr. Joon Gon Kim, President of KCCC, including the Annual Korean Presidental Breakfast. Vision Frontline Letter, provided in English and Korean, is described in the journals/ newsletters section of this guide. The Jesus Column is provided in Korean text. The Reference Room will include documents of interest to readers who wish to know about the Korean Christian experience. The KCCC provides a link to the Resource Institute for Information Management, an index of publications onboard the KCCC server, and a section on JAMA (Jesus Awakening Movement for America). We highly recommend a visit to KCCC.
KCM's purpose is to "propagate the spirit and truth of Christ through democratic, self governing activities; to preach the power and Gospel of God in the present age of the sweeping current of heighten science in which people do not fear God while making an idol of science; to help people make the most of ever developing science for the cause of God; and to gather accurate information about the legacies of belief left by our ancestors and pass then on to future generations in a correct and prompt way." Primarily Korean language with some English language materials. Sections include Korean Church News; links to churches in Korea and a photohistory of the Korean churches; information about the Korea Computer Mission; a Korean Bible; Stories of the Bible (Gustave Dore, Ludwig Richter); Missionary Vision in Korea (Hannah International Mission, Korea Wheat Mission, and Foreign Workers Mission), and a KCM data search utility.
The Korean Center for World Missions, as it strives to conquer the world with the gospel in obedience to Jesus' last command to be his witness to the ends of the world, was no more than a small prayer meeting 15 years ago. In 1977, Korea was going through a severe political instability and economic depression. The chaotic situation in Korean society desperately called for prayer warriors, like Esther, who would pray for the nation. Dr.Hyung-Ja Lee began her prayer meetings with her relatives and friends; as the word about the prayer meetingspread, more people joined in. It was joined by Ewha Alumnae Prayer Meeting, and they formed a regular prayer meeting and called it "The Torch Assembly" Eventually, Ewha alumnae formed an independent "Ewha Torch Assembly." The Torch Assembly, for the purpose of better organizing its meetings, registered with the Ministry of Culture and Publicity as a nonprofit religious organization under its current name, "The Korean Center for World Mission." ("Torch MissionsCenter" is still concurrently used.) The Center was reorganized according to professional and functional groups. It now has about 20 assemblies in Seoul, Taejun, Taegu, Pusan, Junju, and Juju, The Korean Center for World Missions has been involed in the following work: scholarship fund to raise future Christian leaders, mercy ministry to help the needy children, supporting the Far East Broadcasting Company, the Hallelujah Soccer Team for the sports ministry, TorchChoir for the music ministry,publication ministry,Torch Seminary for Lay People, Torch Library for providing resources for pastors, Torch Institute of Biblical Research, Torch-Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Lecuture Series, Torch-Westminster Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation Lecture Series, Torch-British Ministers Lecture Series, Creation Scientist Assembly, Korean In addition, for the purpose of overseas missions, the Korean Center for world Missions supports the Philippines Technical School in the Philippines and a technical School in China, as well as, sending missionaries to Russia. Byanalyzing the information we have gathered on the 12,000 unreached peoples in the world, we help missionary candidates better prepare for the work. The new Facilities for the Korean Center for World Missions were bulit in 1991 and are located in Yang-Jae-Dong in Seoul. -- adapted from Development of the Korean Center for World Mission. The web site provides information on Overseas Ministries (Missions Information Center, Missions Cooperation Center, Missions Education Center, Missions Sending Center, Missions Training Center); Information on Special Ministries (sports and music ministries, a publications ministry, and the Torch Institute for Biblical Research); information on the Torch Library, The Future of the Korean Church for World Mission, Faculty Information, and other organizational data. Highly Recommended.
English Language Index:
Noted as "The most comprehensive directory of Korean Christian resources on the internet," this set of web pages presents a noteworthy and extensive listing of sites concentrating on Christian information relevant to Korea and Korean Christians. It contains bilingual listings of Korean Christian resources around the world. Included are lists of links for sites located in Korea, including churches, fellowships, organizations, and other resources. Also, included are lists of links for sites located in the USA for the same categories. Additionally, there are sites from North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia, all sharing an interest in Korean Christian ministry. This site is very well organized and very highly recommended for the extensive collection of invaluable information it provides to the internet community, and for the promise of thorough, up-to-date research that will continue.
Frames Based Pages:
An excellent site providing a KAMR Chat Room (Netscape 2.0 or Java is necessary), an extensive listing of Korean Churches with World Wide Web sites. Another large Korean-American Ministry Directory provides e-mail links to Korean ministers. KAMR provides a very active World Wide Web forum devoted to The Future of Korea-American Church. Utility is also provided for Korean-American ministry opportunities. Recommended.
Asbury Theological Seminary, in nearby Wilmore KY, will provide their facilities. Speakers include L'Abri workers from the Massachusetts, Switzerland and Dutch fellowships, and Dr. Jerram Barrs from Covenant Theological Seminary.
The ministry was established for the purpose of proclaiming the soon return of Jesus. They do not believe it is possible to know the date when Jesus will return. But they do believe it is possible to know the season of the Lord's return, and it is their conviction that we are living in that season. The message of the Ministry is directed at both believers and non-believers. Much information can be found on this well organized web site. Good detail is provided about its nautree nad purpose, creedal statement, bios for the organization's leaders, its recent accomplishments, and trustees. The ministry's message is well amplified by director, Dr. David R. Regan. Lamb and Lion Ministries has an admirable outeach, including radio, meetings, conferences, and seminars. The ministry provided an online archive of their Lamplighter newsletter (described elsewhere in this guide). There is provided a catalogue of the ministry's publications, video and cassette tapes. Lamb and Lion Ministries also sponsors pilgrimages to Israel and has a growing involvement in international missions outreach,including Israel, Mexico, Russia and Eastern Europe. The ministry provides a number of articles under major sections that include Key Articles About Prophecy, Commentaries on Current Events and Religious Issues. A brief review of the Key Articles on Prophecy include files addressing its abuse, its importance, how to properly interpret prophecy, examination on the Biblical evidence relating to prophecy, the Christian imperative of Christ's emminent return, the rapture, the danger of date-setting, millenia, eternal perspectives, death, and, recommended reading. Finally, this conservative ministry provides a reliable list of online links to prophecy ministries, other ministries, and resources on Israel that are available by network connection. Lamb and Lion Ministries is an excellent site that we highly recommend.
The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE) originated with Billy Graham in 1974, involving Christian leaders from 150 countries and many denominations. The movement is comprised of 30 committees, involving the volunteer work of individuals and groups who affirm the Lausanne Covenant, committed to support the work of world evangelization. LCWE provides World Evangelization magazine at this site, and provides information on LCWE documents, including books and papers, an Occasional Papers series, Lausanne videos and the Lausanne Directory. Information is available in multiple languages.
In addition to Lawrence Veinott's popular Patricia's New Testament Greek Hypercard stack, a very well received program for learning or reviewing New Testament Greek, there are several other teaching tools that we find attractive for teaching kids. Natalia's Dots is a Macintosh program which contains almost seventy dot-to-dot puzzles that can help children learn the alphabet and the numbers 1-26. It is suitable for ages 2-6. Most of the puzzles are in color and several contain animations. Heather's Notes is a Hypercard stack that helps students learn the notes of the bass and treble clefs. Mr. Veinott developed it to help my daughters learn the beginning notes on the piano. Patricia & Heather's Math is a Hypercard stack that teaches basic addition and subtraction. Features drills, tutorial, record keeping. Good for beginners. Heather's Multiplication is a HyperCard stack that helps teach children the multiplication tables. There is a very modest shareware charge for these programs if you find them useful. Highly recommended.
The United States House of Representatives provides as a part of its Internet Law Library an extensive listing of information regarding the legal instruments of countries around the world. This orderly listing, organized by country name, includes constitutions and human rights information. One can also review collections of international treaties from the main page (link provided below.).
House Internet Law Library:
... providing leadership for dynamic global outreach. The Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod shares the love of God in Jesus Christ in over 50 countries around the world (Africa, Asia, Europe & the Middle East, Latin America, and North America). LCMS World Mission is Lutheran Christians employing the gifts God gives his people in joyful response to the word of Christ: " Go, make disciples of all nations!" What else does God tell us about His mission? The place to find out is in His Word. Find out where and how LCMS is involved in world missions. Provided is a pretty good Reference Desk with numerous LCMS supporting documents and a directory of links to mission related networking sites is being developed. Information about how to subscribe to the paper copies Harvest, the organization's premier magazine, and Missionary to Missionary (for LCMS missionaries) is provided. Two other periodicals are provided on line, the former described in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide: Mission News Online, and Pray for Us. Also included are counselling documents about how readers can be involved with LCMS World Mission projects. Recommended.
Published on word wide web by the Lutheran Church -- Missour Synod, the index provides very convenient access to all activities of LCMS that address or touch upon world missions. The primary focus is on LCMS missions, but subjects introduced in the guide (for example country locations) branches out to cover projects in which other mission agencies are involved. Highly recommended.
Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod:
Resources on line are divided into the following sections: Disaster response (includes Disastergram, detailed in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide); Inter-Lutheran efforts (including Lutheran World Relief, New York); Partnership With Mission and Partner Churches (including Projects in foreign countries (being developed); Domestic Grants (including Projects in the United States (being developed), and "Sharing"); How to Get Involved; Free Resource Materials.
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod:
Founded in 1967 by Ken Wendling, LIFE Ministries has been exclusively focused on church planting and leadership training in Japan for over 25 years. LIFE Ministries exists to strengthen and start Japanese churches. LIFE provides short-term and long-term opportunities to the Christian community. There is detailed information about LIFE's ministry and scope provided at this site. E-mail contacts to LIFE personnel can be made here as well. Find are links to LIFE's detailed ministry opportunites co-operated with Student Mission Advance, from Ontario, Canada, church planting information from their Yamagata, Japan site, and a link to the Japan Information Network.
LightSource Online is a major cooperative ministry shared by Atlantic City Rescue Mission, Alliance Defence Fund, Buckner Baptist Benevolence, Compass Direct, Concerned Women for America, ICMC, Insight for Living, Love Worth Finding (Dr. Adrian Rogers), Open Doors With Brother Andrew, Prison Fellowship Radio, SIM, Trans World Radio, Union Gospel Mission, and World Vision. This site features a number of "departments;" shared by these and other participating ministries who have devoted articles to them. Articles are also indexed by contributing organization. LightSource Online has quite aptly applied innovation that makes for an exciting and most informative presentation. When visitors finally pull themselves away from this site it will not be done without an ample supply of super information. The Network's work will undoubtedly lead the way in which information is organized on the Christian web. Departments include: Christian Connections, International News, Christian Internet Radio (some real classics here), God at Work, www.breakpoint with Charles Colson, The Journal, Kids' Corner, Front Lines, Christian Mystery Theatre, The Political Pulse, Today in the World, Religious Liberty, Adrian Rogers Talks About..., Time to Get Serious, Post Cards, News, Leaders, and Good Stuff. A most orderly site which has awards to its credit. We give LightSource Online our unofficial award of excellence too.
The Language Learning Bookshelf is a part of SIL's LinguaLinks Library. Provided on line are extensive helps that are organized under the headings, Getting Started (includes: Overview of Language Learning Process, Using These Resources); Resources to Help You (includes: Discover Your Learning Stule, Set Your Goals, Make a Strategic Plan, Design a Program, Evaluate Progress, Identify and Solve Problems); and Other Resources (includes Alphabetical List of Resources, Topical List of Resources, Table of Contents, Bibliography, Glossary). Online at SIL!
SIL Web Site:
Benjamin F. Elson, from the Summer Institute of Linguistics, discusses the importance of language as a cultural imperative.
SIL Homepage:
Little Spark ministry has high school, college, career, and lay ministries in various parts of the United States, while continuing to support missionaries and national workers in foreign countries, such as Albania, Russia, Indonesia, Korea, and Chile. God has blessed this ministry abundantly through the conversion of many souls, and the commitment of many lives for the Lord's work. -- God's Marvelous Creation: A Brief History of Little Spark. Information includes a History of Little Spark Mission, its Ministry Areas, Confession of Faith, Philosophy and Purpose. Main Sections provide access to Little Spark News, Events, a link to Korea Campus Crusade for Christ's JAMA Project (Jesus Awakening Movement in America), Little Spark Magazine, Events, Pictures, and Insight Newsletter. Little Spark Mission also includes a good list of Christians on the Net Resources, including Search, Daily Devotionals, Bible, Organizations, Christian Music, General Christian Resources, Church, and special sections for Korean and Chinese Christian resources. Recommended.
Brief History:
The online version is compiled from 13 volumes of the original paper copy. The work is a summary of information derived from the Ethnologue and SIL bibliographies. Living Languages of the Americas details the variety and distribution of languages and dialects that are found in North America, Central America, The Carribean, and South America.
SIL Homepage:
This well known travel book publisher provides quite a bit of country information, including travel information, culture, politics, places to visit, and much more. One can order any of many different travel guides, and this site provides an ample supply of information from the guides to make the web site itself worth the visit.
Text Express Pages:
Index by Destination:
Una misi@oacute;Episcopal en Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Misió El propóde El Hogar es proveer un hogar y una educaciķen un ambiente cristiano para muchachos abandonados, huerfanos y sin esperanza, permitiendoles realizarse y desarrollarse como personas productivas en Honduras. P@aacute; Prinipal; El proyecto; Historias de é; Apoyanos; Contactanos.
LBT uses Bible translation and literacy work as it ministry. They work with Christians internationally to translate the Bible, promote literacy training, the use of the Scriptures, and help train national Christians in communicating the Gospel message. They also purpose to promote missions in the Lutheran Church.
LCMS provides information about LCMS Mission Outreach, including LCMS World Missions and Speed the Need. Ministies includes LCMS Congregations, LCMS Elementary and Pre-schools, and Lutheran High Schools, the Concordia University System, and Lutheran Hour Ministries (sermons & daily devotions available). Human Care includes the home page for LCMS World Relief (under construction). Information is provided about Ministry Resources, and Member Services. The News, Information and Archives Section includes current and archived issues of LCMS News as well as Press Releases from the latest (1995) synodal Convention. Also, information is provided on Project Wittenberg, the Concordia Historical Institute. Links are provided to other Lutheran organizations as well.
Bringing Christ to the Nations and the Nations to the Church. Lutheran Hour Ministries is a global effort to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Information on site includes Country Facts, The 1040 Window, World Outreach Update (described in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide), Volunteer Opportunities, Ministry Resources, Outreach Support, and Special Events. Lutheran Hours Ministries (USA) is described in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide.