An extradenominational radio ministry enterprise for the sole purpose of taking the Gospel of Christ to the world by radio. In so doing, it seeks to cooperate with and support existing missionary efforts and the ministry of the greater body of Christ worldwide. The FEBC believes that the Gospel radio ministry should present a united and consistent message for edification of others. Selecting the Message from the President (Jim Bowman) section, will provide readers with more information about FEBE, and listener letters from all around the. The Broadcast Ministry section provides a list of many language groups to which FEBC broadcasts, a large and stunning photo gallary showing scenes from Korea, Japan, New Zealand, The Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, Saipan, Cambodia and Singapore as well as photos of Asian scenes and Asian peoples. There are broadcast schedules, and a complete Station/ Transmittal Listing, and maps detailing FEBC's coverage areas. A section on FEBC Partners provides links to servers for World by 2000, the International Communications Research for Evangelicals Consortium, and the International Christian Media Commission. Resources include information about books, periodical, videos, and technical "how to" files relevant to Christian radio broadcasting. Also provided is a World by 2000 language base list, and list of languages on the air, and a big list of International Christian Broadcasts by various organizations, and covering all languages. FEBC also intends to make available selected program scripts. But that's not all there is at this site! There is much, much more. Highly recommended.
Information is provided under the following sections: Ministry Mission, Publications, Radio Programs, Ministry Team, Photo Gallery, Web Links, FAQs, and, What's New. Provided in the Publications section is the rational and an introduction to FEBC China Ministies, and three on-line publications: FEBC Sky Waves, Prayer Focus, and Heart Lines. Provided is information about radio programs. The Section on Ministry Team, includes basic information about how FEBC CN is organized. The ministry has provided a detailed, well-written FAQ about the organization.
FEBC CN FAQ: http://www.febcchinese.org/english/febccm.htm
Information at this site is provided in both the Korean and English languages. An inspiring message from FEBC Korea Director, Dr. Billy Kim, entitled Crossing the Jordon is provided as well as a History of FEBC Korea. There are letters from Listeners. Also provided is a document of the Events for the 40th Anniversary celebration, and a section of Addresses of FEBC Korean Stations.
Read the Russian Ministries Update at this site. You will also find a history of FEBC Russian Ministries, and be introduced to FEBC Russian Ministries Personalities. Also provided are a current Prayer Focus. For folks who would like to learn more about Russia, check the Information on Russia, and Maps of Russia and the Ukraine. Lettrs of Thanks are included, and the FEBC RM programming schedule.
Provided are a Brief History of FEBC Vietnamese Language Programs, information about The Vietnamese Programs, including broadcast areas and schedule, and a map of languages, An Appeal to pray for Vietnam, with detailed needs. Planned are a Photo Gallery, and Information on the Church in Vietnam.
Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan Anak-Nya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada Nya tidak binasa melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal. -- Joh 3:16. Provided is information from FICA's e-mail forum, Fica-Net, described in the mail-based services of this
guide. FICA includes a wealth of information, including a FAQ, Articles from Fica-Net's forum (Topics are Apologetics, Bahan Bible Study, Christianity in Indonesia, Christian Living, Cult Awareness, Testimonies, Sharing Para Alumni, and Miscellaneous), Announcements, a list of Christian resources, and Praise and Worship Songs. Find an international Indonesian Christian Organizations Directory including links where possible). There are also references to Fica-Net member home pages. Several special links are provided to Indonesian Christian University, Aksi JALA (Jejaring Allah Lintas Negara), Program Bantuan Pendidikan Agape, and to the super Renunigan Harian Indonesian resource page. FICA has also provided a good news section. At the time of our survey there are a number of articles and links relating to Christian persecution in Indonesia and elsewhere. Highly recommended.
An extension of the Evangelical Episcopal Church, the Fellowship of Saint Barnabas is a ministry of encouragement and exhortation. The fellowship ministers to the oppressed, the downtrodden and the unloved. It holds to the beliefs of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and ministry is done in the setting of koinonia. Koinonia is meaningful fellowship and not just counselling sessions. In Koinonia a person is welcome into the family of believers. The Fellowship of Saint Barnabas web site provides very nicely formatted versions of the Episiple of Saint Barnabas, the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Creed of Saint Athanasius, the Didache, The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral (1886), and a link to The 39 Articles of Religion of the Anglican Church from The Book of Common Prayer (1959). Provided are Doctrinal Essentials subscribed to by the Evangelical Episcopal Church, and a section of links to other Christian sites. Highly recommended.
FELTS 4 U [new 7/96]
Felts 4 U is a distributor of Little Folk Visuals, and Bible lessons in felt. Promised are the finest felt products available for the classroom, Bible lessons and home use. They are designed to help you to teach children in a proven, interactive way, that even the most experienced teacher can appreciate. Felts by their very nature stick to one another, so when you cut them out you can use them like old fashioned paper dolls, except they last for years and not days, and they look at lot better! Their product line ranges to: Math, Science, Culture; Bible Lessons and Teaching Tools; Entertainment; and, Accessories. They may be ordered on-line. Each month a new teaching tip is promised on line.
FINGERTIP [new 3/96]
Missions on the Internet. An official iniative of Student Mission Advance. Fingertip is an extensive mission resource tool that has been well organized. Sections include the Mail Room, providing e-mail contact with mission organizations, and subscriber lists; The Prayer Closet; a Resource Room; a most informative Christian/ Mission Opportunity Database; Missions Calendar; Library; an Agency Gallery providing links to mission related network sites; Missions News special sites; and a Research Centre. Highly recommended.
Flying Doctors of America's physicians, dentists and pharmacists make long distance house calls, providing hope and healing to the poor in third world countries. The objective? Nothing less than changing the world - one person at a time using your skills! Sound ambitious? Tell it to Allan Gathercoal, founder and president, who is committed passionately about sharing the wealth of this nation's medical/dental system and the expertise of it's professionals with those who are only hours away, but have nothing. Included on site is information on: periodic updates; Frequently Asked Questions about the organization; Help Wanted; Mission Schedule for 1996; Projected Cost to Go on Mission; Medication and Supply Request List; Position on Religion; Testimonials of Volunteers that have been on Missions; and, Links to Medical Oriented Sites.
"About every two seconds a child in the world dies from hunger or hunger-related causes. Every minute 24 people die of hunger. That's: 35,000 people every day. 245,000 people every week. 980,000 people every month. 13 million people every year." -- quoted from the main page, statistics courtesy of The Hunger Project. Yet, through a child sponsorship program with Food For the Hungry, you and I can provide a child with food, clothing, medical care, and spiritual nourishment for $22
per month. A two second interval... a lifetime... an eternity redeemed. More information is available at Food For the Hungry's web site. The World Crisis Network, a service of Food For the Hungry, is part of a larger initiative designed to produce a virtual learning environment for people who want to learn more. Included are news articles about Food For the Hungry, child sponsorship information, an e-mail form contact sheet, and information about FFH's collaborative efforts with other organizations such as Brown University's World Hunger Program, and InterAction. Also available are current awareness articles such as: Food For the Hunry Building Housing for Returned Refugees From Zaire to Rwanda, and FHI Aids Victims of North Korea Famine. Curriculum for VBS and for Home Learning relating to hunger are provided. Information on overseas involvement opportunities is also available as a member of the Food For the Hungry International Hunger Corp Program. In the section, Sponsor a Child (Your Heart Can Make a Difference), we learn what child sponsorship is. We have the opportunity to examine information from country lists of children in need of sponsorship in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Additional links to Canadian Food For the Hungry, and Japan International Food For the Hungry are provided on site. The Lord bless the kids of this world. May it be that we love them as He would have us love them.
Index Page: http://www.fh.org/wcn2/index.html
Gopher Connection: gopher://gopher.fh.org/
FTP Connection: ftp://ftp.fh.org/
The Foreign Mission Board offers ways to become more involved in missions: Praying, Giving, Going, and Learning. Prayer items and news items are available through an e-mail via the FMB mailing lists from the special FMB page. Also available are a periodic feature from FMB President, Jerry Rankin, the Rankin file, FMB Headlines --Recent Press Release and News Items, and a link to Baptist Press articles --Your link to the News Service of the SBC.
It has been said that the norm for Christians, either in today's world, or throughout history has not been comfort, but rather violence has been the norm. Throughout countries that do not face opposition to the Gospel of Jesus Christ there exists freedom, and a tendency to forget the great price paid on the Cross, and also shared by Christian Saints. Fox's Book of Martyrs should be one of the first books read by Christians today. As noted in the preface, ""After the Bible itself, no book so profoundly influenced early Protestant sentiment as the Book of Martyrs. Even in our time it is still a living force. It is more than a record of persecution. It is an arsenal of controversy, a storehouse of romance, as well as a source of edification". This edition of Foxe is housed at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library at Wheaton College.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library: http://ccel.wheaton.edu/
The Beginnings of American Foreign Missions: http://ccel.wheaton.edu/foxe/martyrs/fox122.htm
France Mission is an evangelical mission concerned with church planting in France. The France Mission is a member of the Federation Evangelique de France, and supported by the France Mission Trust. It has placed churches in 30 major towns and has 110 church-planting missionaries. France Mission provides its prayer news on line, and details about the work being done by France Mission. A link to UNC's Parisean tour is available. Visit the catecombs in Paris.
This site includes a schedule of events, and features Operation Andrew, Christian Life and Witness Classes, Goals and Message, Organization, Method, Follow-up, and Prayer For. A Related Links section has a Profile of Franklin Graham, Operation Christmas Child, Franklin and Billy Graham Calls Saskatchwan to Peace With God, and links to the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove.
Founded by Elwood McQuaid, Friends of Israel aims to reach out to Jewish people in love, help in times of crisis, and teach Christians their Jewish heritage. The organization was born out of the fires of the Holocaust. And over half a century later, thier love and concern for the people so near to th
e heart of God continues. FOI has home Bible studies, camps, medical clinics, special events, and other activities to share Messiah's love with Jewish people worldwide. In the early days, they helped feed and clothe needy Jewish people, sought to bring them to safety, and let them know their cries for help were being heard. Thier ministry of compassion is just as strong today. FOI offers a wide-ranging ministry of Bible teaching and training that helps acquaint believers with the Jewish background of the Bible, and the special place Jewish people hold in God's plan. In the most practical sense, FOI wants to inform, encourage, and equip readers in our relationship with Jewish people and our personal spiritual growth. The web site offers three serial publications, also described elsewhere in this guide. First are weekly sound byte files in Real Audio format of Elwood McQuaid's Eye on the Middle East. Readers are also provided full length articles from the organizations bimonthly magazine, Israel My Glory. Additionally, Friends of Israel provides a biographical document: With All Her Heart: The Story of Lorne Simcox, as well as an apologetic document by David Levy, entitled Can a Jewish Person Find Peace. Should readers wish to get more information about FOI publications, the publications catalog may be sending an e-mail note to the ministry. The Friends of Israel broadcasting log is also made available. Recommended.
FRONTIERS [new 6/96]
Frontiers is a well-established mission agency solely dedicated to planting churches in Muslim countries. Since 1982 they have seen that creative, empowered teams with a clear goal and strong mutual commitment can plant churches in the Muslim world. Frontiers' passion is to glorify God by planting, reproducing churches among the world's one billion Muslims. By God's grace, Frontiers now has nearly 500 missionaries on 80+ teams in more than thirty countries. They're not all Americans. Missionaries with Frontiers are sent out by Sending Bases in Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Korea, New Zealand, Switzerland/Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Their web site includes information about their commitment and involvement. Learn how you can be involved in this crucial ministry. Review the list of Hot Needs, Upcoming Events, Short Term Mission Opportunities, Serving With Frontiers, Partnering With Frontiers. They provide some pretty cool stuff for missions mobilization and education, including video and seminar services under the headings: Muslims: The Final Frontier; Drama Presentations; Mission Speakers; Destination 2000 (in adult and children's versions); and Women's Ministries. Also provided is an e-mail form with which to contact Frontiers.
Gateway To Joy, with Elisabeth Elliot, is a daily program providing practical biblical advice for women. Its purpose is to invite women to consider their roles and responsibilities in light of biblical principles. Elisabeth addresses topics such as marriage and family, training children, roles of husbands and wives, what it means to be a godly woman, godly living, holiness and more. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, an empty nester, single, divorced or widowed, Elisabeth wants to "show how God's Word is good news for all ofus - relevant, alive, piercing to the very heart of our need." She says,"I try not to preach but to sit down, as it were, at the kitchen tableor in the passenger seat and simply talk to people." Hostess Lisa Barry opens and closes each program in a warm, friendly manner that invites you to grab a cup of coffee, sit down and take a break from your daily activities. Presently, Gateway To Joy is heard on more than 250 stations in the United States. -- from the introducton. The ministry provides information about Where to Listen to Gateway to Joy, including geographical location, time, call station call letters and frequency. Available is a transcript of Today's Program (mentioned in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide), also available in RealAudio format. A Program Calendar provides a topical listing of the month's programs. A Daily Devotional (mentioned in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide) is made available. An archive search utility is provided. Highly Recommended.
Elisabeth Elliot: http://www.gospelcom.net/bttb/elliot.html
ICLnet's Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet includes a major section for missions in it's subject index. The index organizes agencies and support groups by geographical location, and also provides sections for missions on collected works, periodicals, an
d other internet lists that heavily support international missions.
Henrietta Mears founded GLINT in 1961. An eminent Christian leader and trendsetter of her day, Dr. Mears spent her life helping people of all ages to read, study and understand the Bible for themselves. Dr. Mears traveled widely, and personally observed the urgent need for quality Christian education resources for all peoples of the world. Founder of Gospel Light Publications, she began sharing the Gospel Light curriculum with missionaries and national church leaders. Soon a flood of requests for publication rights and financial aid was pouring in from around the world. In response to that overwhelming cry for help, Dr. Mears launched GLINT, her last major achievement before her death in 1963. Now, over 35 years since its founding, GLINT continues to fulfill Miss Mears' vision to provide contextualized Bible teaching and learning curriculum to the nations of the world. nearly 800 books in over 50 languages. Currently, GLINT has more than 170 projects in progress in over 30 languages. They have assisted with publishing Sunday school curriculum in over 100 languages. The total number of GLINT's teacher and student Sunday school books sold or distributed in these countries totals over 1.1 million individual books. They work closely with Gospel Light and Regal Books. More information about GLINT, how to contact them, and their involvement in current projects is available from the web site.
GEM's researchers have written more than 300 articles, books and short studies on world evangelization. They are working to put as many online as possible. Presently available from this archive, which promises to be a major information cache are the following publications: Countdown to 1900: World Evangelization at the end of the 19th Century, by Todd M. Johnson; Forecasting the Future in Mission: Some Future Faces of World Mission, by David B. Barrett; The Fragmentation of Mission Into 4,000 Freestanding, Standalone Monoliths, by David B. Barrett; Quantifying the Global Distribution of Evangelism and Evangelization, by David B. Barrett; Contextualization: A New-Old Idea, by Todd M. Johnson; and, Research Fuels the Missions Movement, David B. Barrett & Justin Long. Highly recommended.
Global Evangelization Movement: http://www.gem-werc.org/
Pointing the Way to the Unevangelized. GEM packs online an immense amount of information ranging from statistical data, missiology, news, and cultural data. Newsletters (detailed in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide include the AD2525 Global Monitoring Report; GEM State of Persecution Bulletin; and Monday Morning Reality Check. There is an archive of Reality Check Essays as well. A report covering the Status of Global Mission 1987, by David Barrett, gives statistics of World Population, Worldwide Expansion of Cities, World Population by Religion, Global Christianity, Membership by Ecclesiastical Block and Membership by Continent, Christian Organizations, Christian Workers, Christian Finance, Christian Literature, Scripture Distribution, and Christian Broadcasting. Another section, The Stories of World A, includes testimony that deserves every Christian's attention. There is a large file of People Group information. A Knowledge Base provides information on: Rules and Policies; Generation X in Missions; Inactive Christians; Pastorial Vision-raising; and, Seniors in Mission. A Data Archives is organized by: Appeals and Manifestos; Plans; and, Glossaries, Dictionaries and Helps. GEM's Archive of Books and Papers (reviewed in the neighboring entry of this guide) promises to be a major online archive of GEM publications. GEM's Global Diagrams section includes Miscellaneous Charts, Global Diagrams, Annual Statistical Tables, and Other Tables. GEM has just set up an E-mail conference to discuss the Qashqd'i of Iran (more reported in the Mail-based Services section of this guide). As noted earlier, GEM "Research fuels the missions movement."GEM provides a mother lode. Highly recommended.
...giving Christian leaders access to mission information. Global Mapping International (GMI) exists to provide Christian leaders with access to mission information. The mission's highest priority is serving evangelical mission ministry leaders in the Developing World. GMI is an evangelical mission support agency comprised of about a dozen staff members. GMI publishes mission research mat
erial on CD-ROM, provides a referral service pointing mission researchers to the information they seek, provides specialized training and consultation inmission research, conducts mission research projects, creates custom missions maps, provides mapping software support, and develops geographic databases for missions. GMI was founded by Robert Waymire in 1983 on the campus of the U.S.Center for World Mission in Pasadena, California, USA. -- Adapted from Quick Overview of GMI. GMI devotes detailed information about who GMI serves, current programs, products, contact information, outreach and publications. Their products include overhead transparancy map sets, world maps (1040 Window Gateway Cities, Status of Global Evangelization, World Map Mural, and Custom Mission Maps); Software (including 20:21 Library of Mission and Evangelism Resources on CD, Global Ministry Mapping System CD, African Proverbs CD, Atlas GIS Mapping Software; an Electronic edition of Johnston's Operation World, and related Operation World Data Files), Maps (see above). A section on missions is devoted to various on line internet resources. Another section relates to GMI and other training programs. Highly recommended.
THE GOOD WAY [new 12/96]
"Why surf on The Good Way ? ...to find the straight path to God, ...to find answers to your questions about God, ...to submit an e-mail quiz - and win a prize!, ...to get spiritual articles in different languages, ...to download Arabic articles, ...to read the Bible in Arabic, ...to get literature for others, ...to ask us any question, ...to tell us your opinion." -- The Good Way. Provided on site, and for downloading, are files in Arabic and English, including introductory articles, articles, and books under the following topics: Sources/ al-,usul, God/ Allah, Salvation/ al-Najat, Christ/ al-Masih, Confession/ al-Shahada, Worship/ al-'Ibada, and News.
Goshen is a premier Christian network provider and information source of four-star quality, and recommended highly. Goshen, the networking ministry of Religion Today, and Media Management, has assembled a substantial classsified internet-wide resource directory in addition to hosting many organizations. Amongst tools and devotionals are Bible Pathway's Daily Devotional, Nave's Topical Bible, and the New Topical Textbook. Being the networking ministry of Religion Today, Goshen also provides its own excellent National and International Religion Report, and Servant Life. A sampling of ministries hosted are AMG International, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Emmaus Road International, the Caleb Project, Global Evangelism Movement, Lausanne, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Network of International Christian Schools, Kirkbridge Bible & Technology Information, Baker Book House Online, The CoMission, Baptist Press News Online, Walk Thru the Bible, the International Institute of Christian Studies, AIM International, Zondervan, the American Tract Society, Prison Fellowship International, the National Councilon Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, and so forth.
GOSPEL FOR ASIA [new 5/97]
Gospel for Asia is reaching the most unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Gospel for Asia trains, equips and sends native missionaries to evangelize their own people. Gospel for Asia's more than 9,500 native missionaries have planted hundreds of churches in previously unreached areas in 11 Asian countries. With more than thirty missionary training centers right on the field, Gospel for Asia is annually training thousands of new missionaries. The GFA web site provides current Reports and GFA's bimonthly publication, SEND!, (reported in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide.) Also available, in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file format is K.P. Yohannan's book, The Road to Reality. At the time of our survey, publications offered for order include two books: Revolution in World Missions, by K. P. Yohanan; and, Living in the Light of Eternity. Two videos, include Driven to the Extreme; and, Operation Boot Camp. The Ministries page includes information about Joshua Project 2000 - GFA, GFA's radio ministries, it's Gospel literature program, GFA contact and scheduling information as well as organizational information. Offered is a free book, Revolutionize Your Life, by K. P. Yohannan. Readers can also get a free copy of GFA's book, ACCESS, by calling their 800 numbers. Highly recommended.
A non-denominal ministry based at the University of Virgina. Although GCF is predominantly Asian, they welcome people from all ethnic backgrounds who want to seek God and worship Him. GCF Web includes a new section of ser
mons and also a nifty prayer request page.
To focus worldwide attention upon the distinction between the freeness of eternal life and the costliness of eternal rewards. Grace in Focus is provided on line, as well as information on how to subscribe to the Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society. Cassette tapes by J. Kevin Butcher, Arthur L. Farstad, Zane C Hodges, Larry Moyer, Earl Radmacher, Bob Wilkin, and Ed Underwood are listed.
A family oriented Christian ministry. GGWO preaches the Gospel and the whole counsel of God from a Finished Work perspective. It's a Christ-centered church that believes and practices the cardinal doctrines of the faith. Through a diverse array of ministries GGWO seeks to help reach many, with over 100 churches planted worldwide, including Asia, Africa, North, Central and South America, and Europe. You will find on this site recordings of GGWO's call-in talk format radio program, Grace Hour. Conference and seminar announcements are posted, and Faith Thoughts Daily Devotional is available. A missions oriented church.
Site Table: http://www.ggwo.org/toc.html
Prepared as a part of the GLIN (Global Legal Information Network) of the Law Library of the United States Congress, the information comprises several guides, including pages for Nations of the World (indexed by country name) and Multinational and International Legal Sources. The guide includes "links only to the most useful and reliable sites for legal information available for each of the world's nations, although none of these sites have yet qualified for full GLIN recognition for the completeness, accuracy and officially certified authenticity of the legal texts they provide. As such fully certifiable sites come online, they will be linked directly to the GLIN database and will additionally receive special recognition in the Guide."
EL HOGAR [new 10/96]
An Episcopal Mission in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. It's purpose is is to providea loving home and education in a Christian environment for abandoned, orphaned and hopelessly poor boys, enabling them to fulfill their ultimate potential as productive human beings in Honduras. Included is are sections detailing: The Project; Success Scoties; Supporting Us; Contacting Us; and El Hogar Newsletter.
Spanish Language: http://www.episcopalian.org/elhogar/elhogare.htm
Episcopalian.Org: http://www.episcopalian.org/
HOPE FOR EUROPE (HFE) [new 7/96]
Helping Christians convey the contemporary and eternal hope of the Gospel. HFE is a pan-European evangelical initiative developing specialist networks across Europe. The organization is committed to praying and working together, to encourage local and national evangelistic initiatives that contribute to the spiritual, social and cultural transformation of the peoples of Europe, for the mobilization of Europeans for world evangelization. HFE provides on line the European Prayer Link, a Pan-European prayer network, including HFE's tracks; HFE Online, a newsletter distributed online (also mentioned in the newsletters/ journals section of this guide); Tracks (information on conferences as well as related resources); and a link to the DAWN Church Planting Initiative with whom HFE cooperates.
Inglesia Episcopal Reformada, San Pablo / Reformed Episcopal Church, San Pablo. This site contains sections on the following: Nuevo relacionados con la Iglesia Episcopal Reformada / New Links of the Reformed Episcopal Church; De las semanas anteriores (including the Cambridge Declaration of Faith, a link to the Philadelphia Theological Seminary, the Reformed Episcopal Church Resolution on the Sanctity of Life, and a document on Evolution); La Inglesia Episcopal Reformada en Puerto Rico / The Reformed Episcopal Church in Puerto Rico (including declarations of principles (Declaracion de Principios), mission (Declaracion de Misionera), and the 39 Articles of Religion (Articulos de la Religion).
IN TOUCH MINISTRIES [revised 3/97]
In Touch Ministries is the international Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley. In Touch Ministries reaches the entire world through print or broadcast med
ia - including AM, FM, shortwave radio, television, books, tapes, and a monthly magazine (described in the Journals/ Newsletters section of this guide). Their mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church. ITM provides on-line selected articles from In Touch magazine. Their In Touch Resource Guide is a complete listing of books, booklets, audio and video presentations available for international distribution. The latest radio and TV logs are highlighted. If the reader checks out the Spiritual Journeys of Great Christians, in the Inside In Touch Ministries section, one finds short bios on Hudson Taylor, C.S. Lewis, Oswald Chambers, Amy Carmichael, and Jim Elliot. Bible Studies on line includes subjects like: Assurance of Salvation; Set Your Goals and Live by Faith; Experiencing Forgiveness; and, Becoming Emotionally Whole.
Spiritual Journeys of Great Christians: http://www.intouch.org/WEB/portraits/
Spanish Resources: http://www.intouch.org/WEB/international/EnContacto.html
Provided by the resource division of Faith Enterprises, Incorporated. IBNet is not a business, nor an effort to capitalize on the popularity of the Web. It is a "service ministry" to fellow independent Baptist ministries, both individual and institutional. IBNet provides "complimentary home page listings" and "complimentary links", free to qualifying ministries. The "complete web site listings" are offered on a suggested donation basis - no required fees. In essence, the IBNet is an internet directory of independent Baptist misistries. Their goal through this is to promote the cause of Christ in the context of their independent Baptist theology and heritage. Information is provided under the following categories: Baptist Interests (Biography, History, Internet Locations, Polity, Resources (those not on line); Churches (including Associations and Fellowships, Churches (both USA and otherwise), and Curriculum (for Church ministries); Communications (including e-mail directories at the ministry and membership level); Contemporary Issues (Church/Pastor, Education, Legal, and Theological issues); Dedicated Ministries (primarily focused to one interest or concern); Education (national, regional, and state); Itinerent Ministries (Bible Conference Speakers, Drama, Evangelists, Family Conference Speakers, Prophecy Conference Speakers, and Vacation Bible School); Missions (organizations and missionaries); News Notes; Placement Services; and, Professional Services (a place to advertise products and services).
Faith Enterprises: http://www.ibnet.org/faith/index.html
The IFCA believes that the body of Christ transcends all earthly denominations and organizations (Eph.1:22-23); Therefore, it is composed of all who have trusted Christ as Savior, regardless of organizational affiliation (1 Cor.12:13). The IFCA believes that all independent fundamental churches should strive to be loyal to Christ and His Word, rather than to any organization; and, they must seek to establish, preserve and expand local churches according to the New Testament pattern (Matt. 28:18,20; Acts 13:3-4). As such, the IFCA believes in the spiritual unity of all believers, and invites such churches, organizations and individuals to join with them to carry out these Scriptural goals for the glory of God. Provided at their site are files on what they believe, a brief report of their 1996 Convention, and a recent resolution against same ses marriages. The BIBLENET pages include numerous text files and sound files supported by TrueSpeech (the utility also downloadable from the site). A brief sampling of files available at the time of our survey includes: The Power in the Blood; The permanence of Marriage; The Musician Astronomer (Sir William herschel); and, Why Go to Church? IFCA also includes a directory of member church home pages, an e-mail address directory, information about chaplaincy connections, a section devoted to regional connections, and a section devoted to Missions and Organizations supported by IFCA.
The IOE provides academic programs in Master of Arts in Evangelism, graduate level extension courses, and, extension courses for personal enrichment, among other services. On site is a section of Evangelism Resources which includes the following: Self Study Courses, including Disciple Making, Evangelistic Preaching, and Women & Evangelism. Excerpts and order information for Classical Devotional Boo
klets (authors include Baxter, Bonar, Booth, Bounds, Burns, Edwards, McCheyne, Mueller, Pascal, Torrey, Watson & Wesley). Other Publications. Online Witnessing Helps. Equipping Evangelists Newsletter (also described elsewhere in this guide). A section on Conferences and Consultations includes sound bytes and order information for past conferences and themes for future conferences. Past conferences have been Women in Evangelism (1991, 1995), Leadership in Evangelism (1994), L'Abri Conference (University of Chicago: 1994), North American Conference on Itinerant Evangelism (1994), and, Evangelism and the Christian Liberal Arts College (1993).