Summit Ministries exists to train a generation of leaders who understand the times, know what it means to think biblically in every area of life, and are able to become leaders for Christ in their schools, communities, churches, families and county. The minisry has helped Christians take captive every thought for Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Their Christian leadership training center helps young people understand how their faith relates to their everyday lives. Through various extensions, Summit Ministries challenges Christians to develop a biblical worldview, and to serve Christ and others by speaking, and living, the truth. At the web site, the Special Feature Subjects Providing a Christian Worldview include thorough presentations on: Abortion: Politically Correct Death?; America's Heritage/ Separation of Church and State; Christianity and the Arts/ Literature; Critical Thinking; Four Models of Western Religious Thought; and, Leadership. The Ministry Tools and Resources section includes Fact Sheets on Abortion; Cosmic Humanist Worldview; Feminism; Marxixt/ Leninist World View; Moral Relativism; and, Reliability of Scriptures. Summit Ministries Information Request includes brief information on Christian Leadership Seminars, Sunset Outreach, Conferences, Understanding the Times Textbook; Curriculum Project, The Journal and Lighting Candles, and Summit Bookstore. Recommended.
A missionary outreach of the Calvary Chapels, Survival Ministries' basic approach, taken from Matthew 25:35-40, is to use whatever physical means available to show people care, so that the message of eternal life through knowing Jesus Christ can be shared. Since starting in a garage in Riverside in 1983, the ministry has given away thousands of Bible study tapes, and tons of food, clothing, medicines and furniture, as the Lord has provided funds, facilities, donations and workers. The ministry has been blessed to be a part of the training and support of missionaries and others. On line find contact info and descriptive information about this ministry, and the radio log for Mission Possible Radio. Also find a detailed prayer list focused on needs around the world that Survival is involved with, in Ireland, Japan, The Philippines, Mexico, Nicaragua, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, and the U.S.A. Information is also available about the Missionary Training School of Survival Ministries, now in it's sixteenth year. The current Survival Newsletter (described elsewhere in this guide) and archive are made available.
For GNU programmers who are interested in furthering the development of the Online Bible, SWORD is coordinating the tasks with perspective volunteers. If you would like to build upon the legacy of the Online Bible, here is your opportunity.
The Sydney Centre for World Mission operates by God's grace under the auspices of the Evangelical Missionary Alliance. Since our initial survey in August 1996, much new information has been added providing a rich environment for all who are involved (or with to become more involved) with the Great Commission. Amongst sections provided is Target 2000 Missions Mobilisation, its goal to link 2000 Australian churches to unreached people groups by AD 2000. SCWM provides information about the 27 participating agencies linked with SCWM Target 2000 Australia, including Australian Contacts and a link to AD2000 Australia. SCWM also provides information for Target 2000 World, including YWAM's UK Target 2000 and a link to the AD2000 US Office. The Vision of Target 2000 examines your calling: adopting, promoting, local, prayer, missions awareness courses, and training. Also examined are ways that readers can find information about unreached people groups, including information gathering, linking with missions agencies, and discipling. The Centre can also provide help. Another major web section is Prospectives on the World Christian Movement. Included is information on twelve courses being offered in 1997, a course overview, contact information, and an unreached peoples section. The Centre has established two major directory resources, mentioned elsewhere in this guide. A Directory of Other Mission Agencies includes members of the Evangelical Missionary Alliance, NSW and members of Interlink not operating in New South Wales. An EMA Ministries Directory includes members of EMA, New South Wales. The Sydney Centre for World Missions sponsors Break the Night Tours, a multi-media presentation of the needs of those who have no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It also co-hosts courses in New South Wales with the Evangelical Missions Alliance under tha banner, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. A very helpful section of missions Books and Resources is provided, including Australian and overseas catalogues, highly recommended missions books (individual works and collections). Finally, but not least, agencies that want to be more informed about developing an internet site are encouraged to read the section entitled EMA Agencies, e-mail and the World Wide Web. This series of documents are an excellent presentation that includes sections on: current use of e-mail by mission agencies; demonstration of missions web sites; options for creating a web page, cooperation with overseas branches of your organization advertising your web site; internet security; and further action. SCWM is a first rate web site which we highly recommend.
Taize is an ecumenical, monastic community headquartered in France, but with an international, evangelical, outreach. Their home page offers documents now in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, and Chinese. Find information about the Taize Community, Brother Roger's annual speeches to young adults, and his daily devotionals. Taize's monthly devotional, The Johannine Hours, is described elsewhere in this guide.
TCMR Communications is a commercial organization focusing on Christian Music. Available is information and an order form for the paper copy of TCMR's five music periodicals. Offered online is an extensive collection of links to Christian music and related sites around the network.
Links Around the Internet:
The Ministry for Those Who Need a Touch from God. TCI was created in 1995 to respond to the global youth problem by assisting local churches, governments, and interested individuals in establishing centers to rehabilitate youth with serious life-controlling problems, primarily drugs and alcohol. Information provided on site includes TCI International Directories for Asia and the Pacific, Canada, the Carribean, Central Asia, Eurasia, Latin America, and the United States of America. Online connections to other Teen Challenge internet sites. New Teen Challenge Programs are described. Background and history information and other organizational information is provided. Another very useful tool that should most helpful to ministry is the Hotlist for Drug References. Online search is made available. Highly recommended.
Contents Page:
TEEN RESCUE [new 6/96]
TEEN RESCUE has assisted nearly 4000 families since 1989 by locating missing and runaway children, providing special parent education, family intervention, and finding the right kind of help for families with teenagers in crisis. It has been extremely difficult to find quality programs that are affordable for these families. In fact, there are very few resources for parents who find themselves in a crisis situation with their child. Teen Rescue was designed to help these families. More information about Teen Rescue, and contact information is available from this site.
Affiliated with the Canadian and American Reformed Churches, the Theological College of the Canadian Reformed Churches was established after the Second World War, the Canadian Reformed Churches having been instituted by immigrants coming from the Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland. General Information at this site includes an introduction, a brief but thorough history, character, form of subscription, Theological College Act 1981, Board of Governors, Senate, Library and Administrative Staff, Women's Saving Action Committee, and contat information. Programs of Study includes detailed information about the college's four year MD program, 2 year program in theological studies and 1 year missiology program, and a list of courses. Sections on Admissions, Academic Information and Financial Information are also provided. As a part of the College ministry, the College provides its networking visitors its own list of Christian Internet Resources including a very nice, thoroughly annotated Christian Software section which includes links to BestZips Best Bible Programs; Hebrew Flash Cards (v.1.40), Hebrew Quiz (v.1.30), King Solomon's Molten Sea and Pi (v.1.0), Online Bible (Windows 6.36), QuickMem Greek (v.1.01), Silver Fonts (v.1.1), SoftWord Technology Collection, and, Three Forms of Unity. Other sections in their guide are included in sections on Resource Lists, Churches, Organizations, Institutions, Bookstores, Literature, and Mailing Lists. The News and Events page (described elsewhere in this guide) is presented is a wonderfully servicable application of hypertext through the use of html technology.
Canadian and American Reformed Churches:
TREN is a service organization of particular interest to information seekers in religion and institutions which serve such a constituency. The Theologicial Research Exchange Network provides low cost microfiche ($5 per title) and document delivery services ($0.15 per page for paper copies) to institutions and individuals. To serve your informational needs, TREN has developed a free, downloadable DOS search engine capable of author, title and subject access to theses, dissertations and academic society research papers in religion. Since our last survey, TREN has added an online search and ordering system.
Featurning the writing of New Zealander Mike McMillan. Mr. McMillan presents his views on the Church today and challenges his readers to think more carefully about our responsibilities and faith. Included are a good number of documents under the following categories: Belief and Decision, Character Formation, The Church, Theology and Evangelism, Prayer and Other Contacts With God, The Srciptures, Singleness and Family, Thought and Discussion Processes, Christianity and Thought, and Christian Writing. Some of the work available from the Theology and Philosophy site are: Shamanism in the Pulpit; Family Idolatry -- A New Heresy for the 90s; A Bigger Ghetto, Or a Brighter Bride?; The Imitation of Paul; Evangelistic Success and Personal Failure; Beating Back the Creeping Absolute; Witnessing to Religious People; Responsible Christianity: An Outline; Dealing With Secular Philosophies; Discernment; and, a Creative Christian writing course.
Tim Hawes has organized this very good site into Essays in Theology; Philosophy; Literature; Theology and the Civil War; and, Creeds and Confessions. Also featured is Classical Christianity magazine, noted in the newsletters and journals section of this guide.
... and home page of Dr. W.D. Tackett, Missionary Evangelist. Third World Baptist Missions exists to promote: A Message of Hope - being committed to God's written Word believing it to be the basis of truth for our faith and practices. Their message and ministry is based upon believing and acting upon the mandate Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has given to the churches revealed in His Word...; A Ministry of Helps - As a Missionary Evangelistic Ministry, this mission wants to be a help to local churches, pastors, missionaries and dedicated laypeople in accomplishing their work for Christ. Their motto is "Churches helping Churches - Pastors helping Pastors, and people helping People".; and, A Method that is Here - 3rd World Baptist Missions Network hopes to provide help to churches, pastors and missionaries, by providing a resource for networking information, communications and ministry opportunities through the W.W.W. Site. The Internet Super Highway offers unimaginable volumes of information and ever increasing communication speed and capabilities. Properly used this Super Highway can give new definition to the old Gospel Trail and make us more effective in fulfilling our Biblical Mandate. Find on site information about the purpose and projects of Third World Baptist Missions, including Third World Baptist Evangelism and Baptist home Missions Ministries. Also provided is Current Trends and Updates (a newsletter we describe elsewhere in this guide), and links to Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI), BBFI Missions, Liberty University, Independent Baptist Network, Fundamental Baptist News Service, Trans World Radio, Mission Aviation Fellowship, Charity Baptist Church, and a Baptist Directory.
Maintained by Werner Peters, who plans to eventually make all 22 volumes of Manton's works available on-line.
Provides WWW services for many Christian Businesses, Ministries and Organizations. The site contains the 316th Street Christian Products Directory (supported by a search engine), has a ministry called 1st Church Of the Internet which houses free pages for qualifying Churches, Ministries and Christian organizations, the web's first all Christian Shopping Mall and more! Many new features are promised.
Christian Products Directory:
Tien Dao is an essential resource for all on the internet who pray for the advancement of the Gospel of Christ in China. There are many sources of information available at this site. A fact sheet detailing the availability of Bibles in China is handy. Tien Dao's Software Showcase provides links to demo versions of TienDao Chineseware, and The Scroll Chinese Bible concordance program. Provided also is information about how to display various forms of Chinese text on your web browser. Gospel pamphlets and devotionals, personal testimony, and prayer requests are highlighted. Tien Dao provides an extensive listing internet links to Chinese Christian churches throughout the world. There is a set of links that provides more information about the Peoples Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. And there is an appeal to Please Pray for China. Information is available both in English and Chinese, and if you'd like to read Bill Bright's Four Spiritual Laws in Chinese, Tien Dao has provided a link to Campus Crusade for Christ's server for that purpose. And, while you're at it, you can read The Four Spiritual Laws in just about any language, from Arabic to Vietnamese. Highly recommended.
Home Page Menu:
Tien Dao Hong Kong:
Pastor Dan Helland. Serving Families in Southwest Portland. Main sections at the Tigard Assembly include Christian School (Gaarde Christian School for pre-school through grade 8); and, Ministries (including Music, Youth, Children, Adult, and Seniors). Tigard Assembly also provides its Monthly Newsletter in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. (A link to download the Adobe Acrobat reader is provided as well.) A Missionary a Staff section are being developed. The church provides information about its Sunday School services. The Prayer page provides a way for readers to introduce their prayer needs and concerns to the church by form or by a regular e-mail link. The church has also provided the most nicely integrated search interface to Nick Hengeveld's Bible Gateway we've seen thus far. Announcements are provided in sections for Church Schedule and Special Events. For inquirers, the Tigard Assembly provides a page to Meet Him.
An extensive collection of files and links to other sites.
TOM'S QTH [new 12/96]
Featuring the writing of Pastor Jack A. Moorman, Bethel Baptist Chapel. Tom Crismore has assembled a page with resources for the King James Bible. Included are the Preface to the Authorized, King James Version (1611), and a link to the Holy Bible, King James Version. Files available for viewing from Mr. Crismore's web site include works by J.A. Moorman: Perhaps Today, by J.A. Moorman inclues sections on What the Bible Teaches About the Return of Christ, Christ's Return, Prophecies Fulfilled, and What's Different About the Twentieth Century. Forever Settled, by J.A. Moorman, includes a Survey of Old Testament Documents, Issues Regarding New Testament Text, Witness of the Early Church Fathers (another interesting survey), A Survey of the New Testament Documents, and A Survey of the English Bible History. Conies, Brass, and Easter, by J.A. Moorman, answers 21 "problem" passages in the King James, Authorized Version. The web site also contains a catalog of books available from A.V. Publications.
This site is based on a book with the same title. The author is a practising Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. Before studying medicine he spent three years in a theological college. After his medical studies he obtained a Master of Arts in Egyptology. He has been a serious Bible student for many years. Tools to Open Scripture' is a distillation of his experiences in studying Scripture. His prayer is that others may get as much value from these tools as he has. The viewpoint is dispensational. Sections include: Basics (Basic Bible Study Techniques with notes on original languages, computers, the dispensational approach); Chronology (an introduction, and notes regarding Velikovsky, Jerusalem AH, Rohl, Courville, and conclusions); History (an outline of Biblical events, Background authentication, context, and explanation); Languages (Using the Original Languages, grammar, concordances, ways to find and study words, including lexicons and interlinear Bibles); Web Sites (links to sites with information in the following categories: Bible Resources, Accordance Software, Bible Understanding, Chronology, Catastophoism, History and Archaeology, and Fonts); Computers (a demonstration on evaluating concordance output); and, Books (an annotated bibliography on the works of Bullinger, Carson, and Strong).
... home of the "Five Minutes With Jesus" radio broadcast. The Center includes the radio log, but also some nifty documents that add value to the networking end of Christianity as well. A tract on friendship with God, a prayer that is read before the Kansas House of Representatives, and the following articles are provided for downloading: Has God given up on some sinners?; The Work of the Ministry is for All Believers; Intercession; The Testing of Your Faith; and, The Testing of Abraham's Faith. You can also subscribe to the Letter of Faith Newsletter. An online edition is being prepared.
TOTAL TV [new 9/96]
The Total TV Network is a division of Priority One Publishing, a non-profit communications ministry in Dallas, Texas. Priority One is committed to four main objectives: To breath new life and excitement into the missionary outreach of the local church, to produce the highest quality videos and Bible study curriculum on relevant topics of the church, to prepare Christian young people for leadership positions in America and around the world, and to provide grants for effective missionary projects overseas, such as Kenya, Tanzania, India, Haiti, Colombia, Uganda, Russia, Nepal, Albania, and Germany. The web site provides information on Innovative Videos for youth groups, adult sunday school, marriage seminars, and church staff only. Total TV also offers video production services for churches, Christian universities, and Christian missionary groups. The site also offers a pretty good selection of links under well organized sections: Just for Teens (links to Christian youth organizations), Church Center (including a Pastor's Center, Bible Explorer, Teachers' helps, more general Christian resources, and church links). Also, there is a very nice Reference Center that provides a way to find U.S. and World news, encyclopedias, internet search utilities, dictionaries, museums, statistical sources, academic subjects, and legislative archives. Finally this organization provides more information its objectives, projects and concerns, all very worthy of note. Recommended.