The same quality is incorporated into this information list as is incorporated into Steve Schimmerich's Christian Resources on the Web, noted elsewhere in this guide, however this list is framed to include information about Christian involvement in science. Detailed is information about the Science and Christianity Mailing List, also described in the Mail-based Services section of this guide. Mr. Schimmerich also provides Science and Christianity Essays (see Wajenberg, Schimmrich, Morton, and Harvey). More information includes connections to, or information about, organizations for Christians in science, mailing lists for Christians in science, internet resourcs for Christians in science, book reviews, and a suggested reading list. Again, this is a mature presentation that includes a well balanced, thorough and helpful information aid purposely limited to science. Highly recommended.
SCRIPTORA [new 10/96]
Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose to Sum Up All Things in Christ. Russ Lipton and other supporters of this site write that Sola Scriptora (scripture alone) has been a centuries-long rallying cry for those Christians who believe that our only source of safety against both excess and error is the Bible. Of course, they recognize that to say this does not end the problem of interpretation, since scripture does not relieve us of the need to interpret it. Further, they hope that we do interpret it by the Holy Spirit, but this must remain hope, not certainty. Scriptora is an evolving collection of texts that, by God's grace, will help unfold to readers His eternal purpose to sum up all things in Christ and provide the church as His eternal companion. Consider Scriptora an interactive commentary. The Scriptora pages provide two main sets of resources: descriptive documents that welcome visitors, and a sizable collection of files that are the meat of the ministry. Descriptive documents include Mission, Gifts, Feedback, Resources, NetLinks, Personal, and page highlighting new documents that have been added to the archive. Portions of the Scriptora include Gospel: Eternal Life ... or Death, followed by a number of topics: In These Last Days; The Sacred Mystery, Living Through an End Time; The Heavenly Companions; Devotion to Practices; Verses; Talk; and, Trails. Scriptora represents a well-balanced, thoughtful approach supporting Bible study discussion. Recommended.
Text Version:
Dedicated to the support and encouragement of Christians who wish to memorize portions of the Bible. This web site is energized by purpose and hope the Lord provides for every Christian. Site developer Stephen Simpson, a Christian for fifteen years imparts his insights not solely into successful memorization techniques that help folks get started, or those whom have already started more productive and better able to hold onto what we have memorized, but also by the time shared by what he has found to be pitfalls that tend to block the way. A major point raised is that Scripture memorization is essential to our Christan walk. He rightfully observes that relatively few are memorizing the Bible beyond a few key verses. Yet, having read many biographies by influential Christians it becomes obvious how cogent this observation is. Those of us who live in places where we can freely pick up our Bibles, concordances and study aids, without the obstruction of limb and mind must not take for granted the fact that many more people do not have this precious freedom. Knowing of that great potential the Lord puts into every Christian life, know that much more can be accomplished than we first think possible. Included on the web site are an Introduction (including purposes and contact information), and documents addressing: Why Memorize Scripture? How to Memorize Scripture; and, Introducing the Memorization of Scripture to Your Family or Small Group. Mr. Simpson has provided a means for visitors to share effective methods that we have found helpful. Developed from within the context of his own experience, he has developed the MSDOS, Windows 3.x Scripture Memory System software which he offers at no charge. More documents, including How to Study the Bible; How to Meditate on God's Word; and, How to Put God's Word into Practice are forthcoming. Finally, Mr. Simpson provides links to Scripture Memory Resources on the Net, Favorite Links, and Christian web search utilities. The Scripture Memory Connection is a well-rounded site that is made exceptional by addressing practical needs, enlivening our potential as Christians, and through the expression of Mr. Simpson's personal experience. What readers find on site is an outworking of Mr. Simpson's walk with Christ that is an admirable (and achievable) standard for us all. Very highly recommended.
Information provided at this unofficial site includes a description of SU Malaysia ministries for Bible Ministry, Bible Correspondence Courses, Children Ministry and Youth Ministry (sections being developed at the time of our survey), and Camping and Publications (sections available). Information about obtaining a paper copy subscription to SU's Christian youth Magazine, Phases, is provided. Information about SU's Sijil Pelajaram Malaysia (SPM) Bible knowledge paper exam (including a link to an old syllabus) is also made available. The site developer also provides connections to more general information about Malaysia.
Scripture Union NT is a children's, youth and family organisation which has been operating in partnership with Australian Churches for well over a century. The site will eventually include major sections on Resource Centre, Schools Ministry, Youth Stuff and SU camping, the last two available at the time of our survey.Youth Stuff includes the Mega Youth Service and an electronic verion of SUNT's quarterly newsletter, The Blast, a very funny magazine, reported elsewhere in this guide. SU Camping information includes information on Jungle Bungle Boot Camp, Easter Camp, Leadership Development Camp, and RATS (Rage at the Shed) Camp. While you're visiting, check out the graphics files on the main page for information about In Ya Face Grace Wearing Apparel, counter-culture apparel that makes a statement and gives you the edge!
Online information includes information describing SU's aims, activities, vision, and recent news. An annual holiday brochure is provided.
SCRIPTURE UNION (UK) [new 11/96]
Scripture Union is a movement of volunteers and staff working together in 117 countries to spread the Good News of Jesus with children, teens and adults. Scripture Union works in schools throughout Britain, supporting and resourcing Christian staff and pupils. SU has been involved in evangelism for over 125 years. There is provided a web page describing activities of Scripture Union including on line samples of SU publications: Alive to God Bible study; Heaven... It's Not the End of the World, by David Lawrence; and, Oliver and the Big Green Snake (a teaching aid for kids). Published Resources available from Scripture Union include descriptions of Children's Books, Adult Literature, Bible Reading Materials, Children's Bible Reading Materials, SALT -- Sharing and Learning Together. A section of Audio/ Video Resources is provided as well. Scripture Union Press Releases are provided in the Noticeboard and in the Scripture Union International newsletter (reported elsewhere in this guide). Scripture Union also provides connections to its online affiliates.
Includes pointers to many of the resources identified in this guide.
SEEKING GOD [new 11/96]
More than a compilation of Christian resources, this site represents the unique work of one of an army of evangelists whom the Lord has raised to tell of the Good News. Chet is alive today by the grace of God, having faced a number of times when it would have seemed that he would not survive. Do we, as Christians recognize those times in our lives, and tell of the miraculous power of salvation and that personal relationship God has provided? The informational value of this set of pages is good. Chet's Bible Page includes connections to networking locations for on line versions of the Bible, Bible-related Literature, Various Lists and Libraries, Bible Study links, and Daily Readings and Devotionals. His Prayers section (The Prayer Page) includes Favorite Sites, Prayer Lists, and a few selected prayers. He has also included various internet links. You will also find The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper and Chet's Personal Testimony. He also provides a link to other personal testimony provided at The Book of Names networking site. Seeking God is a part of three currently available ministerial approaches that Chet has placed on the networks. The other two sets are Inspirational Pages (selected topical writing from Christian authors), and The Recovery Page (which includes a recommended list of connections to internet sites for recovery-related information). Recommended.
The Recovery Page:
Inspirational Pages:
Church Planting is Our Business! SEND International is now 50 years old! And instead of being middle aged, SEND is right in the middle of the action. The founding leaders were fresh from a war and barely out of their teens. Caution was not in their vocabulary. Today's missionaries are all ages, but no less anxious for challenge. Today we face challenges all over the world where we need to seize the day. In some countries we can throw caution to the wind and grab the opportunity. In other places we must walk slowly. The constant joy and tension of missions is to know when to be cautious and when to throw caution to the wind. -- SEND International. Information currently available on line details SEND Temps (including What do you get as a volunteer, and Current Opportunities (for example, in Japan, The Ukraine, and Alaska); SEND Summers (summer team opportunities); SEND Career Options (including opportunities in Russia, The Ukraine, Spaine, North Central and South Central Europe, Japan, Taiwan, The Philippines, and Alaska/ Yukon); and, SEND Missionary Stories.
SEND THE LIGHT [new 7/96]
A Writing Ministry of Farago Baptist Church (Farago, N.D.) A Fundamental Baptist site that includes a big collection of documents. Series available from the Send the Light Tracts include: Christian Home Bible Course; Come Now and Let Us Reason Together; God's One True Church; Golden Nuggets; Modern Day Parables; Poetic Illustrations; Reasons for the Season; The Williamson Chronicles; Tongues; and, Topical Studies from the Bible. More documents include: Ancient Bibles, Scrolls, Manuscripts and Cuneiform 4021 Years Old; Baptist Church and History Books (a book list); Christian Periodicals Addresses; a large selection of hymns (under construction); Other Tracts (a series by editor/ webmaster Kevin Paulson). Send the Light has provided a very large, and growing archive of carefully selected Christian information.
Serious Developments is a commercial software vendor providing a wide range of products. The Christian Software Catalog is quite servicable, providing a product index, company index, a Translation Abbreviation table, and on line order capabilities. Provided are a Feature Products section, another called Bargain Basement, and don't miss the Internet Kit for Christians and Churches. Serious Developments also provides a pretty good directory of freeware and shareware sites here on the network. Also is a collection of software reviews, and if a visitor would like to subscribe to SD's own Christian Software News, one may do so by registering on line. An archive for Christian Software News is also available on line. For readers who considering a software purchase, this site is a very good information resource that you may just want to bookmark.
Headed by software developer/ author Jim Gallagher, one of the forerunners in Christian computing.
Servant of the Lord Interactive Information Service. A theologically conservative Christian Information Service designed to help users to become a better servant of the Lord. It is a tool kit for Christian service and personal sanctification. The network providees thousands of Christian files in more than twelve cateories, including apologetics, theology, Church history, today's world, the written Word helps, etc. It is the home of Christian International's Online Bible College. Servant of the Lord offers both computer and print versions of Thompson Chain Reference Bibles, as well as computer Bibles from Logos Research Systems. Subscriptions for popular Christian magazines are available as well. Information for connecting to SOTL's BBS system, located in Central Virginia is also provided. There are instructios for connecting to SOTL via e-mail. (With a little practice you can download SOTL files via e-mail protocol.) Get the latest SOTL Christian Networks Listing. Contact the Online Bible College.
Servant Quarters is a ministry of Gayle D. Erwin. Included on line are the bimonthly Servant Quarters Newsletter archive. There is a section for Past Articles, some including A Tribute to My Mother; Binding and Loosing; and, No Exit. Resouces from the ministry include books and audio books, audio tapes, video tapes, and shirts. Another section of Parables includes files like Bakesale, Bugspray #5, Frontier Theology, and The Porcupine Debate. Now, on to humor. The Humor section includes files such as Calorie Chapel, Cell Phones, and Fun Poems. Are you curious about Gayle Erwin? This is recommended reading. There are lessons attached to most of this writing. Good ones.
For Christians who would like to know how, Michael Liimatta, Director of Education at the International Union of Gospel Missions, has guidlines on just how to go about it. Mike provides information in plain English, and links the reader to many useful online resources. He might even inspire you to build your own web site.
Michael Liimatta:
711.NET [new 2/97]
711's purpose to provide a "central" location that users and visitors alike can quickly and dependably find comprehensive, properly organized and indexed sources of organizations, ministries, associations, products and services within the Christian community. Described as Christian white and yellow pages and web directory. Entries include Name, Address, Phone, and a brief descriptive digest. An alphabetical index, and search utility are made available.
THE 700 CLUB [new 4/96]
There is much information provided by this large multi-faceted evangelical ministry from Virginia Beach. The main page is divided into a number of sections: 700 Club (find connect information, broadcasting schedules, a viewer guide, and support information), 700 Club Support, Ministry (Teaching On-Line includes CBN Teaching Sheets that cover a broad area of practical ministry topics, Scripture References are provided for counsellors, and a conference and event calander), WorldReach provides information about CBN's commitment around the world: Asia, The Commonwealth of Independent States and Central Asia Republics, North, Central and South America, The Arab World, and Africa. Newswatch Today TV transcripts (described in the newsletters/ journals section of this guide) cover a broad range of international happenings of interest to Christians, Fact Sheets (available by registering on-line), The Network (information about CNB, including Press Releases, Letters to Partners, and The History of CBN). Scott Ross has an interesting article available entitled Snapshots of India, and there are individual pages for Pat Robertson, Ben Kinchlow, Terry Meeuwsen, and Michael Little. Find also links to Friends and Neighbors: The Association for International Mission Services (AIMS), The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), Asia Pacific Media Corporation (APMC), The Christian Coalition, The Family Channel, Operation Blessing International (OB), Regent University, and Virtex Corp.
Scripture Gift Missions (SGM International) is an international Christian literature ministry involved in Africa, the British Isles, East and South Asia, Europe, North and Latin America, the Middle East, the South Pacific, and the West Indies. The ministry has been involved in over one hundred years of work, 800 languages and has produced nearly one billion pieces of Scripture. The work is a testimony to the Lord who is the one who has enabled all this to be achieved. More importantly He is the one who takes what is basically black ink on white paper and transforms lives with it! This site includes a very interesting historical outline of SGM International. Sample publications are provided on site: You Matter (English), The Alternative Series (Polish), The Holy Spirit -- God in Us (Shona language, Zimbabwe), and The Progress Series (Misima language, Papua New Guinea). Also included are letters from around the world, a fascinating set of distribution statistics for 1995, and a directory of SGM offices around the world, many with e-mail links. Recommended.
The Foundation is to be a store-house of professional expertise, experience and finance available to serve Israel and to bless God's covenant people in the future. The Foundation is used to: assist in the job-creation process in Israel. This will be done by the offering of professional advice and international support; provide training in marketing, business accounts, administration, personnel management and other skills; facilitate import/export activities by means of match-making advice; arrange seminars and conferences with a view to expanding trade with and through Israel; encourage assistance to the world´s poor and needy in accordance with Isaiah 58:6-14 and in the knowledge that Israel should become a blessing for them as a first-fruit of the times to come, when Israel will be a blessing in the midst of the whole earth (see Hag. 2:6 and 7); co-operate with others to bring about these purposes.
ICCC Main Page:
A Christian cybermall, offering over 90,000 products through our various stores and include bibles, books, childrens materials, etc. Check out the books section in particular. There is an extraordinary cache of books for sale, covering a large range of categories of interest to Christians.
SHARON'S PLACE [new 2/97]
Sharon's Place is developed by a computer programmer who has conjoined her ability to work with computers with her Christian walk. Personal testimony is provided on site. Questions raised and addressed include, "Why Become a Christian", and "How to Be Born Again". A Christian Links section includes links to Christian internet search utilities, web sites, resource directories, gallaries, notice boards, Calvary Chapel, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Channels, and personal home pages. Sharon's Place is a friendly and informative checkpoint on the Christian internet roadmap. Be sure you stop by and say hi.
Bible Issues & Resources:
"The cries of the Martyred have been muffled. The silence must be shattred." Christians around the world are suffering. The growing persecution of Christians is largely unknown or unheeded, the voice of the suffering followers of Christ rarely heard. The goal of the 1997 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is to shatter the silence and end apathy -- in the church and in the world. The organization aims are to raise awareness of the abuse of human rights and persecution, provide compelling educational materials, and issue a call for prayer and compassionate action to the church universal. -- Adapted from the International Day of Prayer Home Page. A directory of organizations concerned with persecution, secular and Christian, includes available contact information. The site is organized into the following basic sections: Who We Are; What You Can Do; and, What You Should Know. Graphics must be turned on to navigate this site.
Directory of Organizations:
Purposes is to reach international students who are in the US while they are open-minded and curious about all things American. This organization has led people from several countries to Christ, and hopes to disciple them as missionaries to their people. As they know the culture, the language, and have contacts, who better? There are strong admonitions in Scripture to love the stranger and alien in our land, something we Americans are failing at. Remember, we are all immigrants here and all are here by God's blessing. There are sample trax on line, including: When I Was A god, The Approaching Apocalypse, Check Out Time! Ordering information is available, and the nominal costs that are associated are used to continue the ministry.
One way for Christians to make our voices heard on the issues surrounding abortion is to register your vote at CNN's ALL POLITICS web site. The current poll focuses on late term abortion. CNN also has introduced informal polls for other very important issues that are of concern to Christians, such as the renewal of Most Favored Nation status to the People's Republic of China. The network promises confidentiality.