To be detailed soon.
In the early 1970s, a group of Jews for Jesus began singing on street corners in and around San Francisco. They didn't win world-wide acclaim, but some people did stop and listen, people who were surprised to hear Jewish melodies with lyrics about Jesus. At the same time, the group brought a little bit of Jewishness to the church as they were invited here and there by Christians to share their unique music. This group of singing street missionaries was the original Liberated Wailing Wall. Available is a brief history of this now well-known group, sound clips from their music, and their itenary. Recommended.
Jews for Jesus: http://www.jews-for-jesus.org/
Home of Original Work in Religious / Theological Scholarship. This site, developed by Ron Critchfield, includes three major sections of articles: Papers in Religious / Theological Scholarship and Theological Librarianship; Bibliographies, Guides, and Other Tools Related to Religious and Theological Scholarship; and, Organized and Annotated Links to WWW Sites of World Religions and Religious Practices.
A Christian based pro-life ministry. It began by a vision from the Lord to reach out to women found in crisis pregnancies. Life Centre will encourage life and provide for the physical needs of the pregnant woman as well as teach on chastity and counsel for those suffering from post-abortion trauma. Included on line are an introduction, a statement of faith, and Life Centre Newsletter, reviewed in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide.
Founded in 1967 by Ken Wendling, LIFE Ministries has been exclusively focused on church planting and leadership training in Japan for over 25 years. LIFE Ministries exists to strengthen and start Japanese churches. LIFE provides short-term and long-term opportunities to the Christian community. There is detailed information about LIFE's ministry and scope provided at this site. E-mail contacts to LIFE personnel can be made here as well. Find are links to LIFE's detailed ministry opportunites co-operated with Student Mission Advance, from Ontario, Canada, church planting information from their Yamagata, Japan site, and a link to the Japan Information Network.
The Life of Christ in Stained Glass has been developed, from photograph, to digitalization, to the final beautiful web page, by Alber Collver III. A total of ten photographs were taken at Luther Memorial Chapel, Shorwood, WI. The web page presentations, covering events from the Annunciation of Christ to His Resurrection from the Dead, are very nicely framed, accompanied by Scripture verses. Four stars for this memorable presentation!
Collver Home Page: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Collver_Home_Page/
One of the distinct priviledges in providing our Christian guides has been meeting people who put their mind, heart and soul into ministry. Lifetime Ministries is thoroughly based on these principles, and we highly recommend excursions to their web site on a regular basis! The ministry centers around an excellent Christian talk radio program. Visitors wishing to listen to the webcasts will need a 486 PC or Mac Power PC. Lifetime provides a link to download RealAudio software. The web site provides a very well presented monthly web calander from which users can download sound files of the series we may be interested in. Each Monday, Steve Gregg from the Great Commission School hosts Bible Answers. Lifetime Ministries founders, Ron and Barbara Reed, host Open Line on Thursday., and on Wednesday, Matt Slick from the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry hosts Church Doctrine. Dr. H. Wayne House from the Michigan Theological Seminary hosts Church History on Thursday. Ron closes the week with Authors and Books commentary. At the time of our survey we also find a three-part debate between Steve and Matt on Calvinism vs. Arminianism, that should keep us all glued to your chairs, if not calling for the lions! In addition to the radio program Lifetime is an intercessory ministry and visitors are welcomed to write using the Intercessor prayer address from the main web page. Lifetime Ministries is underpinned by a caring approach to people. Very highly recommended.
Low Graphics Index: http://www.lifetimeministries.com/indexlow.html
LifeWEB's perspective on life is very positive... so you will find this page a helpful resource for organizations, information and people that defend the sanctity of human life (the real heroes of our age), as well as those who are selective in whom they believe should be protected! Surf a little and you will find yourself being educated on the needs out there, the opposition to life and what is being done to educate society...as well as challenge you to get involved! LifeWEB is brought to you by Kelowna Right to Life. Among the wide variety of information offered is Urgent Alerts, an Euthanasia Roundtable, Information for Activists, Ressisting the Culture of Death, Pro-life Resources, Beijing, Habitat II, a Dedication, Planned Parenthood, Online News Sources, health Resources, Adoption and Family Resources, Dark Side of the We, Helpful Newsgroups, Holocost Resources, and They Said It!
A ministry purposed to research and to report upon the beliefs and practices of Witness Lee and "The Local Church" movement. Sections at this site include information on Light of Truth Ministries and founder Jim Moran. The site contains a formidable collection of information under the major heading, Witness Lee and the Local Church. This section includes: a collection of files collected from the Local Church FTP site; a list of connections to known Local Church Websites; an annotated document on Local Church Worship Services, with examples; an extensive Local Church Bibliography; a Local Church Referral Service and the Local Church File Cabinet, which contains supporting documents such as: A Moment of Opportunity. An Interview with Paul Carden, the Christian Research Institute; Character Traits of Aberrational Cultic Religious Groups, by Jim Moran; Cult Research Recommended Reading Material, by Jim Moran; Cults and the Trinity, by Dr. Kenneth Johnson; Directory of Cult Research Ministries You Should Know, by Jim Moran; Expert Testimony in Defense of The Local Church and other Groups, by Jim Moran; Fantasies, Legends, and Heroes. What You Know May Not Be So..., by Bob Passantino; Is Your Church Free From Cultic Tendencies?, by Charles Lesser; The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways, by Rachel Alterman; Watching Out for Watchman Nee, by G. Richard Fisher (Personal Freedom Outreach); and, The Watchman Expositor: What Is Mind Control?, by Craig Branch (Watchman Fellowship). The Dialog Center is a moderated list of contributions in Local Church Debates. There is also a Special Announcements section. Recommended.
The best in Christian audio programming, including teaching, live events, concerts, radio stations, CD jukebox, television programs, more.
LightSource Online: http://www.lightsource.net/
LightSource Online is a major cooperative ministry shared by Atlantic City Rescue Mission, Alliance Defence Fund, Buckner Baptist Benevolence, Compass Direct, Concerned Women for America, ICMC, Insight for Living, Love Worth Finding (Dr. Adrian Rogers), Open Doors With Brother Andrew, Prison Fellowship Radio, SIM, Trans World Radio, Union Gospel Mission, and World Vision. This site features a number of "departments;" shared by these and other participating ministries who have devoted articles to them. Articles are also indexed by contributing organization. LightSource Online has quite aptly applied innovation that makes for an exciting and most informative presentation. When visitors finally pull themselves away from this site it will not be done without an ample supply of super information. The Network's work will undoubtedly lead the way in which information is organized on the Christian web. Departments include: Christian Connections, International News, Christian Internet Radio (some real classics here), God at Work, www.breakpoint with Charles Colson, The Journal, Kids' Corner, Front Lines, Christian Mystery Theatre, The Political Pulse, Today in the World, Religious Liberty, Adrian Rogers Talks About..., Time to Get Serious, Post Cards, News, Leaders, and Good Stuff. A most orderly site which has awards to its credit. We give LightSource Online our unofficial award of excellence too.
A reference site developed by Jonathan Robie, webmaster and archivist of the Biblical Greek Studies Conference (B-GREEK). Information available from the Little Greek Home Page reflect the views of Jonathan Robie and is not intended to reflect the views of the B-GREEK Conference. Still, the visitor will find a lot of good useful information on this page. Contents of the site includes sections: What is a little Greek?; Introductory texts; Tips for reading the New Testament; Getting a Greek New Testament - even a free one!; Greek dictionaries - including free lookups on the web!; Greek grammars; and, Cheating - don't tell them you learned this from me!
Little Spark ministry has high school, college, career, and lay ministries in various parts of the United States, while continuing to support missionaries and national workers in foreign countries, such as Albania, Russia, Indonesia, Korea, and Chile. God has blessed this ministry abundantly through the conversion of many souls, and the commitment of many lives for the Lord's work. -- God's Marvelous Creation: A Brief History of Little Spark. Information includes a History of Little Spark Mission, its Ministry Areas, Confession of Faith, Philosophy and Purpose. Main Sections provide access to Little Spark News, Events, a link to Korea Campus Crusade for Christ's JAMA Project (Jesus Awakening Movement in America), Little Spark Magazine, Events, Pictures, and Insight Newsletter. Little Spark Mission also includes a good list of Christians on the Net Resources, including Search, Daily Devotionals, Bible, Organizations, Christian Music, General Christian Resources, Church, and special sections for Korean and Chinese Christian resources. Recommended.
Brief History: http://www.csulb.edu/~spark/history.html
Books, Tracts, Tapes and Videos by Ray Comfort. Featured are works such as The Secrets of Nostradomos Exposed, Hell's Best Kept Secrets, and Excellence in Evangelism. Major sections at this site include Books, Tracts, Small Tracts, Videos & Cassettes, and Miscellaneous, all material available for sale and orderable from the web site. As an example of what's available, the book section includes the above titles, and the following: Comfort of the Feebleminded; God Doesn't Believe in Aethists; My Friends Are Dying; The Mystery; Russia Will Attack Israel; Springboards to Powerful Preaching; The Devil's Nightmare; Everyday Evangelism; and, Study of the Ten Commandments.
The Home of the New American Standard Bible -- The Standard of Biblical Excellence. The Lockman Foundation web site provides detailed information on its product lines, centering around the New American Standard Bible, the Amplified Bible, and La Biblia de Law Américas (LBLA - Spanish NASB). The Foundation provides details in its Catalog of Available Translations as well as detailed information on BibleMaster and other software, audio cassettes, and braille. FAQs and News Releasesare provided on line as well. A seachable database of the NASB has been made available on line by the Lockman Foundation site, in browse and seach format.
Updated NASB: http://www.gospelcom.net/bible?language=English&version=NASB
We were very pleased to visit this site because it has been established by an old friend to NJB, Barbara Haas, with the help of Mike McCormick. What we found was a friendly, innovative and personal approach to pressing needs using the technology. The LCFN Chapel home page is a menu of places. Those who have a need can ask for prayer, and those who wish to help can join in prayer. There is provided a place to praise God too. If you have been been a subscriber to The Times Square Church Pulpit sermon series by David Wilkerson, then check out the Bible Study questions section which is geared to recent TSPS sermons. If you've got kids, check out Teen's Chapel and Children's Chapel.
Una misi@oacute;Episcopal en Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Misió El propóde El Hogar es proveer un hogar y una educaciķen un ambiente cristiano para muchachos abandonados, huerfanos y sin esperanza, permitiendoles realizarse y desarrollarse como personas productivas en Honduras. P@aacute; Prinipal; El proyecto; Historias de é; Apoyanos; Contactanos.
A Christ-centered, Bible based, interdenominational, and evangelical ministry. Love Lines prayer counselors are Christians from a wide range of backgrounds and ages, united by a desire to help others. The crisis telephones are answered by caring, concerned counselors who listen to the problems of a hurting and needy community, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Online counselling documents include sections on abuse, bitterness & resentment, compulsiveness, depression & discouragement, divorce, child abuse, finances, and forgiveness. An updates section includes features on children, end times, prophecy in the news, and stress. An IRC channel will be available in the near future as well.
Love Worth Finding's Interactive Gospel. Features scriptures, testimonies, a forum for prayer requests. Includes: Adrian Rogers' broadcast schedule, sample broadcasts, a catalog of hundreds of products, more.
A Destinctively Reformed Ministry. The Loveland Protestant Reformed Church presents thorough doctrinal and background information on the Protestant Reformed Church. Provided are articles such as TULIP or, The Five Points of Calvinism, by Rev. Barry Gritters. Introducing the Protestant Reformed Churches of America closely examines doctrinal points defended by the Protestant Reformed Church in America. Provided with their List of Protestant Reformed Schools (giving contact information for these schools) the reader is provided with the following documents: A Covenant School, by Prof. David Engelsma; Goals of Protestant Reformed Education, by Fred Hanko Sr.; and, Scriptures in the Schools, by Prof. David Engelsma. Online literature includes full hypertext versions of The Belgic Confession, The Heidelberg Catechism, and The Canons of Dordt, as well as Rev. Herman Hanko's A Comparison of the Westminster and the Reformed Catechisms. Also provided are on-line documentation and/ or information to obtain hard copy of Sermons, Articles and Pamphlets, Books, Magazines and Bulletins. Information about acquiring audio tapes is also made available. Sermons presently on line include: God's Lovingkindness Better Than Life (Psalm 63:3), by Rev. Herman Hoeksema; God's Absolute Sovereignty in Predestination (Romans 9:19-21), by Rev. Herman Hoeksema; and, Free Will--A Slave by C. H. Spurgeon. Additional articles currently available include: Common Bounty or Common Grace? a book review, by Prof. David Engelsma; Promise Keepers: What Should Be Our Response?, by Rev. Ronald Cammenga; The Three Points of Common Grace; and, A Brief Answer to Common Grace. There are a number of pamphlets that have also been put on line, and the web service for Protestant Reformed Theological School is hosted at this site. Loveland hosts an exceptional collection of documentation representing the Protestant Reformed Church in America.
1996 marks the 450th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther's death. The web site bears information on Dr. Martin Luther, Luther towns (map), a calendar of events, and related exhibitions.
Deutsche: http://www.dhh-3.de/luther.html
LBT uses Bible translation and literacy work as it ministry. They work with Christians internationally to translate the Bible, promote literacy training, the use of the Scriptures, and help train national Christians in communicating the Gospel message. They also purpose to promote missions in the Lutheran Church.
A non-profit organization devoted to providing braille and large-print Bibles and Christian reading materials to the blind and visually impaired of the world. These materials are sent free of charge to over 125 countries, and published in forty languages. This is made possible through generous free-will offerings and the aid of over 7,000 volunteers. Information includes Scripture Light 2000, History of Lutheran Braille Workers, Inc., The Publishing Process; Needs and Goals; information on giving; order information; and, Other Sites of Interest. Recommended.
Simplified Web Page: http://users.aol.com/LBWBraille/lbwtext.htm
LCMS provides information about LCMS Mission Outreach, including LCMS World Missions and Speed the Need. Ministies includes LCMS Congregations, LCMS Elementary and Pre-schools, and Lutheran High Schools, the Concordia University System, and Lutheran Hour Ministries (sermons & daily devotions available). Human Care includes the home page for LCMS World Relief (under construction). Information is provided about Ministry Resources, and Member Services. The News, Information and Archives Section includes current and archived issues of LCMS News as well as Press Releases from the latest (1995) synodal Convention. Also, information is provided on Project Wittenberg, the Concordia Historical Institute. Links are provided to other Lutheran organizations as well.
Bringing Christ to the Nations and the Nations to the Church. Lutheran Hour Ministries is a global effort to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Information on site includes Country Facts, The 1040 Window, World Outreach Update (described in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide), Volunteer Opportunities, Ministry Resources, Outreach Support, and Special Events. Lutheran Hours Ministries (USA) is described in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide.