The InterVarsity Press includes book reviews, sample chapters, online search and order capability. Regular IV Press features include articles on preaching (Online Pulpit), apologetics (Mars Hill Forum), Bible studies (Small Group Doctor), and a more casual approach entitled Porch Enlightenment: Casual Comments on Culture. Daily Bible studies are also available. Additionally Special Resources counterparts are being developed for students, professors, pastors, international focus, and for small groups.
A place for Christians to learn how to read and write Hebrew, Intimate Awe provides a unique Hebrew language course offering. Other material that is focused on a Hebraic perspective with a no-nonsense approach to Christianity, is offered, for example one can order audio tapes from the online location. Books and articles are due to be added too.
If you can't get one of the following broadcasts on your radio, or if you have missed your favorite broadcast today, ICRN has a solution. Now today's broadcasts are being made available at the ICRN web site. Sponsored by National Religious Broadcasters, the following programs for the day are being made available through ICRN: Beverly La Haye Live; BreakPoint With Chuck Colson; Insight for Living with Chuck Swindoll; Josh McDowell Radio; and, Word Power. More programs are scheduled for the future, including the Christian Research Institute's Bible Answer Man. Archives of past broadcasts are available, and connections to the ministries home pages. ICRN also provides a connection for users to download the RealAudio software necessary to use these excellent services. Highly recommended.
ICI ministers to the approximately 7 million Iranians and Afghans living outside their countries today. ICI works closely with many mission organizations, university outreach ministries and churches. The ICI ministry issustained through the prayers, contributions and commitment of those who share this vision. Provided on site is Mojdeh (The Good News), a listing of ICI literature resources, a report summary for the current year and announcementsof upcoming ICI conferences. There is a listing of Iranian Christian Churches. A study of Iran and the Bible is also provided. ICI also provides Iranian Christian News and Reports.
Irving Hexham is Professor on the Nature of Religion at the Department of Religious Studies, University of Calgary, Canada. The information provided at this site includes documentation and selected links that result from his work. One will find excerpts from New Religions as Global Culture: The Sacralization of the Human, by Irving Hexham and Karla Poewe. A section is devoted to Historic Religious Traditions, including a page of sources related to Evangelical Christianity. Professor. Hexham also provides his extensive bibliography: Cults, Sects and New Religions Bibliography, compiled by Irving Hexham. An African Religions page will provide access to text such as Isaiah Shembe and the Amanazarites. The information provided at this site is intended for serious study of religious traditions and the reader using the external links must keep this in mind. Professor Hexham provides invaluable information for the study of cults, sects, new religions, and careful analysis in an area of research where careful study is crucial. His writing is compelling, actively involving our consideration of the complex relationship between religion and culture this day. For those readers who are trying to find information on Heavensgate, one will find that Professor Hexham "e;has done his homework". Recommended.
A Christian Response to Islam. The Muslim project is a part of Reformed Internet Ministries, an evangelical Reformed ministry dedicated to using the Internet in "Bringing the Word to the World." Their goal is, in all things, to be devoted to serving Almighty God by seeking and knowing His Holy Truth. They believe that eternity lies ahead of all of us, and that God, who isperfectly Holy and Just, will judge each and every one of us according to His righteous standard. We will be judged according to our responses to the law and commands of Holy God. Thus their goal and desire is to seriously, openly, and objectively seek truth in all things. A section including Topic on Islam includes the following articles at the time of our survey: Sufism: The Mystical Side of Islam; Islam United? A Comparison of Shi`ite and Sunni Islam; Hadith and Authenticity: A Survey of Perspectives; Islam and Orthodoxy - Part I - A Critique of Muslim Apologetics; Islam and Orthodoxy - Part II - Comments onCommentators; Islam and Orthodoxy - Part III - Text Unchanged, Texts Unchanging?; Problems in the Quran?; What does the Bible say about Muhammad?; Unorthodox Islam? A Review of the Nation of Islam; and, A Christian Response to the Creed of Islam. Another section, Topics on Christianity, includes the following articles: Was the New Testament Influenced By Pagan Philosophy?; Was the New Testament Influenced By Pagan Religions?; Are the New Testament Gospels Corrupted? A Critique of the Jesus Seminar; The Case Against Christianity: A Summary Critique; and, Christianity Compared to Islam and Other Religions. The ministry is open to discourse, providing a Questions, Comments, and Dialogue section. Their Bible and Bible Resources provides handy links to an on line Bible, Sermons (at the moment, Regenerated by the Spirit of God), and to Professor Plantinga's e-library at Wheaton. More links are provided relating to apologetics, testimony from Islamic countries, and today's milieu. Highly recommended.
JAF MINISTRIES [new 12/96]
Formerly Joni and Friends, JAF Ministries is the Disability Outreach of Joni Eareckson Tada. JAF Ministries is dedicated to accelerating Christian ministry in the disability community by advocating a biblical response toward disabilities, both visible and invisible, by providing opportunities for disability awareness, by educating the church community in practical ways of serving disabled persons, and by assisting persons with disabilities in their progress toward independence and fulfillment. This very well organized site provides major sections About JAF (including a Newsletter, Prayer Letters, the AnnualReport, JAF's Statement of Faith, a biography about Joni Eareckson Tada, and the ministry's purpose statement), Listings of Printed Mataerials available from JAF Ministries (including cassettes, videos, disability awareness information, books, and children's material), and Outreach Programs (including Wheels of the World, Family Retreats, City Ministries, ministries in the United Kingdom, and the Radio Ministry. Recommended.
The basis of the Society shall be the Protestant, Reformed, Christian religion as contained in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Form of Presbyterial Church Government. The aim of the Society shall be to advance the Christian religion through publishing, and ... to promote the Reformed understanding of the Scriptures, regarding doctrine, worship and practice and to encourage unity in doctrine, worship and practice amongst Reformed Christians. -- Adapted from information on the main page. More information about the formation and position of the James Begg Society, and News from the John Begg Society are provided from the main page. Its Catalogue and Price List include books and tapes by Dr. John Kennedy, Dr. Horatus Bonar, Rev. Alexander Blaikie, and Rev. Angus Smith as well as subscription information for the Presbyterian Standard (which is surveyed in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide). The Society devotes a section of its on line information to the Westminster Standards: The Larger Catechism; The Form of Presbyterian Church Government; The Directory for Public Worship of God; Other Westminster Related Documents (The Directory for Family - Worship; The Sum of Saving Knowledge; The Practical Use of Saving Knowledge; Warrents to Believe; The Evidences of True Faith), and Scripture and Word and Phrase indexes to the Westminster Standards.
Provided on site is contact information, a newsletter archive, information about the JIFH involvement with other organizations. Files are available presented in the Japanese language.
Maintained by Greg Fletcher, this site also represents as the Pioneers Japan Team. Pioneers is a non-denominational mission agency that is intent on reaching the unreached with the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. The ministry is dedicated to church-planting ministry among Unreached People Groups. Pioneers also works through innovative strategies, often using non-traditional methods to achieve the stated goal of a church for every people group by the year 2000 A.D. Pioneers now has well over 500 missionaries laboring in areas throughout the world. Information on Greg's site is available in English, but if you have the appropriate font, it may also be read in Japanese script. The Contact Japan Project provides information about teams in Japan, including CB International, The Evangelical Covenant Church (Japan), Japan Mission, Mission to Unreached Peoples, Pioneers, The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM).
THE JAPANNET [new 11/96]
Sponsored by the International Student Resources Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, JapanNet is devoted to helping people involved in minstry to Japanese who are temporarily living in North America. JapanNet provides its resources in the Japanese language. The ministry also coordinate follow-up ministry when they return to Japan. The ministry serves as a clearing house for information in ministry to Japanese for materials and helps that would otherwise be difficult to find. An archive of the ministry's quarterly training newsletter, The Rising Son, has been made available on line and described elsewhere in this guide. Files that have been published on line include: Ways to be Involved with Internationals; Steps to Effective Ministry to Internationals, Videos in Japanese (made available on loan), Materials in Japanese (pre-evangelism through follow-up), Helping in Following Up Japanese Friends Returning to Japan, and CCC's The Four Spiritual Laws (both in Japanese and other languages). Online aids include a search utility and a site contents page. Highly recommended.
Site Contents:
An outreach ministry to Jehovah's Witnesses.
This is the most intense and orderly collection of data and connections for JW apologetics on the networks. Basic sections include Table of Contents, InternetLinks, Non-Internet Resources, and, Notification of New Resources. Updated regularly.
Alternate site:
JERICHO ROAD [new 4/96]
A non-profit Christian organization based in Memphis, Tennessee, whose purpose is to provide a centralized, ecumenical, global repository of ministry and non-profit information. A tool that people can use within their communities to help locate resources that are available. All of are services are provided free to ministries, agencies, etc.
Ministries of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Giving Every Person on Earth That One Chance to See Jesus. Learn how to promote the project in your part of the world. From crowded Chinese cities to remote Arabian villages, JESUS videos have captivated home audiences. Your gift will help take the Gospel into some of the most difficult, unreached countries of the world.
The Jesus Video Project:
JEWS FOR JESUS [new 5/96]
There is much information included at the Jews for Jesus site, including a directory of web sites around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine, and the UK. Lots of documents on witnessing, and apologetical materials are included. Jews for Jesus makes available a number of periodicals , including Issues: A Messianic Jewish Perspective; The Mishpochah Message Online; Jews for Jesus Newsletter (parts also available in a Spanish); and, Rich Robinson's Messianic Review of Books. If you are a Liberated Wailing Wall fan, check out the short history, or review their music and concert schedule. Also available are audio clips.
A national not-for-profit which founded by Jill Bryan. Jill portrays a little girl character called "Jillybean" and uses her to teach the young and young-at-heart around the country about the Gospel message. She uses puppets, ventriloquism, gospel illusions, songs and humor to portray spiritual truths in a fun non threatening way that reaches all ages. The mission of Jillybean Enterprises is two fold. First, Jillybean Enterprises exists to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a fun and loving way that all ages can enjoy and understand. Secondly, Jillybean Enterprises exists to raise awareness of and support for Pro-Life organizations such as Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Open Arms, Bethany Christian Services, and Media Associates Resource Coalition (M.A.R.C.) just to name a few. Web visitors are provided with order information on Jillybean videos (Bible Baby, Godıs Love Is Timeless, and Bean There, Done That) as well as audio cassettes (Jillybean & Friends, Jillybean & Alli Gator, Jillybean in Concert series, Jillybean Salutes America, and A Jillybean Christmas) from the web site. Additional information includes a statement of faith, and contact and support information.
JMS Missions Centre, is a complex situated in the northern Black Forest of Germany. The centre comprises a Conference and Seminar centre, a Missions and Training Centre, a large local church, a professional recording studio and a television studio. The Centre also works with and/or houses the ministries of Kings Kids Altensteig and Youth with a Mission. On site you will find information about the Conference and Seminar Centre, the Missions and Training Centre (including local, European, and international fields of involvement), the Church Ministry (which includes Church Ministry), Youth Services, Scouting, and Church for the Unchurched), information relating to Kontaktpunkt (JMC's Point of Contact television programme), and so forth. There is also a Jobs and "Year of Service" Opportunities page. European projects include Family Ministry, Worship Seminars, Prayer, and Jewish Ministry. International projects include Christ in Asia, Kuikuiruca, Business in Missions (AEC), and Youth in Amsterdam.
For Biblical Preaching and Scholarship. John R.W. Stott is one of todays most respected preachers, indeed well know for Biblical scholarship. The John Stott Ministries web site includes information about a New Mission -- Christians in the Third World. The project is aimed at providing evangelical literature and establishing a Third World Scholarship Program. The ministry's Book section contains files that provide detailed bibliographic and order information for this prodigious writer. Stott by Topic is another closely related section that provides a topical arrangement of excerpts from various works by John R.W. Stott. A Devotionals section provides subscription information and links to web site archives for sample copies of three devotionals, including Today's Thoughts; The John Stott Devotional; and John Stott's Daily Bible Study, all reviewed in the Mail-Based Services and Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide. For more information about John Stott, an online biography is being prepared. Sermon Articals available at the time of our survey include: How to Become a Christian; Keeping the Right Company; Balanced, Biblical Christianity; and an interview, Today's Church. Additional sections include: Publishers, Travel Schedule, Audio Tapes and Real Audio (forthcoming at the time of our survey); and, an album of Snapshots. Highly Recommended.
The purposes of the John Templeton Foundation are to create and fund projects forging stronger relationships and insights linking the sciences and all religions, apply scientific methodology to the study of religious and spiritual subjects, support progress in religion by increasing the body of spiritual information through scientific research, encourage a greater appreciation of the importance of the free enterprise system and the values that support it, and promote character and value development in educational institutions. In addition to descriptive information about the John Templeton Foundation, there is information about the organization's Grantmaking Programs: a List of Recent Grants and Select Operating Programs, the latter including the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, the Science and Religion Course Program and Awards Competition, Exemplary Papers in Humiliation Theology Awards Competition, and Outstanding Books in Theology and the Natural Sciences. A Catalog of Publications is also represented on site.
Site Index:
Available by link from the Related Web Sites section of Jim Ellis' Sovereign Grace Theology Page.
Destroying the Walls that Prevent Joy. Dedicated to helping people overcome times of trouble and heartache, and is committed to giving them instruction as to how to be truly happy in their lives as Christians. The Apostle Paul wrote; "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!" At the age of four, Joshua Goodling (founder) was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and was given only one week to live! His challenging life story and determination to continue on has been an encouragement and blessing to thousands in the United States and around the world. When he speaks on the subjects of overcoming difficulties, and experiencing true joy, he speaks from experience and from the heart. His messages, seminars, and publications are sure to challenge and change your life. On line are documents about Joshua Ministries, Have a Fantastic Day!, and One Week to Live.
JOY JUNCTION, INC. [new 3/96]
Albuquerque's only Emergency Homelss Shelter for women and families. Please check out order info for Jeremy Reynald's book, Homeless in America: The Solution.
Homeless in America:
JOY PUBLISHING [new 12/96]
Christian Book Publishers. Listed on site are detailed descriptions of the books available from Joy Publishing: The Search For Messiah; Married -- To My Husband; Uncommon Wisdom; Don't Be Denied God's Power; I Don't Remember Signing Up For Cancer; Countdown to Eternity; Experiencing Oneness; What to Say When They Say, "I'm Jewish"; The PMS Puzzle: Letting God Put the Pieces inTheir Place; Achieving God's Design for Marriage; Our Family Babysitting Guide; Apologetics Library; Forbidden Knowledge Or Is It...; Prayer: A Taste of Glory; No Flowers for Their Graves; The Christian Writers' Market Guide; A Business Guide to Copyright Law: What You Don't Know Can Co$t You; So You've Been Asked To Pray; Write His Answer; Secrets of Life Every Teen Needs To Know; Love (and Baby Powder) Covers All; The "100 Plus" Series; and, 100 Plus Motivational Moments for Writers and Speakers. Also provided is a link to Joy Publishing's "Christian On-line Community", a listing of network resources and links, and "Christian Publisher's Guide".
JPUSA (JESUS PEOPLE USA) [revised 12/96]
"JP USA has always been a place of refuge for: young, wounded individuals in search of a living, healing relationship with Christ and other Christians; believers looking for a fuller expression of discipleship; drug users and alcoholics trying to break away from old habits and haunts; men and women who met Christ in jail, have been released, and need a place to help them stay right with God; the unwed mother who needs friends and role models; those struggling with homosexuality who need fellow believers' support; young teens whose parents need assistance in providing a nurturing yet structured home atmosphere ... Whether you need a place to pull things together, or feel called to help those who do, JPUSA offers a shelter from the storm. The outline of information provided on site includes: Shelter for homless women and children, Lower income housing for poorer families, and for low-income elderly through JPUSA's Cornerstone Community Outreach (CCO). Also, there is an Uptown Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC), Youth Group Urban Experience, and the JP USA Dinner Program which provides food for people in need. Find information on Cornerstone, JP USA's apologetic magazine, including on-line connections with Cornerstone's staff members.The REZ (Resurrection) Band, the Grace and Glory Covenant Choir, and The Crossing (celtic music) are all part of JP USA's music ministry, and thoroughly represented on line. Having followed the standard recorded in Acts 3:6-7, JPUSA has grown from the a small band of Jesus Freaks to a full fledged ministry.
REZ Band:
Grace & Glory:
The Crossing:
JUKI provides an impressive, authorative, collection of Indonesian Christian information making it the leader in its field. As an example, included in Halaman Indonesia, find links to organizations: ParokiNet, Fellowship of Indonesian Christians in America, Indonesian Christian information from Japan, Indonesian Full Gospel Fellowship in America, Lembaga Kerja Sama Masyarakat Kristiani Indonesia (Los Angeles), Christian Student Fellowship (Delft), Keluarga Mahasiswa Katholik Indonesia (Jerman), Indonesian Katholik Group (USA/Canada), and the Indonesian Christian Fellowship (Columbus). The Lembaga Pendidikan section includes the Indonesian School of World Mission, and other Christian Universities in Indonesia. Of special note Bacaan section includes links to a bilingual Bible/Alkitab in both Perjanjian Lama and Perjanjian Baru (Old and New Testaments), Renungan Haram/ Our Daily Bread, Artikel-Artikel Fica-Net, and the ICF Madison Article Collection. Additional sections include Halaman Gereja, Halaman Universal, and Lain-lain.
JUST FOR WOMEN [new 10/96]
Just for Women is an internet ministry established by Dianne Dunbar. The ministry exists because you are so special. Just for Women is committed to help meet the spiritual needs of Christian women. You will laugh together, cry together, read, study and learn together, cook together, work together, love your husbands, and raise your children together. Documents that are provided on line help evaluate and define the reader's beliefs, and encourage accountability. The studies include Bible references. Documents include: Joy; Who am I in God?; Be Watchful; Ignorance is Deadly; Wake Up, Wake Up; Ark; Blessings; Chosen; Devils/ Demons; and, Yoke. Recommended.