Inglesia Episcopal Reformada, San Pablo / Reformed Episcopal Church, San Pablo. This site contains sections on the following: Nuevo relacionados con la Iglesia Episcopal Reformada / New Links of the Reformed Episcopal Church; De las semanas anteriores (including the Cambridge Declaration of Faith, a link to the Philadelphia Theological Seminary, the Reformed Episcopal Church Resolution on the Sanctity of Life, and a document on Evolution); La Inglesia Episcopal Reformada en Puerto Rico / The Reformed Episcopal Church in Puerto Rico (including declarations of principles (Declaracion de Principios), mission (Declaracion de Misionera), and the 39 Articles of Religion (Articulos de la Religion).
The Illustrated Word Christian Art Ministry. More than just art work--proven tools illustrating the power of God's Word, conveniently packaged, reasonably priced and easy to share with others. The ministry invites you to browse through their web gallery. We liked what we saw at this site.
Immanuel Baptist Church provides a document entitled Be Sure of Your Salvation, and a newsletter entitled The Wild Boar. Amongst their extensive compilation of internet resources are sections on the Southern Baptist Convention, Reformed Baptist Internet Resources, Internet Christian Literature, More Reformed Resources, E-Mail Lists, Creeds and Confessions, Online Christian Book Stores, and Christian Resources on the Internet. Recommended.
IN HIM [revised 11/96]
Developed by Daryl Martin at Arizona State University, this page of resources has gotten top ratings from Lynx of the Week. Call me sentimental, but anyone who includes ICLnet's on his award winning page has my vote! Included at Daryl's introduces his site with a Daily Bible Verse from the Prince of Preachers. He has also included files that highlight what it means to bring Christ into our lives. Writing includes, Seek Me First (author unknown); I am a Christian, by Daryl Martin; and, A Candy Maker's Witness (author unknown) and Blessings, by Daryl Martyn. Also highlighted are connections to Sponsoring a Child (Compassion International), and Ten Reasons to Believe in the Existence of God, a publication of Radio Bible Class. New to Daryl's site in our most recent survey is a section on Christian Research Material for Christian Scholars. The section provides connection to Luther, Augustine, and Spurgeon, and links to starting places for General Theological Research. As a member of the Metro Inner-City Ministry, Daryl has included more information about Metro Inner-City. Other connections provided include In Christ Ministries' Christian Pen Pal Group, Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, and more. The work done by Daryl Martin stands on its own merit as far as technical quality as evaluated by Lynx of the Week. It also rates very highly in our book.
IN TOUCH MINISTRIES [revised 3/97]
In Touch Ministries is the international Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley. In Touch Ministries reaches the entire world through print or broadcast media - including AM, FM, shortwave radio, television, books, tapes, and a monthly magazine (described in the Journals/ Newsletters section of this guide). Their mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church. ITM provides on-line selected articles from In Touch magazine. Their In Touch Resource Guide is a complete listing of books, booklets, audio and video presentations available for international distribution. The latest radio and TV logs are highlighted. If the reader checks out the Spiritual Journeys of Great Christians, in the Inside In Touch Ministries section, one finds short bios on Hudson Taylor, C.S. Lewis, Oswald Chambers, Amy Carmichael, and Jim Elliot. Bible Studies on line includes subjects like: Assurance of Salvation; Set Your Goals and Live by Faith; Experiencing Forgiveness; and, Becoming Emotionally Whole.
Spiritual Journeys of Great Christians: http://www.intouch.org/WEB/portraits/
Spanish Resources: http://www.intouch.org/WEB/international/EnContacto.html
Provided by the resource division of Faith Enterprises, Incorporated. IBNet is not a business, nor an effort to capitalize on the popularity of the Web. It is a "service ministry" to fellow independent Baptist ministries, both individual and institutional. IBNet provides "complimentary home page listings" and "complimentary links", free to qualifying ministries. The "complete web site listings" are offered on a suggested donation basis - no required fees. In essence, the IBNet is an internet directory of independent Baptist misistries. Their goal through this is to promote the cause of Christ in the context of their independent Baptist theology and heritage. Information is provided under the following categories: Baptist Interests (Biography, History, Internet Locations, Polity, Resources (those not on line); Churches (including Associations and Fellowships, Churches (both USA and otherwise), and Curriculum (for Church ministries); Communications (including e-mail directories at the ministry and membership level); Contemporary Issues (Church/Pastor, Education, Legal, and Theological issues); Dedicated Ministries (primarily focused to one interest or concern); Education (national, regional, and state); Itinerent Ministries (Bible Conference Speakers, Drama, Evangelists, Family Conference Speakers, Prophecy Conference Speakers, and Vacation Bible School); Missions (organizations and missionaries); News Notes; Placement Services; and, Professional Services (a place to advertise products and services).
Faith Enterprises: http://www.ibnet.org/faith/index.html
The IFCA believes that the body of Christ transcends all earthly denominations and organizations (Eph.1:22-23); Therefore, it is composed of all who have trusted Christ as Savior, regardless of organizational affiliation (1 Cor.12:13). The IFCA believes that all independent fundamental churches should strive to be loyal to Christ and His Word, rather than to any organization; and, they must seek to establish, preserve and expand local churches according to the New Testament pattern (Matt. 28:18,20; Acts 13:3-4). As such, the IFCA believes in the spiritual unity of all believers, and invites such churches, organizations and individuals to join with them to carry out these Scriptural goals for the glory of God. Provided at their site are files on what they believe, a brief report of their 1996 Convention, and a recent resolution against same ses marriages. The BIBLENET pages include numerous text files and sound files supported by TrueSpeech (the utility also downloadable from the site). A brief sampling of files available at the time of our survey includes: The Power in the Blood; The permanence of Marriage; The Musician Astronomer (Sir William herschel); and, Why Go to Church? IFCA also includes a directory of member church home pages, an e-mail address directory, information about chaplaincy connections, a section devoted to regional connections, and a section devoted to Missions and Organizations supported by IFCA.
The Institute is one of thirty-four state Family Policy Councils that work in a voluntary partnership with Focus on the Family, Family Research Council and each other. Information on line includes organizational documents: (a mission statement, a forthcoming statement of faith, a financial accountbility statement) and the Institute's Four Point Plan, which determines to Enhance Education, Promote Cooperation, Provide Consultation and Training, and to Encourage Mobilization. The Institute is developing a Fact Sheet archive. Available at the time of our survey is: Social Misfits? The Truth About Home Education and Socialization. Recommended.
Intended to create an information center in Japanese language on Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Society. To the author's knowledge, there has been no web site created on this religion in the Japanese language. He hopes that this page is friendly to everyone including current and former Witnesses and anyone who is interested in or concerned about this religion. The web site is written with Shift-JIS encoding system of Japanese. In order to read Japanese text, the reader needs a Japanese environment installed on their computer. Please use Netscape 2.0 or higher and select "Document Encoding:Japanese (ShiftJIS)" under Options menu. Microsoft Explorer 2.0 and higher can also read the Japanese text.
English language index: http://www.aracnet.com/~muramoto/home.html#engindex
Insight for Living is committed to excellence in communicating the truths of Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ in an accurate, clear, and practical manner so that people will come to an understanding of God's plan for their lives. Led by one of the most dynamic Christian speakers today, Insight for Living has gained wide-spread recognition for sound Bible teaching that has been support for millions. IFL provides information about its History and Culture, its boradcasts, believs and about Pastor Swindoll at its web site. Made available are station listings and broadcast information. New and Noteworthy information includes a brief review of happenings for the week (Insight This Week), and is the home of Insights Newsletter (described in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide.) If you would like to hear an internet audio version of the day's broadcast, a link is provided to the involved Christian Radio Network. The ministry also provides a FAQ page, and a section for Insight For Living Products and Merchandise. Graphics dependent. Recommended.
No Frames Version: http://www.insight.org/main_noframe.htm
Inspiration On-Line purposes to encourage a deeper relationship with God through an understanding of His word. This site contains mostly Bible study oriented material. The ministry also publishes a week day e-mail devotional, and a weekly Bible study delivered by e-mail also free of charge. (Both of these services are mentioned in the Mail-based Services section of this guide.) A section called, It's Greek to Me, reflects on the original languages and culture of the Bible. Branches Bible Study, the Home Bible Study Program of Evangel Tabernacle Assembly of God Church, Fresno, California, is being uploaded on site regularly. Evangel Tabernacle Assembly of God Church is represented at this site as Evangel Events On-Line. At the time of our survey a series entitled Profiles in Faith is being made available.
A collection of inspirational thoughts from various writers provided by Chet Samond. At the time of our survey writing includes: Comes the Dawn, by Veronica A. Shoffstall; A Creed, by Roy Campanella; A Letter from God (author unknown); A Letter to God (author unknown); Letting Go (author unknown); Rules of Life (anon.); Message from an Angel, by Sally D. Allen; The High Cost of Loving (unknown); Look to This Day (the Sanskrit); A Quote from Nelson Mandela; Slow Me Down (author unknown); Hugging (author unknown); The Story of a Flower, by Nancy Wood; Be Still an Instant, by Chandra Holsten; A Prayer (author unknown); On Life, by Kahlil Gibran; The Weaver (author unknown); A New Day (author unknown); I Stand by the Door, by Sam Schumaker; The Bike Ride (author unknown); Fourteen Questions on Forgiveness, by Father Al Lauer; What is Faith?, by Father Al Lauer; House of Four Rooms, by Rumer Godden; Disiderata, by Max Ehrmann; Lord of the Past (author unknown); Autobiography in Five Chapters, by Portia Nelson; and a Quote from Francis Beaumont.
Chetski's Place: http://www.premier1.net/~chetski/index.html
The Institute for Christian Economics is educational organization devoted to research and publishing in the field of Christian ethics. The perspective of those associated with the ICE is straightforwardly conservative and pro-free market. The ICE is dedicated to the proposition that biblical ethics requires full personal responsibility, and this responsible human action flourishes most productively within a framework of limited government, political decentralization, and minimum interference with the economy by the civil government. Available at this site will be dozens of free books in Adobe Acrobat format (there is a connection to provide on-line users with the necessary software). Available now is President Gary North's book, Boundaries and Dominion: The Economics of Leviticus.
The home of the Faculty Dialogue Journal, the Christian Leadership Forum's subscriber list and web site, ICLnet's NJB Christian Guides and organizational directory, ministries respresented in ICLnet's Reading Room, and a software collection. For a more detailed description of what exists at ICLnet, check out the FTP section in this guide.
ICLnet Reading Room Index: http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/icl-read.html
ICLnet Software Library Index: http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/icl-soft.html
FTP: ftp://iclnet93.iclnet.org/
The ICR home page is under construction, however the Scripture section is a must read. Other pages will include a Museum, Good Science, the Graduate School, Stewardship, Research, Radio, and Publication.
Founded by Mark Noll and Nathan Hatch, the ISAE intends to encourage and support research on evangelical Christianity in the United States, and seeks to help evangelicals develop a mature understanding of their own heritage and to inform others about evangelicals' historical significance and contemporary role. Available on line is information about ISAE and its projects, including Missionary Impulse in North American History, and the Billy Graham Center Research Travel Grants Program. The Institute also provides contents information, and subscription information for its Evangelical Studies Bulletin. Under the heading, Evangelicalism Defined is a multipart document including sections on Evengelicalism Defined, Fundamentalism, Pentacostalism and the Charismatic Movement, How Many Evangelicals Are There?, Evangelicals and Politics, and, recommended reading. The Resource Order section provides information about related books, papers, audio tapes (including conference tapes), back issues of the Evangelical Studies Bulletin, and Contexts Reports.
The IOE provides academic programs in Master of Arts in Evangelism, graduate level extension courses, and, extension courses for personal enrichment, among other services. On site is a section of Evangelism Resources which includes the following: Self Study Courses, including Disciple Making, Evangelistic Preaching, and Women & Evangelism. Excerpts and order information for Classical Devotional Booklets (authors include Baxter, Bonar, Booth, Bounds, Burns, Edwards, McCheyne, Mueller, Pascal, Torrey, Watson & Wesley). Other Publications. Online Witnessing Helps. Equipping Evangelists Newsletter (also described elsewhere in this guide). A section on Conferences and Consultations includes sound bytes and order information for past conferences and themes for future conferences. Past conferences have been Women in Evangelism (1991, 1995), Leadership in Evangelism (1994), L'Abri Conference (University of Chicago: 1994), North American Conference on Itinerant Evangelism (1994), and, Evangelism and the Christian Liberal Arts College (1993).
German language. Institut für schweizerische Reformationgeschichte, Universität Züich. The site is organized into the following basic sections: Projecte, Veranstaltungen, Bibliothek, and Verwandte Institutionen. Work currently centers around Heinrich Bullinger and Huldrych Zwingli.
This archive is related to the CHR-EXP (Christian Explanation of Scripture to Israel subscriber list (now closed). The site contains commentary by former listowner Teus Benschop, including "The Scriptures Opened" series, Mr. Benschop's commentary on the Compendium of the Christian Religion, a Study in the Book of Deuteronomy, and Talkings. An html version of the Tanach (Masoretic Text) in Hebrew is available, and links to related sound files at Harry Plantinga's web site. IPB-e's Electronic Public Library contains an extensive number of documents from the early Church, confessions, canon and liturgy files, files by Augustine, Bunyan, Calvin, Edwards, Guthrie, Kersten, Flavel, Owen, Rutherford, Watson, and Spurgeon.
The majority of InterAct staff are involved in cross-cultural church planting. Church planters have one goal: to see local, culturally relevant evangelical churches established and led by indigenous leaders. It's an arduous task, a fierce spiritual battle, but an attainable goal. It requires special communication skills and a knowledge of the Word to convey the love of Christ within a different culture. Many of people to whom InterAct staff minister are unreached. Their background, language and culture isolate them from most expression of the gospel. Many have never heard the gospel in an understandable way, even though they may have churches all around them. Information available includes InterAct's purpose, vision and strategy document, and statement of faith. InterACTION, the agency's quarterly newsletter, is documented in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide. InterAct's Fields of Ministry section includes information about its involvement in Alaska, Canada, India, and Russia. The Ministry Opportunities section presents information on career, short-term, and associate involvement. Missionary Staff Profiles are included as well. Stop by and take the opportunity to receive a free video about missions. Three are being offered: The Call, Countdown, and InterSect. Recommended.
Inter.Active Services is full-service website development company dedicated to serving the ministry and marketing needs of our clients by strategically developing and promoting visually appealing, interactive communication.
INTERCRISTO [new 3/96]
InterChristo is the well established Christian agency that specializes in occupational placement. If you are looking for good workers, or good employers, try InterChristo. Provided online are two subscriber services identified as The Christian Placement Network, and the Christian Recruitment Network. InterChristo also provides a "Career Kit" and there is a helpful "Motivational Sketch" provided as well.