Not Just Bibles
A Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet

v. 1.92
Part 12 of 34
January 11, 1999
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12. World Wide Web Sites: FAM-FON

The Sound of New Life. Family Radio Internet HQ is a ministry of Family Station, Inc. Family Radio broadcasts the music and message of New Life in Jesus Christ. Located in many metropolitan areas throughout the United States, they broadcast 24 hours a day, every day, the Good News of Jesus Christ. Family Radio is worldwide ministry with almost 40 domestic AM and FM radio stations, a shortwave, and a television ministry. They proclaim the Bible as the only infallible authority. Information about Family Radio and related services is available on line, including contact information, on-line services (a free sample packet, and intercession for prayer requests), station listing, a partial listing of shortwave radio schedules, and program guides. Family Radio provides a free School of the Bible (FRSB) correspondence course. This site represents more than an advertisement for Christian Radio. A check of the Real Audio Library reveals a number of sound bytes from Harold Camping's Open Forum, and from Pacific Garden Mission's Unshackled radio series. The Book Library contains documents like A Biblical Calendar of History, First Principles of Bible Study, What God Hath Joined Together, and Feed My Sheep. The Online Literature nook includes literature such as Are You Ready?, Does God Love You? "Saving" Faith, and more. And, their Inspiration corner includes Verse of the Week, Passage of the Week, and Letters from Listeners.

A leading pro-family group representing the family in Washington, D.C.

FAMILYLIFE [new 3/96]
An affiliate of Campus Crusade for Christ, the purpose of FamilyLife is to serve you by providing practical, biblical tools to strengthen and build your family relationships. Included is information on FamilyLife Marriage and Parenting Conferences, the FamilyLife Today radio program, Moments Together for Couples, by Dennis and Barbara Rainey, and the FamilyLife Resource Center, which includes order information, including the Home Builders' Couples Series.

An extradenominational radio ministry enterprise for the sole purpose of taking the Gospel of Christ to the world by radio. In so doing, it seeks to cooperate with and support existing missionary efforts and the ministry of the greater body of Christ worldwide. The FEBC believes that the Gospel radio ministry should present a united and consistent message for edification of others. Selecting the Message from the President (Jim Bowman) section, will provide readers with more information about FEBE, and listener letters from all around the. The Broadcast Ministry section provides a list of many language groups to which FEBC broadcasts, a large and stunning photo gallary showing scenes from Korea, Japan, New Zealand, The Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, Saipan, Cambodia and Singapore as well as photos of Asian scenes and Asian peoples. There are broadcast schedules, and a complete Station/ Transmittal Listing, and maps detailing FEBC's coverage areas. A section on FEBC Partners provides links to servers for World by 2000, the International Communications Research for Evangelicals Consortium, and the International Christian Media Commission. Resources include information about books, periodical, videos, and technical "how to" files relevant to Christian radio broadcasting. Also provided is a World by 2000 language base list, and list of languages on the air, and a big list of International Christian Broadcasts by various organizations, and covering all languages. FEBC also intends to make available selected program scripts. But that's not all there is at this site! There is much, much more. Highly recommended.

Information is provided under the following sections: Ministry Mission, Publications, Radio Programs, Ministry Team, Photo Gallery, Web Links, FAQs, and, What's New. Provided in the Publications section is the rational and an introduction to FEBC China Ministies, and three on-line publications: FEBC Sky Waves, Prayer Focus, and Heart Lines. Provided is information about radio programs. The Section on Ministry Team, includes basic information about how FEBC CN is organized. The ministry has provided a detailed, well-written FAQ about the organization.

Information at this site is provided in both the Korean and English languages. An inspiring message from FEBC Korea Director, Dr. Billy Kim, entitled Crossing the Jordon is provided as well as a History of FEBC Korea. There are letters from Listeners. Also provided is a document of the Events for the 40th Anniversary celebration, and a section of Addresses of FEBC Korean Stations.

Read the Russian Ministries Update at this site. You will also find a history of FEBC Russian Ministries, and be introduced to FEBC Russian Ministries Personalities. Also provided are a current Prayer Focus. For folks who would like to learn more about Russia, check the Information on Russia, and Maps of Russia and the Ukraine. Lettrs of Thanks are included, and the FEBC RM programming schedule.

Provided are a Brief History of FEBC Vietnamese Language Programs, information about The Vietnamese Programs, including broadcast areas and schedule, and a map of languages, An Appeal to pray for Vietnam, with detailed needs. Planned are a Photo Gallery, and Information on the Church in Vietnam.

FBC's site is under construction at the time of our survey so readers should visit the site occasionally to see how they're progressing. Information that will be included at this site include a statement of faith, FBC's monthly newsletter, The Wilderness Voice (also described in the newsletters/ journals section of this guide), Honey's Page (a ministry for women), and a sermon outline section.

For more than 40 years, FCA has been focused on one purpose ... to present to athletes and coaches, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.

Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan Anak-Nya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada Nya tidak binasa melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal. -- Joh 3:16. Provided is information from FICA's e-mail forum, Fica-Net, described in the mail-based services of this guide. FICA includes a wealth of information, including a FAQ, Articles from Fica-Net's forum (Topics are Apologetics, Bahan Bible Study, Christianity in Indonesia, Christian Living, Cult Awareness, Testimonies, Sharing Para Alumni, and Miscellaneous), Announcements, a list of Christian resources, and Praise and Worship Songs. Find an international Indonesian Christian Organizations Directory including links where possible). There are also references to Fica-Net member home pages. Several special links are provided to Indonesian Christian University, Aksi JALA (Jejaring Allah Lintas Negara), Program Bantuan Pendidikan Agape, and to the super Renunigan Harian Indonesian resource page. FICA has also provided a good news section. At the time of our survey there are a number of articles and links relating to Christian persecution in Indonesia and elsewhere. Highly recommended.

An extension of the Evangelical Episcopal Church, the Fellowship of Saint Barnabas is a ministry of encouragement and exhortation. The fellowship ministers to the oppressed, the downtrodden and the unloved. It holds to the beliefs of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and ministry is done in the setting of koinonia. Koinonia is meaningful fellowship and not just counselling sessions. In Koinonia a person is welcome into the family of believers. The Fellowship of Saint Barnabas web site provides very nicely formatted versions of the Episiple of Saint Barnabas, the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Creed of Saint Athanasius, the Didache, The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral (1886), and a link to The 39 Articles of Religion of the Anglican Church from The Book of Common Prayer (1959). Provided are Doctrinal Essentials subscribed to by the Evangelical Episcopal Church, and a section of links to other Christian sites. Highly recommended.

FELTS 4 U [new 7/96]
Felts 4 U is a distributor of Little Folk Visuals, and Bible lessons in felt. Promised are the finest felt products available for the classroom, Bible lessons and home use. They are designed to help you to teach children in a proven, interactive way, that even the most experienced teacher can appreciate. Felts by their very nature stick to one another, so when you cut them out you can use them like old fashioned paper dolls, except they last for years and not days, and they look at lot better! Their product line ranges to: Math, Science, Culture; Bible Lessons and Teaching Tools; Entertainment; and, Accessories. They may be ordered on-line. Each month a new teaching tip is promised on line.

(The Christian Theology Page) dubbed as "the hub for locating serious Christian theological activity on the internet, find an extensive collection of links to Christian theology societies, fellowships, and associations; college and university theology departments, seminars and grad schools; theology newsgroups, subscriber lists, projects. There are also sections for particular Christian theology works and discussions, theology publishers, journals, libraries, and related aids.

Missions on the Internet. An official iniative of Student Mission Advance. Fingertip is an extensive mission resource tool that has been well organized. Sections include the Mail Room, providing e-mail contact with mission organizations, and subscriber lists; The Prayer Closet; a Resource Room; a most informative Christian/ Mission Opportunity Database; Missions Calendar; Library; an Agency Gallery providing links to mission related network sites; Missions News special sites; and a Research Centre. Highly recommended.

Bill Carlson has gathered a unique collection of writing from Samuel Rutherford, Richard Baxter, Alexander MacLaren, Jonathan Edwards, Richard Sibbs, Samuel Willard, and Andrew Gray. For people who would like to gain enthusiasm from what one man can add to the Christian voice in networking, check out Bill's new site.

FIRES OF REVIVAL [revised 7/96]
The purpose of this ministry is to present the word of God in such a way that would led each person into personal revival. Articles will be placed on site that will inspire, teach, exhort, rebuke, correct and help build up the body of Christ into maturity. Care is taken to make an argument on the importance of obedience in our walk with Christ and to profile evidence that is apparent in the believer's walk with Him. Information is also provided about the International Bible Believer's Church Seminary and IBBC correspondence courses.

The First Baptist Church of Sausalito provides local information about its ministry and outreach. Also find a document on What We Believe, including: The Kerygma We Preach; Our Concept of the Church; The Ethics We Teach; Science and the Bible; and, The "Sign" Gifts. Also provided is another detailed document entitled, What is a Baptist. The Baptists--A Midsummer Night by Gustaf Cedarstrom, is a painting from the Baptist Seminary in Sweden from 1866, available for viewing from the last mentioned page.

The Fishermen's Net is an internet service provider hosting organizations such as The Scarlet Cord, Redemptive Therapy Online, Clairemont Covenant Church, and Watson Physical Therapy for Pain. Provided are a central directory of local resources, a Christian Yellow Pages directory, and links to remote servers. the Christian Yellow Pages provide Christian organizations and individuals a place to advertise for a minimal monthly fee. Visitors are invited to make use of the Bible Browser Search utility that Fishermen's Net provides, including advanced search capability for the Revised Standard Version, King James, The Vulgate, Darby's Translation, Weymouth's New Testament, The Bible in Basic English, Webster's Bible, and Young's Literal Translation. Search guidelines are also provided for this powerful utility. Also available is an Employment section where both prospective employees and employers may publish their information. We found the Christian Counselling section interesting as well. Provided are a listing of counsellors local to your area, and another intriguing resource called Redemptive Therapy Online, including the Journal of Redemptive Therapy. Finally, but not least, there is a wonderful daily devotional known as A Seafarer's Heart.

The Fitz family is a hard working Christian family the gets the message of Jesus Christ out via their entertainment talents, including juggling. The whole family is part of the act. Their story is an interesting one. The father actually attended the seminary and ended up feeling called to step outside the pulpit and reach those that may not enter into the church doors. The Fitz Family is available for booking locally. Offered at their site are a number of different ways that local groups can fit them into local ministry.

Flying Doctors of America's physicians, dentists and pharmacists make long distance house calls, providing hope and healing to the poor in third world countries. The objective? Nothing less than changing the world - one person at a time using your skills! Sound ambitious? Tell it to Allan Gathercoal, founder and president, who is committed passionately about sharing the wealth of this nation's medical/dental system and the expertise of it's professionals with those who are only hours away, but have nothing. Included on site is information on: periodic updates; Frequently Asked Questions about the organization; Help Wanted; Mission Schedule for 1996; Projected Cost to Go on Mission; Medication and Supply Request List; Position on Religion; Testimonials of Volunteers that have been on Missions; and, Links to Medical Oriented Sites.

This official site includes information about Dr. Dobson, Focus on the Family ministries, and guiding principles. It provides the FOF radio schedule. An archive of the monthly Family News from Dr. James Dobson, dating back to September 1996 at the time of our survey. Focus on the Family has also provided an archive for it's high-frequency news sheets, Family News in Focus, dating back to September 22, 1997, at the time of our survey. There is a broad range of Recent Features, including: Boycott Update ‹ Beware of the Magic Kingdom; Information Sheet ‹ Advertisers for "Nothing Sacred"; Job Openings ‹ Focus Needs Software Developers; A Milestone ‹ Adventures in Odyssey Turns Ten!; We Hold These Truths ‹ A Statement of Christian Conscience; From Pastor's Family ‹Be Real About Family Devotions; Information Sheet ‹ International Persecution of Christians; For Teen Guys ‹ Reggie White and the Packers; and, For Teen Girls ‹ Meet Greg Long. More development is scheduled for the site of this wonderful family-oriented ministry. We recommend frequent visits.

Implementation of the unofficial archive provides an invaluable service to people in networking outside the commercial Focus on the Family services which are restricted to subscribers of America Online. Information on site includes descriptive files and contact information for Focus on the Family. There is a FAQ providing information why Focus on the Family has not made an official debut on the internet. A Family Links section provides select links of the genre of family oriented Christian service. A Wish List is provided to with hopes to enhanse the site and increase involvement. Current and past issues of the Focus On the Family Newsletter are available on site, highlighted in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide. Additionally find the current month's Radio Broadcast Calendar. An online search utility is also provided. All of the information provided on site has been provided, without assist, at the site administrator's personal expense. The archive is the result of a long commitment to the laudable principles espoused by Focus on the Family on behalf of Families throughout the world. The work behind the archive has, in the past, seen its ups and downs. But the administrator of this site, by his action, has tenaciously hung on to hope for the family. Maybe someday Focus on the Family will open the electronic gates that separate "that powerful voice for family and principle" from the rest of the networking world, including our international friends with limited access. If the gates are eventually opened, we remain grateful for the efforts of this one man who actions have shown his commitmentant love for the families of this world. Very highly recommended.

Kevin Paszalek, Pastor of Southway Community Church, Houston, Texas, is providing this resource for Macintosh users. With a couple of clicks you can find answers to the following: What Jesus taught about prayer in each stage of discipleship; When was John 3:16 spoken?; What chronological order a list of verses should go in, and find out which are parallel passages, too!; What kind of buying power a stater would have today (other weights, measures converted, too); Where the Seven Last Words from the Cross are (and never have to hunt for them again); What happened in the Gospel records in AD 30?; What the parallel passages to any Gospel verse are (and copy and paste to your other Bible study software!); and, Where Capernaum and Zebulon are. Both the list of Macintosh Christian software and Following Jesus are worth a visit. Recommended.

This is a page where you can receive encouragement about the trials you're experiencing in your life. The Font's have been through some remarkable ordeals and use it all to glorify Jesus Christ. Pages have a strong soul-winning emphasis.

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