The opening page of the C&MA site branches out to other pages: Churches (which includes an international list of connections to Alliance Churches); Missions (which includes related organizations and projects of the CM&A); and, Unreached (which serves as an Unreached People Resource Index). Also highlighted from the main page are an abundance of links to a host of information files describing C&MA's Denomination, Mission, Churches, CM&A Colleges and Seminary, Publications and C&MA Participation Pages. CM&A very large Unreached People Resource Index itemizes Unreached People groups in need of people group profiles, to which qualified researchers may wish to contribute. More information about How to Adopt an Unreached People, and connections to Other Research Sources is provided. The Alliance Churches Section includes a large number of connections arranged in the following manner: Newest Alliance Churches, District Offices, Alliance Quizzing, Alliance by States, Churches in Canada, and Australia, World Alliance Churches, and New Untested Alliance Links. The Missions Section includes information about the CM&A Within Our Reach Program, Weekly Alliance Requests Online, Missionary Prayer Cards Online, Missionary Newsletters (including Missionaries, Prayer Journeys, Praying Through the 1040 Window, and Links to Other Missions Pages), Opportunities for Short Term Missions, and CM&A Missions in South America, Brazil, and Portugal. The section for Unreached is detailed in the next entry within this guide, Within Our Reach. Highly Recommended.
An excellent resource for people who wish to become more involved in missions. Find more information about the CM&A's Within Our Reach Program. Goals include 166+ CM&A Unreached People Profiles and 1800+ Unreached People Index and Profiles. Also provided are Country statistics and Profiles from Operation World, Religious Profiles (under development at the time of our survey), and Maps of People Groups. Find a host more of informative documents under the following sections: Biblical Basis of Reaching Unreached Peoples; Other Adopting Congregations; How to Adopt a People; Working and Networking for Unreached Peoples; Praying for Unreached Peoples; and, Publications on Reaching the Unreached. There are on line versions of Parousia! Let's Awake! newsletter (detailed in the newsletters and journals section of this guide), and information on how to subscribe to various Parousia e-mail conferences. Highly Recommended.
CM&A Home Page:
The Just Shall Live by Faith - Habbakuk 2:4. Find at this site a wealth of apologetics information compiled by Pastor Matthew Slick who has been associated with Calvary Chapel, Christ College Irvine, and Westminster Theological Seminary. Find an orderly site with loads of good information. A section on Bible includes topics, Prophecy, Interpretive Principle, and Bible Chronology. The Doctrine section includes the following files: Take a Christian Doctrine Test; Is Christianity the Only True Religion?; Christian Doctrine: The Bible, God, Man...; Christian Doctrine: Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, the Church. Basic Christian Doctrine; The Three Essential Doctrines of Christianity; The Trinity Chart; Jesus' Two Natures: God and Man; The Holy Spirit; Who Is God?; 100 Truths About Jesus; Early Trinitarian Quotes; What Is Truth?; Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation; A Test: Do you Have the True Jesus; Salvation: What It Means to Be a Christian; How to Become a Christian; and, The Warning Tract: You can Make a Difference in Your Neighborhood. More topics on site include: Cults; Evolution; Mormonism, Jehovah's Winesses; a great Theological Dictionary exploring terms from A (agnosticism) to W (wrath); New Age Movement, Christadelphians; Evangelism; Roman Catholicism; and Tough Questions. A second index page (More Stuff), includes resume, research, links, seminar information, biographical information, information about CARM, correspondence, and a link to a live chat forum. And... if one has logged onto ones network for too long, readers can obtain all contents made available on the web site in looseleaf (three-ring binder) format. Highly recommended.
Alternate Access:
A selection of carefully selected links and forceful articles presented as a ministry for witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses. Articles include writers Jay Hess, Duane Magnani, David Reed, Randy Watters. Organizations for which online connections are provided include Witness, Inc. (NY). Also provided is an online listing of publications that are available from Covenant Outreach Ministries. Highlighted is an archive containing newer files that have been made available at this site, and another archive for older articles. Available also is a list of WBTS publications available for sale for use in an apologetics ministry to Jehovah's Witnesses, including selection guidelines. The developer of this site also has provided a list of connections to networking sites of this genre.
Christian Artists Finland CAF is a non-profit organisation, aiming to bring artists and art lovers and friends together, to support their identity based on christian faith and ethics, and to promote interaction of art with cultural and society life. CFA has a role of building the Finnish relations with corresponding organisations in other countries.
Christian Artists Finland CAF on rekisteröity yhdistys, jonka tarkoituksena on koota taiteilijoita sekä taiteen harrastajia jaystäviä, tukea heidän identiteettiään kristillisen uskon ja elämänkatsomuksen pohjalta sekä edistää taiteen vuorovaikutusta muun kulttuurin ja yhteiskunnan kanssa. Toimintatavoista enemmän säännöissä ja luonteesta myös oheisessa kirjoituksessa.
The World's Largest Christian Cataloger. We have been waiting to see when CBD would establish an internet site. Now they have included information about their complete inventory on line. CBD has an immense inventory, and has established an impeccible reputation for prompt and courteous service. If one becomes a CBD member (for a nominal price) one can save substantially using CBD's periodic membership catalog. CBD offers substantial markdown on Bibles, classic Christian books and collections, contemporary works, family issues, homeschooling, music, and much more. CBD provides a number of finding aids that make using their information easy and efficient. Included are a Quick Search utility which provides access by title, author, publisher, keyword, International Standard Book Number, Stock Number or any combination of the above. They provide an author index, a title index (both designed not to overload your web browser), and a Table of Contents. The Table of Contents includes sections on Bibles and Accessoaries, Books and Audio, Church Supplies, Clothing, Computer and Electronics, Framed Art, Gifts, Music, Toys / Games, and Video. Highly Recommended.
...Networking Businesses and Executives in more than 65 nations ...expanding the Kingdom of God in the Marketplace ...building up its members and serving the needs of others ...and more... The Christian Business Network is an extension of the International Christian Chamber of Christ whose aim is to put the Kingdom of God as the first priority in our business lives and to teach and train men and women to respond to the biblical challenge of a walk with Christ in the market-place. ICCC chairman and founder Gunnar Olson often speaks about " a release under the Lordship of Christ" when he is teaching. Drawing on insights and wisdom from walking with the Lord in his own business life, coupled with the foundational Word of God, he wants to show that, through the redemptive work of Jesus, there is indeed a freedom from slavery to be experienced also in our professional and business lives. The door into that freedom is Jesus, and is accessed through faith in Him. ICCC is represented in all continents of the world with members in over 65 nations. National ICCC chambers have been established in countries such as Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, U.K., France, Switzerland, Romania, The Faroe Islands, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Togo, Nigeria, Congo, Cameroun, Gabon, Zaire, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, USA, Colombia, Canada, Latvia, Kazachstan and New Zealand. Provided on site, in addition to detailed information about ICCC and an extensive calendar of ICCC events, is information for locating Key Business Resources, Key Christian Resources, World News Resources, and Search Resources on line.
The ministry exists to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to professional and business men and to develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission. Compelled by Christ's love and empowered by God's Spirit, CMBC is compelled to impact Canada by saturating the Business and Professional community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by establishing, equipping, and mobilizing effective committees in each major city in Canada by the year 2000, that will yield spiritual reproducers. CMBC provides the following on site. Tools for the Ministry are Committee Development Seminars. Seminars are also available from the Supplies Catalogue. News (includes news and schedules). Local (includes relevant local information for the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec Province, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. The supplies catalog includes an ample list of resources under the following categories: Prayer, Outreach, Follow-thru, Membership, Leadership, Books, Tracts, Brochures, Cassette and CMBC Video Rentals, Other Video Rentals, and Miscellaneous. Online e-mail order is supported.
Available from the Gospel Communications Network.
A collection of reliable articles, books, seminars, and a newsletter for pastors and other Christian counselors. Subject matter includes such typical issues as guilt and shame, grief and trauma, and topics that come up in Christian counseling. Material prepared by Associate Pastor Mel Lawrenz, and Psycholist/ Director of New Life Resources. Both are adjunct faculty of Trinity International University.
Harry Plantinga's excellent and growing number of resources includes text by Alphonsus, Augustine, Bunyan, Calvin, Chesterton, Donne, Edwards, Hooker, Ignatius of Loyola, Inge, John of the Cross, a Kempis, Law, Brother Lawrence, Milton, Ruysbroeck, Spurgeon, MacDonald; and Matthew Henry's Commentaries, Easton's Bible Dictionary.
A pro-family citizen action organization to impact public policy on a local, state, and national level, to teach Christians effective citizenship, and to promote Christian values in government. CC is a coalition of pro-family Roman Catholics, evangelicals, and other people of faith working together to become the unified voice of families with children in middle class America. Christian Coalition has more than 1.5 million members and 1500 local chapters in all 50 states. Several periodicals are available on line including Christian American Magazine, Press Releases, and Religious Rights Watch, described in the newsletters/ journals section of this guide. Sections on this site include Congresssional Scorecard, Contact Congress (contact information, and e-mail connect if available), Education (Training Schedule, Victory '95 information), Special Events, Speeches and Position Papers, and State Coalition Scorecards.
Dedicated to serving the Christian community by providing an easy-to-access resource of dynamic information which is relevant, timely, and applicable to our everyday lives. Founded on the understanding that all truth is God's truth, and that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior, CCN's goals are To simplify the search for useful information on the Web; To unite and inform the Christian community; and, Not to think for people, but rather to encourage people to think for themselves. Services include a Daily Devotional, Weekly Time Management Tips from Christian Stewardship Ministries; a Bookshelf, being a selection of Christian works and connects the reader to Amazon Books, an immense networked book retailer; Message Boards (for authenticated users); with Radio and Chat sections on the way. CCM provides a topical index for text that includes original CCM writing and writing selected around the internet. Categories include: Arts & Entertainment; Community Life; Culture & Politics; Education; Home Life; News; and, Spiritual Growth. The site provides good indexing and an online search utility. At the time of our survey, this site is providing a preview in preparation of their grand opening for the fall of 1996. The developers have aptly selected information sources from both Christian and secular organizations for an interesting mix. We think you'll find it interesting.
Contents Page:
Provides a unique alternative to the NEA and ATF teachers unions. The mission of CEAI is to inform, equip, and empower Christians serving in public and private education. In pursuit of that mission, CEAI focuss on proclaiming God's Word as the source of true wisdom and knowledge, portraying teaching as a God-given calling and ministry, promoting educational excellence as an expression of Christian commitment, preserving our Judeo-Christian heritage and values through education, and providing a forum on educational issues with a Christian worldview. Included are basic sections: Information (including documentation on the mission, objectives and involvement of CEAI, a statement of faith, and a list of member benefits), Position (on critical educational and social issues relating to teaching), Membership information (including numerous benefits, insurance, printed media, convention and seminar discounts, chapter fellowships, the National Prayer Network, Christian books and tapes, legislative information, and alternatives to secular unions. This section also includes numerous documents in a FAQ format by the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, Liberty Counsel, American Center for Law and Justice, and Education Policy Institute, as well as information about NEA, Goals 2000, the U.S. Department of Education, and the National Parent Teachers' Association.) The organization also offers a number of subscriber lists, documented in the Mail-based services section of this guide.
Not just another internet guide! By way of the title, Mike Moloney has promised and delivered connections to well-chosen network sites that will interest Christian families. Sections of information include Daily Devotionals, Bible Study, Youth Ministry, Christian Music, Political Issues, Evangelism, Christian Software, Christian Chats, Christian Magazines, Links to Links, and Christian Sports News. Brief descriptive notes are also provided. It is a pleasure to visit this orderly and well designed information base. Our commendations for the personal touch at the Christian Family web site.
Our way of living and working in daily life expresses our calling. As we make ourselves and everything we have available to God, His blessings will overflow in our lives and His plan for us will be thus realised. One of the foundations for the freedom and independence of a nation, is a self-sufficient agricultural base providing the country's needs for quality nutrition. There are forces at work today within the various agricultural sectors attempting to break them down and thereby create an unhealthy state of dependence. The Christian Farmers want to expose these forces. Through their lives, families and work, yielded to God, we want to show the possibilities of agriculture that is submitted to the dominion of Christ. Christian Farmers has a calling to walk within its field with a prophetic clear-sightedness, and to prepare as forerunners in these times when nations are shaking and uncertain. Christian Farmers work through Literature (The Trumpet etc.), conferences and local meetings in order to inspire, encourage and teach according to the light that comes forth from the Word of God through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Assisting people in special need (individuals or groups) either individually or through training programmes or projects. Christian Farmers is a section of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC). - Adapted from the introduction, The Christian Farmers.
ICCC Main Page:
More Than Finances. Transforming Lives. The ministry founded by Larry Burkett. Available on site are a number of financial resources including Career Pathways, Counseling, Educational Resources (CFC books and order information); Outreach Partners; information about CFC's Radio Ministry, CFC Seminars, and the Single Parents Ministry. CFC is even developing a Money Matters for Kids web site. Also of interest is the full text of the special 20th anniversay issue of Money Matters (a small archive of featured articles is also on line), and CFC is providing Economic Update, weekly news briefings by Joseph Slife.
CHRISTIAN FRIENDS [revised 5/97]
This site, operated by Ben Drake, is a Gospel oriented web-site with testimony, books, prayer requests, and links to Christian/religious sites. The Bible section centers on interesting facts, questions and answers, Genesis 5, and precious promises. A questions and answers section on salvation is provided too. Books online includes Mel Trotter's Jimmy Moore of Bucktown.
Non Graphical Page:
The CHP is a Canadian registered political party which endeavours to reacquaint Canadians to the fact that Canada has a very rich Christian Heritage that helped the Country become prosperous. The Party emphasizes that Canada must maintain the law based on moral principles so that Canada may continue as a strong nation well into the future. The site is an unofficial source of information about the Christian Heritage Party of Canada. However, the text found there, to the best of thier knowledge, comes from official CHP material. Once the Party creates an official site, the site will be removed. Documentation available in French and English.
A non-denominational organization that seeks to serve the entire Christian church and the secular world in helping to provide an awareness of the role of Christianity in the history and development of Western civilization and the cultivation of the values, freedoms, and moral foundations that have enriched our life and society. CHI's aim is to make Christian history accessible to the broad public through modern media formats that are visually attractive, communicate effectively and maintain scholarly integrity. The Christian History Institute inaugurates their site with a very large collection of their church bulletin insert series, Glimpses (also described elsewhere in this guide). They have included a very thorough contents section arranged as follows: Leaders in Church History; The Early Church (1); The Reformation; Christianity in Early America; Hymn Writers; Youth; Revivals; Asia; The Early Church (2); How We Got the Bible; Hymns; Scientists; Great Christian Women; and, America and Missions. The Institute has also thus far provided three of their Pocket Clasics on line: The First Apology of Justin; The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians; and, The Persecuted Martyrdom of Lyons in 177 A.D. Information is also provided about study tours sponsored by the Institute. Promised will be a dailly date calendar featuring What Happened on this Date in Christian History. Highly Recommended.
A well organized and very helpful homeschool information site originating on the Christian Interative Network (CIN). The developers of this site provide plenty of information via the internet, and also more information on how to join a large array of conferences through CompuServe subscription. This web site provides information organized as follows: The Information Desk (Getting Started, Homeschool FAQs; and, Homeschool Lists, including books, magazines, catalogs, typical and unusual days, Sciptures); Family Lounge (Favorite tips and inspiration, Reviews, descriptons of CHF Online Conferences on CompuServe, and Online book discussions and studies); and, Convention Center (including information files about the Christian Homeschool Forum, and the Christian Interactive Network). Recommended.
The Christian International World Wide Web site provides information on Seminars and Conferences, CI's Network of Churches, the Christian International School of Theology, CI's Family Church Ministry, the Ministry Training College and the Christian International Business Network. Contact information for all of these ministries is provided as well.