[This document can be acquired from a sub-directory coombspapers via anonymous FTP and/or COOMBSQUEST gopher on the node COOMBS.ANU.EDU.AU] The document's ftp filename and the full directory path are given in the coombspapers top level INDEX file] [This version: 27 October 1993] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 13:24:14 EDT Sender: Buddhist Academic Discussion Forum From: JHUBBARD@smith.BITNET SUBJECT: PALI CANON - ELECTRONIC TEXTS [This is a slightly edited message from the Indology list a few months back-- Jamie] The project to put the PTS materials onto disk is quite far along. In fact, the input has been entirely finished (tho I haven't seen the whole thing, reports have it that that includes tranlsations, texts, and even journal articles). the project was begun some time ago, mainly initiated by Robert Thurman, Lew Lancaster, and myself. After several rounds of denials at the US NEH, Lew was able to interest the Dhammakaya foundation in Thailand in the project. Under the direction of Ven. Mettanando, some hundreds of monks virtuously typed in the whole thing (two versions, checked against each other). The proofing is going on now. The original intent was to publish the corpus on CD-ROM through the Scholar's Press, the publishing house of the American Academy of Religion. We have also agreed upon following the TEI guidlelines for tagging, at least minimally in the initial production run and more fully as time goes by. Alas, there are numerous "upper-level" snags that have come up, mostly regarding the publishing, cost, PROTECTION DEVICES!!!, rights, etc. etc. At the moment the Dhammakaya Foundation has pulled out of the initial agreement, and I am not sure how they intend to proceed. I feel strongly that the international Buddhist and academic community will be best served by an open system, distributed at low cost. But I am only a small cog in a large machination. I am sorry that I cannot say more at this point, but perhaps, if folks are interested, we could begin a grass-roots effort to outline interface needs (which platforms? what kind of indexing? Sanskrit<-->Pali cross-indices? phrase marking? what kinds of problems have you encountered on other CD-ROM text bases?), and most important, getting the material out the door. Although I am sometimes frustrated in the "process", it shouldn't be too long now. On the other hand, it appears that the Mahidol University textbase of the Thai edition of the Pali canon _is_ to be published by the AAR this year. If I hear more I will let the list know. Jamie Hubbard ************************************************************************ Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 08:46:08 EDT Sender: Buddhist Academic Discussion Forum From: INDINST@vax.ox.ac.uk Subject: Pali Tipitaka on CD-ROM ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- From: K.R. Norman, President of the Pali Text Society BUDDHISM AND INDIAN STUDIES IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE VERY CAREFULLY You may have received a communication from Professor Witzel of Harvard informing you that the Dhammakaya Foundation has completed the input of the whole of the Pali Tipitaka on CD-ROM, and will be distributing it free. Please take note that the material which the Foundation proposes to distribute in this way is the property of the Pali Text Society, of which I am President. The Foundation has no right to copy the material on CD-Rom and distribute it in that or any other way. We have been negotiating with the Foundation for some time with a view to possible copying and distribution, but the negotiations have not been completed, and any copying, distribution and use are therefore in breach of our rights. Please also take note that we reserve the right to take legal action to enforce our rights in this important material against those who disregard them. The Pali text Society is a non-profitmaking organisation established for many years and dedicated to the advancement of the study of Pali texts and the Pali language. The material which the Dhammakaya Foundation has put on CD-ROM represents many years of work and original research by this Society's scholars. Any legal proceedings which we institute will be necessary to enable us to carry out the purposes for which this organisation was founded. The pursuance of academic studies everywhere becomes impossible if the rights of others are abused as is happening in this case. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- end of file