[This document can be acquired from a sub-directory coombspapers via anonymous FTP and/or COOMBSQUEST gopher on the node COOMBS.ANU.EDU.AU] The document's ftp filename and the full directory path are given in the coombspapers top level INDEX file] [This version: 19 October 1993] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Oct 93 10:08:19 -0700 From: buddhst@garnet.berkeley.edu ELECTRONIC BUDDHIST TEXT INITIATIVE. [...] We recently formed an association of about 25 groups involved in the input of Buddhist materials. We call the group Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative. I am the current Chair of the advisory board and Urs App is the coordinator. Urs is at Hanazono University in Kyoto. We have recently distributed a listing of our activities through the publication from Hanazono called "Electronic Bodhidharma". Last summer, a team from the EBTI made a tour of input operations in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul. We have set up seminars in several of these cities to help people with the coding and input problems. On October 29 at a conference in Berkeley on "Buddhist Studies: The State of the Art" we will have demonstrations of some of the existing data bases. Mahidol University in Bangkok has completed the Siam edition of Pali Canon and it will be offered on CD ROM this fall. Urs App will demonstrate some of the Chinese data bases and the translations tables, software and other matters. I currently serve as the Chair of the newly formed Electronic Publications Committee for the American Academy of Religion. It is our hope to distribute and help with the creation of data bases related to religious materials. [...] Lewis Lancaster Department of East Asian Languages University of California Berkeley email: buddhst@garnet.berkeley.edu FAX (510) 642-6031 Tel (510) 642-3485 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- end of file