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Thinking in Patterns with Java, Revision 0.6

©2001 by Bruce Eckel

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9: Interpreter/
Multiple Languages

This chapter looks at the value of crossing language boundaries. It is often very advantageous to solve a problem using more than one programming language, rather than being arbitrarily stuck using a single language. As you’ll see in this chapter, a problem that is very difficult or tedious to solve in one language can often be solved quickly and easily in another. If you can combine the use of languages, you can create your product much more quickly and cheaply.

The most straightforward use of this idea is the Interpreter design pattern, which adds an interpreted language to your program to allow the end user to easily customize a solution. In Java, the easiest and most powerful way to do this is with Jython[12], an implementation of the Python language in pure Java byte codes.

Interpreter solves a particular problem – that of creating a scripting language for the user. But sometimes it’s just easier and faster to temporarily step into another language to solve a particular aspect of your problem. You’re not creating an interpreter, you’re just writing some code in another language. Again, Jython is a good example of this, but CORBA also allows you to cross language boundaries.

Interpreter motivation

If the application user needs greater run time flexibility, for example to create scripts describing the desired behavior of the system, you can use the Interpreter design pattern. Here, you create and embed a language interpreter into your program.

Remember that each design pattern allows one or more factors to change, so it’s important to first be aware of which factor is changing. Sometimes the end users of your application (rather than the programmers of that application) need complete flexibility in the way that they configure some aspect of the program. That is, they need to do some kind of simple programming. The interpreter pattern provides this flexibility by adding a language interpreter.

The problem is that developing your own language and building an interpreter is a time-consuming distraction from the process of developing your application. You must ask whether you want to finish writing your application or create a new language. The best solution is to reuse code: embed an interpreter that’s already been built and debugged for you. The Python language can be freely embedded into your for-profit application without signing any license agreement, paying royalties, or dealing with strings of any kind. There are basically no restrictions at all when you're using Python.

Python is a language that is very easy to learn, very logical to read and write, supports functions and objects, has a large set of available libraries, and runs on virtually every platform. You can download Python and learn more about it by going to www.Python.org.

For solving Java problems, we will look at a special version of Python called Jython. This is generated entirely in Java byte codes, so incorporating it into your application is quite simple, and it’s as portable as Java is. It has an extremely clean interface with Java: Java can call Python classes, and Python can call Java classes.

Python is designed with classes from the ground up and is a truly pure object oriented language (both C++ and Java violate purity in various ways). Python scales up so that you can create very big programs without losing control of the code.

To install Python, go to www.Python.org and follow the links and instructions. To install Jython, go to http://jython.sourceforge.net. The download is a .class file, which will run an installer when you execute it with Java. You also need to add jython.jar to your CLASSPATH. You can find further installation instructions at http://www.bruceeckel.com/TIPatterns/Building-Code.html.

Python overview

To get you started, here is a brief introduction for the experienced programmer (which is what you should be if you’re reading this book). You can refer to the full documentation at www.Python.org (especially the incredibly useful HTML page A Python Quick Reference), and also numerous books such as Learning Python by Mark Lutz and David Ascher (O’Reilly, 1999).

Python is often referred to as a scripting language, but scripting languages tend to be limiting, especially in the scope of the problems that they solve. Python, on the other hand, is a programming language that also supports scripting. It is marvelous for scripting, and you may find yourself replacing all your batch files, shell scripts, and simple programs with Python scripts. But it is far more than a scripting language.

Python is designed to be very clean to write and especially to read. You will find that it’s quite easy to read your own code long after you’ve written it, and also to read other people’s code. This is accomplished partially through clean, to-the-point syntax, but a major factor in code readability is indentation – scoping in Python is determined by indentation. For example:

#: c09:if.py
response = "yes"
if response == "yes":
  print "affirmative"
  val = 1
print "continuing..."

The ‘#’ denotes a comment that goes until the end of the line, just like C++ and Java ‘//’ comments.

First notice that the basic syntax of Python is C-ish; notice the if statement. But in a C if, you would be required to use parentheses around the conditional, whereas they are not necessary in Python (but it won’t complain if you use them anyway).

The conditional clause ends with a colon, and this indicates that what follows will be a group of indented statements, which are the “then” part of the if statement. In this case, there is a “print” statement which sends the result to standard output, followed by an assignment to a variable named val. The subsequent statement is not indented so it is no longer part of the if. Indenting can nest to any level, just like curly braces in C++ or Java, but unlike those languages there is no option (and no argument) about where the braces are placed – the compiler forces everyone’s code to be formatted the same way, which is one of the main reasons for Python’s consistent readability.

Python normally has only one statement per line (you can put more by separating them with semicolons), thus no terminating semicolon is necessary. Even from the brief example above you can see that the language is designed to be as simple as possible, and yet still very readable.

Built-in containers

With languages like C++ and Java, containers are add-on libraries and not integral to the language. In Python, the essential nature of containers for programming is acknowledged by building them into the core of the language: both lists and associative arrays (a.k.a. maps, dictionaries, hash tables) are fundamental data types. This adds much to the elegance of the language.

In addition, the for statement automatically iterates through lists rather than just counting through a sequence of numbers. This makes a lot of sense when you think about it, since you’re almost always using a for loop to step through an array or a container. Python formalizes this by automatically making for use an iterator that works through a sequence. Here’s an example:

#: c09:list.py
list = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 ]
print list
for x in list:
  print x

The first line creates a list. You can print the list and it will look exactly as you put it in (in contrast, remember that I had to create a special Arrays2 class in Thinking in Java, 2nd Edition in order to print arrays in Java). Lists are like Java containers – you can add new elements to them (here, append( ) is used) and they will automatically resize themselves. The for statement creates an iterator x which takes on each value in the list.

You can create a list of numbers with the range( ) function, so if you really need to imitate C’s for, you can.

Notice that there aren’t any type declarations – the object names simply appear, and Python infers their type by the way that you use them. It’s as if Python is designed so that you only need to press the keys that absolutely must. You’ll find after you’ve worked with Python for a short while that you’ve been using up a lot of brain cycles parsing semicolons, curly braces, and all sorts of other extra verbiage that was demanded by your non-Python programming language but didn’t actually describe what your program was supposed to do.


To create a function in Python, you use the def keyword, followed by the function name and argument list, and a colon to begin the function body. Here is the first example turned into a function:

#: c09:myFunction.py
def myFunction(response):
  val = 0
  if response == "yes":
    print "affirmative"
    val = 1
  print "continuing..."
  return val

print myFunction("no")
print myFunction("yes")

Notice there is no type information in the function signature – all it specifies is the name of the function and the argument identifiers, but no argument types or return types. Python is a weakly-typed language, which means it puts the minimum possible requirements on typing. For example, you could pass and return different types from the same function:

#: c09:differentReturns.py
def differentReturns(arg):
  if arg == 1:
    return "one"
  if arg == "one":
    return 1

print differentReturns(1)
print differentReturns("one")

The only constraints on an object that is passed into the function are that the function can apply its operations to that object, but other than that, it doesn’t care. Here, the same function applies the ‘+’ operator to integers and strings:

#: c09:sum.py
def sum(arg1, arg2):
  return arg1 + arg2

print sum(42, 47)
print sum('spam ', "eggs")

When the operator ‘+’ is used with strings, it means concatenation (yes, Python supports operator overloading, and it does a nice job of it).


The above example also shows a little bit about Python string handling, which is the best of any language I’ve seen. You can use single or double quotes to represent strings, which is very nice because if you surround a string with double quotes, you can embed single quotes and vice versa:

#: c09:strings.py
print "That isn't a horse"
print 'You are not a "Viking"'
print """You're just pounding two
coconut halves together."""
print '''"Oh no!" He exclaimed.
"It's the blemange!"'''
print r'c:\python\lib\utils'

Note that Python was not named after the snake, but rather the Monty Python comedy troupe, and so examples are virtually required to include Python-esque references.

The triple-quote syntax quotes everything, including newlines. This makes it particularly useful for doing things like generating web pages (Python is an especially good CGI language), since you can just triple-quote the entire page that you want without any other editing.

The ‘r’ right before a string means “raw,” which takes the backslashes literally so you don’t have to put in an extra backslash.

Substitution in strings is exceptionally easy, since Python uses C’s printf( ) substitution syntax, but for any string at all. You simply follow the string with a ‘%’ and the values to substitute:

#: c09:stringFormatting.py
val = 47
print "The number is %d" % val
val2 = 63.4
s = "val: %d, val2: %f" % (val, val2)
print s

As you can see in the second case, if you have more than one argument you surround them in parentheses (this forms a tuple, which is a list that cannot be modified).

All the formatting from printf( ) is available, including control over the number of decimal places and alignment. Python also has very sophisticated regular expressions.


Like everything else in Python, the definition of a class uses a minimum of additional syntax. You use the class keyword, and inside the body you use def to create methods. Here’s a simple class:

#: c09:SimpleClass.py
class Simple:
  def __init__(self, str):
    print "Inside the Simple constructor"
    self.s = str
  # Two methods:
  def show(self):
    print self.s
  def showMsg(self, msg):
    print msg + ':',
    self.show() # Calling another method

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Create an object:
  x = Simple("constructor argument")
  x.showMsg("A message")

Both methods have “self as their first argument. C++ and Java both have a hidden first argument in their class methods, which points to the object that the method was called for and can be accessed using the keyword this. Python methods also use a reference to the current object, but when you are defining a method you must explicitly specify the reference as the first argument. Traditionally, the reference is called self but you could use any identifier you want (if you do not use self you will probably confuse a lot of people, however). If you need to refer to fields in the object or other methods in the object, you must use self in the expression. However, when you call a method for an object as in x.show( ), you do not hand it the reference to the object – that is done for you.

Here, the first method is special, as is any identifier that begins and ends with double underscores. In this case, it defines the constructor, which is automatically called when the object is created, just like in C++ and Java. However, at the bottom of the example you can see that the creation of an object looks just like a function call using the class name. Python’s spare syntax makes you realize that the new keyword isn’t really necessary in C++ or Java, either.

All the code at the bottom is set off by an if clause, which checks to see if something called __name__ is equivalent to __main__. Again, the double underscores indicate special names. The reason for the if is that any file can also be used as a library module within another program (modules are described shortly). In that case, you just want the classes defined, but you don’t want the code at the bottom of the file to be executed. This particular if statement is only true when you are running this file directly; that is, if you say on the command line:

Python SimpleClass.py

However, if this file is imported as a module into another program, the __main__ code is not executed.

Something that’s a little surprising at first is that you define fields inside methods, and not outside of the methods like C++ or Java (if you create fields using the C++/Java style, they implicitly become static fields). To create an object field, you just name it – using self – inside of one of the methods (usually in the constructor, but not always), and space is created when that method is run. This seems a little strange coming from C++ or Java where you must decide ahead of time how much space your object is going to occupy, but it turns out to be a very flexible way to program.


Because Python is weakly typed, it doesn’t really care about interfaces – all it cares about is applying operations to objects (in fact, Java’s interface keyword would be wasted in Python). This means that inheritance in Python is different from inheritance in C++ or Java, where you often inherit simply to establish a common interface. In Python, the only reason you inherit is to inherit an implementation – to re-use the code in the base class.

If you’re going to inherit from a class, you must tell Python to bring that class into your new file. Python controls its name spaces as aggressively as Java does, and in a similar fashion (albeit with Python’s penchant for simplicity). Every time you create a file, you implicitly create a module (which is like a package in Java) with the same name as that file. Thus, no package keyword is needed in Python. When you want to use a module, you just say import and give the name of the module. Python searches the PYTHONPATH in the same way that Java searches the CLASSPATH (but for some reason, Python doesn’t have the same kinds of pitfalls as Java does) and reads in the file. To refer to any of the functions or classes within a module, you give the module name, a period, and the function or class name. If you don’t want the trouble of qualifying the name, you can say

from module import name(s)

Where “name(s)” can be a list of names separated by commas.

You inherit a class (or classes – Python supports multiple inheritance) by listing the name(s) of the class inside parentheses after the name of the inheriting class. Note that the Simple class, which resides in the file (and thus, module) named SimpleClass is brought into this new name space using an import statement:

#: c09:Simple2.py
from SimpleClass import Simple

class Simple2(Simple):
  def __init__(self, str):
    print "Inside Simple2 constructor"
    # You must explicitly call 
    # the base-class constructor:
    Simple.__init__(self, str)
  def display(self):
    self.showMsg("Called from display()")
  # Overriding a base-class method
  def show(self):
    print "Overridden show() method"
    # Calling a base-class method from inside
    # the overridden method:

class Different:
  def show(self):
    print "Not derived from Simple"

if __name__ == "__main__":
  x = Simple2("Simple2 constructor argument")
  x.showMsg("Inside main")
  def f(obj): obj.show() # One-line definition

Simple2 is inherited from Simple, and in the constructor, the base-class constructor is called. In display( ), showMsg( ) can be called as a method of self, but when calling the base-class version of the method you are overriding, you must fully qualify the name and pass self in as the first argument, as shown in the base-class constructor call. This can also be seen in the overridden version of show( ).

In __main__, you will see (when you run the program) that the base-class constructor is called. You can also see that the showMsg( ) method is available in the derived class, just as you would expect with inheritance.

The class Different also has a method named show( ), but this class is not derived from Simple. The f( ) method defined in __main__ demonstrates weak typing: all it cares about is that show( ) can be applied to obj, and it doesn’t have any other type requirements. You can see that f( ) can be applied equally to an object of a class derived from Simple and one that isn’t, without discrimination. If you’re a C++ programmer, you should see that the objective of the C++ template feature is exactly this: to provide weak typing in a strongly-typed language. Thus, in Python you automatically get the equivalent of templates – without having to learn that particularly difficult syntax and semantics.

Creating a language

It turns out to be remarkably simple to use Jython to create an interpreted language inside your application. Consider the greenhouse controller example from Chapter 8 of Thinking in Java, 2nd edition. This is a situation where you want the end user – the person managing the greenhouse – to have configuration control over the system, and so a simple scripting language is the ideal solution.

To create the language, we’ll simply write a set of Python classes, and the constructor of each will add itself to a (static) master list. The common data and behavior will be factored into the base class Event. Each Event object will contain an action string (for simplicity – in reality, you’d have some sort of functionality) and a time when the event is supposed to run. The constructor initializes these fields, and then adds the new Event object to a static list called events (defining it in the class, but outside of any methods, is what makes it static):


class Event:
  events = [] # static
  def __init__(self, action, time):
    self.action = action
    self.time = time
  # Used by sort(). This will cause
  # comparisons to be based only on time:
  def __cmp__ (self, other):
    if self.time < other.time: return -1
    if self.time > other.time: return 1
    return 0
  def run(self):
    print "%.2f: %s" % (self.time, self.action)

class LightOn(Event):
  def __init__(self, time):
    Event.__init__(self, "Light on", time)

class LightOff(Event):
  def __init__(self, time):
    Event.__init__(self, "Light off", time)

class WaterOn(Event):
  def __init__(self, time):
    Event.__init__(self, "Water on", time)

class WaterOff(Event):
  def __init__(self, time):
    Event.__init__(self, "Water off", time)

class ThermostatNight(Event):
  def __init__(self, time):
    Event.__init__(self,"Thermostat night", time)

class ThermostatDay(Event):
  def __init__(self, time):
    Event.__init__(self, "Thermostat day", time)

class Bell(Event):
  def __init__(self, time):
    Event.__init__(self, "Ring bell", time)
def run():
  for e in Event.events:

# To test, this will be run when you say:
# python GreenHouseLanguage.py
if __name__ == "__main__":

The constructor of each derived class calls the base-class constructor, which adds the new object to the list. The run( ) function sorts the list, which automatically uses the __cmp__( ) method that was defined in Event to base comparisons on time only. In this example, it only prints out the list, but in the real system it would wait for the time of each event to come up and then run the event.

The __main__ section performs a simple test on the classes.

The above file is now a module that can be included in another Python program to define all the classes it contains. But instead of an ordinary Python program, let’s use Jython, inside of Java. This turns out to be remarkably simple: you import some Jython classes, create a PythonInterpreter object, and cause the Python files to be loaded:

//: c09:GreenHouseController.java
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; 
import org.python.core.*; 
import com.bruceeckel.test.*;

public class 
GreenHouseController extends UnitTest { 
  PythonInterpreter interp = 
    new PythonInterpreter();
  public void test() throws PyException  {
      "Loading GreenHouse Language");
      "Loading GreenHouse Script");
      "Executing GreenHouse Script");
  public static void 
  main(String[] args) throws PyException  {
    new GreenHouseController().test();
} ///:~

The PythonInterpreter object is a complete Python interpreter that accepts commands from the Java program. One of these commands is execfile( ), which tells it to execute all the statements it finds in a particular file. By executing GreenHouseLanguage.py, all the classes from that file are loaded into our PythonInterpreter object, and so it now “holds” the greenhouse controller language. The Schedule.ghs file is the one created by the end user to control the greenhouse. Here’s an example:

//:! c09:Schedule.ghs

This is the goal of the interpreter design pattern: to make the configuration of your program as simple as possible for the end user. With Jython you can achieve this with almost no effort at all.

One of the other methods available to the PythonInterpreter is exec( ), which allows you to send a command to the interpreter. Here, the run( ) function is called using exec( ).

Remember, to run this program you must go to http://jython.sourceforge.net and download and install Jython (actually, you only need jython.jar in your CLASSPATH). Once that’s in place, it’s just like running any other Java program.

Controlling the interpreter

The prior example only creates and runs the interpreter using external scripts. In the rest of this chapter, we shall look at more sophisticated ways to interact with Jython. The simplest way to exercise more control over the PythonInterpreter object from within Java is to send data to the interpreter, and pull data back out.

Putting data in

To inject data into your Python program, the PythonInterpreter class has a deceptively simple method: set( ). However, set( ) takes many different data types and performs conversions upon them. The following example is a reasonably thorough exercise of the various set( ) possibilities, along with comments that should give a fairly complete explanation:

//: c09:PythonInterpreterSetting.java
// Passing data from Java to python when using
// the PythonInterpreter object.
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; 
import org.python.core.*; 
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.python.*;
import com.bruceeckel.test.*;

public class 
PythonInterpreterSetting extends UnitTest {
  PythonInterpreter interp = 
    new PythonInterpreter();
  public void test() throws PyException  {
    // It automatically converts Strings 
    // into native Python strings:
    interp.set("a", "This is a test");
    interp.exec("print a");
    interp.exec("print a[5:]"); // A slice
    // It also knows what to do with arrays:
    String[] s = { "How", "Do", "You", "Do?" };
    interp.set("b", s);
    interp.exec("for x in b: print x[0], x");
    // set() only takes Objects, so it can't 
    // figure out primitives. Instead,
    // you have to use wrappers:
    interp.set("c", new PyInteger(1));
    interp.set("d", new PyFloat(2.2));
    interp.exec("print c + d");
    // You can also use Java's object wrappers:
    interp.set("c", new Integer(9));
    interp.set("d", new Float(3.14));
    interp.exec("print c + d");
    // Define a Python function to print arrays:
      "def prt(x): \n" +
      "  print x \n" +
      "  for i in x: \n" +
      "    print i, \n" +
      "  print x.__class__\n");
    // Arrays are Objects, so it has no trouble 
    // figuring out the types contained in arrays:
    Object[] types = {
      new boolean[]{ true, false, false, true },
      new char[]{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' },
      new byte[]{ 1, 2, 3, 4 },
      new int[]{ 10, 20, 30, 40 },
      new long[]{ 100, 200, 300, 400 },
      new float[]{ 1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f, 4.4f },
      new double[]{ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 },
    for(int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
      interp.set("e", types[i]);
    // It uses toString() to print Java objects:
    interp.set("f", new Date());
    interp.exec("print f");
    // You can pass it a List 
    // and index into it...
    List x = new ArrayList();
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        x.add(new Integer(i * 10));
    interp.set("g", x);
    interp.exec("print g");
    interp.exec("print g[1]");
    // ... But it's not quite smart enough
    // to treat it as a Python array:
    interp.exec("print g.__class__");
    // interp.exec("print g[5:]); // Fails
    // If you want it to be a python array, you
    // must extract the Java array:
    System.out.println("ArrayList to array:");
    interp.set("h", x.toArray());
    interp.exec("print h.__class__");
    interp.exec("print h[5:]");
    // Passing in a Map:
    Map m = new HashMap();
    m.put(new Integer(1), new Character('a'));
    m.put(new Integer(3), new Character('b'));
    m.put(new Integer(5), new Character('c'));
    m.put(new Integer(7), new Character('d'));
    m.put(new Integer(11), new Character('e'));
    System.out.println("m: " + m);
    interp.set("m", m);
    interp.exec("print m, m.__class__, " + 
      "m[1], m[1].__class__");
    // Not a Python dictionary, so this fails:
    //! interp.exec("for x in m.keys():" +
    //!   "print x, m[x]");
    // To convert a Map to a Python dictionary,
    // use com.bruceeckel.python.PyUtil:
    interp.set("m", PyUtil.toPyDictionary(m));
    interp.exec("print m, m.__class__, " + 
      "m[1], m[1].__class__");
    interp.exec("for x in m.keys():print x,m[x]");
  public static void 
  main(String[] args) throws PyException  {
    new PythonInterpreterSetting().test();
} ///:~

As usual with Java, the distinction between real objects and primitive types causes trouble. In general, if you pass a regular object to set( ), it knows what to do with it, but if you want to pass in a primitive you must perform a conversion. One way to do this is to create a “Py” type, such as PyInteger or PyFloat. but it turns out you can also use Java’s own object wrappers like Integer and Float, which is probably going to be a lot easier to remember.

Early in the program you’ll see an exec( ) containing the Python statement:

print a[5:]

The colon inside the indexing statement indicates a Python slice, which produces a range of elements from the original array. In this case, it produces an array containing the elements from number 5 until the end of the array. You could also say ‘a[3:5]’ to produce elements 3 through 5, or ‘a[:5]’ to produce the elements zero through 5. The reason a slice is used in this statement is to make sure that the Java String has really been converted to a Python string, which can also be treated as an array of characters.

You can see that it’s possible, using exec( ), to create a Python function (although it’s a bit awkward). The prt( ) function prints the whole array, and then (to make sure it’s a real Python array), iterates through each element of the array and prints it. Finally, it prints the class of the array, so we can see what conversion has taken place (Python not only has run-time type information, it also has the equivalent of Java reflection). The prt( ) function is used to print arrays that come from each of the Java primitive types.

Although a Java ArrayList does pass into the interpreter using set( ), and you can index into it as if it were an array, trying to create a slice fails. To completely convert it into an array, one approach is to simply extract a Java array using toArray( ), and pass that in. The set( ) method converts it to a PyArray – one of the classes provided with Jython – which can be treated as a Python array (you can also explicitly create a PyArray, but this seems unnecessary).

Finally, a Map is created and passed directly into the interpreter. While it is possible to do simple things like index into the resulting object, it’s not a real Python dictionary so you can’t (for example) call the keys( ) method. There is no straightforward way to convert a Java Map into a Python dictionary, and so I wrote a utility called toPyDictionary( ) and made it a static method of com.bruceeckel.python.PyUtil. This also includes utilities to extract a Python array into a Java List, and a Python dictionary into a Java Map:

//: com:bruceeckel:python:PyUtil.java
// PythonInterpreter utilities
package com.bruceeckel.python;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; 
import org.python.core.*; 
import java.util.*;

public class PyUtil { 
  /** Extract a Python tuple or array into a Java
  List (which can be converted into other kinds 
  of lists and sets inside Java). 
  @param interp The Python interpreter object
  @param pyName The id of the python list object
  public static List 
  toList(PythonInterpreter interp, String pyName){
    return new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(
        pyName, Object[].class)));
  /** Extract a Python dictionary into a Java Map
  @param interp The Python interpreter object
  @param pyName The id of the python dictionary
  public static Map 
  toMap(PythonInterpreter interp, String pyName){
    PyList pa = ((PyDictionary)interp.get(
    Map map = new HashMap();
    while(pa.__len__() != 0) {
      PyTuple po = (PyTuple)pa.pop();
      Object first = po.__finditem__(0)
      Object second = po.__finditem__(1)
      map.put(first, second);
    return map;
  /** Turn a Java Map into a PyDictionary, 
  suitable for placing into a PythonInterpreter
  @param map The Java Map object
  public static PyDictionary 
  toPyDictionary(Map map) {
    Map m = new HashMap();
    Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
    while(it.hasNext()) {
      Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)it.next();
    // PyDictionary constructor wants a Hashtable:
    return new PyDictionary(new Hashtable(m));
} ///:~

Here is the (black-box) unit testing code:

//: com:bruceeckel:python:Test.java
package com.bruceeckel.python;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; 
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.test.*;

public class Test extends UnitTest {
  PythonInterpreter pi =
    new PythonInterpreter();
  public void test1() {
    List lst = PyUtil.toList(pi, "tup");
    System.out.println(new HashSet(lst));
  public void test2() {
    List lst = PyUtil.toList(pi, "ints");
  public void test3() {
    pi.exec("dict = { 1 : 'a', 3 : 'b', " + 
      "5 : 'c', 9 : 'd', 11 : 'e'}");
    Map mp = PyUtil.toMap(pi, "dict");
  public void test4() {
    Map m = new HashMap();
    m.put("twas", new Integer(11));
    m.put("brillig", new Integer(27));
    m.put("and", new Integer(47));
    m.put("the", new Integer(42));
    m.put("slithy", new Integer(33));
    m.put("toves", new Integer(55));
    pi.set("m", PyUtil.toPyDictionary(m));
    pi.exec("print m");
    pi.exec("print m['slithy']");
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Test t = new Test();
} ///:~

We’ll see the use of the extraction tools in the next section.

Getting data out

There are a number of different ways to extract data from the PythonInterpreter. If you simply call the get( ) method, passing it the object identifier as a string, it returns a PyObject (part of the org.python.core support classes). It’s possible to “cast” it using the __tojava__( ) method, but there are better alternatives:

  1. The convenience methods in the Py class, such as py2int( ), take a PyObject and convert it to a number of different types.
  2. An overloaded version of get( ) takes the desired Java Class object as a second argument, and produces an object that has that run-time type (so you still need to perform a cast on the result in your Java code).

Using the second approach, getting an array from the PythonInterpreter is quite easy. This is especially useful because Python is exceptionally good at manipulating strings and files, and so you will commonly want to extract the results as an array of strings. For example, you can do a wildcard expansion of file names using Python’s glob( ), as shown further down in the following code:

//: c09:PythonInterpreterGetting.java
// Getting data from the PythonInterpreter object.
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; 
import org.python.core.*; 
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.python.*;
import com.bruceeckel.test.*;

public class 
PythonInterpreterGetting extends UnitTest{ 
  PythonInterpreter interp = 
    new PythonInterpreter();
  public void test() throws PyException  { 
    interp.exec("a = 100");
    // If you just use the ordinary get(), 
    // it returns a PyObject:
    PyObject a = interp.get("a");
    // There's not much you can do with a generic
    // PyObject, but you can print it out:
    System.out.println("a = " + a);
    // If you know the type it's supposed to be,
    // you can "cast" it using __tojava__() to
    // that Java type and manipulate it in Java.
    // To use 'a' as an int, you must use
    // the Integer wrapper class:
    int ai= ((Integer)a.__tojava__(Integer.class))
    // There are also convenience functions:
    ai = Py.py2int(a);
    System.out.println("ai + 47 = " + (ai + 47));
    // You can convert it to different types:
    float af = Py.py2float(a);
    System.out.println("af + 47 = " + (af + 47));
    // If you try to cast it to an inappropriate
    // type you'll get a runtime exception:
    //! String as = (String)a.__tojava__(
    //!   String.class);
    // If you know the type, a more useful method
    // is the overloaded get() that takes the 
    // desired class as the 2nd argument:
    interp.exec("x = 1 + 2");
    int x = ((Integer)interp
      .get("x", Integer.class)).intValue();
    System.out.println("x = " + x);
    // Since Python is so good at manipulating
    // strings and files, you will often need to
    // extract an array of Strings. Here, a file 
    // is read as a Python array:
    interp.exec("lines = " + 
      "open('PythonInterpreterGetting.java')" +
    // Pull it in as a Java array of String:
    String[] lines = (String[])
      interp.get("lines", String[].class);
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    // As an example of useful string tools,
    // global expansion of ambiguous file names
    // using glob is very useful, but it's not
    // part of the standard Jython package, so
    // you'll have to make sure that your
    // Python path is set to include these, or
    // that you deliver the necessary Python
    // files with your application.
    interp.exec("from glob import glob");
    interp.exec("files = glob('*.java')");
    String[] files = (String[])
      interp.get("files", String[].class);
    for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
    // You can extract tuples and arrays into 
    // Java Lists with com.bruceeckel.PyUtil:
      "tup = ('fee', 'fi', 'fo', 'fum', 'fi')");
    List tup = PyUtil.toList(interp, "tup");
    // It really is a list of String objects:
    // You can easily convert it to a Set:
    Set tups = new HashSet(tup);
    List ints = PyUtil.toList(interp, "ints");
    // It really is a List of Integer objects:
    // If you have a Python dictionary, it can
    // be extracted into a Java Map, again with
    // com.bruceeckel.PyUtil:
    interp.exec("dict = { 1 : 'a', 3 : 'b'," +
      "5 : 'c', 9 : 'd', 11 : 'e' }");
    Map map = PyUtil.toMap(interp, "dict");
    System.out.println("map: " + map);
    // It really is Java objects, not PyObjects:
    Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
    Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)it.next();
  public static void 
  main(String[] args) throws PyException  {
    new PythonInterpreterGetting().test();
} ///:~

The last two examples show the extraction of Python tuples and lists into Java Lists, and Python dictionaries into Java Maps. Both of these cases require more processing than is provided in the standard Jython library, so I have again created utilities in com.bruceeckel.pyton.PyUtil: toList( ) to produce a List from a Python sequence, and toMap( ) to produce a Map from a Python dictionary. The PyUtil methods make it easier to take important data structures back and forth between Java and Python.

Multiple interpreters

It’s also worth noting that you can have multiple PythonInterpreter objects in a program, and each one has its own name space:

//: c09:MultipleJythons.java
// You can run multiple interpreters, each
// with its own name space.
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; 
import org.python.core.*; 
import com.bruceeckel.test.*;

public class MultipleJythons extends UnitTest { 
    interp1 =  new PythonInterpreter(),
    interp2 =  new PythonInterpreter();
  public void test() throws PyException { 
    interp1.set("a", new PyInteger(42));
    interp2.set("a", new PyInteger(47));
    interp1.exec("print a");
    interp2.exec("print a");
    PyObject x1 = interp1.get("a");
    PyObject x2 = interp2.get("a");
    System.out.println("a from interp1: " + x1);
    System.out.println("a from interp2: " + x2);
  public static void 
  main(String[] args) throws PyException  {
    new MultipleJythons().test();
} ///:~

When you run the program you’ll see that the value of a is distinct within each PythonInterpreter.

Controlling Java from Jython

Since you have the Java language at your disposal, and you can set and retrieve values in the interpreter, there’s a tremendous amount that you can accomplish with the above approach (controlling Python from Java). But one of the amazing things about Jython is that it makes Java classes almost transparently available from within Jython. Basically, a Java class looks like a Python class. This is true for standard Java library classes as well as classes that you create yourself, as you can see here:

#: c09:JavaClassInPython.py
#=M jython.bat JavaClassInPython.py
# Using Java classes within Jython
from java.util import Date, HashSet, HashMap
from c09.javaclass import JavaClass
from math import sin

d = Date() # Creating a Java Date object
print d # Calls toString()

# A "generator" to easily create data:
class ValGen:
  def __init__(self, maxVal):
    self.val = range(maxVal)
  # Called during 'for' iteration:
  def __getitem__(self, i):
    # Returns a tuple of two elements:
    return self.val[i], sin(self.val[i])

# Java standard containers:
map = HashMap()
set = HashSet()

for x, y in ValGen(10):
  map.put(x, y)

print map
print set

# Iterating through a set:
for z in set:
  print z, z.__class__

print map[3] # Uses Python dictionary indexing
for x in map.keySet(): # keySet() is a Map method
  print x, map[x]

# Using a Java class that you create yourself is
# just as easy:
jc = JavaClass()
jc2 = JavaClass("Created within Jython")
print jc2.getVal()
jc.setVal("Using a Java class is trivial")
print jc.getVal()
print jc.getChars()
jc.val = "Using bean properties"
print jc.val

The “=M” comment is recognized by the makefile generator tool (that I created for this book) as a replacement makefile command. This will be used instead of the commands that the extraction tool would normally place in the makefile.

Note that the import statements map to the Java package structure exactly as you would expect. In the first example, a Date( ) object is created as if it were a native Python class, and printing this object just calls toString( ).

ValGen implements the concept of a “generator” which is used a great deal in the C++ STL (Standard Template Library, part of the Standard C++ Library). A generator is an object that produces a new object every time its “generation method” is called, and it is quite convenient for filling containers. Here, I wanted to use it in a for iteration, and so I needed the generation method to be the one that is called by the iteration process. This is a special method called __getitem__( ), which is actually the overloaded operator for indexing, ‘[ ]’. A for loop calls this method every time it wants to move the iteration forward, and when the elements run out, __getitem__( ) throws an out-of-bounds exception and that signals the end of the for loop (in other languages, you would never use an exception for ordinary control flow, but in Python it seems to work quite well). This exception happens automatically when self.val[i] runs out of elements, so the __getitem__( ) code turns out to be simple. The only complexity is that __getitem__( ) appears to return two objects instead of just one. What Python does is automatically package multiple return values into a tuple, so you still only end up returning a single object (in C++ or Java you would have to create your own data structure to accomplish this). In addition, in the for loop where ValGen is used, Python automatically “unpacks” the tuple so that you can have multiple iterators in the for. These are the kinds of syntax simplifications that make Python so endearing.

The map and set objects are instances of Java’s HashMap and HashSet, again created as if those classes were just native Python components. In the for loop, the put( ) and add( ) methods work just like they do in Java. Also, indexing into a Java Map uses the same notation as for dictionaries, but note that to iterate through the keys in a Map you must use the Map method keySet( ) rather than the Python dictionary method keys( ).

The final part of the example shows the use of a Java class that I created from scratch, to demonstrate how trivial it is. Notice also that Jython intuitively understands JavaBeans properties, since you can either use the getVal( ) and setVal( ) methods, or assign to and read from the equivalent val property. Also, getChars( ) returns a Character[] in Java, and this becomes an array in Python.

The easiest way to use Java classes that you create for use inside a Python program is to put them inside a package. Although Jython can also import unpackaged java classes (import JavaClass), all such unpackaged java classes will be treated as if they were defined in different packages so they can only see each other’s public methods.

Java packages translate into Python modules, and Python must import a module in order to be able to use the Java class. Here is the Java code for JavaClass:

//: c09:javaclass:JavaClass.java
package c09.javaclass;
import com.bruceeckel.test.*;
import com.bruceeckel.util.*;

public class JavaClass {
  private String s = "";
  public JavaClass() {
  public JavaClass(String a) {
    s = a;
  public String getVal() {
    return s;
  public void setVal(String a) {
    s = a;
  public Character[] getChars() {
    Character[] r = new Character[s.length()];
    for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
      r[i] = new Character(s.charAt(i));
    return r;
  public static class Test extends UnitTest {
      x1 = new JavaClass(),
      x2 = new JavaClass("UnitTest");
    public void test1() {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Test test = new Test();
} ///:~

You can see that this is just an ordinary Java class, without any awareness that it will be used in a Jython program. For this reason, one of the important uses of Jython is in testing Java code[13]. Because Python is such a powerful, flexible, dynamic language it is an ideal tool for automated test frameworks, without making any changes to the Java code that’s being tested.

Inner Classes

Inner classes becomes attributes on the class object. Instances of static inner classes can be create by the usual call:


Non-static inner classes must have an outer class instance supplied explicitly as the first argument:


Using Java libraries

Jython wraps the Java libraries so that any of them can be used directly or via inheritance. In addition, Python shorthand simplifies coding.

As an example, consider the HTMLButton.java example from Chapter 9 of Thinking in Java, 2nd edition (you presumably have already downloaded and installed the source code for that book from www.BruceEckel.com, since a number of examples in this book use libraries from that book). Here is its conversion to Jython:

#: c09:PythonSwing.py
# The HTMLButton.java example from 
# "Thinking in Java, 2nd edition," Chapter 13,
# converted into Jython.
# Don’t run this as part of the automatic make:
#=M @echo skipping PythonSwing.py
from javax.swing import JFrame, JButton, JLabel
from java.awt import FlowLayout

frame = JFrame("HTMLButton", visible=1,

def kapow(e):
    "<i><font size=+4>Kapow!"))
  # Force a re-layout to
  # include the new label:

button = JButton("<html><b><font size=+2>" +
  "<center>Hello!<br><i>Press me now!",
frame.contentPane.layout = FlowLayout()
frame.size=200, 500

If you compare the Java version of the program to the above Jython implementation, you’ll see that Jython is shorter and generally easier to understand. For example, in the Java version to set up the frame you had to make several calls: the constructor for JFrame( ), the setVisible( ) method and the setDefaultCloseOperation( ) method, whereas in the above code all three of these operations are performed with a single constructor call.

Also notice that the JButton is configured with an actionListener( ) method inside the constructor, with the assignment to kapow. In addition, Jython’s JavaBean awareness means that a call to any method with a name that begins with “set” can be replaced with an assignment, as you can see above.

The only method that did not come over from Java is the pack( ) method, which seems to be essential in order to force the layout to happen properly. It’s also important that the call to pack( ) appear before the size setting.

Inheriting from Java library classes

You can easily inherit from standard Java library classes in Jython. Here’s the Dialogs.java example from Chapter 13 of Thinking in Java, 2nd edition, converted into Jython:

#: c09:PythonDialogs.py
# Dialogs.java from "Thinking in Java, 2nd 
# edition," Chapter 13, converted into Jython.
# Don’t run this as part of the automatic make:
#=M @echo skipping PythonDialogs.py
from java.awt import FlowLayout
from javax.swing import JFrame, JDialog, JLabel
from javax.swing import JButton

class MyDialog(JDialog):
  def __init__(self, parent=None):
      title="My dialog", modal=1)
    self.contentPane.layout = FlowLayout()
    self.contentPane.add(JLabel("A dialog!"))
      actionPerformed = 
        lambda e, t=self: t.dispose()))

frame = JFrame("Dialogs", visible=1,
dlg = MyDialog()
  JButton("Press here to get a Dialog Box", 
    actionPerformed = lambda e: dlg.show()))

MyDialog is inherited from JDialog, and you can see named arguments being used in the call to the base-class constructor.

In the creation of the “OK” JButton, note that the actionPerformed method is set right inside the constructor, and that the function is created using the Python lambda keyword. This creates a nameless function with the arguments appearing before the colon and the expression that generates the returned value after the colon. As you should know, the Java prototype for the actionPerformed( ) method only contains a single argument, but the lambda expression indicates two. However, the second argument is provided with a default value, so the function can be called with only one argument. The reason for the second argument is seen in the default value, because this is a way to pass self into the lambda expression, so that it can be used to dispose of the dialog.

Compare this code with the version that’s published in Thinking in Java, 2nd edition. You’ll find that Python language features allow a much more succinct and direct implementation.

Creating Java classes with Jython

Although it does not directly relate to the original problem of this chapter (creating an interpreter), Jython has the additional ability to create Java classes directly from your Jython code. This can produce very useful results, as you are then able to treat the results as if they are native Java classes, albeit with Python power under the hood.

To produce Java classes from Python code, Jython comes with a compiler called jythonc.

The process of creating Python classes that will produce Java classes is a bit more complex than when calling Java classes from Python, because the methods in Java classes are strongly typed, while Python functions and methods are weakly typed. Thus, you must somehow tell jythonc that a Python method is intended to have a particular set of argument types and that its return value is a particular type. You accomplish this with the “@sig” string, which is placed right after the beginning of the Python method definition (this is the standard location for the Python documentation string). For example:

  def returnArray(self):
    "@sig public java.lang.String[] returnArray()"

The Python definition doesn’t specify any return type, but the @sig string gives the full type information about what is being passed and returned. The jythonc compiler uses this information to generate the correct Java code.

There’s one other set of rules you must follow in order to get a successful compilation: you must inherit from a Java class or interface in your Python class (you do not need to specify the @sig signature for methods defined in the superclass/interface). If you do not do this, you won’t get your desired methods – unfortunately, jythonc gives you no warnings or errors in this case, but you won’t get what you want. If you don’t see what’s missing, it can be very frustrating.

In addition, you must import the appropriate java class and give the correct package specification. In the example below, java is imported so you must inherit from java.lang.Object, but you could also say from java.lang import Object and then you’d just inherit from Object without the package specification. Unfortunately, you don’t get any warnings or errors if you get this wrong, so you must be patient and keep trying.

Here is an example of a Python class created to produce a Java class. This also introduces the ‘=T’ directive for the makefile builder tool, which specifies a different target than the one that is normally used by the tool. In this case, the Python file is used to build a Java .class file, so the class file is the desired makefile target. To accomplish this, the default makefile command is replaced using the ‘=M’ directive (notice how you can break across lines using ‘\’):

#: c09:PythonToJavaClass.py
#=T python\java\test\PythonToJavaClass.class
#=M jythonc.bat --package python.java.test \
#=M PythonToJavaClass.py
# A Python class created to produce a Java class
from jarray import array
import java

class PythonToJavaClass(java.lang.Object):
  # The '@sig' signature string is used to create
  # the proper signature in the resulting
  # Java code:
  def __init__(self):
    "@sig public PythonToJavaClass()"
    print "Constructor for PythonToJavaClass"

  def simple(self):
    "@sig public void simple()"
    print "simple()"
  # Returning values to Java:
  def returnString(self):
    "@sig public java.lang.String returnString()"
    return "howdy"

  # You must construct arrays to return along 
  # with the type of the array:
  def returnArray(self):
    "@sig public java.lang.String[] returnArray()"
    test = [ "fee", "fi", "fo", "fum" ]
    return array(test, java.lang.String)
  def ints(self):
    "@sig public java.lang.Integer[] ints()"
    test = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 ]
    return array(test, java.lang.Integer)

  def doubles(self):
    "@sig public java.lang.Double[] doubles()"
    test = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 ]
    return array(test, java.lang.Double)

  # Passing arguments in from Java:
  def argIn1(self, a):
    "@sig public void argIn1(java.lang.String a)"
    print "a: %s" % a
    print "a.__class__", a.__class__

  def argIn2(self, a):
    "@sig public void argIn1(java.lang.Integer a)"
    print "a + 100: %d" % (a + 100)
    print "a.__class__", a.__class__

  def argIn3(self, a):
    "@sig public void argIn3(java.util.List a)"
    print "received List:", a, a.__class__
    print "element type:", a[0].__class__
    print "a[3] + a[5]:", a[5] + a[7]
    #! print "a[2:5]:", a[2:5] # Doesn't work
  def argIn4(self, a):
    "@sig public void \
       argIn4(org.python.core.PyArray a)"
    print "received type:", a.__class__
    print "a: ", a
    print "element type:", a[0].__class__
    print "a[3] + a[5]:", a[5] + a[7]
    print "a[2:5]:", a[2:5] # A real Python array
  # A map must be passed in as a PyDictionary:
  def argIn5(self, m):
    "@sig public void \
       argIn5(org.python.core.PyDictionary m)"
    print "received Map: ", m, m.__class__
    print "m['3']:", m['3']
    for x in m.keys():
      print x, m[x]

First note that PythonToJavaClass is inherited from java.lang.Object; if you don’t do this you will quietly get a Java class without the right signatures. You are not required to inherit from Object; any other Java class will do.

This class is designed to demonstrate different arguments and return values, to provide you with enough examples that you’ll be able to easily create your own signature strings. The first three of these are fairly self-explanatory, but note the full qualification of the Java name in the signature string.

In returnArray( ), a Python array must be returned as a Java array. To do this, the Jython array( ) function (from the jarray module) must be used, along with the type of the class for the resulting array. Any time you need to return an array to Java, you must use array( ), as seen in the methods ints( ) and doubles( ).

The last methods show how to pass arguments in from Java. Basic types happen automatically as long as you specify them in the @sig string, but you must use objects and you cannot pass in primitives (that is, primitives must be ensconced in wrapper objects, such as Integer).

In argIn3( ), you can see that a Java List is transparently converted to something that behaves just like a Python array, but is not a true array because you cannot take a slice from it. If you want a true Python array, then you must create and pass a PyArray as in argIn4( ), where the slice is successful. Similarly, a Java Map must come in as a PyDictionary in order to be treated as a Python dictionary.

Here is the Java program to exercise the Java classes produced by the above Python code. This also introduces the ‘=D’ directive for the makefile builder tool, which specifies a dependency in addition to those detected by the tool. Here, you can’t compile TestPythonToJavaClass.java until PythonToJavaClass.class is available:

//: c09:TestPythonToJavaClass.java
//+D python\java\test\PythonToJavaClass.class
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.python.core.*; 
import com.bruceeckel.test.*;
import com.bruceeckel.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.python.*;
// The package with the Python-generated classes:
import python.java.test.*;

public class 
TestPythonToJavaClass extends UnitTest {
  PythonToJavaClass p2j = new PythonToJavaClass();
  public void test1() {
    p2j.argIn1("Testing argIn1()");
    p2j.argIn2(new Integer(47));
    ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      a.add(new Integer(i));
      new PyArray(Integer.class, a.toArray()));
    Map m = new HashMap();
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      m.put("" + i, new Float(i));
  public void dumpClassInfo() {
    Method[] methods =
    for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
      String nm = methods[i].toString();
      if(nm.indexOf("PythonToJavaClass") != -1)
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    TestPythonToJavaClass test =
      new TestPythonToJavaClass();
} ///:~

For Python support, you’ll usually only need to import the classes in org.python.core. Everything else in the above example is fairly straightforward, as PythonToJavaClass appears, from the Java side, to be just another Java class. dumpClassInfo( ) uses reflection to verify that the method signatures specified in PythonToJavaClass.py have come through properly.

Building the Java classes from the Python code

Part of the trick of creating Java classes from Python code is the @sig information in the method documentation strings. But there’s a second problem which stems from the fact that Python has no “package” keyword – the Python equivalent of packages (modules) are implicitly created based on the file name. However, to bring the resulting class files into the Java program, jythonc must be given information about how to create the Java package for the Python code. This is done on the jythonc command line using the --package flag, followed by the package name you wish to produce (including the separation dots, just as you would give the package name using the package keyword in a Java program). This will put the resulting .class files in the appropriate subdirectory off of the current directory. Then you only need to import the package in your Java program, as shown above (you’ll need ‘.’ in your CLASSPATH in order to run it from the code directory).

Here are the make dependency rules that I used to build the above example (the backslashes at the ends of the lines are understood by make to be line continuations). These rules are encoded into the above Java and Python files using the comment syntax that’s understood by my makefile builder tool:

TestPythonToJavaClass.class: \
        TestPythonToJavaClass.java \
    javac TestPythonToJavaClass.java
python\java\test\PythonToJavaClass.class: \
    jythonc.bat --package python.java.test \

The first target, TestPythonToJavaClass.class, depends on both TestPythonToJavaClass.java and the PythonToJavaClass.class, which is the Python code that’s converted to a class file. This latter, in turn, depends on the Python source code. Note that it’s important that the directory where the target lives be specified, so that the makefile will create the Java program with the minimum necessary amount of rebuilding.

The Java-Python Extension (JPE)

An alternative to Jython is the Java-Python Extension (JPE), which directly connects with your native C-Python implementation.

Jython runs entirely within the JavaVM, which produces two fundamental limitations: Jython cannot be called from CPython, and native Python extensions are not accessible from JPython. JPE is linked with the Python C libraries, so JPE can be called from C-Python, and native Python extensions can be called from Java through JPE.

If you need to access the features on your native platform, JPE might be the easiest solution. You can find JPE at http://www.arakne.com/jpe.htm.


This chapter has arguably gone much deeper into Jython than required to use the interpreter design pattern. Indeed, once you decide that you need to use interpreter and that you’re not going to get lost inventing your own language, the solution of installing Jython is quite simple, and you can at least get started by following the GreenHouseController example.

Of course, that example is often too simple and you may need something more sophisticated, often requiring more interesting data to be passed back and forth. When I encountered the limited documentation, I felt it necessary to come up with a more thorough examination of Jython.

In the process, note that there could be another equally powerful design pattern lurking in here, which could perhaps be called multiple languages. This is based on the experience of having each language solve a certain class of problems better than the other; by combining languages you can solve problems much faster than with either language by itself. CORBA is another way to bridge across languages, and at the same time bridging between computers and operating systems.

To me, Python and Java present a very potent combination for program development because of Java’s architecture and tool set, and Python’s extremely rapid development (generally considered to be 5-10 times faster than C++ or Java). Python is usually slower, however, but even if you end up re-coding parts of your program for speed, the initial fast development will allow you to more quickly flesh out the system and uncover and solve the critical sections. And often, the execution speed of Python is not a problem – in those cases it’s an even bigger win. A number of commercial products already use Java and Jython, and because of the terrific productivity leverage I expect to see this happen more in the future.


  1. Modify GreenHouseLanguage.py so that it checks the times for the events and runs those events at the appropriate times.
  2. Modify GreenHouseLanguage.py so that it calls a function for action instead of just printing a string.
  3. Create a Swing application with a JTextField (where the user will enter commands) and a JTextArea (where the command results will be displayed). Connect to a PythonInterpreter object so that the output will be sent to the JTextArea (which should scroll). You’ll need to locate the PythonInterpreter command that redirects the output to a Java stream.
  4. Modify GreenHouseLanguage.py to add a master controller class (instead of the static array inside Event) and provide a run( ) method for each of the subclasses. Each run( ) should create and use an object from the standard Java library during its execution. Modify GreenHouseController.java to use this new class.
  5. Modify the resulting GreenHouseLanguage.py from exercise two to produce Java classes (add the @sig documentation strings to produce the correct Java signatures, and create a makefile to build the Java .class files). Write a Java program that uses these classes.

[12] The original version of this was called JPython, but the project changed and the name was changed to emphasize the distinctness of the new version.

[13] Changing the registry setting python.security.respectJavaAccessibility = true to false makes testing even more powerful because it allows the test script to use *all* methods, even protected and package-private.

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Last Update:09/08/2001