Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 15:03:02 +1000 Reply-To: Jim Wowchuk Sender: HP-3000 Systems Discussion From: Jim Wowchuk Subject: WRQ2BIN.EXE To: Jeff Kell I've written and donated a program that I think could helpful in moving files between systems. Walker, Richer and Quinn's Reflection product supports a 'labelled' file transfer mechanism to help re-create files on HP3000s. Very useful. Unfortunately, not everyone has Reflection available to them, or choose to use tools like FTP or DSCOPY. The result is that there are often two sets of the same program - those with the self-describing WRQ 'labels' and those of a standard binary format. Anyway, I've written a little PC program that will convert these 'labelled' files to standard binary files that can be uploaded using whatever other file transfer tool you have. The program accepts wild-cards, so you can do group of files, say if they have a common extent like "*.WRQ". The program is non-destructive, copying the originals and producing new files in the current subdirectroy with the same filename but an extent of ".BIN". As a side-effect, it builds a log file (WRQ2BIN.LOG) showing the new file names, and the build or file equate parameters. For example: TEST.BIN;REC=255,1,F,BINARY;DISC=220,32;CODE=111;ULABEL=2 Speaking of user labels... as binary file transfer has no means to upload user labels, this information is stripped from the resulting file. I don't know what HP's FTP on MPE/iX 5.0 does about labels, so I'm open to suggestions. The program has been passed to Jeff Kell to upload to the opus ftp server. Its quite small (< 14K) so if anyone has more urgent need, or wants it by e-mail, I can send a UUENCODED or MIME encoded e-mail message with it. (You'll get UUENCODE unless you specify otherwise). Hope this proves as useful to others as it has to me. Regards. ---- Jim "seMPEr" Wowchuk Internet: Vanguard Computer Services Compu$erve: 100036,106 _--_|\ Post: PO Box 18, North Ryde, NSW 2113 / \ Phone: +61 (2) 888-9688 \.--.__/ <---Sydney NSW Fax: +61 (2) 888-3056 v Australia