Date: Thu, 29 Jun 95 16:22:22 EDT From: Jeff Kell Organization: University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Subject: httpd 1.3 and libbsd updated To: hp3000-l@UTCVM.UTC.EDU, hp-posix@UTCVM.UTC.EDU Message-Id: <950629.162222.EDT.JEFF@UTCVM.UTC.EDU> The "latest and greatest" httpd 1.3 and libbsd materials are now avilable by ftp from This fixes a few minor nits in libbsd and has a clean RL (reduced 80% in size), and fixes another nit in the httpd_1.3 patch 3 recently available from jazz (Stan's console logging won't work as-is). The following assumes you have RYDER installed (if not, get it from jazz or get from opus and upload to a NMPRG file). To install libbsd: (1) get /pub/hp3000-l/libbsd.rz in binary mode from opus, (2) logon your system as MANAGER.SYS (or other SM user), (3) upload libbsd.rz in binary mode to libbsd.R.Z (where ever you want) (4) enter the shell (5) uncompress libbsd.R (6) /SYS/PUB/RYDER -x libbsd.R This will install /usr/lib/libbsd.a and the /usr/include/bsd directory (files are stored with absolute pathnames, so they will go to the right places). To install httpd: (1) Get pub/hp3000-l/httpd133.rz in binary mode from opus (2) If you don't already have httpd installed: a) Logon as MANAGER.SYS. b) : newacct WWW,MGR;cap=AM,AL,GL,ND,SF,BA,IA,PM,PH c) : newgroup BIN.WWW;cap=BA,IA,PM,PH d) : newgroup WWW.WWW e) : altuser MGR.WWW;cap=AM,AL,GL,ND,SF,BA,IA,PH,PM (2a) If you do have httpd installed... backup your httpd_1.3/conf and /logs directories, as well as any of the example cgi-xxx files you may have modified. Save a copy of htdocs/index.html (this is installed). Otherwise you may wish to only restore httpd_1.3/src-p3 in step (8). (3) :hello MGR.WWW (4) Upload httpd133.RZ in binary mode as /WWW/WWW/httpd_1.3-p3.R.Z (5) Invoke the shell (6) $ cd /WWW (7) $ uncompress httpd_1.3-p3.R (8) $ /SYS/PUB/RYDER -x httpd_1.3-p3.R (9) $ cp httpd_1.3/src-p3/httpd /WWW/BIN/HTTPD (10) $ cp httpd_1.3/src-p1/httpdjob /WWW/BIN/HTTPDJOB (11) $ exit (12) : linkedit (13) Linkedit> altprog httpd.bin;cap=ia,ba,ph,pm Note that the source is in "src-p3" not "src". If you already have httpd installed, this will not affect your source. If you wish, you may however remove the include and lib directories as they are no longer used. If you do NOT have Posix Developer's Kit, you can still run the object code as above, but of course you will need to modify the configuration files in httpd_1.3/conf. As a further note... this file is stored in "relative" format, so it WILL NOT overwrite an existing installation unless you extract the files from httpd_1.3's parent directory. You can extract the files in any directory you wish (the file begins with httpd_1.3). [\] Jeff Kell