Internet Connections: A Librarian's Guide to Dial-up Access and Use Table of Contents Introduction Information sharing with global dimensions Scope and Purpose of This Guide Is this guide for you? Why should librarians use the Internet? What is the Internet? What do you need to access the Internet? How do you join the Internet? How can you use the Internet once you are connected? How can you get help? Where is this guide available? In print Electronically CHAPTER 1: About the Internet What does Internet mean? What does the Internet look like? What are the basic services? Which networks or computers are part of the Internet? Who pays for the Internet? Internet History The ARPANET The NSFNet NREN-- the future of the Internet in the US Major Computer Networks Today NSFNet BITNET USENET MILNET Internet Concepts Protocols TCP/IP OSI Internet addressing Why are IP addresses important? The Domain Name System Domain name servers Where to get information about the Internet Security on the Internet Acceptable use Using one account for many users (Patron use of the Internet) Protecting your own system CHAPTER 2: How to Get Dial-Up Access to the Internet Basic Equipment for Dial-Up Access The computer and software The modem The telephone line Arranging for an Account "Direct" Connection with SLIP or PPP What are SLIP and PPP? Why use SLIP or PPP? What special equipment do you need? CHAPTER 3: Internet Service Providers Offering Dial-Up Access How to Get the Current Lists of Providers Using the Entries in This List Local and Distant Services Local connections Long-distance connections Public data networks Dial-Up Access Provider List CHAPTER 4: Networking Tools and Software Applications Electronic Mail Creating e-mail Reading e-mail Tips on e-mail etiquette and ethics Internet e-mail addresses Internet mailing lists Subscribing to an Internet list Sending a message to the list Replying to an individual Types of mailing lists USENET news groups LISTSERV Subscribing to a LISTSERV list Sending a message to all subscribers Replying to an individual Telnet Connecting to a remote computer Disconnecting Tips on using Telnet File Transfer Protocol What is FTP? FTP files Anonymous FTP How to use FTP FTP commands Retrieving multiple files via FTP Tips on using FTP ASCII transfer OK Binary transfer required Directory Services Finding another users address Domain name servers Whois On the Horizon X.500 White Pages Projects Information Servers Archie What is Archie? Archie Documentation Connecting to Archie Archie servers Making your Archie searching easier Archie's creators Gopher What is Gopher? How do you use Gopher? Where can you get your own Gopher client? What does Gopher look like? Who developed Gopher software? Veronica What is Veronica? How can you use Veronica? Who created Veronica? WAIS What is WAIS? What do WAIS servers contain? How can you get WAIS software? How can you find out more about WAIS? WAIS of the future World Wide Web What is WWW? How can you use WWW? Who created WWW? Software Tools for Libraries HYTelnet What is HYTelnet? What systems does it include? Will HYTelnet run on my computer? What does HYTelnet look like? How can you get HYTelnet? Who developed HYTelnet? CATALIST What is CATALIST? What does CATALIST do? How can you get CATALIST? Who created CATALIST? LIBTEL What is LIBTEL? How can you use LIBTEL? How can you get LIBTEL? Who created LIBTEL? Sample dialogue with laUNChpad LIBS What is LIBS? How can you use LIBS? How can you get LIBS? Who created LIBS? LIBS opening screens Downloading The basic downloading process Protocol transfers ASCII or text transfers CHAPTER 5: Directories of Resources on the Internet Bulletin Board Services (BBSs) Bitnet Sites Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS) File Transfer Sites Library Catalogs (OPACs) Mailing Lists Miscellaneous Subject Resources CHAPTER 6: Internet Organizations Network Associations Administrative Organizations Network Information Centers (NICs) Appendix A: Library-Oriented Lists and Electronic Serials by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. Computer Conferences Lists that use Eric Thomas's List Server Lists that use Anastasios Kotsikonas's List Server Other lists Diane Kovacs's Directory Electronic Serials Appendix B: NSF Mid-Level and Other Large Networks Acronyms list NSF Mid-level Network Contacts Appendix C: RFCs, FYIs, and STDs RFC documents FYI documents STD documents How to get RFCs Getting RFCs by e-mail Getting RFCs by FTP Appendix D: Bibliography Electronic mail Ethics and security Information servers Internet access Networks Skills and resources Miscellaneous