Structure and Areas ***************** Navy ***** Coastal Patrol of small fast ships, responsible for rescue, anti smuggling and general patrolling. Design naval patrol units inc ship design, stats, patrol routes and patrol frequency. ***** Main Navy with large ships to deal with pirates and other potential invaders. Each ship will have a contingent of marines, skilled at missile weapons and hand to hand boarding actions. Ships will also have a contingent of Magic users/Healers. Design Naval Units, Marine Units, ship stats, offshore patrol. manuevers etc. ***** Army ***** Scout units - specialised units trained in information gathering, forageing etc to work in front of the army/behind enemy lines. Infantry Units - Various units of archers, heavy inf, light inf. Cavalry Units - Again various type as above. Special forces - Highly specialised troops, Assassins, Rangers, Rogues etc Engineers - to build battlements, help in sieges etc Spy Network - ***** Magic ****** In city1.txt I said that the city had lots of magic this could result in the formation of magical units Essence Units - Why waste time with catapults when fireballs will do. Aerial Units - flying ships ?, flying creatures ? Healers - each company of men will have medical aid available to them in the form of attached healers, clerics etc or a unit of healers that can be accessed by a number of units.