Character sheet for FASA's Shadowrun 2nd edition role-playing game. See for details.
Character sheet for FASA's Shadowrun 2nd edition role-playing game. These are way better than the ones provided in the rule books, and they look cooler, too! And they are also somewhat compatible with the first edition, although they are really for the 2nd ed. You are supposed to have one Front sheet for every character, since it contains data about skills & attributes and one secondary sheet according to your type. (Samurai contains a lot of room for cyber/bioware, Magician has room for spells, etc.). Newer versions in the file SRShts22.pdf.
Shadowrun 2nd Edition character sheets in PDF format (requires Adobe Acrobat 3.0 Reader or better, available free from There are three different front sheets and ten different backs. Each back is customized for a different type of character. The current types are: cybered magician, magician, mage/decker, rigger, rigger/decker, samurai, mercenary, gadgeteer, physical adept, physical mage and otaku. The front sheets differ in the relative amount of space given for weapons vs. contacts. The intent is to mix one front sheet with one back for a single, full sheet. I've been told by several people that these are the best sheets they've seen. They've also been called "a modern classic". Sheets are free, authored by me (