And this is Anglo-Saxon names. Unfortunately this list is really a little short to produce very good names from Travesty. Mark Alcuin Abercorn Acca xlfgar xlfgifu xlfheah xlfric xlfsige xlle xlla xsc xthelbald xthelberht xthelflxd xthelfrith xthel red xthelweard xthelwine xthelwold Agilberht Alchrith Aldfrith Aldhelm Alfred Athelstan Bede Beorhtric Beowulf Berhtwald Bosa Burgred Byrhtferth Byrhtnoth Cxdmon Cxdda Cedd Caewlin Cenwalh Cerdic Ceolfrith Ceonwulf Cuthbert Cynewulf Cynric Deda Deusdedit Dicuil Eadred Eadric Eadwig Eadwulf Ealdred Eata Ecgferth Ecgfrith Edgar Edith Edmund Edward Edwin Egbert Eorpwald Godred Godwine Guthlac Harold Hengest Hereman Hild Hnxf Horsa Ida Ine Jxnberht Leofric Leofwine Loarn Erc Milre d Hxste Oda Offa Ohthere Oswald Oswine Osuiu Peada Penda Rxdwald Rxgnald Saberht Sigeberht Sihtric Stigand Theodore Torhthelm Tostig Waltheof Wighard Wihtred Wilfred Willehad Wulfric Wulfstan