From: (Michael D. Carney) Subject: Re: BattleLust Robert Schmunk writes: > I called Columbia today[Several weeks back-- Sorry. -The slow Editor] > to ask if they had published any Harn > material in the last 5 months and almost swallowed my teeth > when I was told that BattleLust is out. After politely > informing the guy that I was suprised, I ordered a copy. > Hopefully the autoship people have started to get theirs. What is Harn BattleLust? [Please post responses/opinions/facts/conjecture, as there are several people out there that are not high-end users (i.e. beginners). -Eric] -- [Nifty ASCII .sig deleted... -Eric] From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Re: BattleLust Michael Carney asks "What is BattleLust?" Methins Mike hasn't spent much time with Harn yet. Anyway, BattleLust is a Columbia/HranMaster product which has been promised/advertised for something on the order of about five years, perhaps making it the exemplar of Columbia's trouble of publishing anything in a timely fashion (HL10 being the other), and which has at long last been finally published. What it is seems to have evolved over the years, or at least what the rumors of its contents changed quite a bit. So, what I found in my mailbox is: A package similar to Shorkyne; ie., it came in the vinyl/dragonskin cover, with a 64-page rulebook and a number of loose sheets within. Also enclosed is a wall map of Harn. The cost of the package is $30. The rulebook describes what in HarnMaster terms could be called "mass combat" rules, though we're only talking about 20-25 persons per side. Another way of looking at it is miniatures rules for small-scale battles. Although Harnmaster is frequently mentioned in this rulebook, BattleLust is not necessarily a HarnMaster supplement, rather a semi-independent gaming product. You don't have to own HarnMaster to use BattleLust, and vice-versa. However, although the combat system described in BattleLust is a simplification of the HarnMaster combat system, it does mention some changes to the rules which Harnic GMs may wish to implement. One of these is that a PCs Initiative may rise as the result of combat experience, making it a "pseudoskill". When I say simplification to the Harnic combat system, I mean just that. The combat system described in BattleLust has dropped some of the HarnMaster features that require so much bookkeeping, including the 20 armor locations and the detailed wounds. I would venture to say that it is now of a level of complexity very close to AD&D combat. GMs who are concerned about the complexity of the Harnic combat system might even want to use BattleLust for their regular battles, though I think that's going a bit far. The rulebook does recommend that BattleLust should be used in place of the optional quick combat system which is described in the Harnmaster rulebook. One nifty thing is that since BattleLust and Harnmaster come from the same company, you can use both systems in the same fight. For instance, you can inject your favorite HM character into a BattleLust melee with a minimum of effort, just the usual extra die-rolls. Basically, you use whichever system is most appropriate to the victim of an attack. Other things in the BattleLust package are: the Harn map already mentioned (note, about 12 pages of the rulebook are a description of the kingdoms of Harn, about 8 pages of which is lifted directly from the HarnWorld module), 10 sheets of pre-generated BattleLust characters (containing 200 fighters total) and two plastic sleeves for players to keep their characters in. I have not yet had a chance to play BattleLust and so cannot comment about its value. I did catch some typos and I understand that there are some goofs. A fellow posting to the V-Net Harn echo commented that he played BattleLust vs Crossby et al at a gaming con in Vancouver last month and a few things popped up that they said they'd have to fix in the 2nd printing. Nevertheless, he said it was a lot of fun. rbs -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Odivshe spells A couple months ago, I announced on the list a note that I had available a collection of non-Columbia HarnMaster spells in a Macintosh MS Word document. Some of few, including our erstwhile mailing list maintainer, requested ASCII copies of these spells. This posting is the first installment; the rest of the convocations will follow over the next few days. Those of you who got the original file might wish to note that I have added some new spells (mostly Peleahns) and removed a couple. It is now sorted by convocation. Contributing GMs were Klaus Ole Kristiansen, Tim Prestero, Mikael Hegardt, Steve Bartlett and myself. Actual spell authors may differ. If you have some original Harnmaster spells and would like to add them to this list, please do. I'm an inveterate archivist. rbs -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA -------------------(snip here)------------------------ THE INTERNET HARNMASTER SPELL LIST (Odivshe spells) Maintained by R.B. Schmunk This file contains spells not available in a Harnmaster/Columbia Games publication but which have been contributed by readers of the HarnList InterNet mailing list. The Contributor for each spell lists the person who submitted the spell, and it is possible that the Author may not be aware that the spell has been added to this file. Spells marked "(revised)" have been significantly edited for clarity or to bring them into agreement with the second edition magic rules, Tome of the Shek-Pvar. This document has been converted to ASCII from a Macintosh MicroSoft Word document. No effort has been made to re-adjust tab positions, so it is not as "pretty" as it might be. Edit history: 92-06-11 First posting. 92-07-12 Some reformatting and spells added/deletd. 92-10-01 Second posting. Odivshe I Chill I Hasan's Mists I Teri's Drink II Frostblade II Sight of Teri III Douse IV Stabilize Ice IV Strands of Lolth IV Turgel's Perambulation Odivshe I CHILL (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell will cool one container and its contents to 4 deg C. The contents must be a water-based liquid. The container and its contents can weigh at most SI pounds. Bonus Effects (none) Fatigue: 15-SI Time: 15-SI seconds Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Odivshe III DOUSE (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) A spell to extinguish fires. The basic spell will moisten one small, burning object, such as a candle or lamp wick, causing the fire to go out. The fire can not be relit until the material has dried. Bonus Effects ML31+ A fire the size of a torch flame can be doused. ML51+ All small fires within range may be affected. The effect can be limited to an angle in front of the caster. Range can also be limited, but this is not very accurate. ML61+ One fire up to two square yards may be doused. ML76+ One or more fires totalling up to SI square yards may be doused. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1.5 Time: 15-SI seconds Range: ML yards Duration: Instantaneous Odivshe II FROSTBLADE (Author: Klaus Mogensen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell creates a blade of crackling frost, extending from the casterUs hand. It can be used as a melee weapon, using the ML of the spell. The weapon has an attack class of 2, and a Frost Impact of SI. The blade cannot parry, nor can it be parried. Treat an attempt to block as counterstrike, ignoring damage scored by the defender. Bonus Effects ML41+ The attack class is now 3. ML81+ The attack class is now 4. The blade confers some immunity to fire and heat, subtracting 2 from the impact of such attacks. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1.5 Time: 15-SI seconds Range: Touch Duration: SIx30 seconds Odivshe I HASAN'S MISTS (Author/Contributor: Tim Prestero) This spell creates a thick, obscuring cloud of mist, which limits visibility, and muffles sound. The cloud occupies SIx100 cubic feet, and unless somehow restricted, spreads radially out from its center to a depth of 10 feet. The cloud deforms to fit in the surroundings, an important consideration when casting it indoors or underground. The cloud is centered on the caster or focus. Vision in the cloud is reduced to two feet, and sounds are muffled and distorted, giving a -30 penalty to attempts to discern the direction or nature of the sound. If cast in an area smaller than the volume of the cloud, the cloud gets thicker, proportionally lowering visibility and increasing the Hearing penalty. The vapors are rather heavy and dissipate slowly even if Hasan's Mists is cast in a drafty location. Duration is SI (MS) or SIx3 (CS) minutes, divided by wind Force (treat Force 0 as Force 1). Bonus Effects ML41+ The cloud can move with the caster. ML56+ The caster can have the cloud originate at any point within ML feet. The cloud is stationary when cast at range. ML71+ The caster can move the cloud around at range, provided it remains in view, and within ML feet. Fatigue: 15-SI Time: 15-SI seconds Range: Basic, touch ML56+, ML feet Duration: MS, ML minutes CS, MLx3 minutes Odivshe II SIGHT OF TERI (Author: Klaus Mogensen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell enables the caster to see through any darkness, fog or precipitation. Things will be seen in shades of blue (i.e., no colors). While the spell is in effect normal light cannot be seen, and the caster canUt see through normally transparent solids like glass. The caster can drop the spell at any time. Bonus Effects ML51+ The caster can see clearly through water, even if its murky. ML91+ The spell can be cast on others. Range is touch. Fatigue: 15-SI Time: 15-SI minutes Range: Basic, self ML91+, touch Duration: SI hours Odivshe IV STABILIZE ICE (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell will raise the melting point of ice to that of brass. Only one piece of up to SI lbs may be treated with each casting of the spell. The ice will not feel cold to the touch, it will still be very brittle. Melting or crushing the ice will dispell the enchantment. Bonus Effects (none) Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.5 Time: 15-SI minutes Range: Touch Duration: Indefinite Odivshe IV STRANDS OF LOLTH (Author/Contributor: Tim Prestero) (revised) With this spell, the caster creates a mass of sticky webs over a large area. The strands do not come from the caster, but are summoned from another plane or dimension. The caster designates the volume he wishes filled, and the strands begin to spew forth from his open hands. The web fills a specified volume of 8000 (MS) or 16000 (CS) cubic feet and must be at least ten feet thick. Creatures in the targeted region may attempt to Dodge once or be caught by the strands, according to the following: CF Tripped up. Due to poor landing, time to struggle out is doubled. MF Trapped, as described below. MS Partially ensnared. Time to struggle free is halved. CS Completely dodged strands, landing on a randomly determined side of the specified region. For those ensnared, the basic time time to escape the strands depends on the route taken by the victim in trying to escape (better take the shortest way out) and on his strength: 1-12 cannot move 13-17 can move SPD/10 feet in ten seconds 18+ can move SPD/5 feet in ten seconds The webs are highly flammable, and if ignited, will burn completely away in ten seconds, causing 1d6 fire Impact to each location on one side of any trapped creature's body (as per explosion rules). If spread between two walls, or sprayed over a pit, the Strands of Lolth can support up to SIx50 pounds per ten-foot thickness. Bonus Effects ML51+ The caster may choose not to release all of the strands. Unused strands cannot be used at a later time. ML71+ The caster can divide the strands into as many as SI separate groupings within a 90! arc, as long as the total volume occupied by all strands is less than the maximum. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.5 Time: 15-SI seconds Range: ML/2 yards Duration: MS, SI minutes CS, SIx5 minutes Odivshe I TERI'S DRINK (Author: Klaus Mogensen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell transforms one pint of liquid partly into alcohol. If it is cast on a larger volume, the alcohol content will be proportionally lower. It will not become higher for smaller volumes. The spell takes effect gradually over a time equal to the casting time. The alcohol content of the pint is raised to 0.5xML/2% (MS) or ML% (CS), to a maximum of 100%. The spell canUt increase the alcohol content above this limit, even if cast several times, or on a liquid that was alcoholic to begin with (though it wonUt reduce stronger alcohol). Bonus Effects ML36+ The drink can be cooled (but not frozen). ML51+ Any herbs and spices added to the drink while the spell takes effect will add their tastes and properties (if any) as if they had been steeped in the drink for 2SI days. Any impurities present in the liquid before the spell is cast will precipitate. Fatigue: 15-SI Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: ML inches Duration: Permanent Odivshe IV TURGEL'S PERAMBULATION (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell enables the caster to walk or run on surfaces that are slippery due to water, mud or ice as if it was firm, dry land. The basic spell will not prevent sinking. Bonus Effects ML41+ The spell may be cast on another creature by touch. ML51+ The spell recipient may move on mud and quicksand. ML71+ The spell recipient may move on water. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x3 seconds Range: Basic, self ML41+, touch Duration: MS, ML minutes CS, SI hours From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Savorya spells Installment two: --------------------(snip here)--------------- THE INTERNET HARNMASTER SPELL LIST (Savorya spells) Savorya II Affects of Lizaveta II Detect People II Eye of Dekejis II Light Sensitivity III Calspeth's Arrow III Cause Blindness III Eyes of Calspeth III Psychic Tracking IV Wallflower Savorya II AFFECTS OF LIZAVETA (Author: Richard Reilly and R.B. Schmunk) (Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) A spell to stimulate an existing emotion in a victim. The selected target must be touched at the culmination of casting. If the spell is successful, whatever emotion is currently felt by the victim will be enhanced or reduced (caster's choice). The caster does not have to know the nature of the emotion. Enhancement of the emotion lasts for Duration. The victim may test his Will to determine whether he succumbs; roll against Willx4 (MS) or Willx2 (CS) with the following results: CS No effect. MS Slight effect MF Effect as intended. For example, anxiety becomes distress. CF Enhanced effect. For example, anxiety becomes panic. Bonus Effects ML51+ Touch not required. Range is SI yards. ML81+ The caster may choose to induce a new, specified emotion in the victim. ML96+ The spell may be cast over an area extending SI yards from the caster's head. Everyone within Range but the caster is affected. The new emotion option may not be exercised as a zone. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: Basic, touch ML51+, SI yards Duration: MS, SI minutes CS, ML minutes Savorya III CALSPETH'S ARROW (Author/Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) A spell which inflicts a psionic shock in its victim. The basic spell requires the victim be touched. The victim may test his Endurance to determine whether he avoids being stunned; roll against Endurancex4 (MS) or Endurancex2 (CS). The effect on the victim is determined as follows: CS Victim is unaffected. MS Victim accrues 1d6 fatigue points. MF Victim accrues 2d6 fatigue points and is stunned for SIx10 seconds. CF Victim accrues 3d6 fatigue points and is stunned for SI minutes. Special Bonus: A caster with the psionic talent Mental Bolt adds his SI to Arrow EML. Bonus Effects ML41+ Touch no longer required. Range is ML feet. ML71+ Effect may (at caster's discretion) be over a zone whose radius from the caster is SI yards. All creatures (except the caster) within the zone are affected. ML86+ Specified creature(s) may be excluded from the effect of the spell when it is cast. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: Basic, touch ML41+, ML feet Duration: See above Savorya III CAUSE BLINDNESS (Author: Torben Mogensen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell causes temporary blindness in the target. The victim checks against Willx4 (MS) or Willx2 (CS). The effect is determined by the victim's success level as follows: CS No effect. MS Reduced eyesight, reducing EML by 20 for skills requiring vision and 40 for skills the SB of which depends on Eyesight. MF Victim is blind. CF Victim is blind and is so concerned by the loss of sight that he becomes panic-stricken. Bonus Effects ML51+ Touch not required. Range is SI yards. ML61+ Effect can be cancelled by caster before expiration. ML91+ The spell may be cast on a circular area with radius up to SI yards, centered anywhere within Range. Everyone within the area except the caster is affected. Duration is divided by number of victims. ML96+ If CS is achieved against a single victim, the spell may be given indefinite Duration. If this option is taken, the victim rolls against 4xWill. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: 30-SI seconds Range: Basic, touch ML51+, SI yards Duration: MS, SIx10 seconds CS, SI minutes (see above) Savorya II DETECT PEOPLE (Author: Torben Mogensen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) A spell to detect the presence of people, that is members of species that have the power of speech. The caster will learn the approximate number of people (within a factor of 3) within one league. If most (at least three quarters) are concentrated within a single small area, the spell will reveal the approximate distance and direction to these. Bonus Effects ML41+ A species can be specified. ML81+ Up to SI groups can be located. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1.5 Time: (15-SI)x10 seconds Range: 1 league Duration: n/a Savorya II EYE OF DEKEJIS (Author: Torben Mogensen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell enables the target to perceive heat. The target can see most living creatures even in total darkness, and will be able to see walls and other large, inanimate obstacles as well, except in environments with very stable temperatures, such as caves deep beneath the earth. Heat will be seen as a reddish glow, and will be brighter the hotter the object is. The heat of a living creature will not be noticeable in daylight. Bonus Effects ML51+ The spell may be cast on others. Range is touch. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1.5 Time: (15-SI)x4 seconds Range: Basic, self ML51+, touch Duration: MS, SIx15 minutes CS, SI hours Savorya III EYES OF CALSPETH (Author/Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) A self-enchantment which temporarily improves vision. Eyesight is increased for Duration by 2 (MS) or 5 (CS). All Eyesight dependent skills should be temporarily adjusted upwards; re-derive the affected SBs and add 5x the increase in Eyesight to MLs. Misfire (CF) results in similar adjustments downwards. Roll 1d20 against the following: 01-09 Subject is partially blinded (-2 from Eyesight) for 1d20 hours. 10-15 Subject is partially blinded (-5) for 1d20 hours. 16-19 Subject is partially blinded (-5) for 1d10 days. 20 Subject is fully blinded for 1d10 days and permanently loses 1 point from Eyesight. Note that Eyes of Calspeth does not increase Eyesight itself but acts instead on the efficiency with which Eyesight is used by the caster. For most purposes, the difference is academic. Bonus Effects ML56+ Enchantment may be laid on a willing individual other than the caster. Touch is required. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: 15-SI minutes Range: Basic, self ML56+, touch Duration: MS, ML minutes CS, SI hours Savorya II LIGHT SENSITIVITY (Author: Torben Mogensen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell increases the recipient's sensitivity to light. The recipient can see clearly outdoors on a moonless night. Unfortunately, a recipient of this spell would be virtually blinded by any particularly bright light source, particularly the sun. Bonus effects: ML51+ The spell may be cast on others. Range is touch. ML61+ The effect may be turned on and off at will during Duration. ML81+ The recipient will be uncomfortable due to, but not blinded by, sunlight. Fatigue: 15-SI Time: (15-SI)x4 minutes Range: Basic, self ML51+, touch Duration: MS, SIx15 minutes CS, SI hours Savorya III PSYCHIC TRACKING (Author: Torben Mogensen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell allows the caster to recognize and follow the psychic residue left by a known person. This allows tracking of the large scale movement of that person up to SI (MS) or SIx4 (CS) hours after he/she has been present. Bonus Effects ML71+ The caster can sense if anyone has been in the area within the specified time and pick out one such to track, even if that person is unknown to the caster. If more than SI people have passed, individual tracking is not possible unless CS is achieved. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.5 Time: 15-SI minutes Range: SI yards Duration: MS, SI minutes CS, SIx30 minutes Savorya IV WALLFLOWER (Author: Richard Reilly and R.B. Schmunk) (Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) A spell which causes all persons who view the caster during Duration to not notice her presence, as if she were a Wallflower at a dance. In effect, the caster is saying "I'm not worth noticing, it's safe to ignore me, I'm not important," etc. Each victim may test his Will to determine to measure the extent to which he succumbs; roll against Willx4 (MS) or Willx2 (CS) and check the effect against the following: CS Victim is not affected by the spell. MS Victim will not notice the caster in a well-lit area as long as she is still and silent, or in a darkened area as long as she moves slowly and speaks no louder than a whisper. MF Caster may move at walking speed and speak at normal volume without being noticed. CF Caster remains un-noticed as long as she does nothing abruptly, such as yelling or jumping. If the caster is still, the victim may even bump into her and not notice her. Bonus Effects ML71+ A person other than the caster may be designated the Wallflower. Range is touch. ML91+ Up to SI persons within SI feet may be designated Wallflowers. Fatigue: (15-SI)x3 Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: Basic, self ML71+, touch ML91+, SI feet Duration: MS, MLx5 seconds CS, ML/2 minutes From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Peleahn spells Installment three: THE INTERNET HARNMASTER SPELL LIST (Peleahn spells) Peleahn I Amber Eye I Torch of Omka II Parch III Ariondh's Firedarts IV Ocher Mantle V Chinuak's Passage M Flaming Shield Peleahn I AMBER EYE (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) A spell to detect Peleahn elemental objects. As fire is usually readily recognisable, the main use is to ascertain whether a character is a Peleahn Shek Pvar. The caster must be able to see the object. With the basic spell, the caster must concentrate on each person or object for about 5 seconds. Bonus Effects ML91+ All Peleahn elemental objects within the casterUs field of vision will glow with an ochre light, visible only to the caster. The caster need not concentrate, and need not know what objects to suspect. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1.5 Time: (15-SI)x5 seconds Range: ML yards Duration: MS, SIx10 seconds CS, SIx20 seconds Peleahn III ARIONDH'S FIREDARTS (Author/Contributor: Tim Prestero) (revised) This spell causes several small (mundane) fire darts to shoot from the caster's fingertips. A spark or other seed fire is needed. The darts are capable of starting fires should they land amongst flammable materials. The caster is able to fire SI/2 (MS) or SI (CS) darts per casting and may direct the darts at multiple targets within Range. The caster must be able to see all targets. An additional roll must be made against spell EML in order to successfully target each dart. If capable, the target may attempt normal defensive maneuvers and strike resolution should be checked on the combat tables. WIth the basic spell, the darts move at half the speed of an arrow, so the target may double his normal Dodge EML. Upon a successful hit, each dart inflicts SI+1d6 fire impact, and the caster rolls for hit location normally. Bonus Effects ML41+ Seed fire no longer necessary. ML51+ Dart speed has increased such that defensive Dodge EML is at normal EML. ML71+ Dart speed has increased such that defensive Dodge EML is at half EML. All other defensive maneuvers are at at normal EML. ML91+ Dart speed has increased such that defensive Dodge EML is at one-fourth EML. All other defensive maneuvers are at at half EML. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: 15-SI seconds Range: ML yards Duration: Instantaneous Peleahn V CHINUAK'S PASSAGE (Author/Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) (variant of Passage of Ahnu) Causes the caster to catch ethereal fire and burn rapidly, disappearing completely in 15-SI seconds. The fire affects nothing but the caster's body (armor, clothing, and items carried are left behind) and produces no smoke or ash. The dissolved caster is unconscious of his surroundings. In ethereal form, the mage drifts in a random direction for 1d10 (four-hour) watches, at 1d6 leagues per watch. Then the caster reforms near the ground. The GM makes all rolls secretly and may alter the location of reformation due to obstructions which slow the drift. Bonus Effects ML66+ Caster may ask the GM to roll 1d8 or 1d12 to determine number of watches of drift. ML91+ Spell may be cast on a person/animal other than the caster. Fatigue: (15-SI)x3 Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: Basic, self ML91+, touch Duration: Basic, 1d10 watches ML66+, 1d8 to 1d12 watches Peleahn Multi FLAMING SHIELD (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) A spell which wreathes the caster in ethereal fire that protects him from harm by cold magic of the same or lower level. With CS, the caster is totally immune to damage from cold magic of equal or lower level than Flaming Shield. With MS, the caster is immune from magic of lower level and magic of the same level causes half damage (after armour subtraction, if any). Magic that is not a spellshould be assigned an equivalent level at GM discretion (e.g., Dhivu's Rod would be level 3). Flaming Shield will not protect an Odivshe sorcerer. Bonus Effects ML61+ The spell will work against semi-magical cold (The breath of a dhiverin is semi-magical cold of level 4), with other similar effects is at GM discretion. It is very hard to imagine what a natural cold attack would be like, most cold attacks will be at least semi-magical. Fatigue: (15-SI)x(CL/2) Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: Self Duration: SIx10 seconds Peleahn IV OCHER MANTLE (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) An enchantment which protects the recipient from harm or discomfort caused by exposure to cold temperatures. The target of Mantle will experience any below-freezing temperature down to PML !C as if it were at freezing. The value of this protection is highly variable depending on the amount of moisture in the air and on the wind speed. Note: The lowest actual temperature measured on Earth is about P 80 !C, but wind chill can take the effective temperature much lower. Bonus Effects None Fatigue: (15-SI)x3 Time: (15-SI)x10 seconds Range: Touch Duration: MS, MLx5 minutes CS, MLx15 minutes Peleahn II PARCH (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell forces all water to retreat from one or more objects, totalling up to SI pounds. This is useful for drying herbs or firewood. If used on a living creature, it will cause considerable harm. The caster must touch the target throughout the casting time. Bonus Effects: ML71+ The caster may chose how much water to remove. A book dropped in the water could thus be dried without making it brittle. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x30 seconds Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Peleahn I TORCH OF OMKA (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) Causes a small flame such as the flame of a candle or a bit of tinder to grow to the size of a torchflame. It will continue to burn in the hand of the caster for Duration without consuming any fuel. The fire is not very hot and can not be used to harm creatures orJignite combustibles. The owner of the flame can extinguish it by closing the hand that holds it, ending the spell. Bonus Effects ML51+ The flame may be caused to hover close to its owner. The owner can call the flame back to his hand. The movements of the flame are not otherwise under the owner's control, but it will move to cast the best possible light on whatever its owner is looking at. ML71+ No seed-fire is needed. ML91+ The owner of the flame may give it to another person, who must take it from the hand of the owner. Fatigue: 15-SI Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: n/a Duration: MS, ML minutes CS, MLx2 minutes -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Jmorvi spells Installment four: THE INTERNET HARNMASTER SPELL LIST (Jmorvi spells) Jmorvi II Hammerblow II Sheen of Krazma Jmorvi II HAMMERBLOW (Author: Klaus Mogensen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) (revised) Increases the impact of the next strike of an enchanted, wholly metallic weapon, in any one aspect which the weapon already possesses, by SI (MS) or SIx2 (CS). The spell will take effect the first time the weapon hits within Duration; otherwise, the enchantment is for naught. The spell puts a "rune" on the weapon, visible by Golden Eye and such. Bonus Effects ML61+ May be cast on a mostly metallic weapon. ML71+ Up to SI Hammerblow runes may be put on one weapon. These will take effect on consecutive strikes, never at the same time. ML81+ Effect may be delayed up to SI (MS) or SIx3 (CS) days until after a set time or until the Hammerblow rune is touched, this will start the normal Duration of the spell. Time to cast the spell with delayed effect is 30-SI minutes. Fatigue: 15-SI Time: 30-SI seconds (see above) Range: Touch Duration: MS, SIx5 minutes CS, SIx15 minutes Jmorvi II SHEEN OF KRAZMA (Author/Contributor: Steve Bartlett) (revised, variant of Tempering of Pytama) An enchantment which treats a wholly metal artifact/weapon so that it will not oxydize, tarnish or rust. The enchantment is not an artifact power, "occupies" no Ego and leaves no residue. It cannot be laid on an enchanted artifact, but a weapon treated with Sheen can be subsequently enchanted. If cast as the artifact is being forged, the Duration of Sheen is indefinite (MS) or permanent (CS). If cast on a complete artifact, Duration is ML days (MS) or indefinite (CS). The caster must continually handle the item while casting this spell. Bonus Effects ML76+ May be laid on a mostly metallic weapon. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1.5 Time: 15-SI hours Range: Touch Duration: See above -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I know what you're thinking. If I'm master of the world, why should I have to hide in a copse in Somerset disguised as a badger?" --Tom Holt, EXPECTING SOMEONE TALLER From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Lyahvi spells Installment five, a big one: THE INTERNET HARNMASTER SPELL LIST (Lyahvi spells) Lyahvi I Fire of Geniorm II Crimson Proxy II Talvae's Distraction II Talvae's Silent Steps II Targeting III Buoyancy of Shal III Dirchy's Hidden Sigil III Newler's Transparency III Talking Head III Talvae's Alteration III Talvae's Duplication III Talvae's Enhancement III Zedrun's Shield IV Bekla's Warrior IV Cloak of Bekla IV Talvae's Tornado V Talvae's Stairway M Shujoi's Transformation Lyahvi IV BEKLA'S WARRIOR (Author: Christine Fossing and Klaus Ole Kristiansen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell creates an illusionary warrior who is tall, of heavy frame, and equipped with tower shield, estoc, plate half helm and scale habergeon. This is a full-spectrum illusion affecting all senses but otherwise unable to affect the real world. The warrior can be made to move or speak. It can only move as a real man, that is it can not walk through walls or fly, and it must stay within Range at all times. With the basic spell, the warrior will stand inactive if the caster can not see it. Bonus Effects ML61+ The caster can see through the eyes of the warrior, so that the warrior may act even if out of caster's line-of-sight. With CS the caster may employ all of the warrior's senses, though touch will be somewhat limited. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.5 Time: (15-SI)x5 seconds Range: ML yards Duration: MS, SIx10 seconds CS, SI minutes Lyahvi IV CLOAK OF BEKLA (Author: Christine Fossing and Klaus Ole Kristiansen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) (revised) The spell target, and anything worn or carried when Cloak of Bekla is cast, can not be seen. Objects will remain invisible only as long as they are kept on the target's person. Very long or bulky objects can not be hidden by this spell. A person who has witnessed this illusion before (and known that it was an illusion) may test against Eyesightx2 (MS) or Eyesight (CS) to see if he detects the invisible person/objects, but only if he is actively searching for illusions. If successful, he observes a slight distortion outlining the illusion. Bonus Effects ML41+ The target can not be detected by smell, though he may be tracked by scent. ML71+ The spell can be cast on another creature. ML91+ The spell can be cast on an inanimate object. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.5 Time: (15-SI)x3 seconds Range: Basic, self ML71+, touch Duration: MS, SIx2 minutes CS, SIx5 minutes Lyahvi III BUOYANCY OF SHAL (Author/Contributor: Steve Bartlett) A spell that reduces the weight of the target person so that he assumes neutral buoyancy with the air surrounding him, thus allowing movement through the air as if through water. The basic spell does not affect the caster's possessions, and the caster remains fully visible (and damageable) throughout. Note: The casting of this spell in windy areas is not encouraged unless you are looking for a quick method of transportation. Similarly areas with updrafts such as cliffs are to be avoided. Bonus Effects ML61+ Effects may be increased to a few inches beyond the caster, including up to a backpack, but any enclosed material which is not Lyahvi material reduces EML. ML71+ Spell may be cancelled at will rather than extending to Duration. This applies only to the personal use of the spell. ML81+ Spell may be placed upon another (willing) person. ML91+ Caster has some control over his buoyancy, allowing a vertical drift of SI yards per ten seconds. This applies only to the personal form of the spell ML96+ Spell may be cast on an unwilling person, though he gets a chance to resist. For caster's CS, target rolls against Will; for MS roll against Willx3. Success indicates resistance. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x4 seconds Range: Basic, self ML81+, touch Duration: MS, ML seconds CS SI minutes Lyahvi II CRIMSON PROXY (Author: Christine Fossing and Klaus Ole Kristiansen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell creates a red, hazy, wraith-like image of the caster. The image appears next to the caster and may be made to move up to 50 feet per round in any direction, as long as it remains within ML feet and line-of-sight of the caster. It has no substance, and is not hindered by any kind of barrier. It does not need a surface to support it. The caster's spells may originate from the image. With the basic spell, the caster must be able to see the target of any spell cast through the image. Bonus Effects ML51+ The caster may see through the eyes of the image. Spells may be cast at targets not directly visible to the caster if the target can be seen through the image. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: ML feet Duration: MS, SI rounds CS, SIx3 rounds Lyahvi III DIRCHY'S HIDDEN SIGIL (Author/Contributor: Mikael Hegardt) (revised) With this spell the caster may hide grooves, marks, writing, runes, etc. Only visible information is hidden, not tactile, so markings may be felt as under normal conditions. The area of writing/marking which may be hidden is SI (MS) or SIx3 (CS) square feet. Bonus Effects (None) Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x5 seconds Range: Touch. Duration: MS, ML days CS, indefinite Lyahvi I [PHANTASMAL] FIRE OF GENIORM (Author/Contributor: Mikael Hegardt) (revised) This spell creates the illusion of a small fire, which crackles, dances, illuminates and warms. The fire will neither spread or burn, and apparent fuel source must actually exist (e.g., a collection of sticks might become an illusory camp fire). Viewers may test against Willx5 to avoid being deceived. Any person who attempts to touch the flame automatically detects the illusion when his hand remains unscorched. Bonus Effects ML71+ Mage need not touch apparent fuel source. Range is SI yards. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1.5 Time: (15-SI)x2 Range: Basic, touch ML71+, SI yards (line-of-sight) Duration: MS, ML minutes CS, MLx3 minutes Lyahvi III NEWLER'S TRANSPARENCY (Author/Contributor: Mikael Hegardt) (revised) This spell makes an inanimate object (such as a wall) trans- parent. The transparency is equal to that of glass, so one can still tell that the object exists. Up to SI (MS) or SIx5 (CS) cubic feet may be made transparent. Bonus Effects (None) Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: Touch Duration: MS, SI minutes CS, SIx10 minutes Lyahvi Multi SHUJOI'S TRANSFORMATION (Author/Contributor: Mikael Hegardt) (revised) This spell destroys any illusion of lower Complexity Level. The spell works in one of two ways: (1) it removes an illusion created with a lower success level (e.g., MS with Shujoi's Transformation removes an illusion achieved with MF), or (2) it lowers the success level of an illusion (e.g., it would lower an illusion achieved with MS to MF). The latter option does not reduce the quality of the illusion, but just makes it easier to destroy with a subsequent casting of Transformation. Thus, if a caster attempts to destroy a CS illusion, he must cast Shujoi's Transformation at least twice, once to lower the success level and at least once to destroy it. Shujoi's Transformation will nor work on illusions of permanent Duration. FP cost is determined by Object Enchantment Complexity Level (OECL) and caster's SI with Transformation. Hence, a mage with Transformation SI 7 removing a CL III illusion would expend (15- 7)x3=24 FP. It is quite possible for the caster to not know the FP cost of casting Shujoi's Transformation. CF with Transformation may cause the object illusion to misfire at GM discretion, but only if it is of lower CL than Transformation. Bonus Effects ML90+ The caster may instead improve the success level of the object illusion by one step if he achieves a higher success level with Transformation. Fatigue: (15-SI)xOECL Time: 15-SI minutes Range: Touch Duration: n/a Lyahvi III [PHANTASM OF THE] TALKING HEAD (Author/Contributor: Mikael Hegardt) (revised) The spell creates an illusion of a human-sized face. The face is able to speak a phrase or sentence spoken by the caster at the time of casting. The image may speak at most twenty words, and it cannot sing. The face will appear at a designated time, within SI (MS) or SIx3 (CS) hours of casting, speak its phrase and disappear. Bonus Effects ML51+ The image may be set to trigger when anybody comes within ML feet (line-of-sight) in a 180 deg arc in front of the image. Duration is indefinite, but the spell terminates once the phrase is spoken. ML76+ The image may be set to trigger when a described being enters the area (as described above); e.g., a dwarf with one arm, carrying a bow, etc. Duration is indefinite, but the spell terminates once the phrase is spoken. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: 15-SI minutes Range: Touch Duration: See above Lyahvi III TALVAE'S ALTERATION (Author: Jeff T. Barrett) (Contributor: Tim Prestero) This spell creates the visual illusion that the caster and all of his or her belongings are either better or worse than they actually are. For individuals, this reflects factors such as cleanliness, posture, lack or abundance of small scars and marks, and overall "scruffiness/pleasantness" of appearance. For possessions, the changes reflect quality (inferior/average/superior), cleanliness, shininess, apparent smoothness, and related factors. With a MS, the caster may change the appearance of self and possessions by one level (superior to average, or inferior to truly ugly, for example). With CS, a change of two levels is possible. GM's discretion with respect to changes in the appearance of the caster him/herself. Bonus Effects ML71+ The caster may bestow the effect on another individual. Range is touch. ML86+ The caster may bestow the effect on SI/2 others in addition to himself. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.5 Time: (15-SI) minutes Range: Basic, self ML71+, touch Duration: MS: ML minutes CS: SI hours Lyahvi II TALVAE'S DISTRACTION (Author: Jeff T. Barrett) (Contributor: Tim Prestero) This spell causes the individual designated by the caster to see a strange and fascinating object out of the corner of his eye. If the target turns to look, the object will flicker from the corner of one eye to the opposite corner of the other, as if it were circling rapidly around the back of the target. The target must roll against Willx3 (MS) or Willx2 (CS) to avoid turning to attempt to get a better look at the illusory object. If the target fails this roll, he will waste ten seconds looking for the object. After this time, the target may attempt another roll at Willx4 (MS) or Willx3 (CS). Each time the target fails the roll, he will waste another ten seconds and then re-roll at one level higher. (Willx5, Willx6, etc.) Once the target makes a successful Will roll, the object disappears from view. If the target is attacked while distracted in this way, the attack is made versus an Ignore defense and the illusory object immediately vanishes. Bonus Effects ML81+ The caster may affect SI number of designated individuals with a +0.5 multiple for Fatigue for each target added. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1 Time: 15-SI seconds Range: SI yards Duration: See above Lyahvi III TALVAE'S DUPLICATION (Author: Jeff T. Barrett) (Contributor: Tim Prestero) This spell creates an illusionary duplicate of the caster within line of sight and up to a maximum of ML yards away. The illusion looks solid but has no substance. It will duplicate the actions and movements of the caster exactly. This spell may be linked with AericUs Whisper or a similar spell to provide conversational ability. Bonus Effects ML76+ The caster may use another individual as the source of the duplicate. The duplicate will then mimic that individual's actions and movements. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x10 seconds Range: Line of sight. ML yards. Duration: MS: MLx3 seconds, CS: SI minutes Lyahvi III TALVAE'S ENHANCEMENT (Author: Jeff T. Barrett) (Contributor: Tim Prestero) This spell prepares the caster for ethereal contact, improving the EML of the casterUs psionic ability Medium by SIx2 (MS) or SIx3 (CS). It is cast immediately before Medium is used, and the duration begins once Medium itself has been prepared. Fatigue is postponed until after the Medium session has been terminated. Bonus Effects (None) Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: (15-SI)x10 seconds Range: Self Duration: MS: SI minutes, CS: SIx2 minutes Lyahvi II TALVAE'S SILENT STEPS (Author: Jeff T. Barrett) (Contributor: Tim Prestero) This spell creates a thin layer of cushioning air beneath the casterUs feet, thus muffling the sound of his or her footsteps. Listeners are unable to hear any footsteps so long as the caster moves at normal walking pace. If the caster attempts to move more rapidly, listeners may test against Hearingx2 (MS) or Hearing (CS) to hear the sound. Bonus Effects ML71+ The caster may bestow the effect on another individual in addition to himself. ML81+ The caster may bestow the effect on SI/2 others in addition to himself. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1.5 Time: 15-SI seconds Range: Basic, self ML71+, touch Duration: MS: ML/2 minutes CS: ML minutes Lyahvi V TALVAE'S STAIRWAY (Author: Jeff T. Barrett) (Contributor: Tim Prestero) This spell condenses the air beneath the casterUs feet to create a series of hazy gelatinous steps. The steps are created as the caster walks upward, and remain behind for the duration of the spell. The steps can be touched and harmed by physical means, and if a lower step is entirely destroyed, the stairway will collapse. Initially the semi-solid steps can only support the caster, and high winds may interfere with step formation and stability. With higher levels of mastery, the strength of the steps increases, allowing more individuals to be held and providing greater resistance to wind and assault. Bonus Effects ML41+ The steps have the strength and consistency of earth. ML51+ One additional individual may accompany the caster. ML61+ The steps have the strength and consistency of wood. Two additional individuals may accompany the caster. ML81+ Lower steps are unimportant and can be removed at the caster's will. Three additional individuals may accompany the caster. ML91+ The steps have the strength and consistency of stone. Five additional individuals may accompany the caster. Fatigue: (15-SI)x3 Time: (15-SI)x3 seconds Range: Touch Duration: MS: SI minutes, CS: SIx3 minutes Lyahvi IV TALVAE'S TORNADO (Author: Jeff T. Barrett) (Contributor: Tim Prestero) This spell creates a cylindrical whirlwind of air to surround the caster at a radius of SI feet. The high speed of the whirlwind makes it extremely difficult for arrows and other missiles to penetrate (EML penalty of SIx7), and they are instead blown to one side (casterUs choice as to clockwise or counter-clockwise upon casting). Melee combat is affected as well, but to a much lesser degree (EML penalty of SIx2). Bonus Effects ML71+ The caster may create a more complex vortex that blows entering objects in a random direction. ML86+ The caster may control the vortex more precisely, choosing in which direction to blow each entering object he or she is aware of. Note that the choices for direction are still clockwise or counter-clockwise. More specific control is not possible with this spell. Fatigue: (15-SI)x3 Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: Self. Radius is SI feet. Duration: MS, MLx3 seconds CS, SI minutes Lyahvi II TARGETING (Author: Christine Fossing and Klaus Ole Kristiansen) (Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) A spell to improve the target person's aim. The basic spell works only upon the caster, creating a lens-like deformation in the air covering the caster's eyes. Targeting changes the range categories for weapons to 10, 25, 75, 225, 500, 1000, and 1200 feet, but will not increase the maximum range of any spell or weapon. It doubles medium range for Beam of Nolar. Bonus Effects ML51+ The spell may be cast on another person. Range is touch. ML71+ Weapon attacks may use the range modifier for the next lower range category. Example: a spear would have -5 to 5 hexes, - 10 to 12 hexes, -15 to 30 hexes, -30 to 60 hexes, and 60 would still be maximum range. Both short and medium range are doubled for Beam of Nolar. Fatigue: 15-SI Time: (15-SI)x2 seconds Range: Basic, self ML51+, touch Duration: MS, SIx10 seconds CS, SIx30 seconds Lyahvi III ZEDRUN'S SHIELD (Author/Contributor: Tim Prestero) (revised) This spell causes the air to form a wall of force as tall as the caster and which protects him from missile weapons coming from a specified 60! arc. The shield protects the caster from any flung or shot solid item but offers no protection from non-solid air- borne items, such as magic fireballs, or from non-missile attacks, such as swords and clubs. The shield reduces missile Impact by SIx2 (MS) or SIx3 (CS), Bonus Effects ML51+ The shield covers a 120 deg arc. ML61+ The shield covers a 180 deg arc. ML71+ The shield covers a 240 deg arc. ML81+ The shield covers a 300 deg arc. ML91+ The shield covers a 360 deg arc. Fatigue: 15-SI Time: 15-SI seconds Range: Self Duration: MS, ML seconds CS, MLx3 minutes -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I know what you're thinking. If I'm master of the world, why should I have to hide in a copse in Somerset disguised as a badger?" --Tom Holt, EXPECTING SOMEONE TALLER From: (Michael A. Surman) Subject: HML & Questions I have a question about the Harnline BBS. I called it the other day and received the wrong number. The number I used was the one posted to the HML as 1 -604 251 1816. Has it been changed? And is there any other electronic access to Columbia? Such as Internet? My main interest is to get an up-to-date copy of their product list. I picked up a copy of the atlas when it first came out and one of the modules a few years later. I used the cities and maps in my own fantasy campaign and that was about it. Now that Columbia has made it a complete system and have reworked the original material I'd like to know what-is-what! Any help would be appreciated! Mike One of the new members! :-) [I would normally attempt to answer this myself, but my number is so hopelessly buried, I thought someone else might have the correct one handy. Besides, it's good FYI for everyone... -Eric] From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Re: Harnline BBS Michael A. Surman writes: > I have a question about the Harnline BBS. I called it the other day > and received the wrong number. The number I used was the one posted > to the HML as 1 -604 251 1816. Has it been changed? And is there > any other electronic access to Columbia? Such as Internet? I've accessed HarnLine off-and-on for the past 18 months and that was never the number that I called. However, the phone number did change recently, and I believe that the new one is 1-604-988-1703. HarnLine can also be accessed through V-Net; just find a (reasonably) local BBS that carries any V-Net groups and ask the maintainer to add the HarnLine echo. Warning: most of the action on that echo these days is a pbem HarnMaster game. There's been very little rules, etc., discussion lately and Robin Crossby doesn't seem to have hasn't posted since sometime in the summer. > My main interest is to get an up-to-date copy of their product list. The mail-order number is 1-800-663-8453; call during PST business hours. According to the July price list, the following are currently in stock: Harnmaster ($20), Pilot's Almanac ($20), BattleLust ($30), Shek-Pvar ($12), Lyahvi ($6), Peleahn ($6), Jmorvi ($6), Fyvria ($6), Odivshe ($6), Savorya ($6), Gray Magic ($10), HarnWorld ($20), Gods ($16), Azadmere ($14), Kaldor ($18), Chybisa ($12), Orbaal ($16), Tharda ($16), Melderyn ($18), Araka-Kalai ($16), Son of Cities ($16), Castles ($16), Heroth ($5), 100 Bushels of Rye ($10), Staff of Fanon ($10), Kiraz ($12), Menglana ($16), and Shorkyne ($30). rbs -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I know what you're thinking. If I'm master of the world, why should I have to hide in a copse in Somerset disguised as a badger?" --Tom Holt, EXPECTING SOMEONE TALLER From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Fyvria spells Installment six. Several of these have been posted before. THE INTERNET HARNMASTER SPELL LIST (Fyvria spells) Fyvria II Bone Sting III Benhart's Extinction III Bonedart III Breath of Aklash III Kynor's Extinction III Nourishment of Avar V Benhart's Animus V Kynor's Ward Fyvria V BENHART'S ANIMUS (Author/Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) Restores a small portion of animus to a single skeleton, which can to a limited degree be controlled by the caster. The basic spell only permits the restructuring of a skeleton, provided that the mage has touched one of its component bones during casting (and that the bones are not scattered or buried deeply). Assembly occurs during casting, and the skeleton remains intact for Duration. In order to control and manipulate the skeleton, the mage must keep his attention upon it continuously. If he is distracted, the animus departs and the skeleton disassembles. The skeleton must also remain within line of sight or else disassemble. As the caster's proficiency with Benhart's Animus increases, he may cause it to stand up, walk, and perhaps fight. However, since the original spirit has long departed from the skeleton, all activities of the skeleton will be based on those of mage who has animated it. Thus, a fighting skeleton derives its weapon proficiency from that of the mage. A scratch received from a skeleton's fingers has a high probability of becoming infected. Control of the skeleton is maintained through a "control-bone", which may be any bone touched during casting. This bone is identified by a small (two-inch diameter) black glowing sphere attached to it. Any bone to which a direct link cannot be traced from the control-bone is omitted when the skeleton assembles. For example, if the humerus (upper arm) were missing, the radius and ulna (lower arm), wrist and hand bones would all remain unconnected. Similarly, if a bone is smashed during Duration, all bones which trace linkage to the control-bone through the broken bone will immediately fall from the skeleton. (Thus, the easiest way to destroy an animated skeleton is to smash the control-bone.) Effects are also reduced (GM discretion) if the skeleton is in poor condition. Bonus Effects ML41+ The skeleton can be ordered to stand up and move (provided leg bones are present and intact). Control is verbal, literal and difficult; all skeletal actions are at 10% of the caster's appropriate skill ML. ML51+ Caster need not touch the skeleton in order to command it. The skull of such a skeleton serves as the control-bone. ML61+ Control improves; all skeletal actions are at 25% of caster's skill ML. ML81+ Control is by instinct (or pseudo-telepathy) and much improved; all skeletal actions are at 50% of caster's skill ML. ML91+ Control is as fine as possible; all skeletal actions are at caster's full skill ML. If caster is distracted, skeleton will not immediately disassemble but will pause in its actions until he returns his attentions to directing it, provided that Duration has not expired. Fatigue: (15-SI)x3.5 Time: (15-SI)x30 seconds Range: Basic, touch ML51+, SI yards Duration: MS, SI minutes CS, ML minutes Fyvria III BENHART'S EXTINCTION (Author/Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) (variant of Kynor's Extinction) A major/minor artifact power which protects a wholly bone object from fire. Reduce any fire damage suffered by SIx0.5 (MS) or SI (CS). If installed as a major artifact power, Benhart's Extinction "occupies" two points of Ego/Will. If installed as a minor power, it cannot be combined with any other enchantment. If installed as the artifact is being made, Benhart's Extinction has permanent Duration; otherwise, it is indefinite. Bonus Effects ML71+ May be cast on an artifact which is mostly bone. ML81+ Protection increases to SI (MS) or SIx2 (CS). Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: 15-SI hours Range: Touch Duration: See above Fyvria II BONE STING (Author/Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) (variant of Iron Sting) A spell to enchant a (maximum one-pound) wholly bone object (projectile). The enchantment lies dormant until the projectile is thrown at a target (invocation) or until Duration expires, whichever comes first. The success roll is made as the enchantment is invoked (thrown). If the spell fails or a person other than the caster throws the projectile, the enchantment is lost and the projectile performs as an unenchanted mundane object; it may strike the target even if the spell fails. If the caster throws the projectile and the spell succeeds, a second test of Bone Sting ML is made to determine missile accuracy, instead of testing Throw skill. The projectile has the range modifiers of a taburi. The Aspect of the missile is determined randomly, if there is a choice. Upon striking the target, the projectile's Impact is increased by SI/2 (MS) or SI (CS). Bone Sting cannot be combined with any other enchantment Bonus Effects ML61+ Caster can select strike aspect. ML91+ Caster can lay the enchantment in "open mode". Such a projectile can be cast by a person other than the caster. In such cases, the enchantment is invoked by throwing and the accuracy is determined by testing the thrower's Throwing ML. Fatigue: (15-SI)x1.5 Time: 15-SI seconds Range: Touch Duration: MS, ML minutes CS, MLx3 minutes Fyvria III BONEDART (Author/Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) (variant of Steeldart and Bone Sting) This spell causes a wholly bone object, weighing no more than one pound, to jump into the air and perform like a thrown taburi. The caster need not physically throw the object (see instead Bone Sting), but with the basic spell he must touch it at the culmination of casting. If the spell is successful, the bone object will leap toward the designated target as if thrown by a person with the caster's Strength. A second test against Bonedart (not Throwing) EML is then made for successful targeting, with Range and Impact modifiers of a taburi. The caster must commit to casting the spell before determining the accuracy of the throw. If the initial enchantment enjoys CS, the impact of the missile is increased by half SI. Bonus Effects ML51+ The spell may be cast upon a mostly bone object. ML71+ Caster need not touch the bone object to enchant it. Range is ML feet. ML81+ Caster may select strike aspect. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2 Time: 15-SI seconds Range: Basic, touch ML71+, ML feet Duration: n/a Fyvria III BREATH OF AKLASH (Author/Contributor: Tim Prestero) (revised) This spell creates a greenish cloud of reeking vapors which irritate the eyes and cause extreme nausea to those trapped within. The cloud occupies a volume of 800 cubic feet (a sphere approximately 11.5 feet across) and deforms to fit in the surroundings, an important consideration when casting it indoors or underground. The caster specifies the center of the volume. Persons trapped by the cloud suffer a penalty to all EMLs equal to SMTx3 (MS) or SMTx4 (CS). Some sort of facial covering halves the physical penalty, and as long as a person in the area of effect can hold his breath and keep his mouth closed, he suffers no penalty. Those suffering the penalty do so as long as they remain in the cloud, and for (1d6)x10 seconds afterwards. The caster is vulnerable to the effects of his own spell. The victim must also roll against Willx4 (MS) or Willx3 (CS) to avoid uncontrollable vomiting. A victim failing his Will roll falls to the ground, vomiting for as long as he remains in the cloud. Should he manage to escape the cloud, or when Duration has expired, he may check against Will every ten seconds, each time rolling against a multiple increased by one, to see if he regains control of his stomach. The vapors are rather heavy and dissipate slowly even if Breath of Aklash is cast in a drafty location. Duration is ML (MS) or MLx5 (CS) seconds, divided by wind Force (treat Force 0 as Force 1). Bonus Effects (None) Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.5 Time: 15-SI seconds Range: 30 yards Duration: See above Fyvria III KYNOR'S EXTINCTION (Author/Contributor: Steve Bartlett) (revised) A major/minor artifact power which protects a wholly natural (e.g., bone, cloth, quilted, and leather) object from fire. Reduce any fire damage suffered by SIx0.5 (MS) or SI (CS). If installed as a major artifact power, Kynor's Extinction "occupies" two points of Ego/Will. If installed as a minor power, it cannot be combined with any other enchantment. If installed as the artifact is being made, Kynor's Extinction has permanent Duration; otherwise, it is indefinite. Bonus Effects ML71+ May be cast on an artifact which is mostly natural. ML81+ Protection increases to SI (MS) or SIx2 (CS). Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.5 Time: 15-SI hours Range: Touch Duration: See above Fyvria V KYNOR'S WARD (Author/Contributor: Steve Bartlett) (revised, variant of Tharasin's Ward) A spell to enchant wholly natural armors (i.e., bone, cloth, quilted, and leather). The enchantment of armor is expressed in terms of Enchantment Levels, each of which reduces the impact of any strike upon it by one. Levels of enchantment which are successfully placed on armour must be carefully noted. Kynor's Ward cannot be combined with any other enchantment and can be cast only once on a single piece of armour. The number of enchantment levels added to the armor depends on the the success level achieved and the SI of the caster: SI MS CS 0-5 EL+1 EL+1 6-8 EL+1 EL+2 9 EL+2 EL+3 10 EL+2 EL+4 11 EL+3 EL+5 12 EL+4 EL+6 If the caster rolls MF with Kynor's Ward, no enchantment is gained. If CF is rolled, the armor is destroyed. Duration is indefinite if laid on an existing piece of armour and permanent if laid as the armour is being made. Bonus Effects ML76+ Can be cast on mostly natural armour. Fatigue: (15-SI)x3.5 Time: (15-SI)x2 hours Range: Touch Duration: See above Fyvria III NOURISHMENT OF AVAR (Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen) This spell makes two lbs of dead, organic material safe to eat. It removes poison and reverses spoilage but will not prevent future spoilage. Bonus Effects ML41+ The treated material will become more nourishing. Two lbs a day of any food so treated will sustain a character indefinitely. ML56+ Any dead, organic material will become digestible. A character may live on grass etc. It is possible to live on wood, etc., by chopping it to chips and swallowing it. With CS the spell will improve the taste of the treated material. ML71+ The texture of the treated material will change, making hard or tough foods chewy. A character can thus eat wood, leather, etc. Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.5 Time: (15-SI)x2 minutes Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I know what you're thinking. If I'm master of the world, why should I have to hide in a copse in Somerset disguised as a badger?" --Tom Holt, EXPECTING SOMEONE TALLER From: "SLAUGHTER" Subject: Chybisa Question about the Chybisa module... I keep seeing references to it, like in Harmnmaster, that shows it at the source of the Herb info, which was in EH. It ain't in there, and the article on manors is missing, as are Telumar and some other site. All my copy has is Chybisa, Burzyn, and the Law article. Explain? Bob From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Re: Chybisa "SLAUGHTER" writes: > > Question about the Chybisa module... > > I keep seeing references to it, like in Harmnmaster, that shows it at the > source of the Herb info, which was in EH. It ain't in there, and the article > on manors is missing, as are Telumar and some other site. All my copy has is > Chybisa, Burzyn, and the Law article. Explain? The original Chybisa module was just 2 or 3 Encyclopedia Harnicas collected and put inside one cover. Thus, it contained the articles on Herblore, Telumar and Bejist in addition to Burzyn. Somewhere along the line, like in 1987 or 1988, Columbia decided to make some changes in some of the modules. Chybisa suffered the biggest changes, turning into the module that you have a copy of. I believe that there were also changes in Evael, but I think they were minor, since I don't know what they are and I've never heard anybody complain about it. How to tell from the cover which Chybisa you're looking at: the original Chybisa has a line drawing on the front of castle Burzyn. The current version has some sort of warrior standing on the cover, and "HarnWorld" is written in red on the cover. The article on Herblore was presumably retracted because Crossby seems to have an Alchemy module hidden up his sleeve somewhere. Perhaps we'll see it before 1997. Your guess is as good as mine on why the rest of the articles were moved around. rbs -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I know what you're thinking. If I'm master of the world, why should I have to hide in a copse in Somerset disguised as a badger?" --Tom Holt, EXPECTING SOMEONE TALLER From: Subject: Re: Chybisa >I keep seeing references to it, like in Harmnmaster, that shows it at the >source of the Herb info, which was in EH. It ain't in there, and the article >on manors is missing, as are Telumar and some other site. All my copy has is >Chybisa, Burzyn, and the Law article. Explain? Columbia Games have 2 different Chybisa modules, older (no longer in print) which had Herbs, Telumar, etc and the current one which has Chybisa, Burzyn castle and the Harnic Law. The older version is (at least as far as I know) no longer available...sigh..:-( marten From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Harn A small discussion about Harn just got started on UseNet ( and I posted the following message which others might find of interest. Perhaps it could even serve as an FAQ. In article <>, writes: |> In article , (Erich R Schneider) writes: |> > But as all people who have encountered Harn know, the nature of the |> > system definitely takes second place to the incredible, amazing, |> > detailed campaign environment. |> |> What kind of campaigns does the Harn setting encourage? Can you and |> other Harnophiles post some fluff about your campaigns? I'd also like to |> read some stuff from people who use other interesting pre-made settings, |> such as Jorune and Talislanta. These systems are supposed to make better |> stories and better roleplaying. Do they? Oh boy, an excuse to wax prolific. First off, Harn is actually two things, either of which or both you can use in your campaign. Item one is HarnWorld. This is an extremely well-developed gameworld actually named Kethira. The main land body is named Lythia, and off its Northwest coast is an island (about the size of England) called Harn. Item two is HarnMaster. This is a skill-based game system with no hit points (hooray!). Combat is graphic, the magic system is wonderful and the religious system is not another magic system hiding under a different name. Before I provide more info, I should comment that there is one major drawback to Harn, the company that owns it. Columbia Games is a small company that does not like dealing through distributors. This results in two problems: a) small means that they do not issue new material very quickly and are poor at meeting their advertised issue dates, and b) the only (relatively) reliable way to obtain Harn material is by mail order. Back to the main topic, though. About HarnWorld, the basic module is not suprisingly entitled HarnWorld and provides a general background to Lythia and the island of Harn. It also includs a wall map of Harn and an index of places and organizations on the island. Furthermore, the island is divided into the following kingdoms/countries: Azadmere, Chybisa, Evael, Kaldor, Kanday, Melderyn, Orbaal, Rethem and Orbaal. There is a published module for each, plus two modules describing the 7 major cities on the island and another describing some castles. Each kindom module describes the history and current politics/society of the kingdom, including a breakdown of who governs what. Articles about interesting locations in each kingdom are included. Additional HarnWorld modules currently are: Shorkyne, Ivinia, Menglana, Gods of Harn, and 4 adventure modules. Shorkyne is a region on the Lythian mainland very near Harn. Ivinia is a nordic region immediately north of Shorkyne, and Menglana is a kingdom in central Ivinia. Gods describes the 10 deities of Harn, plus the structures and rituals of the churches which worship them. Projected HarnWorld modules to be issued within the next year include Harbaal (another Ivinian kingdom), Trierzon (a region south of Shorkyne) and Castles of Orbaal. Due to Columbia's unreliability, who knows when they'll actually appear. As for HarnMaster, the following material is currently available: HarnMaster (1st ed rules), Pilot's Almanac (seafaring rules), Shek-Pvar (2nd ed expanded magic rules), and several tomes of magic spells. There is also a rulebook for mass miniatures combat (approx 15-40 per side) called BattleLust, which is not necessarily a HarnMaster expansion but which can be used interchangeably with it. My personal feelings about HarnMaster are: 1) it has the best character creation system around, since the character's childhood and teen years are an integral part of determining his abilities upon entering the game. This includes factoring in the character's social class and apprenticeship. (Chivalry & Sorcery made a similar attempt but was hopelessly complex. HarnMaster makes sense.) 2) the combat system is great, since it throughs out this ridiculous hit points and concentrates on the rather graphic effect of individual wounds. However, I must admit that the system is fairly complex (20 different body locations and potentially five dice rolls per successful attack) and will not find much favor among those into power-gaming. Of course, this also encourages the healthy attitude that combat is not necessarily a "good thing" in all situations. Those wishing to simplify the HM combat rules may wish to instead use the BattleLust rules. 3) the magic system is my favorite of all systems that I've encountered (though I've heard of similar systems elsewhere). Mages are sorted into one of six convocations, and PCs are encouraged to invent their own spells rather than hunt for scrolls. The spells themselves are somewhat similar to skills in that you have a % chance to successfully cast one, this chance increasing the more that you have cast the spell. 4) the religious system is not just another magic system (like it is in AD&D). It is based more on knowing the rituals of your religion, which also encourages priests to act more within the framework of their church. (Note: I haven't had any priests in my campaign yet, so my perception of HarnMaster religion does not yet have any negatives. I've heard one or two other HM GM's comment that they think it's kind of boring.) Of course, HarnMaster has its problems. The bestiary is woefully slim and the psionics system really fouls up play balance if you implement it completely. Personally, I think it's about time for Columbia Games to clean up things and issue a 2nd edition, but I'll have no problem surviving until then. One last thing, HarnWorld/HarnMaster have been designed somewhat magic poor; ie., there are not a lot of magic swords just laying around and villagers do get pretty freaky when something magical happens in their vicinity. Thus, HarnWorld is more of a medieval setting which happens to have magic rather than a magical setting which looks sort of medieval. I like it that rather way, but your mileage may vary. -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loyalty was a great thing, but no lieutenants should be forced to choose between their leader and a circus with elephants. --Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, GOOD OMENS From: Sami Meril{ Subject: Harn-file Hi ! [Administrivia stuff deleted... -Eric] And a question to the list : I've been GMing Harn for few months now, and I feel that it's time for my campaign to grow a bit. I am wondering what kingdom-module/other supplement to buy next. Currently I have : Harnworld (the 'older' boxed edition), cities of Harn, Kaldor, Chybisa, Araka-kalai and 100 bushels of rice (I have already post ordered the Gods of Harn). Something near Kaldor was in my mind... Another one : What's the difference between the older Harnworld and the new one ? (older=boxed set, new one=with plastic covers) Hope to hear from you soon... SM From: Subject: Re: Suggestions? > And a question to the list : > > I've been GMing Harn for few months now, and I feel that it's time for my > campaign to grow a bit. I am wondering what kingdom-module/other supplement > to buy next. Currently I have : Harnworld (the 'older' boxed edition), cities > of Harn, Kaldor, Chybisa, Araka-kalai and 100 bushels of rice (I have already > post ordered the Gods of Harn). Something near Kaldor was in my mind... > I think that the Melderyn module is excellent (south of Kaldor). Also, check out some kingoms on the west coast: Kanday, Rethem, and Tharda. Have fun. -- ____________________________________________ | _ _ _+ | | Michael D. Carney /_`-'_`-'_| \+/ | | \_`M'_`C'_| _<=>_ | | `-' `-' 0/ .[\ ] | | "Remember... \/[.[\\] | | no matter where you | /_\_\/ | | go, there you are" -B.B | [] [] | |_________________________________|_d]_[b____| From: (Eric Parson) Subject: Re: Harnic fluff (was Re: HARN) [This was pulled off of Thought people might be interested and or might have some ideas. Robert also suggests that I elaborate more. Do I hear a second? -Eric] >|> (Robert Schmunk) writes: >|> > writes: >|> > |> What kind of campaigns does the Harn setting encourage? Can you and >|> > |> other Harnophiles post some fluff about your campaigns >|> > >|> I guess that it's time for me to chime in. As opposed to Robert Schmunk, I've been out of the GM-ing business for almost 2 years (anyone out there know that grad school is H*LL?). Anyway, I'm looking to possibly start up a Harn campaign around my area (any Chicago-ans interested? [the email address is via telnetting!]) I could say what I'm planning (hoping?) but that might spoil the suprise for some. I'll just say what I've used in the past. One campaign where I was a participant, not the GM, we were confronted with an incease of wolf problems near a not-so-distant village from the city of Kiban, in Kaldor. We then tangled, only moderately successfully, with a werewolf. This was where a lot of our players learned just how deadly Harn combat can be. I then followed up that serial with a series of smaller adventures leading to the attempted assassination of the King of Kaldor and the Earl of Balim (can you guess it? yup, the Earl has his seat in Kiban). This involved comparatively a lot of magic for Harn, as well as running the gamut of skills: who would want to kill the king, how would one do it and not be found out, etc. (If you want a clue, read your Asimov...) If you are asking about what are the benefits of running on the world of Harn, I would say that you as a GM don't have to try and work up a whole locale/area/world political/social/economical heirarchy. It's laid out in sufficient detail as to need nothing more, but certainly is not restrictive. If you're asking about the pluses of running Harnmaster, I think that you should go back to Robert's article. Additionally, it provides a good basic structure for one to role-play on. There is no off- the-cuff guesswork as to whether you should or shouldn't be able to do something, it's right there in front of you. Addtionally, for the GM, if you have a pretty good stable of NPC's (I happen to have *completely* stocked Kiban), you have continual and consistant character personas. (If I go to bar YYY two times in the length of the campaign, I'm going to meet the same barkeep each time.) Of course, this is the goal of any good game-playing. Now that I've completely muddled the subject... :-) Eric T. Parson From: Robert Schmunk Subject: Character generator Rick Morrow posted a character generator to this mailing list back in the summer. I have recently finished adapting it for use with the Macintosh, with various Mac GUI features. If anyone would like a copy, just drop me a line at and I'll send you a Binhexed copy. Some things to note about it: I have added the Ivinia and Shorkyne birthplace tables to the program. However, for Ivinia, I have used the Viking parental occupation chart from HarnMaster rather than the social status info provided in the Ivinia module. The program does not check to see that the parental occupation is consistent with the character's birthplace. There is no printing feature. You have to look over what's on the screen, decide if you like it, and then transcribe it by hand. rbs -- Robert B. Schmunk SPAC, Rice Univ, Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251 USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loyalty was a great thing, but no lieutenants should be forced to choose between their leader and a circus with elephants. --Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, GOOD OMENS