-HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ccm007@deneb.ucdavis.edu (Johnny B.) Subject: Re: Martial Arts >From Eric's posting: ...(grim adventure, half the PC's died. :( ) .... Actually the PC mortality rate was around 77.76 percent. It was truly gruesome. Gotta watch those Navehans and demons ! BTW my character barely survived and is now currently vacationing in the Shava Forest. John "counterstrike to the head" Banagan -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ccm007@deneb.ucdavis.edu (Johnny B.) Subject: Martial Arts... Hi all, It would be great if you posted your ideas. Our Gm (Eric Anderson) was toying around with the idea of playing some people from Shoju or the area around there and we felt that martial arts would play an important art just as sword play would. Please post your ideas. Anybody interested in magical items ? If so, I'll see if I can convince my GM to post them by me, it doesn't really matter cuz I helped design some. Also, as soon as I find my savoryan spell log, I'll post them. See y'all later. John Banagan U.C. Davis Computing Services BTW: Anybody have some stories and (N)PC's they'd like to post ? -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: Bestiary Hello, fellow HarnPeople. I recently posted a Harnmaster question on rec.games.frp on Usenet, but the response was pretty sad. I expect that most of you are keeping track of that newsgroup, but I am hoping that replies here will be more helpful, or at least more numerous. In any event, I ran a few Harnmaster sessions last year and am planning to start back up. Rather than use the isle of Harn, I'm using a world I started working a year or so ago (just before I discovered Harn), a world where a fair number of traditional creatures and monsters abound. Unhappily, many of these creatures are not to be found in the Bestiary of the Harnmaster rulebook, and I'm not looking forward to converting them from some other gaming system. Do any of you already have a bestiary of converted creatures you would be willing to share or have any idea where I might be able to find one? I'm not looking for an endless collection of unpronounceable beasts, such as have appeared in many of the AD&D supplements, but as I mentioned above, some of the more traditional creatures, a la Tolkien perhaps. Some examples that spring immediately to mind are: ghouls, zombies, vampires and other undead; traditional trolls; ogres; and many wilderness animals like badgers, wolverines and wildcats. Thanks in advance, Robert Schmunk (schmunk@spacvax.rice.edu) -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: re Bestiary From: Paul Stratton (Sierra Geophysics, Inc.) I like the idea of more monsters from converted to Harnmaster from other systems. Please post your monsters for us all to look at. Paul Stratton -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: Revised Spell: Siriks Ward The following is a repost of the last spell that I submitted last week, with some alterations. Thanks to Liam Quin (lee@sq.com) for comments on it. Liam also asked about the 'focus material' that is mentioned in Kynor's Extinction. This idea was taken from the tomes that I've seen. (Peleahn and Lyahvi). A focus like material is any object which is regarded as elemental to that particular convocation. In this case leather, furs, and natural cloths may be regarded as Fyvrian focus materials. Another definition might be, items that could be made into a focus. Steve Bartlett ================ < I decided I didn't like the optional weapon damage rolls on hitting hard armour, since it looked like far too many weapons would break. Seemed obvious that the Jmovri would then work on this type of spell. I decided the weapon would already need to have an EGO, since I see this implementation as a magical effect at the time of impact, rather than just an enhancement of the armour.> SIRIK'S WARD Jmovri V A spell to give a special power to metalic armour, though the basic spell will affect only plate. The armour must already possess an EGO (see False Soul). The effect is to harden the armour so that weapons hitting it have some chance of being damaged. With the basic spell only solid metallic weapons are affected, such as swords and axes. The weapon damage is simultaneous with the blow, so that the wearer of the armour is still likely to take damage. Enchanted weaponry is not damaged by the basic spell. If (ms) is achieved then the weapon damage roll is 3d6, and the spell is indefinate. With (cs) the roll is 4d6, and duration permanent. If the EGO is ever destroyed in the item then this enchantment will be lost. (mf) results in no enchantment, while (cf) destroys the item. Bonus 61%+ protection may be applied to mail, though with reduced effectiveness against blunt weapons. (one less die is rolled) 71%+ protection extends against enchanted weaponry, though with reduced effect. (one less die) 81%+ may be cast on EGO-less armour, durations etc as in the second column below. 91%+ protection extends to non-metallic weapons, though again at reduced effect. (one less die) Note: all reductions are cumulative, ie an enchanted wooden maul would have no chance of being damaged when used against chain mail protected by this spell, unless the caster had achieved a critical success, and even then it would have to be a particularily badly made maul! Fatigue: 25 - index Time: 25 - index hours / 25 - index seconds Range: touch Duration: (ms) indefinate / (ms) index minutes (cs) permanent / (cs) 3x index minutes ======================================================================= -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ez001152@castor.ucdavis.edu Subject: sirik's ward the duration should be : (ms) - si hours / (cs) indefinite ... unless the spell is cast as the item is being made. then the duration should be: (ms) - indefinite / (cs) permanent. This would prevent th Jmorvi from enchanting already ego-ed armor. This is similar to many of the gray spells in the gray and common book. -eric anderson -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ejanderson@ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: Peasant Populations Does anyone know how many people could be supported by a strictly fishing based food gathering technique? I have planned for a new settlement in Garvin Bay. (this is north of Thay, parallel with the old Orbaalese camp Balhafen. ) The area (if you dont remember from the maps...:)) is very rugged and mountainous. It is directly on the coast. The settlement is populated by Orbaalese and Jarin ex-patriates(colonists). The "town" is about 8 months old, and the population is building a keep for an exiled (but very rich) valhakar of Orbaal. Any help is apprecieated . -Eric. -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: Sirik's Ward RE: Eric Anderson's suggestion to make 'Sirik's Ward' durations as > the duration should be : > (ms) - si hours / (cs) indefinite ... unless the spell is cast > as the item is being made. then the duration should be: > (ms) - indefinite / (cs) permanent. > > This would prevent th Jmorvi from enchanting already ego-ed armor. This is > similar to many of the gray spells in the gray and common book. Um, yep, I like the idea. I wanted the spell to be of long duration when cast on EGO-ed armour, and this achieves that (with ). Hopefully soon the grey and common books will make it to the UK - my dealer says he is expecting a new batch 'any day now'. Steve -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: Hard-up for HM supplements I called Columbia Games earlier today to inquire about some Harnmaster supplements that I've never been able to get through the local game- store. Sadly, I was informed tthat a number of the items that I'm looking for are currently out of print (Worse yet, one has never even been published). If any of you can obtain the following for me, I'll be glad to mail you a check. Just let me know what kind of cost I'm looking at. Encyclopedia Harnica, issues 2, 5, 12 (yes: I realize much of this material is in the Kaldor module, but I bought EH 1, 3, 4 before Kaldor appeared on the local shelves) Castles of Harn The Pilot's Almanac Additionally, the local store is asking $7 US for the Peleahn & Lyahvi spellbooks. This price seems pretty high to me, and I'm wondering what the price has been elsewhere. I'm willing to pay $5 each for these and the Neutral book, if such a price is possible. If not, well... BTW, the fellow who answered at Columbia mentioned that the Shorkyne module will be coming out in about two weeks. The retail price was $30 (I hope that's Canadian). If any of you can give me any help with this, many thanks... Robert Schmunk (schmunk@spacvax.rice.edu) From: erich@through.cs.caltech.edu (Erich Schneider) RS> From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU RS> Subject: Hard-up for HM supplements RS> BTW, the fellow who answered at Columbia mentioned that the Shorkyne RS> module will be coming out in about two weeks. The retail price was RS> $30 (I hope that's Canadian). Yeah, well I'm waiting for the Trierzon module myself. Why? Because Emelrene is in Trierzon. There are all sorts of nifty questions that need to be explored vis a vis Emelrene..... -Erich -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ejanderson@ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: Shek-Pvar RE: Steve's and my reference to gray and common books...\ They are both in one monstrous book. (monstrous for Columbia that is.) Has anyone heard much about Shorkyne? I hear it is shipping in a few days. >From what I have read on the Harnline BBS, it sounds great! -Eric -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: Booklets In response to Robert Schmunk's letter, asking about availability of various publications by Colombia... Encyclopedia Harnica - I've probably got EH12, though I've never seen the single figure volumes. I picked the last few editions up for 50p each in a local store here about four years ago, and haven't seen them since. They're what first interrested me in Harn! Castles of Harn - similarily seen (and bought) about three to four years ago. I've seen it since, but can't remember seeing it recently. Pilots Almanac - bought that here last summer, though judging by the cover it had spent a good few years between being published and me purchasing it (about 12 pounds sterling). There may still be one in the local store - I'll look next time I'm there. Skek-Pvar books - the Peleahn and Lyahvi are available here, I remember them being about 4.50 pounds sterling, so I'd expect about 7 dollars. The usual exchange rate appears to be (from here) 1 dollar US = 1 dollar CANADIAN = 0.95 pound UK despite all economists claims to the contrary! One of my own - has anyone seen / heard of BATTLELUST, the combat supplement? It was another of those that should have been published with all the other stuff that is being released about now... Oh, a gaming shop in London had about 20+ copies of LIONHEART (medieval England, presented in the same way as Harn), just before Christmas. It was the first time I had seen this, before having mentally listed it as one of the things that never actually made it to print. A final question - did COLOMBIA really employ the keystone cops to run their business, and handle distribution? Steve -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: Battlelust and EH When I called Columbia Games last week, Battlelust was the module which they stated had not been published yet. I forgot to ask if they still planned to do so. Somewhere along the line I had picked up the impression that it would include NPC fighter descriptions, which would be handy for randon encounters (no calculating all those armor protections myself). Then again, maybe not. In any event, it's not out. The local gamestore has a batch of Encyclopedia Harnica issues, though not all of them. I visit the store about once a week and expect to visit today or tomorrow. If any of you are looking for EH issues, please let me know which ones you need and I'll see it's in stock. The price is around $7. There've been some comments on the List about the HM magic books. I've seen the Lyahvi and Peleahn books, but not the Gray Mysteries or the Shek Pvar, 2nd ed. Is the Gray Mysteries tome in the same format as the Lyahvi and Peleahn? What all is in the SP2: rules expansions, more spells? Also, I've never seen a copy of Harnlore, though Columbia owes me a couple of issues for filling out the HarnWorld survey card. Could somebody give me a bruef description of what's in them? Are many of them still available, and if not, can I get photocopies from somebody? And as for the Lionheart volume, I could be interested in a copy of that, if the price is right. However, I'm currently waiting for an order I placed with Columbia. I'd like to see what they do list as in stock, and the accompanying prices. I do have to agree, though; do the Keystone Kops run Columbia? While I see a lot of names listed on the credits page of the modules, I wonder how many are involved in the hands-on production. Or it may be that money's tight and they publish when they have the cash. Anybody know for sure? rbs -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: EH supplements I checked my local gamestore today and found that they still have about half of the Encyclopedia Harnica's available. If any of you need copies I can pick up the following: EH 4 (one left) EH 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 EH 13, 14, 15, 16 The cost, including local sales tax, is $7.50 US. Just drop me a line and I'll swing by the store on your behalf. rbs -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: Another Spell Here is another of the spells that has been generated in our game here, This one was designed by the Savoryan Shek-Pvar in the party using instant developement, while in the course of the 'Staff of Fanon' adventure. Somehow she succeeded ! Hope it is of use - and once again I welcome any comments on it. Steve ============================================================================ < I am not at all decided about this spell. It is Lyahvi since it is air based, though it doesn't seem to fit in with the other examples of that convocation that are given in 'Tome of Lyahvi'. The nearest similar spell is the buoyancy one from the Odivshe (water) convocation, that allows easy movement in water. The spell in its current form relies a lot upon the Lyahvi V spell from the Tome that takes the caster ethereal. (sorry, can't remember name) > BUOYANCY OF SHAL Lyahvi III A spell that reduces the weight of the caster so that he assumes neutral buoyancy with the air surrounding him, thus allowing movement through the air as if through water. The basic spell does not affect the caster's possessions, and the caster remains fully visible (and damageable) throughout. Bonus 61%+ effects may be increased to a few inches beyond the caster, including up to a backpack. The excess material is unlikely to be Lyahvi material so that the spell will become more difficult (cf Tome of Lyahvi) 71%+ spell may be cancelled at will rather than extending to duration. This applies only to the personal use of the spell 81%+ spell may be placed upon another (willing) person. Once again the spell will probably more difficult due to material affected being Fyvrian 91%+ caster has some control over his buoyancy, allowing a vertical drift of SI yards per ten seconds. This applies only to the personal form of the spell 96%+ spell may be cast on an unwilling person, though they do get a chance to resist ( roll against Will, roll against 3xWill, success indicates resistance ) Note: the casting of this spell in windy areas is not encouraged unless you are looking for a quick method of transportation. Similarly areas with updrafts such as cliffs are to be avoided.... Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3 Time: (15-SI) x 4 seconds Range: self / touch Duration: (ms) ML seconds (cs) SI minutes -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ejanderson@ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: Nice spell I like the spell, but how could a Savoryan instant develop a Lyahvi spell? According to both versions of the Shek-Pvar rules, a Mage may only develop spells in her/his convocation, not outside of it. *EVEN* when she/he becomes a Grey Mage .(*IF*) That aside, you can bet that some of my NPC's will be adding Buoyancy of Shal to there Grimoires. -Eric -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: early EH / Evael with thr recent mention of early EHs (well, a single copy of EH4), I thought I'd ask the following. 1. Evael. I have (presumably from an early EH) the articles on Sindarin / Elfshaven / Ulfshavel (however spelt, the two main sindarin settlements). Looking at the description of the Evael Kingdom module, this includes these three, plus an article on Pesino, and a map of the forest. My question is: is there anything else since I'm loathe to buy the kingdom module when I already have about 3/4 of it! (alternatively is Pesino / map in one of the EH's?) 2. Chybisa: in preliminarly information about this Kingdom Module, I have seen references both to 'Herblore' and 'Beijist (deserted elven fort)', however on purchasing them - guess what? - they weren't there! Has anybody seen these elsewhere? Steve -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ejanderson@ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: Chybisan module & Evael Steve asked if Evael is worth it if he already has 3/4 of it. Well... If you plan on having anyone got to pesino, then sure. but the way the elves guard that place, it would be pretty difficult for anyone to gain access to it. About the Chybisan kingdom, the Herblore article is very interesting, Bejist is a *great* adventure site and also packed in the Chybisan kingdom module is a good article on Harnic Law. Comes in handy when that low-life PC talks back to a member of the royal society. "Lets see, slander, that means 40 lashes. " It gives people a good sense of the society they are 'living' in. -eric -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: Chybisa, etc. Now *I'm* confused. I don't remember the Harnic law article being in Chybisa module, mainly because I have the module but have never seen the article. Are you sure it's not in the Kaldor module, as that included EHs 2-6, and either 2 or 5 included the law article. Of perhaps more interest, I received my copy of Melderyn in the mail today. Enclosed was an order form (prices effective 1 Sept 90). The following items were listed as NEW: Shek-Pvar, Grey Magic, Harnworld 2 and Shorkyne. Frtom what I've heard, it sounds like they are all actually out. The following items were listed as forthcoming: BattleLust (2/91), Jmorvi (1/91), Fyvria (2/91), Odivshe (3/91), Savorya (4/91), Trierzon (sometime 91). Nobody's mentioned seeing any of these, so I guess they're running late. :-( One item on the list I'd never heard of was "Heroth Castle". Anybody out there know what it is. rbs -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: Spell Creation In reference to my submission of 'Buoyancy of Shal', Eric (ejanderson@ucdavis.edu) asks " but how could a Savoryan instant develop a Lyahvi spell?" Um, I'll have to look at that section of the rules again, I thought that a normal mage could instant develope a spell from any convocation (other than neutral). Possibly my memory is faulty though - this is the first 'instant creation' that has occured. He then goes on to say " a Mage may only develop spells in her/his convocation, not outside of it. *EVEN* when she/he becomes a Grey Mage .(*IF*) That aside, you can bet that some of my NPC's will be adding Buoyancy of Shal to there Grimoires. " I'm sure I can remember this right - a Grey mage may create neutral spells, and spells that contain effects from more than one convocation. (the only way of doing either). Surely this means a Grey mage can create a spell from any convocation? I'll look through this bit of the rules again as well though. (one first edition, second hasn't got here yet!) Steve. PS - glad you liked the spell. any comments on its convocation though? it still doesn't seem to fit in with the other Lyahvi spells.... -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Klaus Ole Kristiansen Subject: Chybisa The rules constantly refer to "the HERBLORE article in the Chybisa module". Imagine my surprice when I finaly got hold of Chybisa, and found it to contain Chybisa, Burzyn and Law. No Herblore! Is there a "first edition" Chybisa that contains Herblore? Fortunately I now have the EH with Herblore. The article needs reworking, it was made before the Harnmaster rules, and the effects described are therefore not very specific. Maybe that is why they took it out of Chybisa? BTW I don't like the Daelda part of Bejist (Also from EH, was this really once in Chybisa?). In reallity, you may die from bad luck, but I don't like it happening in games. In the tower in Bejist, you take a wrong turn, and you are dead. There is absolutely NO clue wich turn is wrong. Klaus Kristiansen -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: Creating Spells II In followup to tthe article I sent in yesterday. I looked through my rules last night (1st edition - is 2nd any different?) Normal mages may only do original research in their own convocation. It isn't stated for Instant Developement, but I can't see why it would be different. ( my excuse is that in the middle of the game I was in a hurry, and so only read the Instant Development section ) Grey mages gain the benefit of moving to being able to develope neutral spells, as well as being the only ones capable of casting / developing multi convocational spells. By default this must mean they can also develop single convocation spells from convocations other than neutral or their initial convocation. Steve -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: Article Index Someone was kind enough to post a complete index of published HM spells a couple of weeks ago. Thanks. The recent debate about the contents of the Chybisa kingdom module have prompted me to make a similar index of all HM articles. I've already put together an index of all the modules I have, but that means it's incomplete. If you have happen to have a copy of any of the following, would you please send me a list of all the articles within? RETHEM kingdom module KANDAY kingdom module IVINIA kingdom module KALDOR kingdom module CASTLES OF HARN HEROTH CASTLE Encyclopedia Harnica 12 PILOT'S ALMANAC The list I am putting together basically contains: Article name, number of pages in article, Module which contains article, EH which contains article (if applicable). If there is additional info which you think ought to be included, I'm open to suggestions for improvement. Thanks, rbs BTW, the impression I am getting of the Chybisa debate is that there are two versions of this kingdom module. One contains the Herblore article; the other contains the Law article. Is this correct? -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ccelric@castor.ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: Harnic Law Yes, there was a kingdom module called "Chybisa" (still in print) which contains the law article. (A friend on the list can attest to this, Right Faust? ) About the Shorkyne module, it is not yet out. The publisher has gone out of business halfway into production. Should be out within the month. This is from the horses(Tom Dagliesh) mouth. Also, dont hold your breath on Battlelust, or the other Magic books. Heroth castle was a special deal article that they sent out with castles of harn. it is about 6 pages, just a bonus for ordering castles of harn. I will call Columbia tomorrow, btw the phone number is : (US Only) 1-800-663-8453 And make sure you bug Tom about Shorkyne and battlelust. -eric -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ccelric@castor.ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: Bejist bad luck... Klaus Kristiansen writes " In the tower in Bejist, you take a wrong turn. and you are dead. " I just read the article, and if a pc takes the wrong turn, he/she is just teleported to one of the locations given on the key. not death. If this is too difficult for the pcs. then they must not have the proper resources to explore bejist. Besides, what is a savoryan for anyway? -eric -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ccelric@castor.ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: Multi-Convocational Spells According to the 2nd ed. rules, A grey mage , once metamorphasized, treats all spells as netral, regardless of convocation. This would imply that all spells are considered of the Shek-Pvar's convocation. And thus a Grey Shek- Pvar could research any spell of any convocation. -eric -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ccelric@castor.ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: Harn index There is already a list of articles, and where they appeare on the Harnline BBS. I will try to get it soon, but if anyone wants to they can call the Board at 1 -604 251 1816. -eric -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ccelric@castor.ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: the Lyahvi spell Steve, Actually I think that the spell is alot like the other spells in th Tome of Lyahvi. There are a few spells in that book which seem really unbalancing. Oh well, combat-wise no one ever promised that the convocations are equal. This seems realistic to me. -eric -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: Chybisa, solved >From messages I have received during the latest day, it would indeed appear that there are two versions of Chybisa. The cover of the edition I have bears a drawing of Caer Burzyn and does not carry the logo "HarnWorld". Steve Bartlett has mentioned that his copy has a red "HarnWorld" at the top left, and Jaakko Kankaanpaa mentions that his has a mounted knight on the cover. Steve and Jaakko both state there copies do not include Herblore or Bejist, but do contain Law. My copy contains the former two articles but not the latter. So, why the change? Well, I suspect that Herblore was withdrawn as it will be included in a future rules supplement on Alchemy. A first draft of such a supplement appeared on HarnLine and contains all of the Herblore recipes. Robin Crossby mentioned that he wanted Alchemy to contain 100 recipes, but at that time there were only 27 (Herblore + black powder). Why Bejist was taken out is another question. rbs -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jaakko Kankaanp{{ I know it is a bit late, but I will answer anyhow. I hope this helps someone: >1. Evael. I have (presumably from an early EH) the articles on Sindarin >/ Elfshaven / Ulfshavel (however spelt, the two main sindarin >settlements). Looking at the description of the Evael Kingdom module, >this includes these three, plus an article on Pesino, and a map of the >forest. My question is: is there anything else since I'm loathe to buy >the kingdom module when I already have about 3/4 of it! (alternatively >is Pesino / map in one of the EH's?) Evael contains the thing you mentioned, and also an article on Evael itself (2 pages). The subjects discussed in this article are the history of the realm, the enchantment of the forest, government, the legend of the lost Elven city and Sindarin clans. Pesino is in no EH, to my knowledge. >2. Chybisa: in preliminarly information about this Kingdom Module, I >have seen references both to 'Herblore' and 'Beijist (deserted elven >fort)', however on purchasing them - guess what? - they weren't there! >Has anybody seen these elsewhere? My Chybisa has the articles Chybisa (6 pages), Burzyn (10 pages) and Law (6 pages). It is obviously a reprint - black ink on white paper, featuring a mounted knight on the cover. I hear, however, that some people have a different edition with different contents. Very strange. Jaakko _____ Jaakko Kankaanpaa ! Turku, Finland ! jac@kontu.utu.fi "I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition" -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, usually I'm only the relayer of good information, but today I need to ask a question. I was talking with a friend last night, and he's starting up a Harn campaign, but is lacking one critical component. A harnic map. You know, one of those nice, big folding maps that displays the whole continent. I know that I have one somewhere, but I don't remember where I got it. I don't remember buying it as an individual unit, so it must have come with one of the kingdom modules that I purchased a while back. Does anyone remember where they got the continental map? I'd greatly appreciate any help you can give. Take care all, and keep Harning! Eric T. Parson Harnlist: parson@pop.stat.purdue.edu -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: re: Multi-Convocational Spells From: Paul Stratton (Sierra Geophysics, Inc.) From: ccelric@castor.ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) >And thus a Grey Shek-Pvar could research any spell of any convocation. And the resulting spell would be a Grey spell. Regardless of which convocation he researched it from. Paul -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ccm007@pollux.ucdavis.edu (Johnny B.) Subject: Bejist bad luck... Eric writes: (stuff deleted) Besides, what is a savoryan for anyway? I write: For you to know and him to find out (sorry, a little harnic humor). john -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian A. Dorion" The difference in Chybisa modules is due to the fact that when Columbia went from doing small Encyclopedia Harnica's to doing Kingdom Modules, the first Kingdom Modules of areas that were already covered consisted of the appropiate EH's (with covers removed) stuffed into an unstapled KM cover. Simple, right? B-{)} Brian Dorion a small harn guru (with a big head) -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: THE article list I mentioned that I'd pulled the article list off of HarnLine. It's been recommended that I post it here for benefit of those of you who don't have access to that bulletin board. Hope it's some help, rbs ----------------------[cut here]---------------------------------------- *************************************************************** Article Name: HarnWorld File Name: ARTICLES.TXT Written by: Tom Dalgliesh/N. Robin Crossby Edited by: Tom Dalgliesh/N. Robin Crossby Copyright: 1989, Tom Dalgliesh/N. Robin Crossby First Appearance: 1989-10-12 HarnLine on Duffle Board Article Concordance for Encyclopedia Harnica/Harnmaster *************************************************************** A complete list of all HarnWorld articles (both Encyclopedia Harnica and Harnmaster) published to date. Noted is the article name, the number of pages, the subject matter, and the publication in which the article can be found. Some names have been abbreviated to fit. Articles marked "(M)" also contain extra pages of maps, often in full-colour. Most of the kingdom articles also have large, full-colour sub-regional maps. Maps raise the total page count by about 125 and the Harn Regional Module adds another 96 pages. Assuming an average of 1200 words per page, total HarnWorld "wordage and maps" pub- lished to date equals about 1,500,000 words (more than 21 typ- ical novels). Harnlore articles are shown on the list, but are not included in the word count. Articles/files available only through HarnLine are not included on the list. * Articles marked with asterisks are available in some form on HarnLine (the official Harn/Harnmaster BBS). All articles are available direct from Columbia Games, although in some cases, only photostatic copies are available. *************************************************************** Article pp Subject Module --------------------------------------------------------------- Adaenum 2 Tribal Nation Kanday Aging 1 Rules for Aging Harnlore 1 Agrik 8 Religion Gods of Harn Aleath I (M) 6 Town Cities of Harn Aleath II 6 Town Expansion Son of Cities Amba 2 Mine 100 Bushels Anisha (M) 8 Ruin Kaldor Anoa 2 Tribal Nation Orbaal Araka-Kalai (M) 28 Temple/Ruin Araka-Kalai Arcane Lore 6 Guild Melderyn Astrology I 4 Cultural EH7 Astrology II 4 Cultural EH8 Azadmere (M) 10 Town/Kingdom Azadmere Bejist (M) 8 Temple/Ruin EH9 Bestiary 10 Rules HarnMaster Bujoc 4 Tribal Nation EH11 Burzyn (M) 10 Castle Chybisa Campaign 8 Rules HarnMaster Chanakur's Rest * 2 Common Knowledge Harnlore 7 Character 12 Rules HarnMaster Chelni 2 Tribal Nation Kaldor Cherafir I (M) 6 Town Cities of Harn Cherafir II 8 Town Expansion Son of Cities Chybisa (M) 6 Kingdom Chybisa Chymak 2 Tribal Nation Melderyn Cities 2 Cultural Cities of Harn Combat 28 Rules HarnMaster Coranan I (M) 8 Town Cities of Harn Coranan II 8 Town Expansion Son of Cities Crew 8 Guild/Rules Pilots' Almanac Dogs * 2 Rules Harnlore 4 Dyrisa (M) 8 Castle Kanday Earthmasters 4 Cultural Melderyn Elkall-Anuz (M) 10 Ruin Kaldor Elshavel (M) 4 Castle/Town Evael Encounters 4 Rules HarnMaster Equani 2 Tribal Nation Rethem Escorsen's Hermitage 3 Adventure Site Harnlore 2 Evael (M) 2 Kingdom Evael Fanon's Vale (M) 8 Manor/Village Staff of Fanon Froyaheim (M) 6 Thran Menglana Geda (M) 4 Keep Castles of Harn Gedan (M) 6 Temple/Ruin Orbaal Geldeheim (M) 6 Castle Orbaal Gelimo (M) 6 Ruin Melderyn Geshtei (M) 6 Castle Castles of Harn Getting There... 1 Interworld Travel Harnlore 3 Godstones * 4 Cultural/Rules EH6 Golotha I (M) 6 Town Cities of Harn Golotha II (M) 8 Town Expansion Son of Cities Gozyda 2 Tribal Nation Tharda Guilds I 4 Guild System/Guilds Harnlore 7 Guilds II 4 Guild Information Harnlore 8 Gythrun (M) 6 Castle Castles of Harn Habe (M) 6 Keep Azadmere Halea 6 Religion Gods of Harn Harden (M) 8 Castle Melderyn Harn-by-Mail 1 GM notes Harnlore 3 Heraldry 2 Chybisan Clans Chybisa Heraldry 2 Fighting Orders Gods of Harn Heraldry 4 Guild Badges Son of Cities Heraldry 2 Kaldoran Clans Kaldor Heraldry 2 Kandian Clans Kanday Heraldry 2 Melderyni Clans Melderyn Heraldry 2 Menglanan Clans Menglana Heraldry 2 Orbaalese Clans Orbaal Heraldry 2 Rethemi Clans Rethem Heraldry 2 Rognan Clans Menglana Heraldry 2 Thardic Legions Tharda Heraldry 10 Cultural EH7 Herblore 4 Rules EH9 Heroth 8 Castle Heroth Hikun 4 Mine Tharda Hodiri 2 Tribal Nation Melderyn Horns of Ikaras 4 Adventure Scenario Kiraz Hunting * 4 Rules for Hunting Harnlore 4 Idjarheim (M) 6 Lodge Menglana Ilme 4 Bestiary EH11 Ilvir 6 Religion Gods of Harn Innkeeper 4 Innkeepers' Guild Harnlore 6 Ithiko (M) 6 Castle Castles of Harn Jarin 4 Culture Orbaal Kaldor (M) 18 Kingdom Kaldor Kamaki 2 Tribal Nation Kanday Kanday (M) 16 Kingdom Kanday Kath 2 Tribal Nation Kaldor Kelestia * 6 The Cosmic All EH4 Kethira 6 The World of Harn Lythia Khuzdul 4 Culture Azadmere Kiban (M) 6 Castle Kaldor Kiraz (M) 14 Abandoned City Kiraz Krazma's Forge 14 Ruin/Cavern 100 Bushels Kubora 4 Tribal Nation Rethem Kustan (M) 6 Tribal Moot Rethem Lyahvi Phantasms *32 Book of Spells Lyahvi Phantasms Kyriheim (M) 4 Temple Menglana Languages (M) 4 Cultural Lythia Larani 8 Religion Gods of Harn Law 6 Cultural Chybisa Leriel (M) 6 Castle Orbaal Lia-Kavair 2 Guild Rethem Loban (M) 10 Manor/Village 100 Bushels Lokis 6 Kingdom Menglana Lorkin (M) 6 Castle Castles of Harn Lycanthrope 2 Were creatures Harnlore 8 Lythia (M) 14 Continent Lythia Manor 6 Fief Economics EH3 Maritime Trade 6 Culture/Rules Pilots' Almanac Master's Grimore 3 Jmorvi Spells Harnlore 5 Melderyn (M) 22 Kingdom Melderyn Meldun 2 Manor Harnlore 1 Menekod (M) 8 Castle Kanday Menglana (M) 12 Kingdom Menglana Mercantyler 2 Rules HarnMaster Moleryn (M) 6 Castle Tharda Morgath 6 Religion Gods of Harn Namal-Kandair * 2 Common Knowledge Harnlore 6 Naveh 4 Religion Gods of Harn Nevara (M) 18 Yashain Region 100 Bushels Noron's Keep (M) 6 Keep Orbaal Nurisel (M) 8 Castle Melderyn Olokand (M) 8 Castle Kaldor Orbaal 10 Kingdom Orbaal Oselbridge 2 Site Harnlore 7 Pamesani 2 Cultural Tharda Pelyn (M) 6 Vathran Menglana Peoni 6 Religion Gods of Harn Pesino (M) 12 Ruin Evael Pilot 12 Guild/Rules Pilots' Almanac Port Almanac 8 Port Index Pilots' Almanac Prices 4 Price List HarnMaster Qualdris (M) 6 Castle Castles of Harn Quimen (M) 6 Keep Castles of Harn Rain in Ramala 3 Fiction Harnlore 1 Religion 4 Cultural Gods of Harn Religion 10 Rules HarnMaster Report to Council 3 Kaldoric Succession Harnlore 2 Report to Council 2 Balesir of Chybisa Harnlore 6 Rethem (M) 14 Kingdom Rethem Rogna 2 Kingdom Menglana Sarajin 4 Religion Gods of Harn Sarkum (M) 6 Castle Castles of Harn Save-K'nor 6 Religion Gods of Harn Set a Spell 2 VI Level Spells Harnlore 3 Shek-Pvar 24 Guild/Rules HarnMaster Shipwright 12 Guild/Rules Pilots' Almanac Shiran I (M) 6 Town Cities of Harn Shiran II 6 Town Expansion Son of Cities Shostim (M) 8 Castle Rethem Siem 4 Religion Gods of Harn Sindarin 6 Culture/Elves Evael Skills 18 Rules HarnMaster Slings and Arrows... 2 Destiny in FRP Harnlore 5 Solori 4 Tribal Nation Melderyn Spell Fatigue I 1 2nd Ed.Shek-Pvar Harnlore 7 Spell Fatigue II 1 2nd Ed.Shek-Pvar Harnlore 8 Surint-Alwa 3 Adventure Site Harnlore 3 Taelda 2 Tribal Nation orbaal Tashal I (M) 6 Town Cities of Harn Tashal II 6 Town Expansion Son of Cities Taztos (M) 6 Legion Fort Tharda Telen (M) 6 Castle Tharda Telumar (M) 8 Ruin EH11 Tesien (M) 8 Ruin Kanday Tharda (M) 18 Republic Tharda Thay I (M) 4 Town Cities of Harn Thay II 6 Town Expansion Son of Cities Tormau (M) 8 Castle Rethem Trail's Peril 4 Scenario Harnlore 5 Treasure 14 Rules HarnMaster Trobridge Inn (M) 4 Manor Kaldor Tulwyn 4 Tribal Nation Kaldor Tyana's Shade 2 Scenario Harnlore 4 Ulfshafen (M) 6 Castle Evael Urdu 2 Tribal Nation Rethem Ushet (M) 4 Gargun Cave Complex Kiraz Vulenheim (M) 6 Town Menglana Where...Graveyards? 1 Harnic Burial Harnlore 6 Wolf in the Abbey,a 2 Adventure Scenario Harnlore 8 Yarili 2 Tribal Nation Menglana Yelgri 2 Bestiary Orbaal Ymodi 2 Tribal Nation Orbaal Zerhun (M) 10 Khuzan Fortress Azadmere --------------------------------------------------------------- ** Special Format -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: Chybisa again (sorry) Oops, when I made the posting yesterday, I meant to title it "Chybisa, solved?", but somehow the question mark got left off. Only a potential solution was offered. Anyway, Brian Dorion is entirely right about the first version of the Chybisa module just being the EHs stuffed inside a cover. As I had disassembled the module so that it could be stuck in a loose-leaf binder, I had entirely forgotten about this. Also, of all the modules, it's the only one I remember as not having a title page. I still wonder, though, why they decided to change the contents of the module. I can understand removing Herblore, if indeed it will be later included in Alchemy. But what about Bejist, Bujoc, and Telumar? I pulled the Article index off Harnline last night and it woould appear that several other articles have been orphaned in that they were published in EHs, but not in later modules. These include Godstones, Heraldry, and Manor. Additionally, while info on Astrology and Kelestia was later republished in HarnWorld, 2nd ed., I think the some of the material contracted in the transition. rbs -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: lee@sq.com (Liam Quin) Subject: Manor Since the Manor article is no longer available, as I understand it, I don't feel too guilty about offering an on-line version of it that I typed when I ran a play-by-mail Manor game in 1984 or 86 (I forget exactly). You need to have a working nroff or troff to print it. It doesn't include the tables, although I could probably have a stab at them if it helps. Let me know if you want it. Since I can't easily get at Harnline, thanks for posting the list of articles. Anything else from there would be enthusiastically welcomed... Lee lee@sq.com Liam Russell E. Quin -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Klaus Ole Kristiansen Subject: Bejist bad luck If a character with high aura gets into the top level, there is NO way out. I should of course have included this qualification in the original letter, only high aura characters have this problem. Anybody else might get a chance to run away before the demon attack, depending on how the GM roleplays the double souled NPC Klaus Kristiansen -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: Spell: Sheen of Krazhma OK, here goes spell 4 (in the current series of 4). I've had feedback from a couple of people - but do others want me to continue sending in spells? If so then how about a few other people typing a few in - I'm sure some of you must have, or had characters make new spells! Steve ====== < A spell created for the sword in '100 bushels of rye'. The sword remains in that are unrusted, to give the players a hint. I decided that magical swords would normally rust - the Ward of Arkana only surving to give protection from 'damage' not ageing. Necessarily then Jmovri mages would create a spell that stopped rusting. It could also then also be applied to 'normal' metal to prevent it rusting also - as for example when the party have to go through a water filled passage. The spell is named for the mage in '100 bushels'. For power level, I placed it somewhere between 'Metala of Elkal' and 'Forge of Obras'. > SHEEN OF KRAZMA Jmovri III A spell to enchant a metal item so that it will no longer rust. During the casting of the spell the Shek-Pvar must continually handle the item. With the basic spell only iron or steel may be effected, and the item must already posses an EGO. Bonus 41%+ other metals may be affected, for example the Shek-Pvar may prevent silver from tarnishing. 61%+ the enchantment may be placed on EGO-less items, though with casting times and durations as given in the second column. Fatigue: (15-SI) per pound Time: (15-SI) hours / (15-SI) x 5 seconds Range: touch Duration: (ms) indefinate / (ms) SI hours (cs) permanent / (cs) indefinate -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: Harn BBS / Grey Mages Two things, firstly thanks to SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU (sorry, can't rememver the name) for the list of articles on harnline. A couple of questions... 1. has anybody ordered single articles from Colombia? what sort of price are they? (and will they sell the single articles that comprise modules) 2. can someone download the articles that would be relevant to this list? (I'd do it, but I don't have access to a modem, and I hate to think of the cost from the UK!) the articles I'm most interrested in are Chanakur's Rest * 2 Common Knowledge Harnlore 7 Dogs * 2 Rules Harnlore 4 Godstones * 4 Cultural/Rules EH6 Hunting * 4 Rules for Hunting Harnlore 4 Namal-Kandair * 2 Common Knowledge Harnlore 6 and now on to the subject of grey mages... From: From: ccelric@castor.ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) >And thus a Grey Shek-Pvar could research any spell of any convocation. and then from Paul Stratton >And the resulting spell would be a Grey spell. Regardless of which >convocation he researched it from. Surely not. If a grey mage were to develop a spell that were to create a fireball, then surely it would still be Peleahn? Grey (neutral) spells are those that affect magic directly. A grey mage will treat all magic as of neutral with regards to its skill base, but it will still be aligned - fire magics will still be Peleahn, metal Jmovri etc. If the grey mage were to teach a spell he knew to another Shek-Pvar, then he would learn it under the correct convocation for the magic. Going off at something of a tangent - has anybody noticed if there are any references to currently living grey mages in Harn? (an obvious choice would be Panaga from Staff of Fanon / Kiraz - but then he's a renegade!) Steve -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: Buoyancy of Shal While adding the Steve Bartlett's Buoyancy of Shal to my spell file, I noticed that the fatigue value is a bit high. As posted, the FP expended to cast the spell is (15-SI)*3. According to the Tome of the Shek Pvar (p.10), the mean FP multiple to cast a level III spell is 2.0, with minimum 1.5 and maximum 2.5, so I would suggest then that the FP for this spell should be (15-SI)*2.0. rbs -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: erich@through.cs.caltech.edu (Erich Schneider) Subject: Grey mages advent@ukc.ac.uk asks: >Going off at something of a tangent - has anybody noticed if there are >any references to currently living grey mages in Harn? (an obvious >choice would be Panaga from Staff of Fanon / Kiraz - but then he's a >renegade!) Yes: check the Melderyn kingdom article. There are several individuals in the House of Toron who have this status. -Erich -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: SCHMUNK@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU Subject: Some HarnLine files Since there seemed to be some interest in the HarnLine files, Eric has asked me to post a list of those I have. I'm not sure of the legality of my distributing these, since HarnLine does request a donation to help meet its operating expenses. Maybe somebody else can fill me in on that. Due to the cost of calling Vancouver from Houston, I have not downloaded all of the articles available on HarnLine (1-604-877-7752). In particular, I know I haven't downloaded a Lythian chronology and some question and answer (Q&A) discussions regarding the Pilot's Almanac. I don't know when/if I'll get around to downloading any more files; it was expensive. In any event, here're the files I have. An "e" at the beginning of the file name indicates "environment"; these are not adventures but may provide you with ideas for such. "h" at the beginning indicates proposed rules additions, changes and q&a. Many/most of these files are first drafts. I've marked with asterisks a couple files that IMHO are very useful. e_beararms.txt = Treatise on who has the right to bear what weapons. *** e_bjaka.txt = "The Legend of Bjaka's Raid" e_chanakur.txt = "The Legend of Chanakur's Rest" (also in HL 2) e_darkelf.txt = "The Heart that Broods" e_kandair.txt = "The Lesson of Namal-Kandair" (also in HL 2) e_kaseroas.txt = "The Token of Kaseroas" e_saurachs.txt = "The Legend of Saurach's Ring" e_spearss.txt = "Legend of the Spear of Shattered Sorrow" h_alchemy.txt = Draft of rules on alchemy, incuding some recipes. (Long) h_combat1.txt = Some Q&A about combat. h_compound.txt = What is compound magic? h_disease.txt = Some rules on diseases (plague, pneumonia, etc.). *** h_dogs.txt = Description of dog types and stats (also in HL 2). *** h_explode.txt = Rules on explosions and calculating resulting injuries. *** h_hunting.txt = Some rules on hunting (also in HL 4). *** h_jmorvi-1.txt = Grimoire of a Jmorvi Satia-Mavari. (also in HL 5) *** h_melchusn.txt = Alternative set of six magic convocations. *** h_spl-find.txt = One GM's method for determining spell complexity. i_articles.txt = The article list. Additionally, I pulled down a couple files on enriched magic, but all of the material appeared in the Tome of the Shek Pvar. I have not uploaded most of these files to the school computer yet, and it will be several days before I do so. In the interim, I would appreciate it if people would e-mail which files they would like to see. Anything getting more than 3 requests I will post to HarnList. (Again, I hope this is legal.) rbs -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ejanderson@ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: High aura... Just what is high aura? I would say that it is higher than what most PC's can get, like 19+. That way the trap only affects witches or some elves What a sexist trap. :) -eric From: ejanderson@ucdavis.edu (Eric J. Anderson) Subject: Panaga Schmanaga! In my campaign, panaga has already been confronted, and (barely) defeated. So when ISOP (in search of panaga III) comes out he will either 1. miraculously survived his confrontation with his demon. or... 2. have an evil twin Iggy. =:) -eric -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Klaus Ole Kristiansen Subject: Magic locks I have just read Telumar (thanks to mr. Schmunk), and I have a problem. In Telumar there are some very complicated magical locks. The resident researcher have only recently opened the second of them (after staying in the place for years, I don`t know how much time he has spend on the locks). How would one play that with the Harnmaster rules? One answer would be to require the character to develop a spell, either a general Open Earthmaster Lock (you could then compare SI to the complexity of the lock) or a specific spell for each lock. Such a spell would either be neutral or mayby savoryan, how does a lyahvi shek pvar open the locks? Klaus Kristiansen -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: advent@ukc.ac.uk Subject: Spells (level and fatigue) OK, to answer rbs's questions... 1. I'll carry on submitting spells as they are created. You have all the spells currently generated in my game. 2. Spell Levels - I wish I did have some method of working out the levels. I just look to see what is similar, and base it on that. I'd like to hear of any other methods... 3. Fatigue costs - I don't (yet) have a copy of 'Tome of Shek-Pvar', it hasn't yet got to the UK, hence I can't comment on the higherr cost than average for that level spell. For Buoyancy it was set to be slightly easier (I believe - I don't have my books with me) in both fatigue and level than the "Go Ethereal" spell from that convocation. Steve -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ccm007@pollux.ucdavis.edu (Johnny B.) Subject: Re: Panaga Schmanaga Eric writes: In my campaign, panaga has already been confronted, and (barely) defeated. So when ISOP (in search of panaga III) comes out he will either 1. miraculously survived his confrontation with his demon. or... 2. have an evil twin Iggy. =:) -eric I write: Trust me, he was one tough mother ! Ya should have seen the chantry house in Melderyn after he popped up with his demon-like body guard and the perverted version of the White Hand, the Red Penticle ! Not to mention several chantry members being part of the Red Penticle who worshipped Panaga. Ack was all I could say ! One way Panag could come back is through the use of clones. If that's possible, what level spell is that so I could get it. =;-) john -HML------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Klaus Ole Kristiansen Subject: High aura If this is a reference to the trap at Beijist, high aura is 16+ or maybe > 16. Klaus Kristiansen