World population passes five billion. INF Treaty banning intermediate-range nuclear forces signed.

Map of FUNET local area network at end of 1987

The Otanet uses fibre-optic cables and an optic prism to link the Helsinki University of Technology's Ethernets into a star network
  • FUNET began linking its local area networks using Bridge IB/3 Ethernet bridges and 64 Kbit/s connections. Datapak's traffic-volume billing is introduced and proves expensive for the FUNET in comparison with fixed lines.
  • A CSNET connection from the University of Technology's mail Gateway, via the X.25 packet-switching network, opened up a rapid route for Internet e-mail.
  • UUNET is set up in the USA to provide commercial UUCP connections. Until then, the UUCP network had been built mostly by volunteers without payment. Commercialisation did not, however, mean direct marketing, but in the Usenet network, for example, net users held on firmly to their ethics.
  • RFC1000 "Request for Comments Refence Guide" is published
  • BITNET spans over 1000 mainframes and the Internet over 10,000.