
In terms of resources available, there are over 200,000 books and publications, a music library comprising of extensive works including classical, rock, pop, jazz, blues, Indian and cabaret in mp3 format as well as full ballet, opera and concert works in mp4 video format. Not to mention an extensive amount of classic TV comedy series that will be known to older generations in particular including Dad’s Army, It Ain’t Half Hot Mum and Love Thy Neighbour to name but a few.

There are 2000 complete digital classrooms covering over 3500 hours of training including Geography, French, World History, Code (Web technology programming) , Economics, Cosmology and Astronomy, English Grammar, English Vocabulary, English Language, English Literature,  Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Art, Health Care and Medicine, Electrical Engineering, Cosmology & Astronomy, Music, AI, Computer Science, Ecology, Society & Culture, Processing the Environment, World History, Electrical Engineering, and Small Scale Agriculture as well as professional and management; with each containing hundreds of video lessons along with self-paced exercises and revision materials. There is also training and practice for Piano, Guitar, Code, Math, a crash course in just about anything, thousands of text books and a Digital Globe like Google Earth.

The Public Library section includes and extensive Children’s section which includes the full original versions of the still popular classics as well as some very rare African books including Swazi Tales. A very wide Adult section along with general reading include the complete works of some authors like Edgar Allen Poe and H. Rider Haggard ( te original Wilbur Smith) as well as Shakespeare to name a few. You will also find the complete classic One Thousand Night and One Night.

The Reference Library section contains extensive resources to help you learn new skills or study in depth subject matter. You can learn how to farm in areas and times of drought, produce summer vegetables in winter, preserve food and crops with needing electricity or refrigeration, turn that E5 bag of fruits into E50, how to butcher a cow or pig correctly, build your own weaving loom or make hats, carpets, high quality furniture or traditional toys. You may prefer to learn new needlework skills of hairdressing techniques or how to tan leather using simple processes. Perhaps you like to know how to build a strong home from traditional materials that will stand for hundreds of years with some very basic maintenance. Maybe you need information regarding traditional as well as conventional medicine or increase your knowledge of religion. Whatever your preference it’s there…

School and Undergrad as the title suggests, contains extensive resources for both students and teaching staff on a very wide range of topics from pre-school to higher tertiary but you will also find all Swazi past exam papers.

The resources also include an online Word-processor and Spread-sheet applications, a unit converter, Scientific Calculator, Freehand art and online slideshow package. There are also helper applications which can be downloaded such as web browser, PDF reader and other file readers for some of the resources.

There is also an extensive Archive section which contains over 1 million files covering just about every topic. In total the site contains over 3 million user files.