Non-promotional, value-neutral descriptions of the organization and its products or services
Names of operating divisions and subsidiaries
Organizational mission language that identifies and does not promote or state an opinion
Established slogans (verbatim) that identify and do not promote
Length of time in business
Non-promotional calls to action (eg, "Learn more »", "More information »"), phone numbers and web addresses subordinate to the underwriter's name and logo
To help identify an underwriter, specific products may be mentioned in text, and product images may be used as secondary design elements subordinate to the underwriter's name and logo. The use of such imagery is limited.
Minimal/tasteful use of animation
Underwriting creatives may not contain the following:
Promotional language
Direct or promotional calls to action (eg, "Buy now...", "Hurry...")
Price and value information
Inducements to donate, buy, sell, rent or lease (reward programs, warranties, portions of purchase donated to charity, vehicle donation programs, holiday mentions related to sales of products)
Health claims
Language that expresses a view about a matter of public importance or interest or which supports or opposes a political candidate
900 numbers or other services where the user is charged a fee for access
Creative technical standards
All Sizes:
Typefaces should be large enough to be legible at 800x600 screen resolution
Unless specifically accepted, no real or mimicked user controls or interactive elements are permitted
Client must provide click-through URL
Creatives must include a visible 1 pixel border of any non-white color
Animation must be frame-based
Animation length cannot be longer than 15 seconds and is limited to one loop
File must be.gif or .jpg
Maximum file size of 30K for static, 40K for animated
File must be .gif or .jpg
Maximum file size of 30K for static, 40K for animated
File must be.gif or .jpg
Maximum file size of 20K for static, 30K for animated