Archived Political Science Courses

These Political Science courses have been archived in OCW's DSpace@MIT Repository for long-term access and preservation. In most cases, an archived course is an older version which has been replaced on the OCW site by a more recent version with the same (or similar) course number and title. The complete list of archived OCW courses from all departments can be viewed on the Archived Courses page.

Course # Course Title Level
17.006 Feminist Political Thought (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
17.007J Feminist Theory (Spring 2008) Undergraduate
17.007J Feminist Political Thought (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
17.01J Justice (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
17.01J Justice (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
17.100J Political Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
17.118J Feminist Political Thought (Fall 2000) Undergraduate
17.181 Sustainable Development: Theory and Policy (Spring 2009) Undergraduate
17.181 Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
17.181 Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
17.196 Globalization (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
17.20 Introduction to the American Political Process (Fall 2006) Undergraduate
17.245 The Supreme Court, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights (Fall 2006) Undergraduate
17.245 The Supreme Court, Civil Liberties, and Civil Rights (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
17.251 Congress and the American Political System I (Fall 2004) Undergraduate
17.251 Congress and the American Political System I (Fall 2000) Undergraduate
17.263 U.S. National Elections (Fall 2012) Undergraduate
17.264 U.S. National Elections (Fall 2012) Undergraduate
17.30J Fundamentals of Public Policy (Fall 2004) Undergraduate
17.30J Fundamentals of Public Policy (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
17.391 Human Rights in Theory and Practice (Fall 2010) Undergraduate
17.40 American Foreign Policy: Past, Present, Future (Fall 2010) Undergraduate
17.40 American Foreign Policy: Past, Present, and Future (Fall 2004) Undergraduate
17.40 American Foreign Policy: Past, Present, and Future (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
17.410 Globalization, Migration & International Relations (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
17.42 Causes and Prevention of War (Spring 2009) Undergraduate
17.42 Causes and Prevention of War (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
17.423 Causes and Prevention of War (Spring 2001) Undergraduate
17.433 International Relations of East Asia (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
17.460 Defense Politics (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
17.50 Introduction to Comparative Politics (Fall 2006) Undergraduate
17.50 Introduction to Comparative Politics (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
17.50 Introduction to Comparative Politics (Fall 2003) Undergraduate
17.537 Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
17.55 Introduction to Latin American Studies (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
17.561 European Politics (Fall 2011) Undergraduate
17.565 Israel: History, Politics, Culture, and Identity (Spring 2011) Undergraduate
17.57J Soviet Politics and Society, 1917-1991 (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
17.869 Political Science Scope and Methods (Fall 2010) Undergraduate
17.869 Political Science Scope and Methods (Fall 2003) Undergraduate
17.871 Political Science Laboratory (Spring 2004) Undergraduate
17.871 Political Science Laboratory (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
17.908 Reading Seminar in Social Science: Race, Crime, and Citizenship in American Law (Spring 2007) Undergraduate
17.006 Feminist Political Thought (Spring 2010) Graduate
17.006J Feminist Theory (Spring 2008) Graduate
17.100J Political Economy I (Fall 2010) Graduate
17.100J Political Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy (Fall 2005) Graduate
17.182 Sustainable Development: Theory and Policy (Spring 2009) Graduate
17.182 Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy (Spring 2006) Graduate
17.182 Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy (Spring 2003) Graduate
17.411 Globalization, Migration & International Relations (Fall 2002) Graduate
17.418 Field Seminar: International Relations Theory (Spring 2009) Graduate
17.418 Field Seminar in International Relations Theory (Fall 2005) Graduate
17.424 International Political Economy of Advanced Industrial Societies (Spring 2007) Graduate
17.434 International Relations of East Asia (Spring 2005) Graduate
17.462 Innovation in Military Organizations (Spring 2001) Graduate
17.486 Japan and East Asian Security (Spring 2008) Graduate
17.538 Politics and Policy in Contemporary Japan (Spring 2003) Graduate
17.582 Civil War (Spring 2005) Graduate
17.884J Collective Choice I (Fall 2005) Graduate
17.950 Understanding Modern Military Operations (Spring 2005) Graduate
17.952 Great Power Military Intervention (Spring 2004) Graduate
17.953 U.S. Military Budget and Force Planning (Fall 2004) Graduate