Archived History Courses

These History courses have been archived in OCW's DSpace@MIT Repository for long-term access and preservation. In most cases, an archived course is an older version which has been replaced on the OCW site by a more recent version with the same (or similar) course number and title. The complete list of archived OCW courses from all departments can be viewed on the Archived Courses page.

Course # Course Title Level
21H.001 How to Stage a Revolution (Fall 2007) Undergraduate
21H.101 American History to 1865 (Fall 2005) Undergraduate
21H.102 The Emergence of Modern America 1865-Present (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
21H.104J Riots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History (Fall 2004) Undergraduate
21H.126 America in Depression and War (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
21H.131 America in the Nuclear Age (Fall 2000) Undergraduate
21H.150J Introduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, and Historical Experience (Fall 2005) Undergraduate
21H.150J Introduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, & Historical Experience (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21H.153J Race and Gender in Asian America (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21H.206 American Consumer Culture (Fall 2001) Undergraduate
21H.231J American Urban History I (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
21H.232J American Urban History II (Fall 2004) Undergraduate
21H.244 Imperial and Revolutionary Russia: Culture and Politics, 1700-1917 (Fall 2012) Undergraduate
21H.250 Asia in the Modern World: Images & Representations (Spring 2012) Undergraduate
21H.302 The Ancient World: Rome (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
21H.311 The Renaissance, 1300-1600 (Fall 2000) Undergraduate
21H.346 France 1660-1815: Enlightenment, Revolution, Napoleon (Fall 2005) Undergraduate
21H.346 The French Revolution and Napoleonic France (Spring 2000) Undergraduate
21H.411 History of Western Thought, 500-1300 (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
21H.416J Medieval Economic History in Comparative Perspective (Spring 2006) Undergraduate
21H.416 Medieval Economic History in Comparative Perspective (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
21H.418 Technologies of Word 1450-2000 (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21H.421 Introduction to Environmental History (Spring 2004) Undergraduate
21H.433 The Age of Reason: Europe in the 18th and 19th Centuries (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
21H.433 The Age of Reason: Europe in the 18th and 19th Centuries (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
21H.466 Imperial and Revolutionary Russia: Culture and Politics (Fall 2008) Undergraduate
21H.466 Imperial and Revolutionary Russia, 1800-1917 (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21H.467J Soviet Politics and Society, 1917-1991 (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
21H.615 The Middle East in 20th Century (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
21H.802 Modern Latin America, 1808-Present: Revolution, Dictatorship, Democracy (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
21H.909J People and Other Animals (Fall 2010) Undergraduate
21H.909 People and Other Animals (Fall 2005) Undergraduate
21H.912 The World Since 1492 (Fall 2004) Undergraduate
21H.912 The World Since 1492 (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
21H.917J Visualizing Cultures (Spring 2008) Undergraduate
21H.917J Visualizing Cultures (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
21H.968J Nature, Environment, and Empire (Spring 2005) Graduate
21H.969J People and Other Animals (Fall 2010) Graduate
21H.991J Theories and Methods in the Study of History (Fall 2004) Graduate
21H.991J Theories and Methods in the Study of History (Fall 2003) Graduate