Week 1 |
1 | No assignments. | Orientation - Orientation
- Review [G] Lessons 1–6
- Self-introduction
- Talk about your winter recess and IAP
2 | - Prepare for the quiz.
- Review vocabulary of [G] Lessons 1–6.
- Work on formation of present and past tense of verbs, adjectives, and noun sentences. Also, work on numbers, dates, and other grammatical patterns
- Review location/direction.
- Review all kanji and kana from [G] Lessons 1–6.
| Review, Quiz (te-form), and Lesson 7 kanji introduction - Quiz on te-form (Format: dictionary form to te-form, for example かう to かって
- Review on vocabulary and grammatical patterns in Lessons 1–6. (Time, Date, Numbers, Invitation, Prohibition, and Permission, etc.)
- Kanji introduction in [G] Lesson 7: This semester we will introduce new kanji of the next lesson preceding the grammar session.
3 | - Memorize the indicated vocabulary items for the quiz.
- Read [G] Lesson 7 grammar, pp.170–175.
| Lesson 7 Grammar - [G] Lesson 7 vocabulary quiz 1 (p. 169 な-adjectives, U-, RU-, Irregular verbs, adverbs, and other expressions). BE CAREFUL! We quiz the vocabulary on p. 169 first, not p. 168. The quiz format: for questions 1–5, you will hear Japanese words and write its English equivalent; for questions 6–10, you will English words and write them in Japanese.
- [G] Lesson 7 grammar session
4 | - Prepare for vocabulary quiz 2.
- Do the assigned drills of Lesson 7. Also, finish [G] Practice I-A on p.176, II-A on p.177.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 1: [GW] pp.86–87. Use all the kanji you have learned up to Lesson 7.
| Lesson 7 Drill (1) - [G] Lesson 7 vocabulary quiz 2: Read carefully! ALL vocabulary in Lesson 7, pp.168–169 and Lesson 3, pp.86–87 as a review.
- Turn in homework 1
- -ている Practice with the assigned drills
- Kinship Terms in the assigned drills
Week 2 |
5 | - Do the assigned drills ~ている of Lesson 7.
- Do [G] Practice III-A and III-B on p.178 and IV-A and IV-B.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 2: [GW] pp.67–68-I, and p.138. Use all the kanji you have learned up to Lesson 7.
- Review Lesson 7 grammar slides.
| Lesson 7 Drill (2) - Turn in homework 2
- Describing people
- Counting people
6 | - Do the assigned drills ~ている of Lesson 7.
- Do [G] Practice V-A to V-C, pp.181–182.
- Review time expressions.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 3: [GW], pp.69–70. Use all the kanji you have learned up to Lesson 7.
| Lesson 7 Drill (3) - Turn in homework 3
- V (stem) + にいく/くる/かえる
- Review [G] kinship terms p.184
- Review -ている
- Review [G] time expressions, p.127
7 | - Study [G] Lesson 7 reading, p.321 and be ready to answer the questions about the content.
- Memorize the vocabulary of body parts.
- Study for the kanji quiz: memorize how to read and write the highlighted kanji words in the textbook, [G] pp.138-139. Make sure to study Lesson 6 kanji as well.
| Lesson 7 Drill (4) - Lesson 7 kanji quiz
- [G] Lesson 7 reading, p.321. Please make sure to read p.321 before coming to class. Your daily grade will be given based on your understanding of the content of the reading.
- Body parts p.185
- Review the grammatical patterns in Lesson 7
8 | - Study [G] Lesson 7 dialogue. Be ready to answer questions regarding the dialogues in class.
- Review adjective conjugations for the quiz.
| Lesson 7 Drill (5) - Adjective Quiz. Format: Write the appropriate forms of adjectives. Write TWO forms if applicable. Example: さむいです (negative, present) to さむくないです/さむくありません
- [G] Lesson 7 dialogue
- Review V (stem) + にいく/くる/かえる and "describing people"
Week 3 |
9 | - Prepare for the Lesson 7 lesson quiz.
- Review Lesson 7 vocabulary and structure patterns.
- Work on Lesson 7 drills, including "particle review," "situational usage," and "listening comprehension."
- Review [G] Lesson 7 kanji.
| Lesson 7 Drill (6) - [G] Lesson 7 review practice
- [G] Lesson 8 kanji introduction, pp.323–324
- Lesson 7 lesson quiz: [G] Lesson 7 kinship terms, in/out group terms, and additional terms, including ごかぞく, (ご)りょうしん, and (ご) きょうだい on p.184, "body parts" vocabulary, and Lesson 7 kanji. Format: similar to "Listening Comprehension" and "Situational Usage" in the assigned drills. The first part is listening comprehension. After listening to each Japanese dialogue twice, you will answer each questions in English. In the second part, situations/contexts are given in English, and you will write what you would say in Japanese. You are expected to use all the kanji up to Lesson 7.
10 | - Memorize the vocabulary items for the quiz.
- Read [G] Lesson 8 grammar.
- Do Writing Assignment 1 (Title: 私の OO)
| Lesson 8 Grammar - Turn in Writing Assignment 1
- Lesson 8 vocabulary quiz: [G] nouns and な-adjectives on p.188 and Lesson 4 vocabulary on pp.104–105 for review questions
- Lesson 8 grammar session
11 | - Do [G] Lesson 8 Practice I-A and I-B, II-A and II-B. Make sure that you can make negative short forms quickly!
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 4: [GW] pp.73–74.
- Use the assigned drills of Lesson 8 for extra practice.
- Prepare for Lesson 8 vocabulary quiz.
| Lesson 8 Drill (1) - Lesson 8 vocabulary quiz. It will include all vocabulary and cover the verbs, adverbs, and other expressions in [G] Lesson 8, pp.188–189, and Lesson 4 useful expressions, p.127 for review questions.
- Turn in homework 4
- Short form
- Informal speech
Week 4 |
12 | - Do [G] Practice III-A, and IV-A.
- Do the assigned drills of Lesson 8 for extra practice.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 5: [GW] pp.75–76.
- Study Lesson 8 kanji.
| Lesson 8 Drill (2) - Turn in homework 5
- Quotations (~とおもう&~という)
- Review informal speech
13 | - Do [GW] Practice V-A, V-B, VI-A, and VI-B.
- Do assigned online exercise.
- Do homework 6 (しゅ): [GW] pp.77-I, 78-II, and 140-I.
- Study for short form quiz.
| Lesson 8 Drill (3) - Turn in homework 6
- Short form quiz: The format includes (1) long form to short form (for example, from たべます to たべる, from のみません to のまない), and (2) rewrite sentences in informal speech style (for example, from らいしゅうですか。to らいしゅう?/from いそがしいですから to いそがしいから/from いきません。to いかない。/ )
- Negative request ~ないでください
- Verb のがすきです
14 | - Do [G] Practice VII-A, VIII-A and VIII-B.
- Review the assigned drills of Lesson 8.
- Read [G] p.326 and prepare for Q&A in class.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 7: [GW] p.79.
- Study for Lesson 8 kanji quiz. Make sure to study Lesson 7 kanji as well.
| Lesson 8 Drill (4) - Turn in homework 7
- [G] Lesson 8 reading, p.326
- 何か and 何も
- Review: Verbのがすきです,~とおもう, and ~という
15 | - Study [G] Lesson 8 dialogue. Read it at least five times and be ready to answer questions regarding the dialogue in class.
- Review [G] Lesson 8 vocabulary, kanji, and grammar.
- Start preparing for Lesson 8 lesson quiz. Work on the assigned drills of Lesson 8 on "listening comprehension" and "situational usage."
| Lesson 8 Drill (5) - [G] Lesson 8 dialogue
- [G] Lesson 8 review practice
Week 5 |
16 | - Work on Lesson 8 "situational usage" and "listening comprehension" with the assigned drills.
- Review [G] Lesson 8 vocabulary and structure patterns.
- Review [G] Lesson 8 kanji.
| Lesson 8 Drill (6) - [G] Lesson 8 review practice
- Lesson 8 lesson quiz (including Lesson 8 kanji)
17 | - Think of four questions you would like to ask your classmates and fill out the questionnaire form.
- Revise 作文1: 私のOO
| Lesson 9 Kanji Introduction - Turn in the second draft of writing assignment 1. Submit it with your first draft and evaluation chart.
- Writing exercise
- [G] Lesson 9 kanji introduction, pp.328–329
18 | - Memorize the vocabulary items for the quiz.
- Read Lesson 9 Grammar.
| Lesson 9 Grammar - Lesson 9 vocabulary quiz: All vocabulary on pp.210–211 except for nouns and numbers + Lesson 5 vocabulary, pp.130–131 for review questions.
- Lesson 9 grammar session
19 | - Prepare for Lesson 9 vocabulary quiz: All vocabulary on pp.210–211 and Lesson 6 vocabulary on pp.148–149 for review questions.
- Do [G] Practice I-A and I-B, II-A and II-B.
- Do しゅくだい 8: [GW] pp.82–83.
| Lesson 9 Drill (1) - Lesson 9 vocabulary quiz
- Turn in しゅくだい 8
- Past tense short forms
- Informal speech
Week 6 |
20 | - Do [G] Practice III-A and III-B, and IV-A.
- Do the assigned drills.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 9: [GW] pp.84-I, 85, p.142
| Lesson 9 Drill (2) - Short form quiz: The format is from long form to short form, including question sentences.
- Turn in しゅくだい 9: [GW] pp.84-I, 85, and p.142
- Past tense + と思う
- Past tense + と言う
- Review informal speech
21 | - Do [G] Practice V-A and V-B.
- Do the assigned drills of Lesson 9.
- Study color vocabulary in [G]. p.227.
- Do homework 10: [GW] pp.86, 87, and 88-I.
| Lesson 9 Drill (3) - Turn in
- Qualifying nouns with verbs
- もう and まだ
- Colors: Study color vocabulary in p.227
22 | - Read the assigned reading materials: [G] ス—さん日記, pp.330–331) and prepare for Q&A.
- Do [G] Practice VI-A and -B.
- Prepare for Lesson 9 kanji quiz. Make sure to review Lesson 8 kanji as well.
- 作文1フィイナルドラフト
| Lesson 9 Drill (4) - Lesson 9 kanji quiz
- Reading Practice ([G] ス—さん日記, pp.330–331): Make sure to read this assignment before coming to class. Your daily grade will be given based on your understanding of the content of the reading.
- Review patterns in Lesson 9.
Week 7 |
23 | - Review [G] Lesson 9 patterns.
- Study [G] "numbers" on p.211 and review color vocabulary, p.227
- Study for [G] Lesson 9 kanji quiz and Lesson 8 kanji as a review.
- Write your essay 作文2 (Title: {Na-adj.な/Adj.}一日).
| Lesson 9 Drill (5) |
24 | - Work on "situational usage" and "listening comprehension" with the assigned drills of Lesson 9.
- Review [G] Lesson 9 kanji and "color" on p.227.
- Review grammatical patterns and vocabulary in [G] Lessons 7–9.
| Lesson 7–9 Review - Lesson 9 review practice
- Lesson 9 lesson quiz, including [G] Lesson 9 kanji and "color" on p.227
25 | - Study [G] Lesson 10 grammar.
- Prepare for Lesson 10 vocabulary quiz and Lessons 7–8 vocabulary for review questions.
| Lesson 10 Grammar - Lesson 10 vocabulary quiz (including Lessons 7–8 vocabulary with a format of choosing the most appropriate choice to complete each of the following sentences)
- Lesson 10 grammar session
Week 8 |
26 | Prepare for the Interview Test: - Do [G] Practice I-A, I-B, II-A, and II-B, pp.237–239.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 11: [GW] pp.91–92.
| Lesson 10 Drill (1) |
27 | - Do homework (しゅくだい) 12: [GW] pp.93, 94-I, and 144.
- Do [GW] Practice III and V-A on pp.240–241.
- Do the assigned drills of Lesson 10.
| Lesson 10 Drill (2) |
28 | - Do [G] Practice V-A on pp.242-132 and VI-A on p.244.
- Do the assigned drills of Lesson 10.
- Do homework 13.
- Lesson 10 quiz is coming up! Start working on the "listening comprehension and situational usage."
| Lesson 10 Drill (3) |
29 | - Do [G] Practice VII-A and VII-B on p.245.
- Study [G] Lesson 10 dialogue.
- Study for Lesson 10 kanji and review Lesson 9 kanji for the kanji quiz.
- Read [G] Lesson 10 reading 「かさじそう」on pp.338–339.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 14: [G] Lesson 10 読んもの「かさじぞう」on pp.338–339.
| Lesson 10 Drill (4) - Turn in しゅくだい14
- Lesson 10 kanji quiz
- by means of で+かかります
- Lesson 10 dialogue
- Review "time duration expression"~時間、~分、~ヶ月、~年
Week 9 |
30 | - Work on "situational usage" and "listening comprehension" with the assigned drills of Lesson 10.
- Review [G] Lesson 10 vocabulary and structure patterns.
- Review [G] Lesson kanji.
| Lesson 10 Drill (5) - Lesson 10 review practice
- Lesson 10 lesson quiz (Lesson 10 kanji included)
31 | - Study [G] Lesson 11 grammar.
- Prepare for Lesson 11 vocabulary quiz, including [G] Lesson 11 vocabulary on pp.252–253, Lesson 9 vocabulary on pp.210–211, and useful expressions on pp.227 for review questions.
| Lesson 11 Grammar - Lesson 11 vocabulary quiz with a format of #1-8 日本語を見て、えい語をえらんでください (choose) and #9-15 えい語を見て、日本語をえらんでください
- Lesson 11 grammar
- Lesson 11 kanji introduction
32 | - Do [G] Practice I-A, I-C, and II-A.
- Do the assigned drills 〜たり〜たり of Lesson 10.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 15: [GW] pp.100 and 146.
- Prepare for Lesson 11 vocabulary quiz 2, including [G] pp.252-253 "nouns," additional vocabulary and "colors" on p.227.
| Lesson 11 Drill (1) - Lesson 11 vocabulary quiz 2 with a format of #1-8 日本語を見て、えい語をえらんでください (choose) and #9-15 えい語を見て、日本語をえらんでください
- Turn in しゅくだい15
- ~たい / ~たがる
- 〜たり〜たり
33 | - Do [G] Practice II-C and III-A.
- Do homework (しゅくだい) 16: [GW] pp.101-102.
- Study [G] Lesson 11 kanji.
- Submit 作文2 (Title:{Na-Adj.な / Adj.}一日).
| Lesson 11 Drill (2) - Turn in しゅくだい16
- ~たことがある
- Review ~たい / ~たがる
- Review 〜たり〜たり
Week 10 |
34 | - Do [G] Practice IV.
- Read [G]「友だちぼしゅう」II-A and II-B, p.342–343 and answer the questions C and D.
- Do homework 17: [GW] pp.103 and 105-II.
| Lesson 11 Drill (3) - Turn in しゅくだい17
- AやB
- Review 〜たことがある、〜たい、 〜たがる、 〜たり〜たり
- [G] Lesson 11 reading
35 | - Read [G] Lesson 11 reading.
- Do the assigned drills of Lesson 11.
- Study for Lesson 11 kanji quiz, and review Lesson 10 kanji.
- Lesson 11 lesson quiz is coming up! Start working on "listening comprehension and situational usage" of Lesson 11 from the assigned drills.
| Lesson 11 Drill (4) - Lesson 11 kanji quiz
- もう/もっと
- Lesson 11 reading 2 (Read [G] II-E, p.344)
36 | - Prepare for Lesson 11 lesson quiz.
- Review Lesson 11.
- Work on "situational usage" and "listening comprehension" with the assigned drills of Lesson 11.
| Lesson 11 Drill (5) - Lesson 11 review practice
- Lesson 11 lesson quiz (Lesson 11 kanji included)
Week 11 |
37 | - Memorize [G] Lesson 12 vocabulary items for the vocabulary quiz: い-adj. な-adj., う-verb, る-verb, irregular verb, adverbs and other expressions on pp.268–269 and Lesson 10 on pp.230-231 for review questions.
- Study [G] Lesson 12 grammar.
| Lesson 12 Grammar - Lesson 12 vocabulary quiz with a format of #1-8 日本語を見て、えい語をえらんでください (choose) and #9-15 えい語を見て、日本語をえらんでください
- Lesson 12 grammar
38 | - Prepare for the Lesson 12 vocabulary quiz 2: [G] "nouns" on pp.268 and vocabulary of Lesson 11 on pp.252–253.
- Do homework 18: [GW] pp.106-I and 107-I.
- Do [G] Exercise I-A, II-A, and II-B.
- Do the assigned drills of Lesson 12.
- Complete 作文2 (final draft).
| Lesson 12 Drill (1) - Lesson 12 vocabulary quiz 2 with a format of #1-8 日本語を見て、えい語をえらんでください (choose) and #9-15 えい語を見て、日本語をえらんでください
- Turn in しゅくだい18
- ~んです
- [G] Lesson 12 kanji introduction, pp.346–347
39 | - Do homework 19: [GW] pp.108 and 148.
- Do [G] Practice III-A and III-B.
- Do the assigned drills of Lesson 12 to review ~んです.
| Lesson 12 Drill (2) - Turn in しゅくだい19
- ~すぎる
- ~ほうがいいです
- Review ~んです
40 | - Do homework 20: [GW] pp.109-I and 110.
- Work on [G] IV-A, IV-B, and V-A.
| Lesson 12 Drill (3) - Turn in しゅくだい20
- ~ので
- ~なければいけません/~なきゃいけません
- Review ~んです、〜すぎる、〜ほうがいいです
- Project: 友だち募集プロジェクトPart I (Topic: おもしろい「友だちぼしゅう」を書いてください)
Week 12 |
41 | - Do [G] Practice VI-A and VII-B.
- Study for Lesson 12 kanji quiz and review Lesson 11 kanji.
- Review ~なければいけません/~なきゃいけません
| Lesson 12 Drill (4) |
42 | Review all vocabulary and patterns you have learned this semester. | Overall Review - インタビューテストのれんしゅうをします
- Overall review for [G] Lessons 7–12
43 | Review grammatical patterns and vocabulary in [G] Lessons 7–12 with Focus on Lessons 10–12. | Interview Test |
44 | - Review all the structure patterns, vocabulary and kanji (You are expected to be able to read and write kanji) up to [G] Lesson 12.
- Do "listening comprehension" and "situational usage" with all of the assigned drills for Lessons 7–12.
| One-Hour Final Exam |
Week 13 |
45 | No assignments. | Project Sharing - Be ready to share your 友だちぼしゅう videos.
46 | No assignments. | Project Sharing - Write comments after watching the 友だちぼしゅう videos.