Value Default Units Parameter ----- ----- ----- --------- Integration Control: n n Restart from last run? 100.0 100.0 days End time of integration 5.0 5.0 minutes Time step 10.0 10.0 days Graphics averaging time 12.0 12.0 hours Frequency of graphics output Radiation: y y Interactive radiation? y y Interactive clouds? y y Interactive surface temp? 3.0 3.0 hours Frequency of radiation calls 1360.0 1360.0 watts/m^2 Solar constant 15.0 15.0 degrees Latitude 3 3 month Sarting month 1 1 days Starting day 0 0 hours Starting hour n n Time-dependent radiation? n n Date-dependent radiation? n n Diurnal-average radiation? y y Annual-average radiation? n n Calculate ocean albedo? 0.32 0.32 Surface albedo (if 'n' above) Greenhouse Gases (other than ozone): 360.0 360.0 ppm Mass concentration of CO2 1.72 1.72 ppm Mass concentrtion of CH4 310.0 310.0 ppb Mass concentration of N2O 280.0 280.0 ppt Mass concentration of CFC11 484.0 484.0 ppt Mass concentration of CFC12 y y Interactive water vapor? 1.0 1.0 H2O multiplier for radiation code 1.0 1.0 O3 multiplier for radiation code Convection: y y Dry adiabatic adjustment? y y Moist convection? Turbulent fluxes from surface: y y Turn on turbulent fluxes? 1.0 1.0 Fraction of surface covered by water (0 for dry land) 2 2 m Mixed layer (or soil) depth 5 5 m/s Surface wind speed Background vertical velocity: y y Cubic profile of omega? 0.0 0.0 mb/hour Extreme value of omega 2000.0 2000.0 days Period of omega 80.0 80.0 mb P at which omega=0 (top) 1000.0 1000.0 mb P at which omega=0 (bottom) 750.0 750.0 mb P at which omega=extr. value Weak Temperature Gradient Mode: n n Apply WTG approximation ? 850.0 850.0 mb P above which sndg. fixed