Archived Brain and Cognitive Sciences Courses

These Brain and Cognitive Sciences courses have been archived in OCW's DSpace@MIT Repository for long-term access and preservation. In most cases, an archived course is an older version which has been replaced on the OCW site by a more recent version with the same (or similar) course number and title. The complete list of archived OCW courses from all departments can be viewed on the Archived Courses page.

Course # Course Title Level
9.00P Introduction to Psychology (Fall 2001) Undergraduate
9.00W Introduction to Psychology (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
9.01 Introduction to Neuroscience (Fall 2004) Undergraduate
9.01 Neuroscience and Behavior (Fall 2001) Undergraduate
9.02 Brain Laboratory (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
9.03 Neural Basis of Learning and Memory (Fall 2003) Undergraduate
9.03 Neural Basis of Learning and Memory (Fall 2001) Undergraduate
9.04 Neural Basis of Vision and Audition (Fall 2006) Undergraduate
9.04 Neural Basis of Vision and Audtion (Fall 2004) Undergraduate
9.04 Neural Basis of Vision and Audition (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
9.07 Statistical Methods in Brain and Cognitive Science (Spring 2004) Undergraduate
9.09J Cellular Neurobiology (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
9.09J Cellular Neurobiology (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
9.10 Cognitive Neuroscience (Spring 2004) Undergraduate
9.10 Cognitive Neuroscience (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins (Spring 2009) Undergraduate
9.14 Brain Structure and its Origins (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
9.14 Structure & Development of the Mammalian Brain (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
9.15 Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission (Fall 2003) Undergraduate
9.15 Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission (Fall 2001) Undergraduate
9.18 Developmental Neurobiology (Spring 2003) Undergraduate
9.20 Animal Behavior (Fall 2005) Undergraduate
9.20 Animal Behavior (Fall 2001) Undergraduate
9.29J Introduction to Computational Neuroscience (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
9.35 Sensation and Perception (Spring 2004) Undergraduate
9.35 Sensation and Perception (Spring 2001) Undergraduate
9.59J Psycholinguistics (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
9.59J Psycholinguistics (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
9.63 Laboratory in Cognitive Science (Fall 2005) Undergraduate
9.65 Cognitive Processes (Fall 2001) Undergraduate
9.68 Affect: Biological, Psychological, and Social Aspects of "Feelings" (Spring 2009) Undergraduate
9.68 Affect: Biological, Psychological, and Social Aspects of Feelings (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
9.68 Affect: Biological, Psychological, and Social Aspects of "Feelings'' (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
9.70 Social Psychology (Spring 2009) Undergraduate
9.70 Social Psychology (Spring 2005) Undergraduate
9.70 Social Psychology (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
9.71 Functional MRI of High-Level Vision (Fall 2004) Undergraduate
9.71 Functional MRI of High-Level Vision (Fall 2002) Undergraduate
9.74 Foundations of Human Memory and Learning (Spring 2002) Undergraduate
9.85 Infant and Early Childhood Cognition (Fall 2005) Undergraduate
9.013J Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology: The Brain and Cognitive Sciences III (Spring 2003) Graduate
9.031 Neural Basis of Learning and Memory (Fall 2003) Graduate
9.036 The Visual System (Spring 2003) Graduate
9.100 Cognitive Neuroscience (Spring 2004) Graduate
9.110J Neurology, Neuropsychology, and Neurobiology of Aging (Spring 2003) Graduate
9.150 Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission (Fall 2003) Graduate
9.322J Genetic Neurobiology (Fall 2002) Graduate
9.373 Somatosensory and Motor Systems (Spring 2002) Graduate
9.402 Language and Thought (Fall 2002) Graduate
9.591J Language Processing (Fall 2002) Graduate
9.601J Language Acquisition I (Spring 2002) Graduate
9.641J Introduction to Neural Networks (Fall 2002) Graduate
9.913-C Pattern Recognition for Machine Vision (Spring 2002) Graduate