Shape: Talking about Seeing and Doing
Most of the readings in the course can be found in the following book:
Stiny, George. 2006. Shape: Talking about Seeing and Doing. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. ISBN: 9780262693677.
The full text of Professor Stiny's book can also be accessed for free online: Shape: Talking about Seeing and Doing (PDF - 1.8 MB).
Calculating: Beyond Fancy in Imagination’s Magical Realm
In the following pieces, which will appear in a forthcoming book, Professor Stiny provides answers to seven questions he is frequently asked about shape grammars:
Q1. What is a shape grammar? (PDF)
Q2. How far can shape grammars go in describing forms? (PDF)
Q3. What inspired your seminal research into shape grammars in the early 70’s? (PDF - 2.4 MB)
Q4. How has research into shape grammars evolved since then? (PDF)
Q5. What is the future of shape grammars? (PDF)