Lecture Notes

All available lecture slides and course notes are provided in the following table:

Unit 1


Lecture 1: Introduction to VNAV (PDF - 2.8MB)

Unit 2

3D Geometry

Lecture 2 and 3: 3D Geometric Basics (PDF - 1.2MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Lecture 4 and 5: Lie Groups and Distances (PDF)

Unit 3

Geometric Control

Lecture 6: Quadrotor Dynamics (slides PDF, course notes PDF - 1.2MB)

Lecture 7: Quadrotor Control (PDF - 1.3MB)

Unit 4

Trajectory Optimization

Lecture 8: Trajectory Optimization 1 (PDF - 2.2MB)

Lecture 9: Trajectory Optimization 2 (slides PDF - 1.8MB, course notes PDF)

Lecture 10: Trajectory Optimization 3 (PDF)

Unit 5

2D Computer Vision

Lecture 11: Image Formation (slides PDF, course notes PDF)

Lecture 12 and 13: Feature Detection and Tracking (slides PDF, course notes PDF - 3.5MB)

Unit 6

2-view Geometry and Minimal Solvers

Lecture 14: 2-view Geometry (PDF - 1.4MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Lecture 15: RANSAC and 3D-3D Correspondences (slides PDF - 1MB, course notes PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Lecture 16: ML and MAP Estimation (slides PDF - 1.3MB, course notes PDF)

Unit 7

Non-minimal Solvers and Visual Odometry

Lecture 17: Intro to Nonlinear Least Squares (part 1 PDF - 1.4MB, part 2 PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Lecture 18: LM and Optimization on Manifold (PDF - 2.1MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Lecture 19: Optimization on Manifold (PDF  - 3.9MB)

Unit 8

Place Recognition

Lecture 20: Visual and Visual-Inertial Odometry (PDF - 7.8MB)

Lecture 21: Place Recognition (PDF - 8.8MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Lecture 22: Bag of Words and Object Detection (PDF - 3.6MB)

Unit 9

SLAM and Visual-Inertial Navigation

Lecture 23: SLAM I — Formulations and Sparsity (slides PDF - 2MB, course notes PDF)

Lecture 24: SLAM II — Factor Graphs and Marginalization (PDF - 2.1MB)

Unit 10

Advanced Topics: Open Problems in Robot Perception

Lecture 25: Dense 3D Reconstruction (PDF - 6.2MB)

Lecture 26: Beyond Cameras (PDF - 2.6MB)

Lecture 27: Open Problems (PDF - 4.6MB)

Unit 11

Advanced Topics: Metric-Semantic Understanding

Lecture 28: Incremental SLAM Solvers (PDF - 3.3MB)

Lecture 29: Certifiably Correct SLAM

Unit 12

Advanced Topics: Robustness

Lecture 30: Outlier-Robust Perception 1 (PDF - 1.8MB)

Lecture 31: Outlier-Robust Perception 2 (PDF - 1.7MB)

Lecture 32: Outlier-Robust Perception 3 (PDF - 1.4MB)

Unit 13

Guest Lectures and Student Presentations