The National Cancer Institute exists to reduce the burden of cancer
to our society and to alleviate the terrible toll it takes. The
weapon of the NCI is knowledge about the causes and fundamental
nature of cancer. It is this knowledge that will ultimately allow
us to prevent, diagnose, and successfully treat these diseases.
We have a long way to go, but a cautious optimism is beginning to
ripple through the scientific community--the result of an enormous
increase in our understanding of just what happens to transform a
normal cell to a cancer cell. We now know that cancer, all
cancers, are genetic diseases. Each specific cancer is a result
of changes in a relatively small number of genes--each gene being
a specific unit of genetic information encoding the instructions
that directs the production of protein products with the cell.
It is extremely important to emphasize that while cancer is a
disease of genetic changes, it is generally not an inherited
disease like cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. Rather, most
cancers arise within a cell of the body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" that,through its like time,
accumulates the genetic changes peculiar to each cancer. For some
cancers, we now know that the gradual and sequential change in
perhaps half a dozen genes signals the transformation form a
normal, well-behaved cell to a growing and spreading cancer.
While the vast majority of cancers are the result of these
acquired, or somatic, mutation, 5 to 10 percent of cancers are in
fact inherited as what we would call a simple genetic trait, like
cystic fibrosis.
In these cases, we observe cancer in multiple family members and
across multiple generations in the affected family. The cancers
in these inherited cancer syndromes tend to occur at an earlier age
than in their sporadic counterparts and tend to arise in a single
individual multiple times. Inherited cancer syndromes account for
up to 10 percent of many types od cancer including breast, ovarian,
colon, melanoma, kidney, and prostate. Within these cancer prone
families, individuals that inherit a single defective copy of a
single gene are at a greatly increased risk of developing cancer.
For some cancers, and some genes, this risk may be 90 percent or
higher over the course of an individual's lifetime.
One of the great triumphs of current research is the identification
of cancer genes that underlie a growing number of recognized
inherited cancer syndromes. These cancer genes are often called
tumor suppressor genes because the normal function of the normal
version of these genes appears to protect cells from cancerous
transformation. As cancer is a disease of genetic changes or
something we refer to as a disease of genomic instability, the
normal functions of these tumor suppressor genes in many cases are
to maintain the integrity of the genome throughout the like of a
cell. While we are here today to talk about genetic testing which
is being made possible by the identification of cancer
susceptibility genes, I cannot overstate the importance of the
identification of these genes and the determination of how these
genes function normally, and of how the loss of function of these
genes predisposes to cancer. Discoveries in this area are
profoundly and fundamentally changing our knowledge, not only if
inherited cancers, but of their much more common sporadic
counterparts. Few areas of cancer research are giving us as clear
a set of windows into the nature of cancer than these cancer
susceptibility tumor suppressor genes.
In families that suffer from inherited cancer syndromes, it is
mutations or changes in specific tumor suppressor genes, resulting
in a change or loss of function of the protein product that that
gene instructs the cell to make, that explains the enormous
increase in the predisposition to cancer seen in these families.
The revolution in human molecular genetics that Francis Collins
will describe to you is making these gene identifications possible.
Over the past two years along, scientists have identified genes
responsible for inherited forms of breast and ovarian cancers,
colon cancer, melanoma, and kidney cancer, to name but a few. One
of the major goals of cancer research is to predict who will get
a particular cancer. With the ability to identify individuals
within these cancer prone families who do and who do not carry the
mutated gene, we can predict who in those families carries the
particularly high predisposition to cancer and those who do not.
While these inherited cancer syndromes only explain the minority
of cancers, the number of affected individuals is large--perhaps
one million Americans carry a breast cancer predisposition gene
mutation and another one million Americans carry mutations in a
colon cancer predisposition gene. n these inherited cancer
syndromes, the mutated gene which results in the cancer
predisposition is inherited and that mean that the defective gene
is present in the DNA carried in each and every of the trillions
of cells of the individual. it is present in the DNA of blood
cells and it is present from birth, long before cancer develops.
It is this fact that allows the possibility of genetic testing to
identify those individuals who carry the mutation.
This, however, is easier said than done So far, I have spoken only
of diagnosing individuals within high risk families and only for
families in whom the responsible gene has been discovered. While
the past few years have seen the rapid discovery of some tumor
suppressor genes responsible for inherited cancer syndromes, more
await discovery. There is another reason that I have only spoken
of family members. Each tumor suppressor gene is made up of
hundreds to many thousands of letters of the genetic code. A
defect in spelling anywhere in these enormous genetic words can,
theoretically, be the culprit. Even when the cancer gene is
discovered, such as the first breast cancer predisposition gene,
BRCA-1, which accounts for about 50 percent of inherited breast
cancer and about 75 percent of inherited breast plus ovarian
cancer, nearly every affected family has its own misspelling. The
result of this enormous genetic heterogeneity stretches the
technical and financial feasibility of screening for mutation
outside of families in which the painstaking work of mutation
identification has already been done. Because the mutation found
in each family is, by in large different, it is currently not
feasible to screen populations searching for that unknown
With this technical limitation in mind, I want to point out that
Francis Collins and I announced yesterday the remarkable discovery
of a single misspelling in the BRCA-1 gene that is found in as many
as 1 percent of Ashkenazi Jews, or Jews of Central or Eastern
European origin. This group represents 90 percent of the 6-7
million Jews in the United States. For the first time, the
technical ability to actually screen a population for a cancer
predisposition gene is feasible. This discovery signals a
fundamental change in the many issues we must come to grips with
and, because of the pace of scientific discovery--because of the
success of the NIH--we must be prepared for the challenge of this
changing landscape.
Genetic testing for cancer predisposition s becoming a reality but
just how will it be used and, most importantly, how will its use
benefit people? What types of screening will become available?
Will we look for mutations in particular genes or in sets of genes
in the general population? Will we look for mutations in
particular genes in selected populations such as what I just
described for BRCA-1 in Ashkenazi Jews? Or will we limit our
screening for mutations to individuals who are deemed to be at high
risk because of a particular or compelling family history?
To answer how we will apply gene testing to clinical practice will
require more knowledge than we now have. We need of Course to
continue to identify additional cancer susceptibility genes.
Second, we need to focus on developments that will address the
technical feasibility, cost, and cost benefit of screening for
particular genetic defects. Finally, we need to generate data that
addresses the ultimate issues in genetic testing for cancer--how
the information gained from genetic testing either helps of does
not help the individual affected.
The responsibility of the biomedical community at this point must
be aimed at providing information that addresses these issues so
that individuals can make informed decisions about whether or not
to seek such genetic testing.
It is important to point out that testing negative for a particular
cancer susceptibility gene defect tells an individual that they do
not carry the risks of a particular cancer or cancers associated
with that specific gene defect but does not change the significant
risk that this individual, like any individual, has of getting
cancer due to causes other than that particular predisposition
On the other hand, what do we have to offer people that do test
positive? Here is the central problem. It is attempting to answer
this question that takes us to the limits of our current knowledge
and tells us what types of information we will need to gather.
For a particular mutation in a particular cancer susceptibility
a) What is the risk of developing cancer and when? Remember,
these are cancer susceptibility genes and even when they confer an
80 to 90 percent lifetime risk of developing cancer, we need to
know what other environmental, behavioral, and genetic factors
determine when, and if, an individual who carries a particular
mutation develops cancer.
b) How should "at-risk" individuals be followed to monitor for the
development of cancer?
c) Finally, how should "at-risk" individuals be counseled in terms
of treatment and prevention options?
To answer all these questions requires careful clinical studies and
patients and health care providers must have knowledge about and
access to studies aimed at answering questions about risks,
surveillance, screening, prevention, and treatment.
The identification of genetically high risk individuals provides
an extraordinary opportunity to more rapidly and effectively
accomplish clinical trials in cancer prevention through dietary,
drug, immunologic, or other interventions. It also provides the
opportunity to establish trials aimed at developing and evaluating
early detection using genetic or other biomarkers as well as
imaging technologies.
To accomplish all of these things requires that we address several
needs and challenges:
1) Basic research
We need to continue to discover and characterize cancer
predisposition genes. So far, we have only talked about cancer
predisposition genes that are inherited as what geneticists refer
to as simple traits, in which the inheritance of one specifically
altered gene is alone responsible for the increased cancer
susceptibility. As I have described, such simple genetic
predispositions already provide us with enormous scientific and
technical challenges. However, it is fair to say that these simple
genetic predispositions are likely to only be the tip of the
iceberg of the influence of heredity on cancer predisposition. We
will need also to turn our attention in basic research to develop
the ability to identify genetic predisposition in families where
it results from inheritance of more than one genetic locus. We
need also to be able to identify modifier genes and other modifying
factors that affect what we call the penetrance of a cancer
predisposition gene--in other words, genes that modify the risk of
getting cancer in individuals with the inherited predisposition.
Finally, we need to establish the non-genetic factors, such as
environmental and dietary exposures, behavior and lifestyle,
infectious agents, and others that may influence the penetrance of
cancer susceptibility gene.
2) Technology Development
We need to develop new technologies to make the identification of
mutations and other alterations in specific genes both technically
and financially feasible. these technologies must be developed
with respect to validation, reliability, automation, and cost. We
need to establish databases to catalogue mutations and to correlate
the specific mutations in an individual gene, such as BRCA-1, with
the clinical consequences of that individual mutation including
age of onset, aggressiveness, responsiveness of the tumor to
therapy, and efficacy of surveillance and diagnostic studies.
Coordinated databases will be needed for family registries and
epidemiologic data. Finally, we will need to develop centralized
tissue and DNA banks for future studies. These tissue and DNA
banks must themselves be linked to excellent clinical databases and
made widely available to the research community.
3) Human Resource Development
Genetics is changing the landscape of biomedical research and it
will change the landscape of clinical practice. To be prepared for
these changes will require attention to human resource development.
Here I will just touch upon one issue--the need for genetic
counseling in oncology. there is a real need to train genetic
counselors and for physicians, other health care providers,
patients and communities to have access to effective educational
materials and guideline for all the issues surrounding the use and
interpretation of test aimed at addressing genetic susceptibility
to cancer. We must include training in genetics, risk assessment,
and the ethical, legal, social, and behavioral aspects of genetics
for health care providers.
It has long been observed that cancer runs in families. We are
here today, all of us, as participants in a revolution in medicine,
in science, and indeed a revolution in our very conceptualization
of individual identity and of predicting the type of future an
individual may face in terms of his or her health. The discoveries
we have talked about today, as with all discoveries, raise
opportunities and very serious challenges. We must address
ourselves to both the new opportunities raised by these
discoveries, opportunities for the early detection, for the
possibility of prevention and ultimately for the development of new
therapies for cancer. Equally, we must be aware of the challenges.
I have limited my remarks to some of the scientific, technical, and
human resource challenges, but the challenges do not end there.
The potential power of reading ones own genetic script raises
societal and personal issues about insurance, employability,
privacy, and personal choice that we cannot ignore and that my
colleague, Francis Collins, will address.
I thank you for your attention, for this opportunity, and I would
be delighted to answer any questions.
Dr. Richard Klausner
, (background) was recently appointed head of the National Cancer
Institute. He spoke to the Senate Cancer Coalition
about recent discoveries which have led to the conclusion
that all cancers are genetic diseases. He cautions,
however, that not all are inherited. The real progress
in understanding how genes and cancer are linked
is only beginning.
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Genetic Testing in Cancer
Senator Mack, Senator Feinstein, and Members of the Senate Cancer
Coalition, I am delighted to appear before you as Director of the
National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), a post President Clinton appointed me to this past
August 1. I am particularly pleased that you have taken the time
to discuss genetic testing and cancer, an area of immense
scientific progress with profound implications for cancer, for
medical care in general, and for our society. The issues we are
here to discuss today reflect the rapidly approaching translation
of basic laboratory research to a set of diseases that affect
million of Americans.