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Family planning info shouldn’t be kept a secret

December 20, 2016

For many women and girls around the world, reliable and accurate family planning and reproductive health information is extremely difficult to find. Harsh laws and restrictions prevent women from even asking for the resources they need.

app-imagePhilippine websites that provide reproductive health materials are regularly hacked and taken down. Several Latin American countries have made it illegal to publicly provide basic family planning content. In the United States, threats to take away women’s hard-earned ability to access contraception and reproductive care are growing. This is why our HealthWiki, which makes family planning information available in 7 languages (see below for a complete list of free resources), is so important. Our women’s health pages are the most frequently viewed sections of our HealthWiki, with over 3 million visits from 210 countries last year alone.

This summer, we added materials on sexually-transmitted infections and HIV in French, and new family planning materials in Spanish and Portuguese. And thanks to the support of concerned individual donors, we were able to begin work on expanding our Stop Obstetric Fistula pamphlet into a comprehensive manual.

Women everywhere deserve access to trustworthy family planning information and the right to make their own decisions on how to use it. Please visit our HealthWiki to see what’s available on reproductive and women’s health from Where Women Have No Doctor and Health Actions for Women, along with a wide-range of other topics, and share this critical information widely.

We all have the right to make our own decisions about our health and bodies — help us realize this right.

Hesperian’s online family planning resources include: