You have the power to provide Where There Is No Doctor and other lifesaving health materials to communities in Africa. Help us seize this opportunity!
Hesperian is thrilled to partner with the African Library Project to provide Where There Is No Doctor and other Hesperian books to community and school libraries in Africa, especially in rural areas where health information is scarce. With the support of donors, we have already distributed Hesperian books to 220 community libraries in Malawi, Sierra Leone and Ghana. Requests from librarians in the ALP network for books to use in school libraries and as science texts in the classroom are more than we can handle — without your support.
New shipments of books for libraries in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Lesotho and Swaziland are being prepared for shipment this winter. A donation of $50 will enable Hesperian to send two books; $250 will send a set that includes Where There Is No Doctor, Health Actions for Women, Where Women Have No Doctor, Community Guide to Environmental Health, Helping Children Who Are Deaf and Helping Children Who Are Blind to a library in one of these countries. Imagine the impact when an entire school or town gets access to understandable health information! Many people write to share how our books have benefited people in their community, like Mohammed Ibrahim, at Community Health – Ghana Health Service:
“Hesperian books help equip staff with basic knowledge and skills to ensure health proficiency. These books serve as great reference materials for health professionals. We placed copies at health facilities and school libraries, and are sharing the information in community discussions and meetings, and through individual counseling and home-based illness management.”
Please join Hesperian and ALP in providing people in Africa with our lifesaving and transformative health information. Your gift will bring the gift of health to people for years to come. And during this holiday season, make a donation in honor of a friend or loved one and we will send them a card acknowledging your generosity.