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Build a better world with books — now 20% off

December 16, 2015


It’s harder to keep the holidays merry and bright this year. As leaders talk of “Peace on earth,” they are dropping another load of bombs on Syria, Yemen, and Iraq. Politicians trumpet “Good will toward all” — except refugees fleeing war-torn countries.

This holiday season, don’t mourn — organize! To help heal whatever ails you and your community, every book in our bookstore is now 20% off! Use code Healthy2016 at checkout for savings on titles to help you build a better health future in 2016!

For 40 years, Hesperian’s books have been used to help people care for each other in their communities. From our just-updated edition of Where There Is No Doctor, our books on women’s health, on disability, and our newer resources on environmental and workers’ health, we strive to address short-term health issues while providing ideas to bringing lasting change.

And, we also distribute books of brilliant analysis, inspirational history and hope-giving alternatives because they are needed just as much as our own practical handbooks:

Jamkhed-coverJamkhed: A Comprehensive Rural Health Project shows how poor, disenfranchised men and women developed sustainable community-based primary care in one of the poorest communities in India.

Changing Planet, Changing Health: How the Climate Crisis Threatens Our Health and What We Can Do about It is still the best book on how to counter the health effects of global warming.

Revolutionary_Doctors_180pxRevolutionary Doctors gives readers a first-hand account of Venezuela’s innovative and inspiring program of medical education and community care, designed to serve, and largely carried out by, the poor themselves.

The Good Doctors tells the inspirational story of the Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) which provided care during Mississippi’s Freedom Summer, desegregated southern hospitals, set up free clinics in inner cities, and created a new model for the community health center.

Everybody In, Nobody Out is Dr. Quentin Young’s memoir of decades of struggle for health equity, from Mississippi to Chicago, from the Black Panthers to the 1968 National Democratic Convention, and his role in founding Physicians for a National Health Program and the “single-payer” health care movement.

Health_Rights_are_Civil_Rights_194x300Health Rights Are Civil Rights highlights how Los Angeles activists formed alliances across race and class differences to battle oppressive health systems and assert the right to health in the 1970s.

Sickness and Wealth: The Corporate Assault on Global Health and Global Health Watch 4 critique globalization and the privatization of health, while relating strategies activists are using to counter that all around the world!

Ina May Gaskin’s Birth Matters: A Midwife’s Manifesta beautifully articulates how we can better honor women, nurture families, and reconcile modern life with a process as old as our species.

And after you find the book that lifts your spirits, give a “gift of health” by donating to Hesperian. Every $25 you donate lets us send a book to a community health worker who needs it but can’t afford the cost.

Use code Healthy2016 at checkout for 20% off every book in our entire bookstore!


Sale extends to December 31st, 2015. Sets of materials are conveniently discounted every day, and not eligible for further discount. Revolutionary Medicine (DVD) is not eligible for discount.