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1 small gift improves health for 40 families!

December 3, 2013

Each year around the holidays, we reflect on the things that are most important to us. Our families, our friends, and our health – the material items we exchange pale in comparison.

What if one small gift you gave this holiday season could improve the health of 40 families?

Thousands of Hesperian books containing easy-to-understand, lifesaving health information make their way around the world every year and into the hands of people who use them to build good health. We know that once a Hesperian book is in the hands of a community health worker or educator, the information in that book reaches an average of 40 people. That’s a powerful multiplier.

This season, give the gift of health and activate the multiplier effect. It’s easy:

  • Give Hesperian books to your friends, family, and colleagues as holiday gifts: use coupon code HOLIDAY13 during online checkout to receive a 20% discount!*
  • Make sure that Hesperian titles are being used in your organization’s work. 
  • Share Hesperian books with world travelers who will put them into the right hands. 
  • Make room in your suitcase for at least one Hesperian title every time you travel – and don’t bring it back! 
  • Support Hesperian’s Gratis Books Program, which sends books all over the world to community health workers and educators who have requested them.

Give the gift of health this holiday season and see your effort multiplied by 40.

Thanks for supporting Hesperian!

Are you a federal employee participating in the Combined Federal Campaign? Don’t forget that this year’s campaign has been extended to January 15th! You can give to Hesperian with pre-tax payroll deductions by giving to “Where There Is No Doctor,” Campaign #12165.

*Does not include Book Sets or Health and Empowerment titles.