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“Sicko” at the US Social Forum

June 22, 2007

Cover of Michael Moore's "Sicko"   The US Social Forum in Atlanta is now only days away and Hesperian, along with others in the People’s Health Movement (PHM), has been busily organizing workshops and events on health justice for the thousands of activists expected to attend.

One exciting event is a sneak preview of Michael Moore’s new documentary “Sicko” (click here for trailer) which investigates the American health care system. This benefit showing for Healthcare-NOW will support the growing nationwide movement for quality, non-profit healthcare for all and help build awareness about and support for the US National Health Insurance Act, H.R. 676. Moore’s film, “a comedy about 45 million people with no health care in the richest country on Earth,” highlights the stupidity, immorality and failures of our for-profit health system, especially the insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Showing national health systems in several countries as better alternatives to ours, Moore and Healthcare-NOW hope the film will add fuel to the movement for guaranteed universal healthcare in the US.

Other groups working for healthcare reform are also using the film. Last week, Michael Moore and “Sicko” joined thousands of nurses rallying in Sacramento to demand the passage of Senate Bill 840, which would provide every Californian with quality, comprehensive and affordable health coverage. Click here to read more.

If you’ll be in Atlanta, please join us for this preview of SICKO, and participate in the other activities addressing health justice. Friends of Healthcare-NOW invite you to a SNEAK PREVIEW of Michael Moore’s new film “SICKO,” the controversial (to the insurance companies) and highly acclaimed (to everyone else) call for a better healthcare system in the US.
June 28, 2007
5:30-8:30 PM
The Plaza Theatre
1049 Ponce de Leon Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia
Phone: (212) 475-8305