Word XP
Set Line and Paragraph Spacing
Set Line and Paragraph Spacing
- Set line spacing
- Set paragraph spacing
Line Spacing
Document text can be formatted to show a number of line spacing options. The most common spacing options are single-spaced and double-spaced.
Line spacing is measured in lines or points.
When line spacing is measured in points, it is referred to as leading (rhymes with wedding). When you reduce the leading you automatically bring the lines of text closer together, sometimes making it difficult to read. Increasing the leading will space the lines out, allowing for improved readability. For example, the 10 point font usually uses 12 point leading. This is the default and, in general, should be used.
To Format Line Spacing:
- Select the text you want to format.
- Choose Reveal Formatting on the Task Pane and click on any of the blue links under the Paragraph heading.
- Click Format on the menu bar.
- Select Paragraph. The Paragraph dialog box appears.
- Click on the Indents and Spacing tab.
- In the Line spacing drop down menu, you may select single, 1.5, or double spacing. The default is single spacing.
- Click OK.
- Select the text you want to format.
- Click on the Line Spacing button on the Formatting Menu.
- Select an option from the drop-down menu.
Paragraph Dialog Box
You can use the At Least, Exactly and Multiple options in the Paragraph Dialog Box to customize your line spacing. If you select one of these options you will need to use the At: box to further define your selection.
When you make a line spacing change, it affects only the text in a paragraph that contains the insertion point.
Paragraph Spacing
Just as you can add spacing between lines in your document, you can also choose spacing options between each paragraph. Typically, extra spaces are added between paragraphs, headings, or subheadings. Extra spacing between paragraphs adds emphasis and makes a document easier to read.
Choose extra space:
- Before each paragraph.
- After each paragraph.
- Or, before and after each paragraph.
To Specify Paragraph Spacing:
- Select the text you want to format.
- Choose Reveal Formatting on the Task Pane and click on any of the blue links under the Paragraph heading.
- Click Format on the menu bar.
- Select Paragraph, The Paragraph dialog box appears.
- Click the Indents and Spacing tab.
- Alignment: Choose left, right, center, or justified.
- Indentation: Adjust the left and right margins by clicking the up and down arrows. Use the Special drop-down menu to select the first line as having the indent or to create a hanging indent.
- Spacing: To emphasize a block of text, click the up and down arrows.
- Preview: Gives an idea how your text will look.
- Select all the text in a document using one of the selection techniques you have learned.
- Open the Reveal Formatting menu from the Task Pane.
- Click the blue Alignment link to open the Paragraph Dialog Box.
- In the Line spacing drop down menu, select double.
- Click OK. Your text is now double-spaced.