Word 2000
Insert and Overtype Mode
By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:
- Use insert and overtype modes
Insert vs. Overtype Mode
Usually you edit a document using Insert mode. This means that text to the right of the insertion point moves to the right as you type new text. Insert mode adds text, but does not erase anything.
Press the Insert key (located to the right of the Backspace Key) once; you can change your computer to Overtype mode.
When your computer is in Overtype mode, text you type replaces any existing text to the right of the insertion point and erase it.
You can tell which mode you are in by looking at the Status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Helpful Tips
Insert mode is the default mode for editing in Word. It is useful for adding and changing words. It is also the most flexible, since it does not erase existing text. Insert mode is recommended for most editing.
Overtype mode is useful when replacing a word or series of words. It is particularly useful when you want to change the ending of a sentence.
Be careful, you can easily type over text you want to keep.
Remember, if you find yourself in overtype mode and start to panic, simply press the Insert key.
- Open Word.
- Practice using Insert and Overtype modes.